Colin World
23-11-2005, 01:21
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
Neo Kervoskia
23-11-2005, 01:23
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
It's not that we're dicks, it's only that a) we've seen every thread a million times before and b) stupidity exists in the world.
23-11-2005, 01:25
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
Your first mistake is in trying to be "positive." Most people who post on here do so to "vent" or propagandise, not be rational. :)
Sumamba Buwhan
23-11-2005, 01:29
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
We're just tryign to teach you a lesson :D
Everyone has their reasons:
- revenge assholery
- bad day douchbaggosity
- heachachey jerkyness
- cynical lick my nutssery
- Eutrusca *giggles his ass off*
We're just tryign to teach you a lesson :D
Everyone has their reasons:
- revenge assholery
- bad day douchbaggosity
- heachachey jerkyness
- cynical lick my nutssery
- Eutrusca *giggles his ass off*
Colin World
23-11-2005, 01:33
So there's no chance for a fair trial?
The Soviet Americas
23-11-2005, 01:33
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
My name is Colin also, and I feel the same way as you.
The Similized world
23-11-2005, 01:35
My name is Colin also, and I feel the same way as you.
Mate, you logged on the wrong forum. This is NS General, not AA.
Colin World
23-11-2005, 01:40
So am I to assume noting is a go here? If so, oh well. :p
23-11-2005, 01:46
If you post crap, is it my fault?
Ok, maybe it is, but still!
23-11-2005, 01:51
this isnt a contest, you dont "win" by getting more posts to your threads than someone else.
if you dont have something compelling to talk about, dont bother starting a thread. (in truth, i dont bother posting about stuff i find compelling because i know it will die after a few responses)
post on other peoples threads that interest you and youll get more than enough ego fulfillment. just dont try jumping inbetween 2 people engaged in a tense flamewar. theyll just ignore you.
I empathise. The posts I put the most effort into are often the ones that get blatently ignored.
If it makes you feel any better, you can assume your points are too solid to come up with an argument against.
Neo Kervoskia
23-11-2005, 02:09
So there's no chance for a fair trial?
Correct, but General isn't about being fair. It's about talking about sex and telling people they're wrong from thousands of miles away.
Grainne Ni Malley
23-11-2005, 02:15
It has been my observation that in order to get a great response to your thread it must either be about something that inicites people (like politics and religion) or something that randomly amuses people (like how many gerbils can a person fit in their ass including the poll on which planet gerbils are most like to invade... the correct answer being Uranus). I could be wrong.
Neo Kervoskia
23-11-2005, 02:27
(like how many gerbils can a person fit in their ass including the poll on which planet gerbils are most like to invade... the correct answer being Uranus).
How did you know what my next topic would be?
Grainne Ni Malley
23-11-2005, 02:31
I'm psychic. :p
Gun toting civilians
23-11-2005, 02:32
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
Weak people, and there seem to be nearly as many here as there are in the real world, would rather riddicule an opposing view point than confront it, or will try and tear others down rather than build themselves up. Don't let it get to you too much or you risk becoming one of the weak yourself.
Neo Kervoskia
23-11-2005, 02:32
I'm psychic. :p
23-11-2005, 02:37
How come people are dicks? I've tried my hardest to come up with positive, open-ended questions on the general forum, and the most I get are a few measley posts... Is it my fault for posting crap? If that's the case, tell me so and give me suggestionms on ways to improve.
I guarantee you a bunch of posts if you make threads about the following:
How George Bush is the devil rawr
How republicans hate gay people rawr
How abortion should be legalized rawr
How Bush lied to get into Iraq rawr
How every Christian is out to kill everyone else rawr
Experience has shown these to be very popular topics! Good luck!