NationStates Jolt Archive

You call this freedom?

26-10-2005, 22:34
So I'm driving the someone home one night, down NYS route 144, and I see this Self-Storage place. Nothing new, these things are all over these days. But it has this large gravel area with parking spots distinguished with segments of yellow chain deaped between posts about 1.5 feet tall. A sign on theexterior fence says "RV STORAGE" in big red letters. So I ask the person, "why would you want to store your RV here? Most of the houses have relatively large lawns and driveways?"
And he says, "They just passed an ordinance that says you can't have an RV parked in your lawn or driveway. Same goes for unregistered vehicles"

Now let me clarify something. We were driving through the town of Bethlehem, New York. A large number of people here own their own house, and the land that it is on. Most of the people who would have an RV live in houses with enough land to park it there, or, as I saw on a few houses, a small section of driveway next to the garage to park an RV in. The town continues to grow, despite strict laws, very over-congested roads, and taxes that go up, not down, rather than moving a few miles south to a town with lax laws, almost no traffic, amd taxes that go down, despite the town shrinking and overspending by the fire department.
Obviously, the people just don't like the look of the RVs, which, judging by what I've seen, are always clean and shiney. I cna understand not wanting your neighbors having a radio tower in their back yard, but a well kept RV?
And what about the unregistered car? I am willing to bet that an unregistered BMW or Ferrari would not get fined, but a car that isn't as appealing, such as a Pinto, would.

It wouldn't even surprise me if an offercer made up a regulation against having said Pinto, judging by the fact that an officer of that town was heard commenting in a derogetory manner on the race of the "Wal-Mart Express," a name for the bus that comes down from South Albany with workers for the Wal-Mart and its plaza.

Be ready to see this as an NS issue when my pop. breaks 500 mil.
26-10-2005, 22:41
This is why I don't live in New York. Of course, Illinois is almost as bad, but then almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and hydrogen bombs.