NationStates Jolt Archive

Celebratory NS Animation

13-11-2005, 14:34
To celebrate NationStates' third birthday, I've written and drawn a small 'animation' starring SalusaSecondus.

Enjoy! (

Addendum: it works best if you put the speed to maximum.

Further addendum: Imagine film noir music playing while you watch.
13-11-2005, 14:44
13-11-2005, 14:49
Daddy, why is the man leaking red stuff?
I V Stalin
13-11-2005, 14:55
Goddamn! I'm trying to write two essays, and you distract me with this?! Bloody good, though!
Pure Metal
13-11-2005, 15:01
brilliant! :)
13-11-2005, 15:19
Was his cellphone a potato?
13-11-2005, 15:32
Actually, he's supposed to be holding the phone to his ear with his other arm. The squeaking 'potato' is a hamster called Geoff. :)
13-11-2005, 15:39
Actually, he's supposed to be holding the phone to his ear with his other arm. The squeaking 'potato' is a hamster called Geoff. :)

Were any animals harmed during the production of this animation?
13-11-2005, 15:39
I believe that was a hamster of sorts. I want to be a mod! Yet, I have no programming experience. Pity.
13-11-2005, 15:41
That story was far too complex for me to follow.
13-11-2005, 15:46
wow........i'm lost for words..............
13-11-2005, 15:56


13-11-2005, 16:10
I'm confuzled.... you said it was SHORT! far too complicated for 3 o'clock on a sunday afternoon...
The Mindset
13-11-2005, 16:18
That story was far too complex for me to follow.
This might be simpler:

EDIT: Poo, my hosting is borked. :(
13-11-2005, 16:20
To celebrate NationStates' third birthday, I've written and drawn a small 'animation' starring SalusaSecondus.

Enjoy! (
CLASSIC! Kudos! :D
13-11-2005, 16:22
I believe that was a hamster of sorts. I want to be a mod! Yet, I have no programming experience. Pity.
Yeah! Me too! The power ... the POWER! Mwahahahahaha! :D
The Mindset
13-11-2005, 16:30
This might be simpler:

EDIT: Poo, my hosting is borked. :(

13-11-2005, 16:35
A bit ... um ... repetitive, is it not? :p
The Mindset
13-11-2005, 16:39
A bit ... um ... repetitive, is it not? :p
Simple minds require simple routines. :P
13-11-2005, 17:39
It's Max Barry's severed head floating in blackness with someone saying "Can't touch this"! I loves it.
The Mindset
13-11-2005, 18:32
It's Max Barry's severed head floating in blackness with someone saying "Can't touch this"! I loves it.

Well, no, but it will be that if you don't have Flash Player 8 installed, since weird things happen to version 8 swfs when played on older versions.
13-11-2005, 18:57
Sirocco, that was another lovely animation. :) The hamster was so cute! :fluffle:
Arizona Nova
13-11-2005, 19:19
Lol, huzzah for both flashes, and happy third birthday NS!
16-11-2005, 09:23
To celebrate NationStates' third birthday, I've written and drawn a small 'animation' starring SalusaSecondus.

Enjoy! (

Addendum: it works best if you put the speed to maximum.

Further addendum: Imagine film noir music playing while you watch.
Easily worthy of an Oscar.
ind you those things are worthless but still best Storyline and Cinematography ever.
16-11-2005, 10:05

Though now I have an urge to create a poll on if SalusaSecondus is The Phantom of the Opera or The Shadow... ;)
Santa Barbara
16-11-2005, 10:10
While I thought it was excellent, unfortunately the pornographic material contained within traumatized my nephew and my brother has chosen to file a civil suit against you, Salusa. Also, I didn't particularly appreciate the part with all the zombie sex. Bad Salusa! No wonder NS is so corrupt! It's run by zombies and their sympathizers!
16-11-2005, 11:00
my story is better

The Life and Times of Robert E. Lee (
18-11-2005, 10:30
my story is better

The Life and Times of Robert E. Lee (
Is it really?
18-11-2005, 12:17
Heh, I've done others too. I'm going to do an 'animation starring each mod. I've already done Katganistan, TJ Hairball, and Cogitation. You can all decide who's next if you like.
The Plutonian Empire
18-11-2005, 13:09
Heh, I've done others too. I'm going to do an 'animation starring each mod. I've already done Katganistan, TJ Hairball, and Cogitation. You can all decide who's next if you like.
can you star Myrth, even though he's not a mod anymore?
18-11-2005, 13:26
Very nice! :D
Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 13:34
Take this (!
18-11-2005, 13:36
Take this (!

Crapart rocks!!!
18-11-2005, 13:37
Take this (!

short and to the point.

Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 13:43
God I love Artpad
18-11-2005, 13:45
God I love Artpad

Whoa, is that the elephant man coming out of the cake!?
Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 13:47
Whoa, is that the elephant man coming out of the cake!?
It's Sal!.... you might not recognise him because he isn't wearing any clothes

How about now?
Pure Metal
18-11-2005, 13:47
Take this (!
rarr!! (
18-11-2005, 13:48
It's official: Artpad rocks.
Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 13:52
rarr!! (

And yes Artpad does rock
Pure Metal
18-11-2005, 13:57

lol! ;) (hahaha my link says "ass" lolololol :D)
(artpad rules)
Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 14:09
lol! ;) (hahaha my link says "ass" lolololol :D)
(artpad rules)'s-ass (

Pure Metal
18-11-2005, 14:14's-ass (

lol! your wish is my command, o pirate master :D

*sparks one up*

*goes to work :( *
Legless Pirates
18-11-2005, 14:19
lol! your wish is my command, o pirate master :D

*sparks one up*

*goes to work :( *
I'm AT work :p
18-11-2005, 14:57
I'm AT work :p

*hands you a special brownie*

That's the spirit!
Pure Metal
18-11-2005, 15:05
I'm AT work :p
so was i :p
...and am still
just had to go actually do some work ;)