Hitler or Bush
31-10-2005, 06:30
This is a hypothetical scenario: Turns out Hitler isn't dead and is in fact alive and well and running for President* and for no adequetly explained reason so is Bush.
So it's your choice. Keep in mind by now Hitler would be old and frail. but possibly have that same moustahce that made him sexy so many years ago.
Poll comming.
*The clause preventing foreign Presidents doesn't apply in my universe, ok?
Secluded Islands
31-10-2005, 06:32
31-10-2005, 06:33
a write-in vote for John Kerry
31-10-2005, 06:34
You were one of those kids who couldn't colour inside the lines, weren't you?
Terrorist Cakes
31-10-2005, 06:34
This is a hypothetical scenario: Turns out Hitler isn't dead and is in fact alive and well and running for President* and for no adequetly explained reason so is Bush.
So it's your choice. Keep in mind by now Hitler would be old and frail. but possibly have that same moustahce that made him sexy so many years ago.
Poll comming.
*The clause preventing foreign Presidents doesn't apply in my universe, ok?
Hitler's not STUPID, so it wouldn't be funny for Canadians like me. I get a kick out of Dubya.
31-10-2005, 06:35
Hitler's not STUPID, so it wouldn't be funny for Canadians like me. I get a kick out of Dubya.
Well thought out answer. You get a cookie.
31-10-2005, 06:35
Hmm... Hitler is smarter than Bush... but Bush is funnier...
So tough...
It would be interesting to be led by hitler. At least you know he's fucking... ambitious.
Terrorist Cakes
31-10-2005, 06:36
Well thought out answer. You get a cookie.
Yeahhhh. I love cookies. :)
31-10-2005, 06:36
Wow, right now Bush is just slightly more popular than Hitler. It's kind of like a choice between arsenic diluted in some water and straight arsenic.
31-10-2005, 06:37
Hitler, simply because i like the idea of a foreign president, assuming he's a citizen. [/discrimiation rant]
It's not like Congress would go along with his nefarious plans to exterminate the Jews, so that's one thing we wouldn't have to worry about. In fact, Congress wouldn't go along with almost anything he had to offer, so gay marriage could be bulldozed through the Senate. :)
Secluded Islands
31-10-2005, 06:38
You were one of those kids who couldn't colour inside the lines, weren't you?
at least my pictures were creative :)
Terrorist Cakes
31-10-2005, 06:43
Hitler, simply because i like the idea of a foreign president, assuming he's a citizen. [/discrimiation rant]
It's not like Congress would go along with his nefarious plans to exterminate the Jews, so that's one thing we wouldn't have to worry about. In fact, Congress wouldn't go along with almost anything he had to offer, so gay marriage could be bulldozed through the Senate. :)
Hitler would trash the consitution, make his own Congress and Senate, and attack the oppostion with Chlorine gas. That's why America needs a Governor General.
IL Ruffino
31-10-2005, 06:43
I voted Bush :(
But then I realised.. Bush and Hitler are the same people.. except Bush is pro-life.. So metaphoricly (did I use that right? sp?) We are all voting for the same person.
Is it bad that I like Hitlers Super (Power?) Race idea? I mean come on, there would be no kkk, no hate crimes, no "tsk tsk" words..
31-10-2005, 06:45
Hitler, simply because i like the idea of a foreign president, assuming he's a citizen. [/discrimiation rant]
It's not like Congress would go along with his nefarious plans to exterminate the Jews, so that's one thing we wouldn't have to worry about. In fact, Congress wouldn't go along with almost anything he had to offer, so gay marriage could be bulldozed through the Senate. :)
But you'd all get cool uniforms...
31-10-2005, 06:45
America needs a Governor General . . .
. . . Like a fish needs a bicycle.
31-10-2005, 06:48
Hitler's not STUPID, so it wouldn't be funny for Canadians like me. I get a kick out of Dubya.
Actually, Hitler is stupid. Come to find out he didn't know how to run a full scale war. He made several big mistakes including declaring war on the United States on December 10th and on the USSR on June 22, 1941.
Hitler isn't as smart as people try to make him out to believe.
I'll vote for dubya because I just don't like hitler.
31-10-2005, 06:50
Is it bad that I like Hitlers Super (Power?) Race idea? I mean come on, there would be no kkk, no hate crimes, no "tsk tsk" words..
It's not that it's a bad idea, it's that he thought that race had to be white. Ideally the super race would and should be out of ALL the races (which there's a hell of a lot of). Then there'd be no kkk, hate crimes [leaving out the fact that premeditated harmful crime against anyone is a hate crime], and tsks tsks.
However, that would take thousands of years and a new ice age between now and then is much more likely. :(
31-10-2005, 06:53
at least my pictures were creative :)
Want to take this outside? ;)
Puppet States
31-10-2005, 06:54
Even on his worst day... i'll take President Bush over a man who systematically attempted to exectue an entire race by means of starvation and literla work till death. Bush might not be the brightest man on the planet, but he hasn't turned into a genocidal maniac killing millions of those he deemed to be "inferior."
That someone, perhaps excepting our Aryan friends on these boards, could choose Hitler over anyone (with the possible exception of Stalin) is simply shocking. Bush or Nixon... now maybe there would be room for debate. But Hitler? I think it's time to take a step away from the computer, put down the mouse, and check back into reality. Compare the Patriot Act with its mostly hypothetical victims to those who really did suffer under the Nuremberg Laws (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws). To even compare the two is insulting and belittling... not to the current populace, but to those who truly suffered and died on account of Hitler's policies.
For those who choose Hitler, i hope you get exactly as you wish. See what a reign of terror is really like.
Mjc Land
31-10-2005, 06:55
Hitler. Because if Osama Bin Laden attacked us, he wouldn't start any "Iraqi Freedom" garbage in response because Iraqi's aren't part of his master race.
In fact, he'd just probably nuke the entire middle east, but that's still better than operation iraqi freedom.
IL Ruffino
31-10-2005, 06:58
However, that would take thousands of years and a new ice age between now and then is much more likely. :( Let the bi-racial breeding begin!
Secluded Islands
31-10-2005, 06:59
Want to take this outside? ;)
nah, its too cold outside. i dont want to catch cold ;)
31-10-2005, 07:02
In fact, he'd just probably nuke the entire middle east, but that's still better than operation iraqi freedom.
I still think we should have called it Operation Iraq Liberation
31-10-2005, 07:04
Bush is twice as popular as Hitler. These are the best approval ratings he's ever had on these forums...
31-10-2005, 07:10
Bush is twice as popular as Hitler. These are the best approval ratings he's ever had on these forums...
That's because of Hitler's track record.
IL Ruffino
31-10-2005, 07:10
Bush is twice as popular as Hitler. These are the best approval ratings he's ever had on these forums...This is HISTORIC! Quick! email the whitehouse!
*gets sudden urge to put quote in sig* hmm.. do I dare?
Neu Leonstein
31-10-2005, 07:19
I don't like Bush...but I like Hitler even less.
31-10-2005, 07:29
That's because of Hitler's track record.
Because he flip-floped?
31-10-2005, 07:30
I don't like Bush...but I like Hitler even less.
How much less? For me they're just on par, except Hitler had better hair, but that's cancelled out by thr extermination of the Jews.
The Chinese Republics
31-10-2005, 07:31
I got a choice between an "oil-loving" guy and a "burn-people-for-fun" guy. I rather pick an "oil-loving" guy.
um... if i lived in the USA i would move to somewhere else... probably europe... maybe Australia...
but consider this:
From: Breaking Godwins Law, Voices of Unreason (http://www.voicesofunreason.com/fullthread$9042)
I close this introduction to my Breaking Godwin's Law series with the tale of a Holocaust survivor who would know better than I what deja vu in this case actually feels like.
From JusticeForNone.com (http://justicefornone.com/article.php?story=20050527204356114), told by the site's administrator
So I heard the moving van pull up this morning. When I got home this evening I happened to spy my neighbor (he's like 85 years old - I don't know exactly, but he's old, talks and moves very slowly) standing on the sidewalk next to the van. I walked over and shook his hand, and we started talking. I asked him where he was moving, and he said, "Back to Germany."
"No," he answered me. "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer. He said good neighbors, people he had known all his life, turned against his family and other Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as if they were starved for it" (his words).
He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if being too young on one end and too old on the other to fight what he saw happening was wearing on him.
I gotta tell you - it was chilling. I let him talk, and the whole time, my gut was churning, like I had mutated butterflies in my stomach. When he was finished, he shook my hand, gripping it really hard, until his knuckles turned white and he was shaking. He looked me in the eyes, hard, and said, "I will pray for your family and your country."
in which state are they running for presidency? in nearly any country, i think they could do with some run by hitler(he was considered a great peacemaker before the war).
althought, just don't let him run for prolonged periods of time:p
Midget Warriors
31-10-2005, 15:13
Hitler. Because if Osama Bin Laden attacked us, he wouldn't start any "Iraqi Freedom" garbage in response because Iraqi's aren't part of his master race.
In fact, he'd just probably nuke the entire middle east, but that's still better than operation iraqi freedom.
I would like to start by stating (in want for a better word)... ^^COCK^^
no doubt if you were asked to descuss what you think about the deaths of innocents in Iraq, you'd go on a "Bush is evil" rant. But given the chance ud choose the death of thousands by someone who invaded countries, and would still do provoked or not.
Also the whole idea of the master race was to kill those that didnt fit in to it (and those that did if they opposed him, but thats another matter). so the iraqis, by not fittin in they would be killed.
So one more time ^^COCK^^
Well, Hitler seemed to be fairly good at managing the economy, getting people into positions where they weren't really wanted, and hiding corruption.
Things Bush doesn't seem to be so good at.
This is a hypothetical scenario: Turns out Hitler isn't dead and is in fact alive and well and running for President* and for no adequetly explained reason so is Bush. So it's your choice.
Bush may be evil, but at least he doesn't invade sovereign nations unprevoked and install puppet governments in thrall to his fascist regime. Oh, hang on...
Very Angry Rabbits
31-10-2005, 15:46
A couple of thoughts.
1. Oh, come on - let reality set in. This is outrageous.
2. Hmmm...is it really possible that Bush is so bad we need to resort to a Hitler comparison?
3. No - but bad enough. When the perspective of time puts this period into history books, it will be listed among the worst US presidential adminstrations ever. That is, provided these clowns don't get to write the history books themselves.
i didn't vote in the poll. could not bring myself to select bush, and certainly could not select the only alternative given
Non Aligned States
31-10-2005, 15:48
Hmmm, I wonder how the poll results would be if the death camps and pogroms were discounted from the issue?
Aggressive wars were done by both candidates, so that stays in.
Very Angry Rabbits
31-10-2005, 15:50
Hmmm, I wonder how the poll results would be if the death camps and pogroms were discounted from the issue?
Not a fair question. That's the same as asking what the poll results would be if stupidity, croonyism, and "legalized torture" were discounted from the issue...
Non Aligned States
31-10-2005, 15:58
Not a fair question. That's the same as asking what the poll results would be if stupidity, croonyism, and "legalized torture" were discounted from the issue...
*shrugs* Oh well.
31-10-2005, 16:01
Adolf Hitler was evil incarnate. Comparing him to President George Bush is irresponsable and foolish. If I could, I would dance and spit on Hitlers' final resting place.
31-10-2005, 17:11
I like Canada. Hitler would invade Canada. I vote Bush.
The South Islands
31-10-2005, 17:14
I like Canada. Hitler would invade Canada. I vote Bush.
If he had another term, I wouldn't feel so secure.
After all, I'm sure if he would have known how big Canada's oil shale (thats it, isnt it?) deposits are, he would have turned those troops right towards Ottawa. :p
31-10-2005, 17:15
I'd pick Hitler. Why? He'd be extremely old and frail, making him easy to kill. Also, he'd be almost universally despised, and would have no support or protection, making him a very easy target. So, I'd put a bullet in his head, lob off his head, and keep it as a souvenir. :D
Marrakech II
31-10-2005, 17:23
It would be interesting to be led by hitler. At least you know he's fucking... ambitious.
But he overran your beloved French.
But he overran your beloved French.
like thats difficult
someone drives to the french border wearing camoflague(sp) clothing , those forgs have the white flags out in no time at all
someone drives to the french border wearing camoflague(sp) clothing , those forgs have the white flags out in no time at all
Oh great, another French-bashing thread. *sigh*
Random Kingdom
31-10-2005, 18:46
Sorry, but it would have to be Hitler, and only for the reason that he was fluent in his language. :p
Besides, if he got elected, there'd be a coup d'etat, and that would be beneficial for America...
Seriously, if I was an American in this scenario, I'd abstain from voting.
... I voted Hotl- sorry, Hitler on the poll, and I'm beginning to regret it already. Damn you "vote and bog off" system...
31-10-2005, 18:50
H. Ross Perot. :p
The South Islands
31-10-2005, 18:55
H. Ross Perot. :p
So....Is he Hitler or Bush?
dunno if this has already been said, but you've noticed the clause that says you must be born in the USA, what about the no 3rd term clause?
and by the way, i'd vote for bush anyway if i were eligable, why do i have to be an under-the-voting age britisher?
31-10-2005, 19:03
So....Is he Hitler or Bush?
Meh, these Hitler-Bush comparisons were obnoxious to begin with. Now they're just tired. :rolleyes: