NationStates Jolt Archive

Moore A War Profiter?

05-11-2005, 01:49
interesting... (

Peter Schweizer:Michael Moore is constantly trying to prove his and the Left's moral superiority, so he says things about himself that are patently not true. He's pathological about it. How else to explain that he's loudly proclaimed no less than three times that he doesn't invest in the stock market because it's morally wrong while quietly picking up shares in a whole host of companies. A portfolio that includes Halliburton, Boeing, and HMOs doesn't fit the bill so he lies about it. I think he assumed that no one would poke around and investigate. When it comes to the MSM he was correct in making that assumption. He never responded to my questions. I'm dying to know how he explains away this one.

Granted, I don't know how valid this source is, but it would be interesting to know if Moore really does have shares in all the corporations he constantly demonizes.
05-11-2005, 01:57
Well regardless of these allegations, he did profit from 9/11 and the Iraq War through his "documentary" Farenheit 9/11
Terrorist Cakes
05-11-2005, 02:08
interesting... (

Granted, I don't know how valid this source is, but it would be interesting to know if Moore really does have shares in all the corporations he constantly demonizes.

It's an opinion, so there is no guaruntee of validity. If he can provide proof, then I will consider changing my opinion about Moore. For now, I still think he's pretty cool.
Blue Rocket
05-11-2005, 02:11
That fat sack of shit makes his ill-gotten millions off of lies, shock value, and the blood of our brave troops. We used to call that sort of stuff like that profiteering. I passionately hate that stupid, hypocritical bastard.
Enlightened residents
05-11-2005, 02:18
That fat sack of shit makes his ill-gotten millions off of lies, shock value, and the blood of our brave troops. We used to call that sort of stuff like that profiteering. I passionately hate that stupid, hypocritical bastard.
Wow, talk about hypocrits! I bravely point to our present president and his administration.
05-11-2005, 02:18
Get over it.
05-11-2005, 02:18
That fat sack of shit makes his ill-gotten millions off of lies, shock value, and the blood of our brave troops. We used to call that sort of stuff like that profiteering. I passionately hate that stupid, hypocritical bastard.

You mean like how Halliburton and its subsidiaries scored No Bid Contracts on Post-Invasion Iraq? Oh God forbid one of our own should turn human suffering into profit!
Terrorist Cakes
05-11-2005, 02:19
That fat sack of shit makes his ill-gotten millions off of lies, shock value, and the blood of our brave troops. We used to call that sort of stuff like that profiteering. I passionately hate that stupid, hypocritical bastard.

Let me guess. You are related to/friends with an American soldier?
Blue Rocket
05-11-2005, 02:22
Nope. Canadian. :)
Psychotic Mongooses
05-11-2005, 02:23
Meh... he's a pompous, irritating and populist tit (much like Galloway) but he says things that represent the feelings of a lot of people around the world (also like Galloway) and at least has the balls to go for the jugular... (like Galloway).
Blue Rocket
05-11-2005, 02:25
You mean like how Halliburton and its subsidiaries scored No Bid Contracts on Post-Invasion Iraq? Oh God forbid one of our own should turn human suffering into profit!

We're not talking about Haliburton, are we. I only slung mud at Moore, and did in no way attempt to glorify Halliburton. Way to try and shift the blame off of Moore.:rolleyes:
Neo Kervoskia
05-11-2005, 02:26
Probably, but megh.
05-11-2005, 02:27
We're not talking about Haliburton, are we. I only slung mud at Moore, and did in no way attempt to glorify Halliburton. Way to try and shift the blame off of Moore.:rolleyes:

Halliburton is documented to have scored No Bid Contracts on Iraq. There is no documented proof that Michael Moore has stocks in these companies. Nice way to try and "discredit" Moore. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
05-11-2005, 02:29
interesting... (

Granted, I don't know how valid this source is, but it would be interesting to know if Moore really does have shares in all the corporations he constantly demonizes.Moore Movie " Farenheit 9/11" has made a lot of money.

So he has made a profit....
do I care?

05-11-2005, 02:29
Moore is a panfleteer, that is he sensationalises fact and opinion for profit, but does have a genuine belief in his opinions none the less.
Blue Rocket
05-11-2005, 02:30
Halliburton is documented to have scored No Bid Contracts on Iraq. There is no documented proof that Michael Moore has stocks in these companies. Nice way to try and "discredit" Moore. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
But we aren't talking about Halliburton... And I simply disagree with Moore. I have no interest in fellating him in a manner similar to the majority of fourteen year old emo kids in their parents' basements. You are free to beelieve him right, as I beleve him wrong.
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 02:38
But we aren't talking about Halliburton... And I simply disagree with Moore. I have no interest in fellating him in a manner similar to the majority of fourteen year old emo kids in their parents' basements. You are free to beelieve him right, as I beleve him wrong.

Now there's a mental picture to turn the stomach.
05-11-2005, 02:53
Its not of interest unless it is true, if it is true, then it's mildly amusing.
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 03:00
Its not of interest unless it is true, if it is true, then it's mildly amusing.

One might assume that like a lot of people, Moore has some mutual funds in one form or another.

A mutual fund may contain Halliburton, and the investor may never know (because most don't bother to find out).

There are "politically correct" mutual funds out there - but most people invest in them just for show - if you want to earn interest, you're better off in another mutual fund.
05-11-2005, 03:28
One might assume that like a lot of people, Moore has some mutual funds in one form or another.
Assume away, but I maintain it's funnier if it's true than if it's only assumed to maybe be true.

A mutual fund may contain Halliburton, and the investor may never know (because most don't bother to find out).
There are "politically correct" mutual funds out there - but most people invest in them just for show - if you want to earn interest, you're better off in another mutual fund.
Right, and?

None of that confirms whether or not it is true and thus amusing (nor mitigate any of the amusingness in the case that it is true).
05-11-2005, 03:40
You mean like how Halliburton and its subsidiaries scored No Bid Contracts on Post-Invasion Iraq? Oh God forbid one of our own should turn human suffering into profit!

"A man gets slapped and now goes to some other man and slaps him."
05-11-2005, 04:48
I have heard of this before though, supposedly he has something like 2,000 shares in Halliburton and they're not some mutual fund thing. I'll go try and dig that up, but if anyone else can confirm this that'd be nice.
The Soviet Americas
05-11-2005, 04:54
I was going to say to Blue Rocket something to the extent of "/violin", but he doesn't like emo kids either so that makes him alright in my book.

PS: I'm not too fond of Moore myself, but I am sick of everyone bashing him.
05-11-2005, 05:41
Good. Something for me to tear to bits before I go to bed.

1) It's opinion, unsourced, loose with facts and written in hacky inflammatory overtones.

2) The logic of the writer is as sad as his understanding of the issues.

3) Peter Singer is not a hypocrite but he IS controversial.

I have doubts about some aspects of utilitarianism even though I believe in triage but that doesn't make me a hypocrite. I simply do not adhere to the idea that a single ideology can be universally applied to everything. I would not call a member of the Republican Party a hypocrite if they believed in evolution, a FACT that is treated doubiously by many in his party.

The mother of Princeton bioethics professor Peter Singer is lucky that her son is an hypocrite. Her son is a leading proponent of excising the undesirable — the imperfect via abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. The disabled would fall under there, also, sometimes, the elderly.

Peter Singer's mother has Alzheimer's.

All true (except the hypocrite part).

Singer experienced the complexities of some of these questions in his own life. Singer's mother had Alzheimer's disease, which rendered her, in Singer's system, a "nonperson". He did not euthanise her, saying, "I think this has made me see how the issues of someone with these kinds of problems are really very difficult." In an interview with Ronald Bailey he explained that he is not the only person who is involved in making decisions about his mother (he has a sister). He did say that if he were solely responsible, his mother might not be alive today. This incident has led to accusations of hypocrisy. However, Singer has never argued that a non-person who is not suffering has to be euthanised- only that it could be morally acceptable to euthanise.

Being stedfast in manditory euthanasia/infantcide/abortion would be Nazi-esque. Too bad he never demanded it be mandatory. He supports debate on the issue and stresses that old taboos on life and death need to be discussed.

He is not a hypocrite. He is a scientist, a philosopher, very open-minded on the issue and apparently the most renowned bioethicist in the world.

The writer, however, is only a hack.

Later on I found this tidbit:

Schweizer: All I would ask a Michael Moore fan do is look at the facts. Moore professes to hate capitalism ("the last evil empire" he's called it) but practices it in spades. Moore condemns people for their racism and claims to support and practice affirmative action, but has a lousy record of hiring minorities. He outsources post-production film work to Canada so he can pay non-union wages. I could go on and on. I would ask his fans: is this really a sincere person?

Perhaps he dislikes monopolies and the abuse of employees, the environment and common sense that some companies commit.

It's getting late so I'll say that I know from personal experience what IS wrong: The non-union wages thing.

That film was notably produced in Halifax, by Salter Street Films. Moore indicated that he could not have made the film in the United States.

He couldn't find a studio to do the job in the USA. Politics was killing freedom of speech in the US. He was poison.

BTW all of the film professionals in Canada have unions. Here's some:

Schweizer: It has to be one about Michael Moore. In his books Michael Moore goes on and on about the fact that Americans are racist because they live in white neighborhoods. It's an example of latent segregationist attitudes in his mind. When I checked the demographics on Michael Moore's residence I burst out laughing. Michael Moore lives in a town of 2,500 in Michigan. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there is not a single black person in the entire town.



When Moore was younger he won a seat on the Board of Education on the platform of firing his old principal, and won. He tried to change a school's name to "Martin Luther King Jr." and the rest of the people on the board well, they acted inappropriately...often...

(Hilarious story. Read the whole thing.)

This, of course, is me having to trust the retarded author on the demographics of Moore's town. The article above shows quite plainly with anecdotal evidence the racist side of a predominantly white town. Dumbass author thinks Moore chose to be born in an all-white town or something so he has no right to preach tolerance. Get the fool a logic pill!

Moore is not perfect (far from it) but people usually have nothing but good things to say about him due to his mother's influence and a "pathological need to be right."


Return to his Roots

At 18, Moore was elected to Davison's school board. He faced recall not long after. Flint's Democratic establishment, led by Larry Stecco, then chairman of the party, helped Moore fight the recall.

Friends sensed great possibility when Moore became editor of the Voice.

He made people believe.

"Roger & Me" shook that belief, many said, because he'd aired dirty laundry and made fun of those he said he was out to protect.

In the movie, he convinced Stecco to talk on camera at a "Great Gatsby" party. Stecco looks foolish. He sued and won.

The format became a pattern. Provocative thesis. Questionable context. Irony. Legions of critics, often in his own sphere.

"People thought he was pimping the working class," Riddle said. "He became defensive."

Hamper said the thin-skin goes back to high school, where Moore was often bullied because he wore his hair long and talked about things other than sports.

At an appearance at Michigan State University in late January, Moore took questions after his two-hour talk. A student asked if rumors about him building on a wetland Up North were true.

Silence. Then: "Don't know what you're talking about."

According to state records, Moore partially filled in a wetland to improve his beach. He quickly fixed the problem and wasn't fined.

Why deny it?

"A pathological need to be right," Hamper said.

That same eddy of his mind drives his passion, his populism.

"He hasn't changed much," said Gibbs, who is working with Moore on his new movie, "Fahrenheit 911," due out this summer.

Life for Moore, Gibbs said, is the same as it always has been, zipping around the counterculture hot spots, fighting the Man.

"All we are doing is trying to put forward what we learned in civics class and church," Gibbs said. "We feel like we are changing the world."

Author is a dumbass. I needed sources. I expected I'd have to find my own. I did. The sky is blue. Again.

Good night.
Avast ye matey
05-11-2005, 06:08
Well regardless of these allegations, he did profit from 9/11 and the Iraq War through his "documentary" Farenheit 9/11

Yeah but he made his millions by cashing in on anti-war and anti-government sentiment, not by selling guns and bombs. Wouldn't that sort of make him... I dunno, a "peace profiteer"? :D
05-11-2005, 06:26
Michael Moore is an evil man; he wants to erode our nation's security and allow communists like him into our government. Why do you think that terrorists haven't hit us since September 11? Because our president had the intelligence and the courage to pass the patriot act and take the war to the muslim world. Moore wants to murder babies or else sexually abuse them. He is also ever so slyly trying to push the anti-Jesus homosexual agenda, which would drive us into the economic dark ages that Europe is suffering though because of their evil socialist anti-life policies. He ought to be whipped once for every fetus and stem cell that he and the liberal traitors in the US media have murdered in their genocidal quest to drive out God from the lives of good Christians.
05-11-2005, 06:41
I was Michael Moore for Hallowe'en. The "team America" version, with the hotdogs and the dancing.
Avast ye matey
05-11-2005, 06:52
Michael Moore is an evil man; he wants to erode our nation's security and allow communists like him into our government. Why do you think that terrorists haven't hit us since September 11? Because our president had the intelligence and the courage to pass the patriot act and take the war to the muslim world. Moore wants to murder babies or else sexually abuse them. He is also ever so slyly trying to push the anti-Jesus homosexual agenda, which would drive us into the economic dark ages that Europe is suffering though because of their evil socialist anti-life policies. He ought to be whipped once for every fetus and stem cell that he and the liberal traitors in the US media have murdered in their genocidal quest to drive out God from the lives of good Christians.

Is Ginnoria serious? Because the first time I read through this I was actually laughing at what an awesome parody of the evangelical right this is.
05-11-2005, 06:54
Is Ginnoria serious? Because the first time I read through this I was actually laughing at what an awesome parody of the evangelical right this is.

You know, I do this every so often and it's surprising how many people take it seriously. :eek:
The Soviet Americas
05-11-2005, 07:46
You know, I do this every so often and it's surprising how many people take it seriously. :eek:
Why is it surprising? What you said is a perfectly legitimate possibility.
Imperial Dark Rome
05-11-2005, 08:43
Look at all of the hypocrites here. You would believe any lie about Bush or any other republican as long as it's something bad about them, but when it comes to a liberal everyone has a quick change of tone. "Oh it's not fact" "It's only a opinion" "The author is making it up".

Get over it Moore defenders. It's a fact! Moore owns shares of Halliburton. "According to IRS records, Michael Moore owns at least several hundred thousand dollars in stock and has a broker, even though he has repeatedly claimed he "doesn't own a single share of stock.""

And here's another thing that proves Moore is yet again a hypocrite.

Moore says that conservatives are racist because they don't support affirmative action but Moore has an abysmal record of hiring blacks. Out of the last 135 individuals Michael Moore hired, only three were black.

~Satanic Reverend Medivh~
Lovely Boys
05-11-2005, 10:07
Meh... he's a pompous, irritating and populist tit (much like Galloway) but he says things that represent the feelings of a lot of people around the world (also like Galloway) and at least has the balls to go for the jugular... (like Galloway).

Hence the reason I avoid Moore like the plague; if I want something that is atleast funny and informed, I would prefer spenind $20 of my hard earned cash on an Al Frankin book which is atleast humorous and littered with facts rather than the rantings of an overweight guy looking for a justification for his existance.
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 13:29
Assume away, but I maintain it's funnier if it's true than if it's only assumed to maybe be true.

Right, and?

None of that confirms whether or not it is true and thus amusing (nor mitigate any of the amusingness in the case that it is true).

What makes you think I care whether it's true or not. I'm just making an observation.

You know, it's getting tiresome - people think I'm on one side or another, or think I'm making some moral judgment on a topic, just because I make an observation.
05-11-2005, 13:43
Michael Moore is an evil man; he wants to erode our nation's security and allow communists like him into our government. Why do you think that terrorists haven't hit us since September 11? Because our president had the intelligence and the courage to pass the patriot act and take the war to the muslim world. Moore wants to murder babies or else sexually abuse them. He is also ever so slyly trying to push the anti-Jesus homosexual agenda, which would drive us into the economic dark ages that Europe is suffering though because of their evil socialist anti-life policies. He ought to be whipped once for every fetus and stem cell that he and the liberal traitors in the US media have murdered in their genocidal quest to drive out God from the lives of good Christians.haha...



that was a good one.
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 13:48



that was a good one.

He's about as funny as you are, Ocean.
05-11-2005, 13:54
He's about as funny as you are, Ocean.howdareyou...

I am way funnier than him... :D

and mine is bigger than yours :p
05-11-2005, 14:04

I am way funnier than him... :D

and mine is bigger than yours :p

Burn Baby Burn...

:D :D :p :D
Blue Rocket
05-11-2005, 14:18
Look at all of the hypocrites here. You would believe any lie about Bush or any other republican as long as it's something bad about them, but when it comes to a liberal everyone has a quick change of tone. "Oh it's not fact" "It's only a opinion" "The author is making it up".

Get over it Moore defenders. It's a fact! Moore owns shares of Halliburton. "According to IRS records, Michael Moore owns at least several hundred thousand dollars in stock and has a broker, even though he has repeatedly claimed he "doesn't own a single share of stock.""

And here's another thing that proves Moore is yet again a hypocrite.

Moore says that conservatives are racist because they don't support affirmative action but Moore has an abysmal record of hiring blacks. Out of the last 135 individuals Michael Moore hired, only three were black.

~Satanic Reverend Medivh~

It's only too true...
05-11-2005, 14:20
what a fat fuck liar!!! i hope the millions of 20 dollar bills he has all give him paper cuts.
05-11-2005, 14:27
Hence the reason I avoid Moore like the plague; if I want something that is atleast funny and informed, I would prefer spenind $20 of my hard earned cash on an Al Frankin...Good....Chances are Frankin needs it more that Moore anyways...cos as you know...Moore is now a millionare thx to the 911 movie.

He has more money than most of us will ever have.
save your $20

save it...Moore does not care...he doesnt even know you exist :D
05-11-2005, 14:37
what a fat fuck liar!!! i hope the millions of 20 dollar bills he has all give him paper cuts.

Jealous, just because you don't have that money :p
05-11-2005, 14:52
Jealous, just because you don't have that money :p

uhhhh....I.....uhhhh.....shut up!! ;)

no you are right...but just because he has the money does not mean he erned it right....he earned it by hating america and the goverment and making money of the war.
05-11-2005, 14:58
...but just because he has the money does not mean he earned it right.....what movie maker has ever "earned it right"..

Movie makers...they work hard...rite?

also they sometimes get to pick the pretty actresses to play secondary roles...

there is no Business like show business
05-11-2005, 15:09
uhhhh....I.....uhhhh.....shut up!! ;)

no you are right...but just because he has the money does not mean he erned it right....he earned it by hating america and the goverment and making money of the war.

He is being a capitalist just like any other capitalist in the USA. There are many ways to make lotsa money :)
05-11-2005, 15:12
Hence the reason I avoid Moore like the plague; if I want something that is atleast funny and informed, I would prefer spenind $20 of my hard earned cash on an Al Frankin book which is atleast humorous and littered with facts rather than the rantings of an overweight guy looking for a justification for his existance.

I suppose that a Michael Moore book that has plenty of footnotes going back to other sources are all lies? Must be buried in lawsuits to falsely use anothers work. Or perhaps he is telling the truth and just doing it in a loud, rude way? Furthermore what is wrong with making money? I suppose it would be the height of nobility to donate every penny made of his books and movies but a guy has to eat right?
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 15:18
I suppose that a Michael Moore book that has plenty of footnotes going back to other sources are all lies? Must be buried in lawsuits to falsely use anothers work. Or perhaps he is telling the truth and just doing it in a loud, rude way? Furthermore what is wrong with making money? I suppose it would be the height of nobility to donate every penny made of his books and movies but a guy has to eat right?

There are whole books on the distortions or outright lies in Fahrenheit 911, as well as Bowling for Columbine. Moore even admits to it - saying he doesn't have to be accurate since he does the films purely for entertainment value.
05-11-2005, 15:23
There are whole books on the distortions or outright lies in Fahrenheit 911, as well as Bowling for Columbine. Moore even admits to it - saying he doesn't have to be accurate since he does the films purely for entertainment value.
Yea, in reaction to Farenheit 9/11 some1 created FarenHYPE 9/11, to poke holes through all of Moore's lies. And to think my dad actually wanted to see Farenheit....well he got his wish, and about 5 minues through the DVD he realizes it's all a joke.
05-11-2005, 15:26
There are whole books on the distortions or outright lies in Fahrenheit 911...whole books? no half-a-books ???

Moore speaks with the truth...some will beleive some wont...

Regarless ...Moore has made more money than all these negative book writters put together...
05-11-2005, 16:03
Yea, in reaction to Farenheit 9/11 some1 created FarenHYPE 9/11, to poke holes through all of Moore's lies. And to think my dad actually wanted to see Farenheit....well he got his wish, and about 5 minues through the DVD he realizes it's all a joke.

Don't suppose there's a link out there with all the Farenheit errors?
05-11-2005, 16:07
Don't suppose there's a link out there with all the Farenheit errors?of course there is :rolleyes:

There is links about the Moonlanding being fake too.. :D
05-11-2005, 16:10
There are whole books on the distortions or outright lies in Fahrenheit 911, as well as Bowling for Columbine. Moore even admits to it - saying he doesn't have to be accurate since he does the films purely for entertainment value.

Well I guess Moore makes people feel threatened. :D
Sierra BTHP
05-11-2005, 16:19
Well I guess Moore makes people feel threatened. :D

To me. I don't feel threatened by someone who clearly states that he has no obligation to tell the truth, or be accurate, and states that his films are purely for entertainment.

I think it's useful for the books on his distortions and lies to exist - otherwise, a large number of people might conclude that his films are 100 percent true.
06-11-2005, 01:00
What makes you think I care whether it's true or not.
What made you think I cared how he came to or why he came to own the shares (if he owns them)? More to the point did you really care if I cared, or did you care more about posting a post for the sake of...well simply doing your thing?

I'm just making an observation.
I was just making an observation, you made an observation about my observation, I made an observation about your observation about my observation.... :p

I replied to your reply to me for two reasons,
A. I felt like it
B. I prefer to respond to any reply/comment that appears directed at me and reasonable (I'm not much worried if I think someone is being agro, I'll answer only if I feel like it, but dont feel 'obliged' as a matter of politeness to respond). It just seems rude to ignore someone when they are making perfectly reasonable comments that appear directed toward me or my comments.

You know, it's getting tiresome - people think I'm on one side or another, or think I'm making some moral judgment on a topic, just because I make an observation.
Two things; if you find that tiresome, and you like to avoid that which you find tiresome, you are probably not in the right place.
Secondly, I didnt think you were on a 'side' or making a 'moral judgement'. Did you think that I either I did think you were 'on-side' (one way or the other) or did something in my comments lead you to infer as much?

I dont know what your opinion is on the Moore investment' issue, or even if you have one, I can tell you it's a mystery to me why you would interpret my comments as anything other than 'conversational'...:confused:

Was it something I said (typed)?;)
Lovely Boys
06-11-2005, 02:57
Good....Chances are Frankin needs it more that Moore anyways...cos as you know...Moore is now a millionare thx to the 911 movie.

He has more money than most of us will ever have.
save your $20

save it...Moore does not care...he doesnt even know you exist :D

911 is the crappiest movie I have ever seen; if you want to see a good jab at GWB and he Whitehouse, look for the BBC documentry called, "Power of Nightmares", which is available via
Lovely Boys
06-11-2005, 02:59
I suppose that a Michael Moore book that has plenty of footnotes going back to other sources are all lies? Must be buried in lawsuits to falsely use anothers work. Or perhaps he is telling the truth and just doing it in a loud, rude way? Furthermore what is wrong with making money? I suppose it would be the height of nobility to donate every penny made of his books and movies but a guy has to eat right?

Remember how he asked senators and congress people about whether their sons or daughters are in Iraq; it is now on the record that Moore did ask a congress person who then turned around said that both of his children were fighting in Iraq; sorry, its plain out intellectual dishonesty to pick and choose what one likes and dislikes.
06-11-2005, 07:17
It's an opinion, so there is no guaruntee of validity. If he can provide proof, then I will consider changing my opinion about Moore. For now, I still think he's pretty cool.

The only people that think Moore is cool are the one that will never have the drive to validate the twisted garbage that flows from his vile tounge. He hates USA and loves European nations. Gee I wonder why he lives in USA instead of Europe? By the way, his investments have been checked. He along with some other very rich extreme leftists invest through foreign banks with numbered accts and pays no US tax on his wealth that way. At the same time spouting garbage that the rich need to be taxed more, meaning except him of course.
07-11-2005, 02:10
911 is the crappiest movie I have ever him...It does not matter what you think...

With one movie... he made more money that you will make in your lifetime.