The Insurgents are high?
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 01:22
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline, and morphine when they go out to fight us. DAMN! No wonder they're so hard to kill! They are juiced up! Isn't that against Islamic teaching?
I don't know if anyone has ever tried liquid adrenaline, but it makes Meth feel like sleeping pills.
07-11-2005, 01:24
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline, and morphine when they go out to fight us. DAMN! No wonder they're so hard to kill! They are juiced up! Isn't that against Islamic teaching?
I don't know if anyone has ever tried liquid adrenaline, but it makes Meth feel like sleeping pills.
Killing captives in cold blood is against Islam too, but that doesn't seem to prevent them from doing that either.
Neo Kervoskia
07-11-2005, 01:25
Morphine only act against them?
07-11-2005, 01:27
It's hardly surprising: COMPLETELY UNSUBSTANTIATED GENERALISATION APPROACHING many soldiers/fighters are.
07-11-2005, 01:29
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline, and morphine when they go out to fight us. DAMN! No wonder they're so hard to kill! They are juiced up! Isn't that against Islamic teaching?
I don't know if anyone has ever tried liquid adrenaline, but it makes Meth feel like sleeping pills.
Holy shit that's crazy. But wouldn't morphine make them go to sleep?
07-11-2005, 01:31
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline, and morphine when they go out to fight us. DAMN! No wonder they're so hard to kill! They are juiced up! Isn't that against Islamic teaching?
I don't know if anyone has ever tried liquid adrenaline, but it makes Meth feel like sleeping pills.
Those guys are on the wrong track. Wouldn't PCP be as effective? The labs for it could be set up anywhere.
Holy shit that's crazy. But wouldn't morphine make them go to sleep?
The adrenaline probably counteracts that, so the morphine just dulls pain and makes them able to keep fighting even when wounded to incapacitation.
07-11-2005, 01:32
Holy shit that's crazy. But wouldn't morphine make them go to sleep?
No, the adrenaline would counter-act that. They'd be hyped up, with faster basic reflexes and an increased pain treshold. Liberia is accused of having doen a similar thign in past conflicts.
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 01:34
Morphine only act against them?
Not when you put two in their chest, and they keep firing because they don't feel it!
~EDIT~ When I wrecked my bike, and I used morphine patches, I was actually pretty active. It only makes you sleepy if you lay down, and have nothing to do.
Pepe Dominguez
07-11-2005, 01:38
Eh.. I'd regard this as rumor for now.. pure adrenaline is a bit expensive to be common among insurgents in Iraq, and I'm not sure it'd be effective, either. Maybe cheap speed, like benzedrine or something..
07-11-2005, 01:40
Eh.. I'd regard this as rumor for now.. pure adrenaline is a bit expensive to be common among insurgents in Iraq, and I'm not sure it'd be effective, either.
Many parts of the jihadist movement are well-funded.
07-11-2005, 01:43
Why am I not surprised? Because the US Army has been injecting soldiers with amphetamines for YEARS. Kinda funny that the Islamic Terrorists are copying the "Great Satan" (United States(.
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 01:47
Why am I not surprised? Because the US Army has been injecting soldiers with amphetamines for YEARS. Kinda funny that the Islamic Terrorists are copying the "Great Satan" (United States(.
Actually, it's the pilots, I believe.
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 01:48
Eh.. I'd regard this as rumor for now.. pure adrenaline is a bit expensive to be common among insurgents in Iraq, and I'm not sure it'd be effective, either. Maybe cheap speed, like benzedrine or something..
Not expensive in a culture where human life isn't worth much. Adrenaline comes from the human adrenal gland.
07-11-2005, 01:54
This is not unlike Somalis on cot.
Are people complaining? They're going up against the world's richest military. Of COURSE they'd try to even the odds just a little bit. This is the age of 4th generation warfare. If anyone's sitting here saying "Those bastards can't do that! That's cheating!" then I fart in your general direction.
Beer and Guns
07-11-2005, 01:55
The shows called " shoot out " its on the history channel and tonight they are doing Falujha ..I'm watching it now . Its a good show...I cant believe this is " history " already . The marine that shot the grenade through the window at 300 yards while on his back that was amazing , what a way to splat a sniper ..:D
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 02:01
The shows called " shoot out " its on the history channel and tonight they are doing Falujha ..I'm watching it now . Its a good show...I cant believe this is " history " already . The marine that shot the grenade through the window at 300 yards while on his back that was amazing , what a way to splat a sniper ..:D
THATS WHAT I'M WATCHING! :D Thats where they were talking about the liquid adrenaline. did you see it?
07-11-2005, 02:07
Sick Nightmare, Bartlett's Book of Quotations has your Mark Twain quote as "It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them."
I don't know if it's intended to be changed like that, and if it is, it shouldn't be quoted as Twain. The more people fudge quotes, the more screwed up the meaning gets in the future.
Sick Nightmares
07-11-2005, 02:13
Sick Nightmare, Bartlett's Book of Quotations has your Mark Twain quote as "It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them."
I don't know if it's intended to be changed like that, and if it is, it shouldn't be quoted as Twain. The more people fudge quotes, the more screwed up the meaning gets in the future.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll look into it and correct it. Misquoting someone is on my list of NO NO's. THNX!
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline, and morphine when they go out to fight us. DAMN! No wonder they're so hard to kill! They are juiced up! Isn't that against Islamic teaching?
I don't know if anyone has ever tried liquid adrenaline, but it makes Meth feel like sleeping pills.
Yeah it probably is against Islamic teaching to get high. Which means the ones doing it probably aren't devotely muslim.
07-11-2005, 02:41
There's the problem right there. The insurgents are on morphine and adrenalin while the American's are on meth and MDMA. If only they were all smoking weed instead then this would be a much less bloody affair.
Soviet Haaregrad
08-11-2005, 02:11
Those guys are on the wrong track. Wouldn't PCP be as effective? The labs for it could be set up anywhere.
PCP might be effective if they wanna lay on the floor drooling and watching the walls breath, but not for fighting.
Deep Kimchi
08-11-2005, 02:34
Historically, fighters from most nations have either become drunk or otherwise "enhanced or debilitated".
The Germans on the Eastern Front in WW II recall that they could tell when a major Russian attack was going to start, because for a few hours prior, the Russian soldiers would get roaring drunk and start singing and yelling. And once the battle started, they were really, really belligerent drunks.
Harder to stop.
The problem with any "enhancement" is that while you may be numb to pain and injury, your forebrain is also quite numb.
08-11-2005, 02:45
I'm watching a special on The History Channel, and it is saying that a high number of the insurgents in Iraq are high on things like liquid adrenaline...
History for those suffering short-term memory loss is my guess. So if Iraq rates as 'history' on the HC, what does that make the Nixon years? The Paleolithic?
Gargantua City State
08-11-2005, 02:52
Actually, it's the pilots, I believe.
That's what America blames for the friendly fire incident that killed 4 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Those drugs mess you up, but hey! They improve performance in fighter pilots! They'll kill stuff WAY more efficiently all doped up! Go get 'em boys!
That's what America blames for the friendly fire incident that killed 4 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Those drugs mess you up, but hey! They improve performance in fighter pilots! They'll kill stuff WAY more efficiently all doped up! Go get 'em boys!
It's for staying awake for longer flight times and night-ops.
Neu Leonstein
08-11-2005, 03:51
This is hardly a new idea though...
Look at the Malmedy Massacre ( in WWII - Peiper and his guys were up to the ears filled up with all sorts of chemicals...they were capable fighters nonetheless, but it looks like it lowered their threshold for violence a bit.
Neu Leonstein
08-11-2005, 03:55
It's for staying awake for longer flight times and night-ops.
Yeah, and when they come home, they can't sleep and need to take medication so they can rest.
Then the next shift they get up again, swallow more pills and fly off.
That can't be good for you - I saw a documentary a while ago where one guy (who wanted his identity to be kept secret) said he was addicted when he left the Air Force and he still can't get off the pills.
Marrakech II
08-11-2005, 03:56
Yeah it probably is against Islamic teaching to get high. Which means the ones doing it probably aren't devotely muslim.
Of course they are not devout muslims. Because a real muslim wouldnt do the crap that they do.
But the drugged up fighters wouldnt suprise me. Many armies in the past and present use drugs for there soldiers. The most well known would have been the Nazi's.