NationStates Jolt Archive

Any really great remedies for...

09-11-2005, 18:37
Head lice? Right now, I'm about to have my head greased with canola oil, because the little monsters are becoming immune to lice shampoo. My parents were chatting about 'flea shampoo' this morning, and I've been having my head nit-picked for five hours.:headbang:
09-11-2005, 18:39
If nit-picking doesn't work, shaving it all off is usually the best option, I've heard. Lice aren't exactly an area that medicine made any break throughs recently, as far as I've heard. (There's just no Nobel Prize awaiting the person that finds a cure for lice...:p )
09-11-2005, 18:39
Shave your head.
09-11-2005, 18:42
-cough- I'm a chick. In school. Hell. No.
I've also heard that consuming large amounts of garlic and hot sauce works well. GARLIC BREAD!


:( I dun wanna shave my head!
09-11-2005, 18:42
It kind of sounds like you keep getting reinfested...or is this just a super-race of lice? Where is the source? Have you been changing your linen? (lice is a fact of life on crowded Reservations) Nitpicking is the best way to do it, but you need a VERY fine comb to do it well enough. And it is VERY time consuming, but it's really the only way to make sure you get all the suckers and their eggs. After that, you need to do some serious laundry to make sure they aren't nestled anywhere in your clothes or bedclothes. Then you need to avoid being reinfested...which again leads me to the question of source.
The South Islands
09-11-2005, 18:43
Battery Acid?
09-11-2005, 18:43
-cough- I'm a chick. In school. Hell. No.
I've also heard that consuming large amounts of garlic and hot sauce works well. GARLIC BREAD!

Lots of garlic will drive your friends and family away, but lice are not going to leap to their deaths in droves.
Deep Kimchi
09-11-2005, 18:44
1. Go to the doctor
2. You will get a prescription for something that kills lice
3. Wash all of your bedding and clothing in HOT water - and make sure you dry it in a HOT dryer
4. Use the prescription on your hair - and use a lice comb to remove nits. Have someone else do this because you won't be able to do it yourself thoroughly
5. Repeat this procedure in about 10 days - when more lice will attempt to hatch

09-11-2005, 18:45
Head lice? Right now, I'm about to have my head greased with canola oil, because the little monsters are becoming immune to lice shampoo. My parents were chatting about 'flea shampoo' this morning, and I've been having my head nit-picked for five hours.:headbang:
Join the skinheads. :)

Seriously now, shaving your head would be the safest option. I shaved my head too, back in the 10th grade (it was my choice, not because of the lice or any other parasites), and it's not a tragedy. Just be sure not to be too tanned (like I was), because in that case you'll have a dark face and a white skull, which looks really strange. :p
09-11-2005, 18:45
Shaving you head is the best. But, I have to ask, where and how have you been picking up lice so often that the shampooes don't work anymore? Are you not getting all of them killed and their offspring have mutated with a resistance gene, or do you guys just have some really tough lice in your area? Ridding them from your hair and/or body does no good if you don't treat infested areas such as furniture, carpeting, bed linen and mattresses, clothing, coats, hats, scarves, etc. You have to do a thorough and complete sweep or you'll never get rid of them. my head itches!
09-11-2005, 18:46
1. Go to the doctor
2. You will get a prescription for something that kills lice
3. Wash all of your bedding and clothing in HOT water - and make sure you dry it in a HOT dryer
4. Use the prescription on your hair - and use a lice comb to remove nits. Have someone else do this because you won't be able to do it yourself thoroughly
5. Repeat this procedure in about 10 days - when more lice will attempt to hatch


Lice crap ish all over the counter... >< I've been sitting on my mom's lap forever... ><
Drunk commies deleted
09-11-2005, 18:47
I've never had head lice, but I've had the more embarrasing kind. The over the counter stuff doesn't work well. Using a special comb to remove the nits will get rid of them. Just make sure you use it every day until there are no more lice.
09-11-2005, 18:48
Join the skinheads. :)

Seriously now, shaving your head would be the safest option. I shaved my head too, back in the 10th grade (it was my choice, not because of the lice or any other parasites), and it's not a tragedy. Just be sure not to be too tanned (like I was), because in that case you'll have a dark face and a white skull, which looks really strange. :p
Look, when it takes months, if not years to grow your hair out long, shaving your head over LICE is not a desireable option. Nor is it even remotely necessary. AND the OP has indicated it's not going to perhaps this particular suggestion could be laid to rest?
09-11-2005, 18:49
Head lice? Right now, I'm about to have my head greased with canola oil, because the little monsters are becoming immune to lice shampoo. My parents were chatting about 'flea shampoo' this morning, and I've been having my head nit-picked for five hours.:headbang:
try to get a prescription lice shampoo, after it is rinsed use vinegar on your hair, it makes the nits slippery so they slide off easier.

make sure you treat your entire house, brushes combs bedding furnature. everything.
09-11-2005, 18:49
Poor DCD...

I know someone who had body lice when they were six. I think that they've mutated into something crap-resistant... And I picked them up at camp, from my buddy's hat. In late JULY/early AUGUST.
09-11-2005, 18:49
I've never had head lice, but I've had the more embarrasing kind. I'm glad the only variety I've had has been the head lice!
09-11-2005, 18:54
Look, when it takes months, if not years to grow your hair out long, shaving your head over LICE is not a desireable option. Nor is it even remotely necessary. AND the OP has indicated it's not going to perhaps this particular suggestion could be laid to rest?
Look, it took me more than three minutes to type the previous post. I didn't read her comment before posting, so I couldn't know she's a girl. Anyway, I don't understand why you picked me, since I'm not the last to give the shaving advice.
09-11-2005, 18:56
Try running a hot bath with LOADS of bubble-bath and the like, then just submerge your head as far as you can without being uncomfortable (with your face still above water) and let the little critters dromn, the soap stops them from swimming or getting out, then just rinse your hair with a shower and unplug the bath, should clear the majority
09-11-2005, 18:57
Look, it took me more than three minutes to type the previous post. I didn't read her comment before posting, so I couldn't know she's a girl. Anyway, I don't understand why you picked me, since I'm not the last to give the shaving advice.
LOL...sorry...I should have made it more clear that I was speaking to all previous, and future posters, not just you:)
09-11-2005, 19:00
Try running a hot bath with LOADS of bubble-bath and the like, then just submerge your head as far as you can without being uncomfortable (with your face still above water) and let the little critters dromn, the soap stops them from swimming or getting out, then just rinse your hair with a shower and unplug the bath, should clear the majority

Sounds fun!
Carnivorous Lickers
09-11-2005, 19:01
Just a story related to the topic:

My late German grandmother told us how when she was a child and Italians moved into the neighborhood, they got lice from them somehow.
Her grandmother-in between beating them with a cane- braided her hair in corn rows and treated it with KEROSENE.

Apparently, it worked.

I have never had it myself, nor have my children. I would follow the advise I have read on here to dilligently wash with over the counter lice shampoos, use the nit comb thoroughly and often and the advise to wash all bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on the higher heat setting.

If you've already really done these, its time to speak to a professional.
09-11-2005, 19:03
Just a story related to the topic:

My late German grandmother told us how when she was a child and Italians moved into the neighborhood, they got lice from them somehow.
Her grandmother-in between beating them with a cane- braided her hair in corn rows and treated it with KEROSENE.

Apparently, it worked.

I have never had it myself, nor have my children. I would follow the advise I have read on here to dilligently wash with over the counter lice shampoos, use the nit comb thoroughly and often and the advise to wash all bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on the higher heat setting.

If you've already really done these, its time to speak to a professional.

Tee hee hee! 'beating them with a cane'. My own grandmother suggested this very method... And my lovely hair was tenderly put into a pony tail and lopped off.
09-11-2005, 19:04
Methylated spirits kill anything. You'll smell like a homeless alcoholic, but who cares.
09-11-2005, 19:07
Methylated spirits kill anything. You'll smell like a homeless alcoholic, but who cares.
What the heck are methylated spirits? And I'd rather not be subjected to hours of counseling for underage drinking O-Wise-One-With-Bowl-Hats-And-Jack-Daniels. ;)
Carnivorous Lickers
09-11-2005, 19:08
Tee hee hee! 'beating them with a cane'. My own grandmother suggested this very method... And my lovely hair was tenderly put into a pony tail and lopped off.

Good luck- I hope you can free yourself of this without any drastic measures-and not share it with anyone else.
09-11-2005, 19:10
LOL...sorry...I should have made it more clear that I was speaking to all previous, and future posters, not just you:)
OK. Peace. :)

To Amarnaiy: You cpuld try 'attacking' the lice with different substances at the same time. Use that special shampoo, use some kerosene etc. This way, if some of them have developed resistance to one substance, maybe the other will kill them off.
09-11-2005, 19:11
To Amarnaiy: You cpuld try 'attacking' the lice with different substances at the same time. Use that special shampoo, use some kerosene etc. This way, if some of them have developed resistance to one substance, maybe the other will kill them off.
Sounds dangerous... Yet amazingly fun!!! Where'd I put that kerosene? -muses-
Carnivorous Lickers
09-11-2005, 19:13
OK. Peace. :)

To Amarnaiy: You cpuld try 'attacking' the lice with different substances at the same time. Use that special shampoo, use some kerosene etc. This way, if some of them have developed resistance to one substance, maybe the other will kill them off.

I would strongly recommend AGAINST using Kerosene or any other fuels.

I'll add that I know my grandmother had dandruff her entire life and that might be the least harmful side effect of having kerosene on your head.

Just talk to a professional. Save yourself some time, grief and possibly bodily harm.
09-11-2005, 19:15
What the heck are methylated spirits? And I'd rather not be subjected to hours of counseling for underage drinking O-Wise-One-With-Bowl-Hats-And-Jack-Daniels. ;)

Heh :)

It's ethanol with additives. Cheap but very poisonous alcohol, used mostly as a solvent, but it can also be a cheap antiseptic if nothing else is available. It'll kill 'em, believe me, even if nothing else will.

EDIT- I wouldn't use a lot of it though. Apply it with a cotton bud to affected areas.
10-11-2005, 14:20
You dont need crazy chemicals, like the sort suggested.
Sure, that stuff will kill em...but it will probably also feck up yer hair.

All you need is any kind of conditioner...and a very, very fine tooth comb.
Like the kind used on pets, for fleas.

Just comb the conditioner through..and comb out all the nits.

Others have suggested washing EVERYTHING YOU OWN, in HOT water...this is a must.

Also, buying a bug-bomb, and bombing your house afterwards, is a good idea.
Celestial Kingdom
10-11-2005, 14:31
Try visist a dermatologist, get some goldgeist-liquid (prescription drug), rinse afterwards with vinegar (several times), boil-wash all your clothes, change duvet and cushion, place the stuff that can not be boil-washed in a plastic bag and stuff it into the freezer (-18°C) for at least ten days...if it all doesn´t work...well swallow the pill and cut your hair off (no need to shave though, process will work better in shorter hair)

By the way, I´m a MD
10-11-2005, 14:33
I prescribe fire and plenty of it.

Especially if used in conjunction with the kerosine option.
10-11-2005, 14:44
I perscribe fire and plenty of it.

That's your answer to everything! :D

I had head lice when I was younger. I lived close to the ocean in Florida, and found that swimming in sea water was remarkably effective at removing the nits.

'Course, not everybody has this option...
10-11-2005, 14:56
I doubt lice will like peroxide much. So you could always bleech your hair and maybe put another color in.
10-11-2005, 14:58 my head itches!damnit, now my heads starting to itch too.. I think they might be transferring via the internet.
10-11-2005, 14:59
Lysol. Who doesn't love Lysol? Lice.

Then again I have a poor memory, you might not want to listen to me, but it can't be worse than Kerosene.
Commie Catholics
10-11-2005, 15:05
I'm told Kerosene does the trick. Just stay away from any open flames. ;)
10-11-2005, 15:39
A SPAS-12 shotgun...

...Damned Headlice.
10-11-2005, 15:43
Try visist a dermatologist, get some goldgeist-liquid (prescription drug), rinse afterwards with vinegar (several times), boil-wash all your clothes, change duvet and cushion, place the stuff that can not be boil-washed in a plastic bag and stuff it into the freezer (-18°C) for at least ten days...if it all doesn´t work...well swallow the pill and cut your hair off (no need to shave though, process will work better in shorter hair)

By the way, I´m a MD
wow. that is almost the same thing I said, except I forgot to put about deep freezing teddy bears and such......... I think I worked in a headlice infested daycare too long, I am glad I don't have to deal with the little critters anymore. ;)

now as far a kerosene, it will burn if you have scratches on your head(which you probably do if you have been nit picking) and it is bad for your skin

bleaching or perming your hair would work but you still need to get the nits out, because it won't kill all of those and you could end up reinfested.

make sure you clean everything, and vacuum and throw out the vacuum bag too. (If you keep it sometimes you can get reinfested that way)
10-11-2005, 15:50
A SPAS-12 shotgun...

...Damned Headlice.
SPAS is over kill, use a crowbar.
10-11-2005, 15:52
SPAS is over kill, use a crowbar.

The Spas is more fun. Catch them in mid-air as they jump at you, it's just like trapshooting!
10-11-2005, 15:52
For dogs and cats there's things you can feed them that will make fleas die if they drink the blood. There's a good chance it'll work against lice as well.
I'm not sure how eager you'd be to take cat/dog medicine, but I'm sure it wouldn't be more harmfull to you than a pet. :p
10-11-2005, 15:59
ah, lice. amazingly successful animals, aren't they? :rolleyes: