When you wish upon a star....
http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/5475/demotivators18621352181oj.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
So, you seen any good demotivators lately. My band mates have had bout of enthusiam that must die.
The Tribes Of Longton
08-11-2005, 00:36
Branin's back. Ohh yeah...
I mean, I knew you had returned, but wasn't aware you were making funky threads again
Branin's back. Ohh yeah...
I mean, I knew you had returned, but wasn't aware you were making funky threads again
Damn straigt.
The Tribes Of Longton
08-11-2005, 00:49
Damn straigt.
Damnit man, the white text is white for a reason! FOR A REAAASOOONNN!!!
Also, make your friends watch Philadelphia. Demotivated the hell out of me, strangely.
08-11-2005, 01:35
Bra-nin! Bra-nin! Bra-nin!
*dances around fire*
08-11-2005, 01:52
So, you seen any good demotivators lately. My band mates have had bout of enthusiam that must die.
Man, if you're to a point that you have to go hunt for demotivation, doesn't that say enough about you?
And yet I replied. And took the time (and it is time consuming on a portable device) to hunt through my image archives for this, so I could share it with you, in case you haven't seen it before:
An old personal favourite.
08-11-2005, 02:38
And for those who are too lazy/uncreative to shorten the URL, more of them can be found here:
08-11-2005, 02:40
And for those who are too lazy/uncreative to shorten the URL, more of them can be found here:
Or maybe, like, at www.despair.com (http://www.despair.com), which is the official website of the company that produces them? :rolleyes:
Simonist']Or maybe, like, at www.despair.com (http://www.despair.com), which is the official website of the company that produces them? :rolleyes:
I like their candy hearts for valentines day. "Aim lower" is a personal favorite
"dreams are like rainbows. Only idiots chase them"
Damnit man, the white text is white for a reason! FOR A REAAASOOONNN!!!
Also, make your friends watch Philadelphia. Demotivated the hell out of me, strangely.
I started the white text. I'll blacken it if I so choose (or would you prefer pink?)
Bra-nin! Bra-nin! Bra-nin!
*dances around fire*
I have a cult! Yay!
Anarchic Christians
08-11-2005, 18:39
Elitism: It's lonely at the top but you get a great view.
Always liked that one.