Fav gamefor Xbox and PS2
The Top God
23-11-2005, 14:13
What is the best games consol game you know (and why) pictures are allowed
Mines rainbow six 3:sniper: and FIFA Street
they are amazin
23-11-2005, 14:23
My favorite game on a console has to be Halo 2 on Xbox live.
Pure Metal
23-11-2005, 14:40
burnout 3, followed by halo, followed by metal slug 3 :)
Emporer Pudu
23-11-2005, 15:09
burnout 3, followed by halo, followed by metal slug 3 :)
Your heresy will be punished...
Edit: Shouldn't Rainbow Six three be, like, Rainbow Nine?
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23-11-2005, 15:38
PS2 - Killzone
X-Box - crap
Anarchic Christians
23-11-2005, 15:40
PS2, uh... Firewarrior (yeah, I know it's shit, it's also the only PS2 game I remember playing)
Xbox, Knights of the Old Republic (Halo was absolute bollocks, barely better than Firewarrior)
Gamecube, F-zero GX:p
The Kamino System
23-11-2005, 15:40
PS2 : NCAA Football 2006
Pure Metal
23-11-2005, 15:42
meh, i thought halo2 was pretty boring (and a big disappointment), and halo 1 was great but overhyped. burnout 3 was just more... fun.
i'm still a MS fanboy though so don't worry ;)
PS2 - Man, I don't remember...probably one of the Ace Combat series
X-Box - Fable
Anarchic Christians
23-11-2005, 15:46
Why not Gamecube anyhow?
Pure Metal
23-11-2005, 15:48
X-Box - Fable
oh damn how could i forget that one? fable was great... tops my list now (thanks for reminding me)
oh damn how could i forget that one? fable was great... tops my list now (thanks for reminding me)
Hehe...no problem :)
Still pisses me off that they never actually finished the game though.
Pure Metal
23-11-2005, 16:18
Hehe...no problem :)
Still pisses me off that they never actually finished the game though.
yeah, the ending blowed for starters :(
i mean the game could have been twice as long and i'd still have not got bored or tired with it... i was so sucked into it by the end :)
ah well, i hear they're making the x360 fable sequel, and i also hear that its going to be fully free-roaming (it better be damnit!) like occarina of time (zelda)
The Top God
23-11-2005, 18:05
True Halo is amazin and has pure genius garphics but it gets easy after a while:D
The Top God
23-11-2005, 18:05
True Halo is amazin and has pure genius garphics but it gets easy after a while:D
23-11-2005, 18:30
X-Box: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, this was a really tough choice, I love the Halo games, I loved Morrowind (obviously...) but I played that more on the PC, and Fable was also great but KotOR is a classic.
PS2: GTA: San Andreas, I'm not a big PS2 player but this is the best game I've played for it.
Gamecube: Resident Evil 4, I really wanted to go with Wind Waker but I can't, I've enjoyed RE4 much more than WW.
The Elder Malaclypse
23-11-2005, 18:40
Did anyone ever play the game Kurushi? That game ruled.
The Top God
23-11-2005, 18:51
Nice pics with all the:mp5: :mp5: :mp5: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :headbang:
The Tribes Of Longton
23-11-2005, 19:25
X-box - KOTOR. I nearly went with the original Halo, that game actually made me orgasm, but KOTOR was so much more fun for longer. Also, it didn't shamelessly use the same maps as an excuse for a quick release :p
PS2 - Devil May Cry. Oh. My. God. Yes.
Gamecube - torn here. I like Resident Evil and Res. Evil 4, but I also fucking LOVE supermonkeyball. Then there's F-zero-X....
probably SMB though. *bums*
X-box: Halo 2,Battlefield 2,Doom 3,and Call of Duty.
The Top God
24-11-2005, 11:13
I never knew there was a game called crap (lol):D