NationStates Jolt Archive

I am flawed

22-11-2005, 05:00
I had a job interview today, and one of the questions they asked me was "what would you say are three of your flaws?"

I didn't have to think long (I am amazingly flawed anyway) so I came up with the three that people complain about most.

1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

So, what are your top 3 flaws?
Omni Conglomerates
22-11-2005, 05:03
I am very forgetful and absentminded.

I get very emotionally involved in whatever I am doing, and I sometimes become a bit overzealous.

When I am under intense pressure I begin to stutter my speech.

That is only the begining, but not a bad start.
22-11-2005, 05:04
1) I'm stubborn! (don't you try to tell me I'm not!)
2) I'm a know it all ( I always correct peoples grammar when it seems they wish I'd just shut up. I also interject useless facts into every conversation I have
3) I'm WAY to competetive, and I rub it on WAY too much when I win.
22-11-2005, 05:04
Basically the opposite on the first two: I'm sloppy and never plan enough. But apathetic too.
22-11-2005, 05:08
I had a job interview today, and one of the questions they asked me was "what would you say are three of your flaws?"

I didn't have to think long (I am amazingly flawed anyway) so I came up with the three that people complain about most.

1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

So, what are your top 3 flaws?

Is this your first job interview? Did you get the job? In the future be very carefull how you answer a question like that. It is usually considered best to turn the questions like that around and talk about your positive side.
22-11-2005, 05:14
1) I tend to speak before thinking, particularly when I am upset about something.
2) I am a major procrastinator. I rarely do something without waiting until the last possible minute to do so.
3) Once I have come to an opinion about someone, it tends to be carved in stone from that day forward. I give everyone the benefit of a doubt initially, but once they have failed that trust, they rarely get a second chance.
22-11-2005, 05:15
I managed to narrow down the list to these, but there are a lot more I cut out in the interests of time...

1. I'm too negative.
2. I'm conceited.
3. I'm inconsiderate.
4. I'm obsessive.
5. I tend to lie.
6. I act in a manner completely opposite to my own principles.
7. I am amoral.
8. I am selectively apathetic.
9. I focus too much on my own flaws.
10. I'm too self-centered.
22-11-2005, 05:16
Is this your first job interview? Did you get the job? In the future be very carefull how you answer a question like that. It is usually considered best to turn the questions like that around and talk about your positive side.
I turned it all around. I was interviewing with people who know me pretty well anyway.

I am a perfectionist, I always want my work to be the very best it can be, I work hard everyday to do things 100% better than I did the day before.

I tend to overplan everything, I like to keep a 6 month calendar of things coming up, so that I can make sure nothing conflicts with anything else, I like to plan for every possible problem that could arise.

I deal well with irate customers because I just don't take things personally. I can realize that they are upset, and my perfectionist quality wants to fix it for them, but in the end I don't really get emotionally involved.

It is not my first interview, just my first one in about 4 years (I have been staying at home with the kids)

I won't know until after Thanksgiving if I get the job or not, but I have a good feeling about it since my future boss (I hope) said "well, I have to finish the interviews that I have scheduled to be fair, and we will let you know after the holiday" and that he went over in detail the benifits plan with me. ;)
22-11-2005, 05:22
I turned it all around. I was interviewing with people who know me pretty well anyway.

I am a perfectionist, I always want my work to be the very best it can be, I work hard everyday to do things 100% better than I did the day before.

I tend to overplan everything, I like to keep a 6 month calendar of things coming up, so that I can make sure nothing conflicts with anything else, I like to plan for every possible problem that could arise.

I deal well with irate customers because I just don't take things personally. I can realize that they are upset, and my perfectionist quality wants to fix it for them, but in the end I don't really get emotionally involved.

It is not my first interview, just my first one in about 4 years (I have been staying at home with the kids)

I won't know until after Thanksgiving if I get the job or not, but I have a good feeling about it since my future boss (I hope) said "well, I have to finish the interviews that I have scheduled to be fair, and we will let you know after the holiday" and that he went over in detail the benifits plan with me. ;)

You sound like my oldest daughter. She got a job in the domestice abuse program in of the Mayor's office in NYC domestice abuse program. Plus she started law school at night. My gosh I am glad I am not her. Congrats to you. I hope you got the job.
Lunatic Goofballs
22-11-2005, 05:24
1) I take nothing seriously.

2) It makes me seem insensitive or rude at times.

3) I spend money frivolously.
22-11-2005, 05:25
You sound like my oldest daughter. She got a job in the domestice abuse program in of the Mayor's office in NYC domestice abuse program. Plus she started law school at night. My gosh I am glad I am not her. Congrats to you. I hope you got the job.
I really hope that I do too, I am sick and it provides health insurance, right now everyone in my family has health insurance besides me. :( If I don't get better soon my husband is going to make me go to the doctor insurance or not.
22-11-2005, 05:39
I really hope that I do too, I am sick and it provides health insurance, right now everyone in my family has health insurance besides me. :( If I don't get better soon my husband is going to make me go to the doctor insurance or not.

I have never heard of the spouse not being covered by health insurance before! Usually employers don't cover pre-existing conditions, so I hope all you have is a bad cold or some such thing.
22-11-2005, 05:45
1.I can be reallly, REALLY lazy.

2.I lose track of things often.

3.I tend to leave things half-finished.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
22-11-2005, 06:10
These don't really bother me, but they seem to be what annoy others the most:

1) I have no moral sense at all. The closest I have ever come to a feeling of right and wrong is the fear of punishment and a desire not to cause too many problems without profit.
2) I am incapable of taking this shit seriously. For some reason I have always been at a slight disconnect with reality. This isn't always a problem, but in matters where others care I can cause real harm.
3) The two above combined mean that I have no compassion or concern for my fellows, nor any tolerance for religion.
4) I tend to defy authority for no reason other then that I can
5) I have a hard time adjusting my actions to a different situation. For instance, when I go on a fast, I actually have to force myself off of it. After 2 or 3 days without food my mind and body have accepted the fact that "Oh well, guess we're going to starve to death" and I have to force feed myself.
22-11-2005, 06:15
I completely lack urgency.
Grainne Ni Malley
22-11-2005, 06:19
I tend to scrutinize even the most minor of details.

Sometimes I am too compassionate of others. I let people walk all over me.

I have an unbelievable amount of patience, so much so that I often let things (like relationships) go on for far longer than I ever should have in the first place.
22-11-2005, 06:23
I'm too negative, I'll bitch about my life to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen, I have poor self-esteem, no self-confidence, and a short temper.
Cannot think of a name
22-11-2005, 06:33
1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

I'm having a hard time reconciling #3 with #'s 1 & 2.

I guess I should actually answer the question instead of nitpick.

I look distracted even when I'm not.
I could give a rats ass about my appearence. (and spelling)
I'm a bit of a dork and will go on a tangent about something that was only implied, and perhaps only to me. (For instance, today someone brought up Wimpy from Popeye, the guy who will pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. I went on about whether or not Wimpy was good for it, came to conclusions about it and discussed my reasoning all to blank stares. The sad thing is that people usually respond with 'You've thought about this too much' and most of the time the thought just occoured to me, which is why I go all the way through it.)
22-11-2005, 06:34
These don't really bother me, but they seem to be what annoy others the most:

1) I have no moral sense at all. The closest I have ever come to a feeling of right and wrong is the fear of punishment and a desire not to cause too many problems without profit.
2) I am incapable of taking this shit seriously. For some reason I have always been at a slight disconnect with reality. This isn't always a problem, but in matters where others care I can cause real harm.
3) The two above combined mean that I have no compassion or concern for my fellows, nor any tolerance for religion.
4) I tend to defy authority for no reason other then that I can
5) I have a hard time adjusting my actions to a different situation. For instance, when I go on a fast, I actually have to force myself off of it. After 2 or 3 days without food my mind and body have accepted the fact that "Oh well, guess we're going to starve to death" and I have to force feed myself.
Can you say sociopath? I thought you could?

BTW The world _would_ be a better place without nuns.

I guess I'll be arsed to do my flaws:

1) Like Grainne Ni Malley, I am too compassionate, turn into a doormat.
2) In very serious conversations I will laugh a bit as some kind of sick and twisted defence mecanism. It leads people to believe that I find their problem hillarious.
3) I am currently in Grade 12, but have not yet needed to study. This will be a major problem in Uni.
4) I over procastinate.
22-11-2005, 06:38
Hmm. Here's my top three:

1. I procrastinate. I could have a degree in procrastination, but I'd never graduate.
2. I'm a perfectionist. Handwriting, grammar, spelling, even choosing birthday cards - they have to be perfect.
3. I'm completely, irrevocably, unashamedly addicted to caffeine.
Demented Hamsters
22-11-2005, 06:39
1) I take nothing seriously.

2) It makes me seem insensitive or rude at times.

3) I spend money frivolously.
I'm in total accordance with you on the above points, except the last one but that's only because I can't pronounce frivolously (not a word to try to say when drunk!).
Of course money does tend to flow through my fingers like water.
22-11-2005, 06:40
3) I am currently in Grade 12, but have not yet needed to study. This will be a major problem in Uni.

Oh, it won't - not until you reach Honours. Trust me ;)
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
22-11-2005, 07:02
Can you say sociopath? I thought you could?
But that would only have been one flaw, instead I got to stretch it out to 5 by detailing the symptoms.
Anyway, announcing sociopathy via the Interweb is so ridiculously passe.
BTW The world _would_ be a better place without nuns.
No it wouldn't. Just because you are afraid of getting a whack from the ruler doesn't mean that the temples of purity I aspire to corrupt are bad for the world.
1) Like Grainne Ni Malley, I am too compassionate, turn into a doormat.
A healthy bit of disgust for your fellow man would do you good. Evil is a Hell of a recreational activity, you should try it some time.
3) I am currently in Grade 12, but have not yet needed to study. This will be a major problem in Uni.
I never studied in High School (in Physics I didn't even read the chapters until the morning before the test), and still don't really study so much in the real world. That crap about good study habits is just that, crap. If you need to spend a lot of time to learn something, you'll find time to learn it.
22-11-2005, 07:14
I'm a terrible procrastinator.

I'm very stubborn.

I don't take enough risks.
The Doors Corporation
22-11-2005, 07:24
I am unconfident
I lock onto my target and stick with it till it is FINALLY done
I care to much about customers.
22-11-2005, 07:24
1] I'm lazy.
2] I hate stupid people.
3] I really love the taste of baby.

Do I get the job?
22-11-2005, 07:31
But that would only have been one flaw, instead I got to stretch it out to 5 by detailing the symptoms.
Anyway, announcing sociopathy via the Interweb is so ridiculously passe.
Yes, stretching it out to 5 flaws wastes more time of everyone who reads it. You appear to know much about wastine the time of others. Perhaps too much...

A healthy bit of disgust for your fellow man would do you good. Evil is a Hell of a recreational activity, you should try it some time.
But helping people is much more controversial. Just look at how much people hate communism.

I never studied in High School (in Physics I didn't even read the chapters until the morning before the test), and still don't really study so much in the real world. That crap about good study habits is just that, crap. If you need to spend a lot of time to learn something, you'll find time to learn it.
Yeah I read the chapters.:rolleyes:
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
22-11-2005, 07:42
Yes, stretching it out to 5 flaws wastes more time of everyone who reads it. You appear to know much about wastine the time of others. Perhaps too much...
And you want to know what the best part is? Due to my possession of those flaws, and because it amuses me to waste your time in such a way, I really don't care how it effects you!
It all ties together!
But helping people is much more controversial. Just look at how much people hate communism.
I don't hate communism, I hate its proponents.
Nietzsche was controversial without being "moral", but then he was also a good writer.
Yeah I read the chapters.:rolleyes:
If you can pass the tests and write the essays to a degree that you find pleasing, then you are studying enough.
Funky Beat
22-11-2005, 07:53
1) I am lazy (that would be a common one)

2) I am cynical (overly so)

3) I sometimes think too much of myself

Othen than that, I'm perfect... :rolleyes:
22-11-2005, 08:25
I had a job interview today, and one of the questions they asked me was "what would you say are three of your flaws?"

I didn't have to think long (I am amazingly flawed anyway) so I came up with the three that people complain about most.

1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

So, what are your top 3 flaws?

#'s 1 and 2 on your list are not flaws, they are considered traits in my book (and definitely in society 20 years ago). So your not as bad off as you thought. ;)

As for me, I have no flaws, so have a nice day! :p
22-11-2005, 08:29
And you want to know what the best part is? Due to my possession of those flaws, and because it amuses me to waste your time in such a way, I really don't care how it effects you!
It all ties together!
Your plan is even more ingenious than I thought before. You must be as smart as the guy who created Seinfeld, what was his name again?

If you can pass the tests and write the essays to a degree that you find pleasing, then you are studying enough.
You don't write essays in physics; essays are for English only.
22-11-2005, 08:31
I'm a bit of a dork and will go on a tangent about something that was only implied, and perhaps only to me. (For instance, today someone brought up Wimpy from Popeye, the guy who will pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. I went on about whether or not Wimpy was good for it, came to conclusions about it and discussed my reasoning all to blank stares. The sad thing is that people usually respond with 'You've thought about this too much' and most of the time the thought just occoured to me, which is why I go all the way through it.)

I do that all the time when I'm drunk or stoned. I end up boring a lot of people & then getting very paranoid about it. :p
22-11-2005, 09:05
So, what are your top 3 flaws?
My worst flaw is that I want to do what I want to do, as opposed to doing what I'm suppose to do or need to do. This leads to my second worst flaw: being a procrastinator, particularly where it concerns things I don't want to do. My third worst flaw is that I have a tendency to speak my mind, even when it's not diplomatic or politic to do so, which has gotten me in lots and lots of trouble over the years. :)
Bryce Crusader States
22-11-2005, 10:04
I guess my flaws are as follows:

1. I procrastinate to the Extreme.
2. I need to be in control at all times. Apparently this is very annoying to the people around me.
3. I am very laid back. I don't let things bother me and this also annoys people to no end.
22-11-2005, 10:29
I guess my flaws are as follows:

1. I procrastinate to the Extreme.
2. I need to be in control at all times. Apparently this is very annoying to the people around me.
3. I am very laid back. I don't let things bother me and this also annoys people to no end.

2 & 3 seem completely contradictory to me. You need to be in control at all times, yet you're laid back & don't let things bother you?
Bryce Crusader States
22-11-2005, 10:49
2 & 3 seem completely contradictory to me. You need to be in control at all times, yet you're laid back & don't let things bother you?

I know it sounds weird but it's what people tell me.
22-11-2005, 11:00
Lazy, cynical, sarcastic...can't tolerate stupid people very well. I'm definitely not a perfectionist unless it's something I care about, in which case I definitely am. I leave work until the last minute. I never prepare for exams or presentations...or anything, really. I'm always tired. I'm pretty laid back, apparently. To the point where I really don't care about much.
22-11-2005, 11:06
You aint me so of cause.
22-11-2005, 15:09
I have never heard of the spouse not being covered by health insurance before! Usually employers don't cover pre-existing conditions, so I hope all you have is a bad cold or some such thing.
His company pays for his, we have the girls covered elsewhere, but I have a lot of health problems and so my premium (at just about anywhere I check) sits at about $600-$800 a month (which is a lot when you are a 1 income house of 4, where 3 of the people have diagnosed chronic diseases which require even more money to manange)

I am pretty sure something is majorly wrong with me, like Lupus or something, I have been pretty sick for a while. I am not really worried about it, I am functioning at about 50% which is most people's 110% so I should be able to do okay until we find out what's wrong with me.
22-11-2005, 15:17
I'm having a hard time reconciling #3 with #'s 1 & 2.

I guess that I should reword that to make more sense. I am selfish and unconcerned with others needs. (it's 8a here and I have already been yelled at on the phone 2 times, so please excuse the bad attitude)

I got one person who thinks it is my resposibility to pay thier way, they have money they spend it all, they want my money. I don't care. They don't have groceries, they are going to loose thier jewelry in pawn, they are out of thier meds. I don't care. It isn't my problem.

I have the other person who knows that by Tuesday on the week of Thanksgiving I would already have firm plans, who wants me to drop everything and come eat with them, they won't accomodate my kids (who are on a special diet because of health issues) and in fact asked if I could get a sitter. I declined the invitation, they were mad
"you have to come eat with us"
"I don't have to do anything"
"Grandpa might die this year"
" don't you care?!"
"then you must come eat with us for Grandpa's sake"
"okay, I will talk to you later"
"okay, I will see you later, I have to go"
she hung up. The phone is ringing again, it's her. I think I won't answer. ;)
22-11-2005, 15:27
My biggest fault? I'll tell you later.
22-11-2005, 15:35
My biggest fault? I'll tell you later.
so you procrastinate?:p
Deep Kimchi
22-11-2005, 15:41
1. I never throw anything away.
2. I procrastinate - but only on things I don't like doing.
3. I am impatient.
22-11-2005, 16:09
1. Even though my husband tells me I am cute, I am overly obsessed with how I look (i think he is biased anyways)

2. I get way too emotional sometimes- there are times where stupid things set me off on a crying jag- not unstable, just emotional

3. i like to take charge of anytype of projects I am working on-- i don't like to leave it up to other people because it may not get done the way it needs to get done
22-11-2005, 17:21
His company pays for his, we have the girls covered elsewhere, but I have a lot of health problems and so my premium (at just about anywhere I check) sits at about $600-$800 a month (which is a lot when you are a 1 income house of 4, where 3 of the people have diagnosed chronic diseases which require even more money to manange)

I am pretty sure something is majorly wrong with me, like Lupus or something, I have been pretty sick for a while. I am not really worried about it, I am functioning at about 50% which is most people's 110% so I should be able to do okay until we find out what's wrong with me.

I am truly sorry to hear about your health problems. I feel that the health care issue in this country is our number one domestic issue. If you don't mind I will post a wonderful healing prayer from Baha'u'llah the founder of the Baha'i Faith.
Drunk commies deleted
22-11-2005, 17:25
In no particular order

1) I'm a procrastinator

2) I often ignore friends and family to be alone

3) I've been known to take stupid, impulsive risks
22-11-2005, 17:27
I had a job interview today, and one of the questions they asked me was "what would you say are three of your flaws?"

I didn't have to think long (I am amazingly flawed anyway) so I came up with the three that people complain about most.

1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

So, what are your top 3 flaws?

Smunkee? Flawed? C'est tres impossible. are my interview flaws:

1) I tend to be a workaholic.

2) If I feel a project is not on track I will sometimes take over projects from others to get the job done.

3) I am constantly on time to the point of near obsession.

Here are some real flaws:

1) I have a tendency to ignore people when they are talking to me.

2) I am obsessed with being on time.

3) I like to be inappropriate at the worst times.
22-11-2005, 17:32
1. I am pretty lazy. I am deeply conscientious at work where I know the work of others may be affected by what I do and where I get remunerated, but in terms of study (where I get no reward bar potential personal satisfaction at the end, and where nobody else really cares that much) I am a complete bum.

2. I tend to procrastinate an awful lot, but yet get impatient and irritated when others do the same thing.

3. I can be overly argumentative in real life (I'm not actually half as bad here ;))

Pretty much everything Nadkor said ( rings true - maybe it's a Belfast mentality :p
22-11-2005, 17:41
Smunkee? Flawed? C'est tres impossible.
22-11-2005, 17:49
1. I'm a lazy lazy procrastinator.

2. I too have an extreme habit of always being early for things, i'm the sort of person who always gets into work and hour early as the next bus might possibly result in me being 5 mins late..

3. I go miles out of my way to avoid confrontations of any sort, mainly becuase if i do get into a confrotation i will lose my cool and thats when bad things happen: other people/me get scared and/or hurt, hence why people take me for a big soft doormat.
22-11-2005, 17:57
I am truly sorry to hear about your health problems. I feel that the health care issue in this country is our number one domestic issue. If you don't mind I will post a wonderful healing prayer from Baha'u'llah the founder of the Baha'i Faith.
I am Christian so I don't know how helpful that would be, but I would accept any good thoughts sent in my direction.
Legless Pirates
22-11-2005, 18:01
1. When there's little pressure, I lose initiative
2. I can live in mess and usually let it grow messy (though I don't make a mess intentionally)
3. I'm not too good with working under strict authority
22-11-2005, 18:04
I see the word 'procrastinate' a lot here. I had no idea what it meant so I looked it up and came to the conclusion that it quite accuratly discribes me in one word. :p

other flaws:
- I tend to be very apathic about things
- I'm not much of a peoples person. I like to spend a lot of time by myself, not being bothered by others. I don't see this as negative but other people apparantly do ... I do like to go out with a small group of close friends to a bar or a concert once in a while, but parties where you have to socialise with everyone aren't my thing.
22-11-2005, 18:38
I am Christian so I don't know how helpful that would be, but I would accept any good thoughts sent in my direction.

Prayer is prayer. Don't you think.

Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

- Bahá'u'lláh

(Compilations, Baha'i Prayers, p. 85)
22-11-2005, 18:43
Prayer is prayer. Don't you think.

Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

- Bahá'u'lláh

(Compilations, Baha'i Prayers, p. 85)
That is a pretty good prayer. ;)
22-11-2005, 18:44
That is a pretty good prayer. ;)

If you want I can send more?:)
22-11-2005, 18:52
If you want I can send more?:)
sure TG me. I like that is balanced in the way I try to pray.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
22-11-2005, 19:20
Your plan is even more ingenious than I thought before. You must be as smart as the guy who created Seinfeld, what was his name again?
A joint effort between Lau Kar Leung and Wong Jing, as every fan of things that they are fans of knows.
You don't write essays in physics; essays are for English only.
So you've never written an essay on the causes of the Great Depression (History) or on the physics errors present in popular fims (Physics)? Bah, your school sucks.
22-11-2005, 19:22
sure TG me. I like that is balanced in the way I try to pray.

can do.
22-11-2005, 19:28

you're welcome
22-11-2005, 19:50
-I don't learn from my mistakes and continue to make bad decisions.
-I can find a bad outlook in almost any situation. I'm depressive. I'm paranoid. I can get obsessive. I can get very self-centered.
-I manage to be insecure but conceited at the same time.
-I'm overly critical of myself and have an unhealthy obsession with being perfect yet don't bother trying to change for the better.
-Many of the flaws I find in myself and don't bother to change, I criticise in others.
-I procrastinate (strange how so many people on NS named that flaw :p). I can be very apathetic about doing something but care excesivly about the end result.
-I am contradictory and make very little sense. And I criticise people for not understanding me.
-I let my emotions control me far too much.
-I come across as cold, distant and uninterested in people when actually I'm the other extreme.
-My qualities generally become extremes. I have great self-control but don't exercise it. If I did, many of my bad qualities would be good ones instead.
22-11-2005, 21:03
1 I am a perfectionist
2 I overplan everything (I basically had Thanksgiving planned in mid-October and really was unhappy that I left it that late this year)
3 I am in general apathetic about most things (this really upsets people who are trying to guilt trip me, because in the end I just don't care.)

So, what are your top 3 flaws? Firstly, I'm going to peel you apart like so:

1 You're a flawed perfectionist? You hypocrite, you.
2 You're destined to be an Irish grandmotherly person.
3 I'm sure the dead Cambodian children will be glad to talk to you about that.

Anyway, my flaws…
1] Tendency towards arrogance and judgement if I don't watch out.
2] Inner violence.
3] Inner misogyny.
4] Teh pride.
5] Not sure if this is a flaw, but I can be cold.
22-11-2005, 21:07
Firstly, I'm going to peel you apart like so:

1 You're a flawed perfectionist? You hypocrite, you.
yeah, I know:(
2 You're destined to be an Irish grandmotherly person.
my great-grandmother was Irish:eek:
3 I'm sure the dead Cambodian children will be glad to talk to you about that.

I actually have friends who are missionaries in Cambodia so I guess by donating money to them, I am kinda helping. (they help with clean water, health care, ect.)
22-11-2005, 21:09
as procrastination's aleready worn out too much..

1) one of my nations' motto is "eewww, people. we hate people." so, yeah. some people tell me that's not a healthy attitude. but then, that's just people, so..

2) i lie/cheat excessively and am very well aware of how to use that to my benefit.

3) i am arrogant, egoistic, and selfish.
The Similized world
22-11-2005, 21:11
I'm much too honest with people.

I can't respect things I don't fully understand.

I have a much too short fuse.
22-11-2005, 21:32
1. I procrastinate a lot. In fact, I'm doing it now.

2. I lack self-confidence.

3. I'm ugly as fuck.
H-Town Tejas
22-11-2005, 21:37
1. I'm disorganized
2. I always forget stuff
3. I get stressed very easily
22-11-2005, 21:50
1.I'll procrastinate tommorrow., grammar' is! app;alling@
3. i leave things half-
22-11-2005, 21:58
So, what are your top 3 flaws?

- I tend to say the wrong things for the right reasons then can't quite understand why people get upset.
- I expect too much from those I love.
- I cannot stand the tradtional green bean casserole that people serve at Thanksgiving! (not a flaw, perhaps, but it just bugs the piss out of me when people serve a vegetable coated in cream soup and topped with fried onion rings. Where's the point of having a vegetable if you're gonna mess it up that way? /rant)
22-11-2005, 22:01
3. I'm ugly as fuck.

Hmmm, I've usually found that to be not ugly at all.
22-11-2005, 22:28

because hearing about others flaws makes me smile :D
The Elder Malaclypse
22-11-2005, 22:35
My flawa are probaly:

1. I like "the kids"

2. I don't like berries

3. I can't ride a bicycle, tricycle, unicycle or aeroplane.
22-11-2005, 22:37
Hmmm, I've usually found that to be not ugly at all.

In the end, it depends on who is fucking. And who is being fucked.
Adjacent to Belarus
22-11-2005, 23:21
1. I sometimes have somewhat misogynous feelings, most often when I'm alone and contemplating my social life. *sigh*
2. I could do with a little less blunt honesty.
3. I'm too hard on myself.

I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones I thought of first.
22-11-2005, 23:26
Oddly enough, your three flaws are shared by me, Smunkeeville.
The White Hats
22-11-2005, 23:29
For me, reading this thread is like a hypochondriac reading a medical dictionary. Every time someone posts their flaws, I think, 'Hey yeah, I do that!'. By my reckoning I now have around 168 listed flaws.:(

But three that come easily to mind:

1. I find it too easy to do without social engagement in the short term .....
2. ..... but not in the long term
3. I tend to voice my opinion without thinking about the impact it might have on the listener, or about the impact their reaction might have on me.
22-11-2005, 23:36
1. I have virtually no sense of sarcasm (which means I get confused when people use it also sometimes sound sarcastic when i'm not)

2. I can get very very angry (not easy to get me like this but last time someone managed to do so I had to be pulled off them by 4 of my teachers to stop me from making him eat his own fingers)

3. too logical (I can through logic end up doing some things that are completly odd not always a bad thing as sometimes it works better then the normal method)
22-11-2005, 23:40
1. I have trouble accepting extreme Christians or Super Conservatives
2. I can be really annoying or hyper (you might not think that's to bad, but it is when you bring it to the next level)
3. I hate all preppy things and anything related to preppiness, though I try not to stereotype do much, I find myself doing it often.
22-11-2005, 23:40
Oddly enough, your three flaws are shared by me, Smunkeeville.
yeah, do you have the same dry sense of humor that sometimes gets you in trouble?;)
23-11-2005, 00:09
In the end, it depends on who is fucking. And who is being fucked.

Not always. It would seem that if the two fuck-ees were of like mind and fit -- it would not be ugly.

Now, if it were a government authority (or somesuch) -- your comment makes sense. In that case, ya don't even get a kiss.

Yoor original comment, though, still confuses me a bit. :confused:

How can someone be "as ugly as ..." something that can be so much fun? Are you a government authority? ;)
24-11-2005, 11:32
1 I am a perfectionist
2 I am never wrong
3 I procrastinate something Chronic
24-11-2005, 21:28
Are you a government authority? ;)

*shifty eyes*

No... Why would I be?
24-11-2005, 21:36
1. I have reoccuring, serious bouts of low self-esteem
2. I also have reoccuring, serious bouts of manic hyperactivity. No, I'm not bipolar. But some days it feels like it.
3. I have a short temper.
4. Actually, I just suck.
24-11-2005, 21:48
your posting number 4 leads me to posting a number 5) on your behalf: you lie.
24-11-2005, 21:56
your posting number 4 leads me to posting a number 5) on your behalf: you lie.
Okay, I should really stop looking for ego-boosts. I'm just having one of those number 1 days.
24-11-2005, 22:20
well, i feel so damn good today that i'll even let you fluffle me :)

so take some of it and as you're on it also take a couple of other compliments and nice wishes *offers you to just reach into the basket propped on arm*

there you go.