Do Candians hate Americans?
Let's clear the debate up once and for NationState members. If you are Canadian do you hate the USA. Personally I like Americans (unless you get a bunch of them together, haha). I hate the current administrations policies and their current leader.
Uber Awesome
20-11-2005, 18:03
Candians from the land of candy!
20-11-2005, 18:04
I don't hate Americans at all. I don't even particularly hate the current administration, at least no more than I hate government in general.
There needs to be an American option for *twitch*
20-11-2005, 18:07
Oooh, victim complex again.
One guy votes for stop picking on us... but not a single person has picked on the US yet. I think this qualifies as Victim complex.
btw - I voted for current admin and leader (rest of the world). Of course, considering it is a democratic people, I must therefore dislike also all the people who voted for Bush (which of course makes up... what? 30%? 40%? What is the voting turnout of the US anyway?
Nation Of Me
20-11-2005, 18:07
See I have to love America for I live in it. well I dont have to but still
(:p when Paitorits are around:p )
20-11-2005, 18:11
Commonwealth - all your Canada are belong to us!
20-11-2005, 18:12
One guy votes for stop picking on us... but not a single person has picked on the US yet.
It was a preemtive strike.
Oooh, victim complex again.
One guy votes for stop picking on us... but not a single person has picked on the US yet. I think this qualifies as Victim complex.
btw - I voted for current admin and leader (rest of the world). Of course, considering it is a democratic people, I must therefore dislike also all the people who voted for Bush (which of course makes up... what? 30%? 40%? What is the voting turnout of the US anyway?
Too bad he wouldn't let any blacks have their vote. :(
There needs to be an American option for *twitch*
See: Your Mama ;)
20-11-2005, 18:15
Does Quebec want their balls back too???
20-11-2005, 18:16
Too bad he wouldn't let any blacks have their vote. :(
JHCOAMFC! :rolleyes:
20-11-2005, 18:16
JHCOAMFC! :rolleyes:
20-11-2005, 18:17
I live in western Europe. America and Americans in general affect little if anything to my daily life. I don't hate them, it's just a country. To me it's like asking a New Zealander if they hate Belgium.
20-11-2005, 18:18
(which of course makes up... what? 30%? 40%? What is the voting turnout of the US anyway?
50% participation.
About 52% voted for Bush.
So that only makes about 26% of Americans who have dubious political choices.
20-11-2005, 18:19
I live in western Europe. America and Americans in general affect little if anything to my daily life. I don't hate them, it's just a country. To me it's like asking a New Zealander if they hate Belgium.
I have it on good authority that Kiwis absolutely despise Belgium! :p
20-11-2005, 18:19
JHCOAMFC: Just Hit Cold Otters Against My Flaming Chin. It means Laughing Out Loud, only more so.
20-11-2005, 18:19
Does Quebec want their balls back too???
I already have my balls. :confused:
Wouldn't mind getting my hands on another set, though :D
20-11-2005, 18:21
50% participation.
About 52% voted for Bush.
So that only makes about 26% of Americans who have dubious political choices.
Ahh good then, only every fourth American I will meet I will dislike on political grounds. Hopefully, I can avoid a political discussion with them (excluding nationsates)
JHCOAMFC: Just Hit Cold Otters Against My Flaming Chin. It means Laughing Out Loud, only more so.
Whoever came up with this deserves to be... I dunno, granted an award for creative lolness?
20-11-2005, 18:23
I don't hate ALL Americans - just the bigots, admin and hickish rednecks.
20-11-2005, 18:23
Ahh good then, only every fourth American I will meet I will dislike on political grounds. Hopefully, I can avoid a political discussion with them (excluding nationsates)
Indeed. These stats are my main defense whenever I get political with someone regarding the US of A.
Hate americans?Of course not, I simply despise a minority of them. No more than 1 out of 4. The remaining three are mighty fine neighbours, you know. :D
20-11-2005, 18:27
Let's clear the debate up once and for NationState members. If you are Canadian do you hate the USA. Personally I like Americans (unless you get a bunch of them together, haha). I hate the current administrations policies and their current leader.
Hate is such a strong word there young Plator. :eek:
I voted for the current Bush administration, but I don't hate them. I just have a severe dislike for their brand of politics. It would also appear that the majority of Americans are leaning that way these days as well.
Gargantua City State
20-11-2005, 18:28
"Everything" about it may be a TOUCH strong. There's a couple things I like... a few people... but as for America as a whole... yeah, a group of monkeys can do better.
20-11-2005, 18:29
Hate is such a strong word there young Plator. :eek:
I voted for the current Bush administration, but I don't hate them. I just have a severe dislike for their brand of politics. It would also appear that the majority of Americans are leaning that way these days as well.
I thought you were supposed to be Canadian, Canuck?
20-11-2005, 18:31
"Everything" about it may be a TOUCH strong. There's a couple things I like... a few people... but as for America as a whole... yeah, a group of monkeys can do better.
A thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters for a thousand years could write Shakeaspeare, too :rolleyes:
20-11-2005, 18:32
Oooh, victim complex again.
One guy votes for stop picking on us... but not a single person has picked on the US yet. I think this qualifies as Victim complex.
btw - I voted for current admin and leader (rest of the world). Of course, considering it is a democratic people, I must therefore dislike also all the people who voted for Bush (which of course makes up... what? 30%? 40%? What is the voting turnout of the US anyway?
In reality, only about 19% of the US population ACTUALLY cast a ballot for Bush. Scary huh?
20-11-2005, 18:32
I don't particularly hate them, but they are the subject of lots of jokes here in Canada...
20-11-2005, 18:33
I thought you were supposed to be Canadian, Canuck?
Well ya!! I am Canadian. Does that mean I can't despise the current US administration?
20-11-2005, 18:35
What is it specifically you hate about us? You say Bush but is it just his personality? Not hip enough? Also America seems to me to be doing okay (I am a biased source) with largest GDP, beats Europe combined, and about a 5.5% unemployment last time I checked. Our poverty rates are relatively low and our poor people are relatively rich. Is it just Iraq that you have a problem with? Or do you hate us out of principle?
20-11-2005, 18:35
I voted for the current Bush administration
Well ya!! I am Canadian. Does that mean I can't despise the current US administration?
So you're Canadian, but you vote in american elections?
20-11-2005, 18:36
In reality, only about 19% of the US population ACTUALLY cast a ballot for Bush. Scary huh?
And that was with a two party sytem. Do you realize how few people actually have to vote for a party to give it a "majority" in a country like Canada that has multiple major parties?
20-11-2005, 18:37
So you're Canadian, but you vote in american elections?
Leave 'em alone, they're ... Canadians. ;)
20-11-2005, 18:38
So you're Canadian, but you vote in american elections?
In the poll, I voted for the Bush administration.
20-11-2005, 18:40
Leave 'em alone, they're ... Canadians. ;)
Yeah, yeah, like Eut said!!:D
20-11-2005, 18:41
What is it specifically you hate about us? You say Bush but is it just his personality? Not hip enough? Also America seems to me to be doing okay (I am a biased source) with largest GDP, beats Europe combined, and about a 5.5% unemployment last time I checked.
Sure, your economy is good. But being rich doesn't make you everyone's friend.
What most of us have a bone with is your foreign policy. You're pretty much acting as international bullies since Bush is in office. We don't like that.
Our poverty rates are relatively low and our poor people are relatively rich.
You obviouly haven't taken a good loot at your rich-poor divides lately. There is a lot of poverty in the US, that just doesn't get advertised.
And about Iraq, we all know that country had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush wanted to go and finish what daddy started a while back, and he used whatever excuse he could find to do so.
Afghanistan's a failure too. The international community helps limit damages, but I must remind you Ossama is still at large. We hate the fact that Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to wage his petty little wars. And I personally hate him even more for not going after the REAL culprits, and using that sad moment for political gain.
Let us hope there will be no other military expedition of the USA while Bush is at the helm. Your sympathy capital is wearing thin, even with your natural allies.
20-11-2005, 18:43
Leave 'em alone, they're ... Canadians. ;)
So am I. I'm just trying to understand :confused:
20-11-2005, 18:44
In the poll, I voted for the Bush administration.
You mean you've voted that you don't hate them,right? Because there's no Bush option on the poll.
20-11-2005, 18:55
You mean you've voted that you don't hate them,right? Because there's no Bush option on the poll.
Oh my!!
The topic is:
Do you hate the USA?
One of the selections is:
Just current admin and leader (Canada)
That is the one I voted for. The current administration is the Busheviks, so ya, they get my vote!!
20-11-2005, 18:57
Oh my!!
The topic is:
Do you hate the USA?
One of the selections is:
Just current admin and leader (Canada)
That is the one I voted for. The current administration is the Busheviks, so ya, they get my vote!!
Okay, we've been seeing things backwards then.
In my book, when someone "gets my vote", it's because I support them. If I vote "I hate the Bush administration", I'm not gonna say they get my vote, I'm gonna say I voted against them.
Glad to have cleared that out.
20-11-2005, 19:08
Sure, your economy is good. But being rich doesn't make you everyone's friend.
What most of us have a bone with is your foreign policy. You're pretty much acting as international bullies since Bush is in office. We don't like that.
You obviouly haven't taken a good loot at your rich-poor divides lately. There is a lot of poverty in the US, that just doesn't get advertised.
And about Iraq, we all know that country had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush wanted to go and finish what daddy started a while back, and he used whatever excuse he could find to do so.
Afghanistan's a failure too. The international community helps limit damages, but I must remind you Ossama is still at large. We hate the fact that Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to wage his petty little wars. And I personally hate him even more for not going after the REAL culprits, and using that sad moment for political gain.
Let us hope there will be no other military expedition of the USA while Bush is at the helm. Your sympathy capital is wearing thin, even with your natural allies.
Now the poverty rich divide is massive, I am not denying that, but the poor here do fairly well. At least compared to the rest of the world. Rawls my friend had it right when he said its okay for someone to be richer than another if everyone benefits. As for Iraq, tactically only time will tell if it was a success or failure, I am currently tinkering with the idea that we went into Iraq for selfish reasons. Not oil, Haliburton made less from Iraq than Moore. But I have heard the theory we went in there just to help the value of the dollar and were succssful on that note. Dont know that much bout economics though.
Your protest however is America is being a bully? How exactly?
20-11-2005, 19:08
Our poverty rates are relatively low and our poor people are relatively rich.
Relative to what or where?
20-11-2005, 19:15
But I have heard the theory we went in there just to help the value of the dollar and were succssful on that note. Dont know that much bout economics though.
Smells fishy to me.
a) going to war would be an odd way of strengthening the dollar, as war is almost always accompanied by increased government spending which tends to cause inflation, weakening the dollar.
b) has the US Dollar actually increased in value in the last few years? Last time I checked, the Canadian Dollar had become more valuable relative to the US Dollar and I assumed that meant that the US Dollar had become weaker.
20-11-2005, 19:15
Your protest however is America is being a bully? How exactly?
That pre-emptive strike nonsense. Nobody in their right mind can actually justify attacking a nation "just because we though they might not like us, and that they had weapons hidden".
It's like beating up a classmate because you think he has a knife in his pocket, and that you know he doesn't like you. Then, you search him for the knife, find nothing, and say "oh well, he must have hidden it".
20-11-2005, 19:21
Not oil, Haliburton made less from Iraq than Moore.
Say what?
Cheney is doing ok with Halliburton options:
Halliburton has been making money hand over fist (
A few other US contractors have done alright as well.
How can you hate a whole country full of potential sexual partners?
20-11-2005, 19:27
How can you hate a whole country full of potential sexual partners?
Slutty catholic girls who take it up the ass because that doesn't count as sex isn't what I'm looking for. :p
El Scotto
20-11-2005, 19:30
Oooh, victim complex again.
One guy votes for stop picking on us... but not a single person has picked on the US yet. I think this qualifies as Victim complex.
btw - I voted for current admin and leader (rest of the world). Of course, considering it is a democratic people, I must therefore dislike also all the people who voted for Bush (which of course makes up... what? 30%? 40%? What is the voting turnout of the US anyway?
I voted stop picking on us, refering to all of the other threads and flamebaits, not just this one. I hate Bush, by the way, and I like the semi-socialist government of Canada.
Slutty catholic girls who take it up the ass because that doesn't count as sex isn't what I'm looking for. :p
Yeah well, you got those in both countries...and some women who take it up the ass because it IS sex:)
20-11-2005, 19:32
20-11-2005, 19:32
I voted stop picking on us, refering to all of the other threads and flamebaits, not just this one. I hate Bush, by the way, and I like the semi-socialist government of Canada.
Semi-socialist? My, if you compare with the extreme right-wing of USA maybe. If you really want a semi-socialist government, take a look at France or some Scandinavian countries.
Canada's political position is pretty much center. Getting a little wee bit center right on economics lately.
20-11-2005, 19:34
Yeah well, you got those in both countries...and some women who take it up the ass because it IS sex:)
Bah, I'm more of a fan of men who take it up the ass myself. Hence my not being attracted to slutty catholic girls.
But since gays aren't exactly most appreciated in the USA...
20-11-2005, 19:46
Say what?
Cheney is doing ok with Halliburton options:
Halliburton has been making money hand over fist (
A few other US contractors have done alright as well.
I am not denying some people made money from Iraq I am merely saying that is not the only reason.
20-11-2005, 19:47
I hate the Philadelphia Flyers, does that count?
20-11-2005, 19:50
I would also like to point out no one has given an effective argument America is not doing well internally. As for foreign policy I would say the Bush Admin. is not nearly Machievellian enough to do well. A good sign of deciet is popularity and a good sign of honesty is a lack of poppularity. I consider honesty a stupid thing in politics. Barry Goldwater vs. Lydon Johnson is a good example.
Pajama Wama
20-11-2005, 19:56
I am American, but I still voted for us having awesome freedom fries.
20-11-2005, 19:59
I am American, but I still voted for us having awesome freedom fries.
I disagree, when you fry freedom, it tends to get so deep fried that it's worthless. I prefer fried potatoes myself.
I voted stop picking on us, refering to all of the other threads and flamebaits, not just this one. I hate Bush, by the way, and I like the semi-socialist government of Canada.
When did you vote?
If you voted after people voted that they don't like anything about the US, then that comment has nothing to do with you.
If you voted before people blah blah blah the US, then isn't that a victim complex? I mean, it is assuming that the US is going to be the victim of a voter, before that has manifested itself.
20-11-2005, 20:04
I would also like to point out no one has given an effective argument America is not doing well internally.
I have gotten no response as to what you were relating the US to. Africa? Asia? Europe? South America? North America? Itself? Another country in particular?
20-11-2005, 20:06
Too bad he wouldn't let any blacks have their vote. :(
Well this is totally BS. They did have their vote.
20-11-2005, 20:07
50% participation.
About 52% voted for Bush.
So that only makes about 26% of Americans who have dubious political choices.
So your saying that we shouldn't have a voice in government because of the choices we make?
20-11-2005, 20:14
So your saying that we shouldn't have a voice in government because of the choices we make?
No, those numbers were given to inform me of how many americans I do not, politically, like.
However, there is more than politics to liking a person.
It does give me the estimate that every fourth american will be a supporter of Bush and thus, I should avoid politics with every fourth american.
20-11-2005, 20:16
No, those numbers were given to inform me of how many americans I do not, politically, like.
However, there is more than politics to liking a person.
It does give me the estimate that every fourth american will be a supporter of Bush and thus, I should avoid politics with every fourth american.
Actually, some of us voted for Bush because the Democratic candidate was worse than the current administration. That doesn't mean we all support Bush.
The Chinese Republics
20-11-2005, 20:21
No, Canadians don't hate Americans. They're nice people. It's just they (Americans) got a very shitty government. Remember this article? :D
20-11-2005, 20:28
Actually, some of us voted for Bush because the Democratic candidate was worse than the current administration. That doesn't mean we all support Bush.
If you don't like a candidate, don't vote for him!
I blame this on the two party system of the US.
20-11-2005, 20:31
If you don't like a candidate, don't vote for him!
I blame this on the two party system of the US.
Ok, I didn't like Kerry so I didn't vote for him.
20-11-2005, 20:34
Too bad he wouldn't let any blacks have their vote. :(
Yeah, he eats babies too! :rolleyes:
20-11-2005, 20:36
I don't hate ALL Americans - just the bigots, admin and hickish rednecks.
I'm a hickish redneck. what the fuck did I ever do to you?
The Chinese Republics
20-11-2005, 20:36
I blame this on the two party system of the US.
Hey! Let's get rid of the 2 party system and install the 4 party system, Canadian Style!:D
Hmmm... let's see: Obviously there will be Liberals and Conservatives, there's going to be a New Democratic Party of America replacing the old "centre-left" Democratic Party, and also there's going to be a seperatist Bible Bloc Party. Sounds good? :D
20-11-2005, 20:38
Hey! Let's get rid of the 2 party system and install the 4 party system, Canadian Style!:D
Hmmm... let's see: Obviously there's will be a Liberals and Conservatives, there's going to be a New Democratic Party of America replacing the old "centre-left" Democratic Party, and also there's going to be a seperatist Bible Bloc Party. Sounds good? :D
Nah, I prefer the six+ party system, where four parties have to get together to form a coalition.
Now That's what I call the will of the people (and every person gets to vote for the party that resembles their ideals most).
Ok, I didn't like Kerry so I didn't vote for him.
Did you vote for Bush?
If yes, did you support Bush?
If no, why did you vote for him then?
Edit: Wait a minute! I was supposed to avoid political discussions with people who voted for Bush! Argh!
20-11-2005, 20:42
Did you vote for Bush?
If yes, did you support Bush?
Only on a few key issues.
If no, why did you vote for him then?
His tough foriegn policy and strong on National Security. Lieberman is also strong on defense and security but I guess he was to much near the middle for the dems to choose him :(
Edit: Wait a minute! I was supposed to avoid political discussions with people who voted for Bush! Argh!
The Chinese Republics
20-11-2005, 20:43
Nah, I prefer the six+ party system, where four parties have to get together to form a coalition.In addition to the 4+ party system, there's going to be Greens, Communists, Libertarians, Marijuana Party, Sex Party, Work Less Party, oh my!
20-11-2005, 20:44
I am Canadian....
I wouldn't say I hate america.... for their ignorance, greed and so on...
I think they have too much power..... Canada and the USA are so young as far as independance is concerned. Its Europe that should have that sort of power.
*cough* like Nazi Germany *cough*
But in all seriousness... anyone with that much financial power (when clearly economy dominates in societies worldwide) would abuse it for their own personal greedy desires.
Theres my opinion, I'll leave you with that. You may do as you wish with it.
Hopefully you've caught my drift and its clear to you where I'm going with this.
20-11-2005, 20:49
Oh and another thing:
I feel the only reason people vote for Bush right now is because they're in a middle of a war!
Bush is wise in a sence that he's hostile with middle eastern countries, but its for his own greedy purposes. Let me explain:
Who in the right mind would change power during an election when they're in a war? Bush has plans, he has power.... the people rely on him because he knows more about the situation that anyone else: (duh, he caused it!). So the people can't really vote for anyone else, because its unlikely that they'll come to a solution more effective than Bush's. If they vote for someone else, they're putting the country potentially at risk of an attack, and a possible defeat. Since everuone knows, a change in power is very crucial for a nation because it is when they are most weak. Bush went to war because he wants votes!
20-11-2005, 20:55
In addition to the 4+ party system, there's going to be Greens, Communists, Libertarians, Marijuana Party, Sex Party, Work Less Party, oh my!
And the Greens will join together with the Marijuana Party to form the Extreme Green Party, whereafter the Sex Party and Work Less Party join together in the Hedonist Party, the Communists and Socialists continue to bicker until you get the Blood Party (extreme communists) and the People's Party (socialists).
Then, the Hedonist and Extreme Green Party decide to join together as two seperate parties, thus gaining 30% of the power while the Blood Party and People's Party relunctantly band together to get 40%. The remaining conservative and capitalist parties get overruled by the Commie and Hippie parties that join together to form a coalition of 70%, where each party has somewhere between 15-25% of the actual votes.
The remaining parties then try to unite to get their voice and occasionally convince important parts of the coalition to side with them, rather than the commie parties. Hedonist and Extreme Green parties become the middle ground and suddenly, a bunch of nazis and commies decide to start a civil war. This civil war is quickly beaten by the conservaties and center socialists, who then create their own party that wins a 60% majority in the next election.
Note: This is a fictional political story, not to be taken seriously. Have fun.
20-11-2005, 20:58
Current admin and leader, and not terribly fond of a great many of the people responsible for them being elected.
I still can't comprehend that part.
20-11-2005, 21:00
Oh and another thing:
I feel the only reason people vote for Bush right now is because they're in a middle of a war!
Bush is wise in a sence that he's hostile with middle eastern countries, but its for his own greedy purposes. Let me explain:
Who in the right mind would change power during an election when they're in a war? Bush has plans, he has power.... the people rely on him because he knows more about the situation that anyone else: (duh, he caused it!). So the people can't really vote for anyone else, because its unlikely that they'll come to a solution more effective than Bush's. If they vote for someone else, they're putting the country potentially at risk of an attack, and a possible defeat. Since everuone knows, a change in power is very crucial for a nation because it is when they are most weak. Bush went to war because he wants votes!
Now, I'll call your Bullshit. You don't go to war to gain votes. You go to war to jack up the economy. It is a relatively known fact that wars are good for the economy :D
20-11-2005, 21:07
Wait a minuite last time I checked it was Europe lending america billions of our money to help bail out their economy (not to mention oil and other stuff)
along with asia or have a missed something (thats europe and asia lending america money)
basicly americas economy is going bye bye probably within the next 10 years or so.
I'm a Canadian, and I have no problem with either Americans or GWBush.
20-11-2005, 21:15
Wait a minuite last time I checked it was Europe lending america billions of our money to help bail out their economy (not to mention oil and other stuff)
along with asia or have a missed something (thats europe and asia lending america money)
basicly americas economy is going bye bye probably within the next 10 years or so.
I highly doubt it. The United States ecnomy is running on all cylinders. Jobs are being created in all sectors of the economy.
So I'm going to have to ask you where you got your information since I'm just not seeing it.
Hate is such a strong word there young Plator. :eek:
I voted for the current Bush administration, but I don't hate them. I just have a severe dislike for their brand of politics. It would also appear that the majority of Americans are leaning that way these days as well.
Semantics semantics.
How'd a Canuck vote for Bush????:confused:
21-11-2005, 04:37
I hereby pledge allegiance to Willy Wonka, and for the chocolates for which he stands.
*Ooompa! Loompa! Doompa-dee-doo!
I've got a perfect puzzle for you!
Oompa! Loompa! Doompa-da-dee!
If you are wise you will listen to me!
What do you with an imbecile prez?
Doing whatever his handler says.
Why not elect an accountable chap?
Instead of settling for crap?
(I don't like the look of him)
Oompa! Loompa! Doompa-dee-doo!
If you're not greedy you will go far.
You will live in happiness too.
Like the Oompa! Loompa! Oompa-dee-doo!*
21-11-2005, 04:42
Semantics semantics.
How'd a Canuck vote for Bush????:confused:
No need to be confused my friend. I voted that I "hate" the current Bush administration, although I am loathe to use the word hate. Extreme dislike would be the reality.
I do remember the days when I was full of hate and they weren't pleasant. There is a lot of hate in this world, and I see it on these boards and in the news.
However, I remain forever optimistic that there is hope yet for the human species. :)
Now the poverty rich divide is massive, I am not denying that, but the poor here do fairly well. At least compared to the rest of the world. Rawls my friend had it right when he said its okay for someone to be richer than another if everyone benefits. As for Iraq, tactically only time will tell if it was a success or failure, I am currently tinkering with the idea that we went into Iraq for selfish reasons. Not oil, Haliburton made less from Iraq than Moore. But I have heard the theory we went in there just to help the value of the dollar and were succssful on that note. Dont know that much bout economics though.
Your protest however is America is being a bully? How exactly?
The US is the biggest terrorist state in the world. They just make up other names to suit them when they want to. The perfect example is when they vetoed a security council vote (1986) to say all UN members would not break international law. That was when they were carrying out massive terrorist actions in Nicaragua and the US knew it was breaking int'l law. They voted against the law. But when someone else breaks int'l law or even thinks of it well off the US goes and invades. Bomb now ask questions later. The US bombed a pharmceutical comany in Sudan during Clinton's reign. That company provided about 90 per cent of life saving drugs to the Sudanese people. Since that thousands have died. The US just shrugged its shoulders and said sorry it was a mistake. Now if someone bombed 90 per cent worth of American parhamceuticals well it would be Afghanistan and Iraq all over again. Basically the US says - we can kick the shit out of you and cause thousands of deaths but don't even think about hurting one of ours. Now there's hypocrisy for you.
Slutty catholic girls who take it up the ass because that doesn't count as sex isn't what I'm looking for. :p
Hmmm. Do they do a reach around?;)
21-11-2005, 04:49
*Doomp- adee - doomp!*
Oh and another thing:
I feel the only reason people vote for Bush right now is because they're in a middle of a war!
Bush is wise in a sence that he's hostile with middle eastern countries, but its for his own greedy purposes. Let me explain:
Who in the right mind would change power during an election when they're in a war? Bush has plans, he has power.... the people rely on him because he knows more about the situation that anyone else: (duh, he caused it!). So the people can't really vote for anyone else, because its unlikely that they'll come to a solution more effective than Bush's. If they vote for someone else, they're putting the country potentially at risk of an attack, and a possible defeat. Since everuone knows, a change in power is very crucial for a nation because it is when they are most weak. Bush went to war because he wants votes!
Well since you're in a war (which Bush says was won over a year ago) then maybe Bush can bring in emergency measures to stop elections until it's over. Which should the year 2020????
Wait a minuite last time I checked it was Europe lending america billions of our money to help bail out their economy (not to mention oil and other stuff)
along with asia or have a missed something (thats europe and asia lending america money)
basicly americas economy is going bye bye probably within the next 10 years or so.
Guess what? Even if Europe and asia are lending us money, THEY OWE US. They owe us vast quantities of money for rebuilding their nations after World War one and two. Just try to figure the interest on that. In fact, the only country that ever paid off its debt to the US is either Belgium, Denmark, or the Netherlands. I can't remember which.
Guess what? Even if Europe and asia are lending us money, THEY OWE US. They owe us vast quantities of money for rebuilding their nations after World War one and two. Just try to figure the interest on that. In fact, the only country that ever paid off its debt to the US is either Belgium, Denmark, or the Netherlands. I can't remember which.
Uhhh, You don't mention anywhere about the AMOUNT of external debt.
From the CIA website it shows american debt at 1.4 Trillion as of I'm not sure why they update the site for other countries (to 2004 figures) and not for the US, maybe they don't want to admit the amount of debt the US is in.
Acccording to this site
the american debt is now just over 8 trillion...
I'm not sure what the world figure is exactly on the cia website (may just be a total of all the countries on the list) and I'm too lazy to check. Anyhow, do you really think it is smart for the american govt to be spending trillions of dollars that they don't have? Also, considering the fact that the external debt has increased 5 fold since 2001, shouldn't you be worried what that means for the american economy in the future? If that world figure is just a sum of all countries debts, then I can't see why you are arguing that other countries owe the US interest because the US is on top of the list of debt to other countries...
21-11-2005, 08:59
Only the ones that bomb our soldiers.
It's not like we have that many to start with.
Guess what? Even if Europe and asia are lending us money, THEY OWE US. They owe us vast quantities of money for rebuilding their nations after World War one and two. Just try to figure the interest on that. In fact, the only country that ever paid off its debt to the US is either Belgium, Denmark, or the Netherlands. I can't remember which.
The Marshall Plan did not include asking the nations to pay the US back. It was part of the US's Truman Declaration - to protect the world from communism.
Manx Island
21-11-2005, 17:11
I highly doubt it. The United States ecnomy is running on all cylinders. Jobs are being created in all sectors of the economy.
So I'm going to have to ask you where you got your information since I'm just not seeing it.
It is common knowledge among the International press that the USAs have a huge debt, that got even worse since the Bush administration came by. They got a debt of 500 billions because of Irak, and have to pay for the hurricanes they had in the south recently. (Just so you know, 500 billions is the actual debt of Canada).
In fact, I don't hate ALL the Americans. However, there are many that I hate. Recently, their laws passed on have been stupid. Example: The Shoot First Act in Florida, which is supposed to "lower the criminality". If you can use a gun anytime to defend yourself if you feel agressed in any ways, it will make a paranoïd group. The Bush administration has no respect for his own beliefs and for the rest of the world. They are contributing to isolate the US in their little glass sphere and make them think that they're the best in the World (Nationalism like that is a part of Hitler's manipulation sysytem. When you make people think they're superior, they tend to like you. Truth is, an average Joe from Australia, China or Japan is as good as any American).
The last thing I hate is religion and freedom (which is usually a good thing). Freedom is actually, in the US, a way to manipulate the people. "If you want to be free, vote for me". Talk about the FREEDOM OF CHOICE when you are free to vote, but to be free, vote for somebody in particular. That's totally illogical. Last thing is God. In the first US constitution, it is said that religion and politics are two different things. When the War on Terrorism is considered as a holy war... Ish... George Bush's Bishop often asks to see the President to talk about such matters where politics and religion are too closely linked, but lately, Bush refused to see him.
In the end, I don't hate the Americans. I hate the Americans who have some prejudice against other people, or who believe that God's will is everywhere and that it should change your life. However, I hate this about everybody. I'm not only generalizing this on the US.
21-11-2005, 17:43
The US empire is the source of all evil in the world today.
The US empire is the source of all evil in the world today.
Well evil is kind of a harsh word. They are responsible for a lot of war, poverty and general disillusionment though. ;)
Asylum Nova
22-11-2005, 04:42
Well, as my good Canadian penpal has said to me:
"Canada doesn't hate America. Canada watches over our little brother and shake our heads at the things he does though."
-Asylum Nova
I've got dual canadian-american citizenship, so needless to say, I don't hate americans, seeing as I am one technically (though I don't really feel too american) and my entire family is american as well (the only other canadians are my sisters)
23-11-2005, 01:19
Well, as my good Canadian penpal has said to me:
"Canada doesn't hate America. Canada watches over our little brother and shake our heads at the things he does though."
-Asylum Nova
Last time I checked, the United States is actually older than Canada :rolleyes:
23-11-2005, 01:36
Yeah, that's why Canada is called America Jr.
:headbang: why cant we all just get along, eh? I dont hate Americans, just their leadership at present. But no President lasts forever right?
Last time I checked, the United States is actually older than Canada :rolleyes:
The US has just been stuck in teen mode for longer, that's all! :D
<joke! joke! Stop throwing eggs!>
23-11-2005, 02:11
U.S. has been a nation longer, but Canada had the first settlement in North America. Even if it only lasted a few months :D
23-11-2005, 03:07
U.S. has been a nation longer, but Canada had the first settlement in North America. Even if it only lasted a few months :D
I guess you're talking about the French settlement Port Royal - the one where they all came down with scurvy? Well, apart from not being 'Canadian', they weren't really the first, either. The Norse were here a long time ago. They stayed. The Irish are said to have come over, though I can't say they stayed. The Portugese came but just fished and went home, though they kept coming back. The Phoenicians are also said to have fished and traded in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
I don't know about the west coast, but there'd been lots of people coming and going along the east coast. Y'know, it's a big place after all.
23-11-2005, 05:09
Who really cares if the Canadians hate Americans? As an American, I can say that I certainly don't. Gee, hope that doesn't hurt anyones feelings (not that I care about that either).
23-11-2005, 06:08
Who really cares if the Canadians hate Americans? As an American, I can say that I certainly don't. Gee, hope that doesn't hurt anyones feelings (not that I care about that either).
I think that is the whole problem. Americans dont care what others think. They just go around the world and do whatever gets them the most (power, resources, money etc). Americans seem to think the world owes them something. When America starts to act like one country of many instead of one country over many, we will get along better. That is the Canadian model and that is why Americans vacationing in Europe etc wear Canadian flags. We are more respected around the world.
I dont hate Americans, I talk to them everyday in my job. I sell American clothes to Americans because they prefer my polite unassuming ways to rude American ways. There are polite Americans and rude Canadians too.
Btw Did you know that during the war of 1812 when America tried to annex Canada from the British, a Canadian regiment set fire to your Whitehouse? We kicked your ass bullyboy. :D You'll never see that in American history books. We are a country that resisted and you respected us for it. Now you just take us for granted. :(
I shouldn't have started. Viva la difference!
23-11-2005, 06:12
I think that is the whole problem. Americans dont care what others think. They just go around the world and do whatever gets them the most (power, resources, money etc). Americans seem to think the world owes them something. When America starts to act like one country of many instead of one country over many, we will get along better. That is the Canadian model and that is why Americans vacationing in Europe etc wear Canadian flags. We are more respected around the world.
I dont hate Americans, I talk to them everyday in my job. I sell American clothes to Americans because they prefer my polite unassuming ways to rude American ways. There are polite Americans and rude Canadians too.
Btw Did you know that during the war of 1812 when America tried to annex Canada from the British, a Canadian regiment set fire to your Whitehouse? We kicked your ass bullyboy. :D You'll never see that in American history books. We are a country that resisted and you respected us for it. Now you just take us for granted. :(
I shouldn't have started. Viva la difference!
As a suggestion to our European friends, if you ever want to verify whether a person with a Canadian flag is actually Canadian, ask them to tell you where Winnipeg is.
23-11-2005, 06:33
As a suggestion to our European friends, if you ever want to verify whether a person with a Canadian flag is actually Canadian, ask them to tell you where Winnipeg is.
Southern Manitoba. It's the provicial capital. I know that, and I'm an American.
23-11-2005, 06:39
Southern Manitoba. It's the provicial capital. I know that, and I'm an American.
But judging from your name you're from Maine, which over here is commonly refererred to as "Lower New Brunswick".
No offense, really. That state and province are pretty much the same kind of place.
Secret aj man
23-11-2005, 06:42
Say what?
Cheney is doing ok with Halliburton options:
Halliburton has been making money hand over fist (
A few other US contractors have done alright as well.
i may be wrong,but i believe,even though he spouted that he didn't,that moore has large chunks of stocks in the above mentioned company..savvy investor or decide i guess.
Only the ones that bomb our soldiers.
It's not like we have that many to start with.
Yeah, that was a piss-off. The guy got docked like a year's pay and was grounded for life and he acts like he was punished so severely... I mean, he only killed four men who were fighting on his side.
Last time I checked, the United States is actually older than Canada :rolleyes:
Yeah, we just grew up faster.
23-11-2005, 07:10
Bush is a poor leader but I don't hate him. He gives us all a good laugh :p
I voted for no, nothing, and I'm from Canada. I love Americans! :)
23-11-2005, 07:10
Yeah, we just grew up faster.
And the land that is now Canada was discovered first. :p
And the land that is now Canada was discovered first. :p
Indeed. :)
23-11-2005, 07:17
As a Canadian I just feel that Bush is a dumb ass, even though he provides the Daily Show with at least twenty episodes worth of material.
As for America as a whole, meh. I jsut like my friends who live in America, other than that meh.
23-11-2005, 08:28
50% participation.
About 52% voted for Bush.
So that only makes about 26% of Americans who have dubious political choices.
That's just one opinion, and not necessarily the correct one. Maybe the idea to have Sean "Puffy" Combs help get out the vote for Kerry wasn't the best idea. With friends like that, who needs enemies? :p
23-11-2005, 16:17
I guess you're talking about the French settlement Port Royal - the one where they all came down with scurvy? Well, apart from not being 'Canadian', they weren't really the first, either. The Norse were here a long time ago. They stayed. The Irish are said to have come over, though I can't say they stayed. The Portugese came but just fished and went home, though they kept coming back. The Phoenicians are also said to have fished and traded in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
I don't know about the west coast, but there'd been lots of people coming and going along the east coast. Y'know, it's a big place after all.
Go back and learn history Dobbsworld. Leaf Erickson was here first before the French. Nice try though.
Manx Island
23-11-2005, 16:56
Leif Erickson found the Newfoundland and fished there for around 200 years before. However, he remained close to the bank and never established a colony. After the Spanish who found some islands close to America, the first nation to really start a colony here weren't the British, but the French, who found the coasts of Gaspé, close to the Saint-Laurent, in Québec, Canada. A few years after, the British installed themselves.
Now that was my point on Hystory of America. Try not to start a fight 4 nothing :P. We've got Bush to do that already. Thing is, this history isn't real important. I doubt there be a competition between "which nation was founded first". The thing is that we should talk about what makes the US and the Canada different...
Well, there's religion, nationalism, war, left-right wing divergence, population, place of private/public enterprise in the country, and finally, the way the countries are seen on the International .
In Canada, there ARE highly religious people. Thing is, they don't rule 20% of the provinces. Religion is used as a way of manipulation, and has been so for a long time. My opinion is that religion is something that should not be taken litteraly. Most of the decisions about the Bible have been taken 200 years after Jesus' death, by the emperor Constantine, who used catholicism as a way to control his people easier.
The issue on nationalism: okay, everybody thinks they have a strong nation. Canada isn't an exception. Thing is, we do not think that the PEOPLE of the country are superior to people in other countries. When the prime minister goes out of Canada, he adresses himself to the people of that country. Last time Bush came to Canada, he adressed himself to the American people. I'm no racist, but that makes America become self-centered.
War: Well, there's been Irak, Viet-Nam, Gulf war, Afghanistan, Yougoslavia, and Cuba. They helped civil wars in Chile, armed Iraqis in the '80's, etc. The industry of war is really strong in US. However, when you sell AK-47s for 5$ (oh, a small fact: the weapon salesmen sell Ak-47s and show how 8 year-old kids can assemnble it and shoot) to terrorists and people who wish to install a dictatorship or take control of a country. After that, they tend to get "friendlier" with the American, and accept cheap labor and private enterprise. Thing is, it returns in their face (Hussein, Bin Laden were armed at first by the United States). America has a weaponry strong enough to destroy 10 times our planet (now tell me what it's used for... once the planet explodes once, there's no need to make it explode 9 more times).
In Canada, our last hostility towards a country was Afghanistan. Before that, our last major conflict was WW2. We made alot of peace missions, however, in Bosnia, tried to avoid genocide in Rwanda, and participated to many UN peace missions. Okay, we don't have real weapons except slingshots and rocks. Anyways, we can by AK-47s for 5$ :P and who would seriously want to threaten Canada? We have a peaceful reputation.
Right-left wing: Okay... Here are a few facts: there are more bankruptcies in the US than there are people who graduate from University every year. There is a ratio of 2,5 shopping centers for 1 school. (Good priorities :P) The health public system is almost inexistant (too costly). In Canada, there are many social systems controlling welfare, and the health system is almost all public, and efficient. The education system works well. However, in Canada, we got McGill, while in the US, there's Harvard and Yale... And in the US the rich are richer than in Canada, even if the poors are way poorer and have almost no way of getting out of poverty.
Last thing I'll talk about (cuz it's gettin long) is the International relations:
America has made, through the recent years, a reputation, and Canada also. This goes with the point about war also. America interfered in many wars to get a profit out of it, and their private enterprise control most of the industries that employ kids for a low low low salary in third-world countries (I'm talking about kids getting paid in cents for a 16-hous day's work). Since they didn't respect UN decisions and want to start free-trade to abuse of third-world countries even more, there's a reason why people in the world don't like America.
And one last thing: Ignorance.
Ignorance is the worst thing for a REALLY free country. The elite can manipulate the ignorants easily, saying for example that Iraq's war was justified, that the US were found before Canada, etc. It's easy, when you got a poor population to manipulate them. What I like is when I hear speeches from American leaders. 3 aspects are important in the Republican speeches: "Freedom, Religion, God bless America". Thing is, when people tell you: "To be free, vote for me", there's a problem. Freedom of choice is freedom also. Religion has always been a way to manipulate the population, Bush know it. Thing is, he's not really religious (he doesn't want to see his bishop in the White House. Last time I heard his bishop talked to him, his bishop told him to stop talking about God in politics). In the American constitution, George Washington mentioned that never should Religion interfere in the government's affairs.
Well, that's about it. Anyone want to add something? (Sorry it was big, there are lots of things to talk about)
23-11-2005, 17:11
The people who say they hate everything about America are obviously quite ignorant. I love their hypocrisy.
Deep Kimchi
23-11-2005, 17:13
Go back and learn history Dobbsworld. Leaf Erickson was here first before the French. Nice try though.
Ummm, Sinuhue, help me out here.
The First People, or aboriginals, were here long before everyone else.
As an example, the Inuit have been here for at least 4000 years.
23-11-2005, 17:16
Ummm, Sinuhue, help me out here.
The First People, or aboriginals, were here long before everyone else.
As an example, the Inuit have been here for at least 4000 years.
Your right however, I was debunking Dobbsworld that the French where here first. However, I will admit that I didn't read his post thoroughly.
Go back and learn history Dobbsworld. Leaf Erickson was here first before the French. Nice try though.
How does that contradict what she said? She said the Norse were here a long time ago...yes, before the French, which is also what you's your point?
Edit: I think you discovered your error...
Ummm, Sinuhue, help me out here.
The First People, or aboriginals, were here long before everyone else.
As an example, the Inuit have been here for at least 4000 years.
Yeah, I love this idea that we were 'discovered'.
"Holy shit! White people are here! Finally we have been discovered! Yay!":rolleyes:
And there is considerable archeological evidence that the Inuit were preceeded by the Dorset and the Thule.
But I guess you only count when you're European?
And yes people, we too had 'nations'.
Ummm, Sinuhue, help me out here.
The First People, or aboriginals, were here long before everyone else.
As an example, the Inuit have been here for at least 4000 years. notice that Wikipedia has the Thule as 'arriving' in Alaska in the year 500AD, and then spreading into 'Canada' in the year 1000 (and meeting the Norse in that same year...busy people! Thousands and thousands of kilometres from one coast to the other in a year! Wow! Maybe they had planes carved out of soap-stone?). Ridiculous. Time to stick some changes in.