My plan for the World
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 19:42
This is the official "Free World Order" thread. Please note, submitting a zone does not mean that you have joined this party. Anyone who wishes to join the party, please say so in a post.
1) No more immigration policies. People shall be free to roam anywhere they like.
2)An international court shall be formed. This court shall be the Supreme Court of The World.
World law shall be formed following the American model, but allowing for more liberal thoughts to affect it.
A sect of remote land in Antarctica shall be colonized to house all dangerous and violent prisoners. It will be under the control of the World Military.
3)All militaries shall be combined, and put under the control of a panel of Generals from around the world. Their prime purpose shall be to provide relief in times of natural disasters, and to get into space and start colonizing other planets. No funding shall be cut.
4)Different sections of the world shall have different levels of freedom.
Example 1: One section of the world shall deem it legal to do drugs, drive drunk, ride dirt bikes down the highway, and have massive public orgies. They shall be called "Inhibition Free Zones". Any one entering one of these zones shall be required to sign a waiver stating that they will not sue for anything that happens, nor shall they expect any healthcare funding needed due to any activities not free throughout the world.
Example 2:Another section shall deem anything immoral or unsafe illegal within the zone. This shall be called the "Safe and Uninsulted Zone"
Other zones may be set up to accommodate all peoples wants and needs.
5)A World Senate shall be assembled, made up of one representative from each zone, with term limits of 2 year,and a limit on the number of terms per candidate set a 2. It shall only have the authority to rule over matters concerning non-Zoned land, and may not deny any serious request for Zoning. Also, no new World Laws shall be enacted that infringe the rights of Zones.
The following will be basic laws,known as "Common World Law" covered in all zones.
Murder is illegal unless justified through self defense.
Rape is illegal, and is punishable by the same penalty as murder.
Theft or damage of public property of of another person is illegal
Free speech is a basic right unless specifically against Zone Law. The only penalty shall be expulsion from the zone
Trade between zones is not mandatory, however, any zone that willfully trades with another shall not be permitted to use deceit as a profiteering tool.
Any drugs traded between zones must list exact ingredients. Lacking ingredient list or falsifying ingredient list is a punishable offense.
Any zone breaking Common World Law shall not be punished. Instead, the World Court shall determine who specifically involved was the cause of any illegality, and punish them individually.
No Zone shall have the right to discriminate in the basis of gender, race or handicap.
All Zones shall be economically autonomous, however, dues shall be paid for the World Court, World Military, and all other Worldwide initiatives ratified by the World Court, such as Pollution control.
Guns of any nature shall be legal for any resident, unless specifically against Zone Law.
No Zone shall be permitted to have an Autonomous Military of any kind.
Offical Zone List (
How to apply for a zone
Please include the following in a post to apply for your own zone.
Area you wish it to be in.
Laws by which it will be governed
Thats it! It's that easy! You too can have your very own Zone in "The Free World Order"!
Sierra BTHP
24-10-2005, 19:43
Mine's a lot simpler.
I would create a virus that silently infects people and does not cause death (any parasite that kills its host is worthless anyway).
But, it would make men and women sterile. In 99 percent of the cases.
No one would be directly killed by this, but the population would plummet.
Eventually, those who were resistant would replace everyone else - but it would give the planet a big rest.
24-10-2005, 19:46
No gods, no masters, against all authority...
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 19:46
Mine's a lot simpler.
I would create a virus that silently infects people and does not cause death (any parasite that kills its host is worthless anyway).
But, it would make men and women sterile. In 99 percent of the cases.
No one would be directly killed by this, but the population would plummet.
Eventually, those who were resistant would replace everyone else - but it would give the planet a big rest.
If we could combine our models, we could build the perfect world!
As long as I get to run the zone thats fun and unsafe!
24-10-2005, 19:47
If the "Ultimate A" aint gonna happen, then the SN's proposal. It is kinda neat.
Zero Six Three
24-10-2005, 19:48
Mine's a lot simpler.
I would create a virus that silently infects people and does not cause death (any parasite that kills its host is worthless anyway).
But, it would make men and women sterile. In 99 percent of the cases.
No one would be directly killed by this, but the population would plummet.
Eventually, those who were resistant would replace everyone else - but it would give the planet a big rest.
I had an idea similar to that except everyone dies.
Other zones may be set up to accomadate all peoples wants and needs.
I place my request for God-fearing-conservative zone!!!!!
no :fluffle: till you're married type thing.
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 19:55
I place my request for God-fearing-conservative zone!!!!!
no :fluffle: till you're married type thing.
Your request has been noted, Congratulations, you are our first registrant. Please specify the area you desire, and please keep in mind that we must leave room for all. This shall be a world of getting along!
Pure Metal
24-10-2005, 20:05
Ok, this is my plan for how the world should be. All national leaders need to be locked into a giant room until they agree on the best way to impliment it.
1) No more borders. People shall be free to roam anywhere they like.
2)An internation court shall be formed (not the ICC, one that actually has jurisdiction on ALL crime) This court shall be the Supreme Court of The World.
International law shall be formed following the American model, but allowing for more liberal thoughts to affect it.
A sect of remote land in Anractica shall be colonized to house all dangerous and violent prisoners. It will be under the control of the World Military.
3)All militaries shall be combined, and put under the control of a panel of Generals from around the world. Their prime purpose shall be to provide relief in times of natural disasters, and to get into space and start colonizing other planets. No funding shall be cut.
4)Different sections of the world shall have different levels of freedom.
Example 1: One section of the world shall deem it legal to do drugs, drive drunk, ride dirtbikes down the highway, and have massive public orgys. They shall be called "Inhibition Free Zones". Any one entering one of these zones shall be required to sign a waiver stating that they will not sue for anything that happens, nor shall they expect any healthcare funding needed due to any activities not free throughout the world.
Example 2:Another section shall deem anything immoral or unsafe illegal within the zone. This shall be called the "Safe and Uninsulted Zone"
Other zones may be set up to accomadate all peoples wants and needs.
sounds pretty good to me.
with open borders and free travel between them (hint hint), people could go live in the communities (and climates) they choose. with no militaries there's no risk of the communities of nutters invading or causing trouble for the sane ones, and with self determination for these communities then all is well
its simplistic, but good
24-10-2005, 20:05
Ok, this is my plan for how the world should be. All national leaders need to be locked into a giant room until they agree on the best way to impliment it.
1) No more borders. People shall be free to roam anywhere they like.
2)An internation court shall be formed (not the ICC, one that actually has jurisdiction on ALL crime) This court shall be the Supreme Court of The World.
International law shall be formed following the American model, but allowing for more liberal thoughts to affect it.
A sect of remote land in Anractica shall be colonized to house all dangerous and violent prisoners. It will be under the control of the World Military.
3)All militaries shall be combined, and put under the control of a panel of Generals from around the world. Their prime purpose shall be to provide relief in times of natural disasters, and to get into space and start colonizing other planets. No funding shall be cut.
4)Different sections of the world shall have different levels of freedom.
Example 1: One section of the world shall deem it legal to do drugs, drive drunk, ride dirtbikes down the highway, and have massive public orgys. They shall be called "Inhibition Free Zones". Any one entering one of these zones shall be required to sign a waiver stating that they will not sue for anything that happens, nor shall they expect any healthcare funding needed due to any activities not free throughout the world.
Example 2:Another section shall deem anything immoral or unsafe illegal within the zone. This shall be called the "Safe and Uninsulted Zone"
Other zones may be set up to accomadate all peoples wants and needs.
Make a capitalist zone too. Three things are illegal, all else is laizes faire:
1)Murder (Taking of life without consent from the killed one)
2)Slavery (Taking of freedom. Includes using violence or threats of violence to make anyone do anything else than avoid breaking the three laws)
3)Theft (Taking of somebody's property without consent from the owner)
Edit: How big area do we get to ask for? Europe? Scandinavia (including Svalbard) the UK and everything south of those down to the Mediterranean? Scandinavia? England?
24-10-2005, 20:06
As long as im not one of those that's going to get neutered I'm all for it. But you need areas inbetween the zones, like no drunk driving or hard drugs but natural drugs and alcohol is everywhere. Now that is the zone to be in.
24-10-2005, 20:10
All national leaders need to be locked into a giant room until they agree on the best way to implement it.Doomed from the start. If it wasn't I might claim the Civil Rights Lovefest type area, but there are other things I disagree with on the plan.
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 20:10
As long as im not one of those that's going to get neutered I'm all for it. But you need areas in between the zones, like no drunk driving or hard drugs but natural drugs and alcohol is everywhere. Now that is the zone to be in.
The zones shall be st up by the people, and only enforced by the government. If you want your own zone, make up a list of rules, and submit it. Please include the area you want. And remember, it's first come, first serve. And size limits shall be set according to popularity!
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 20:11
Doomed from the start. If it wasn't I might claim the Civil Rights Lovefest type area, but there are other things I disagree with on the plan.
Not doomed, because if they can't agree, then they shall stay in there until their death, and we'll just do it ourselves!
24-10-2005, 20:13
Alright, I am just going to play a long. I want Italy, inluding all the surrounding islands.
1) Legal Substances: Weed, shrooms and alcohol
2) Basic laws for pretecting the rights to life, property and freedom.
3) Sex is open for it's own thing as long its in a private residency or not in plain view of the public. (gotta have some thrill factor for doing it outdoors)
24-10-2005, 20:16
As long as im not one of those that's going to get neutered I'm all for it. But you need areas inbetween the zones, like no drunk driving or hard drugs but natural drugs and alcohol is everywhere. Now that is the zone to be in.
I don't see how you draw the line between hard and soft drugs. Is acid hard? MDMA? GHB? (Hallucinogen and euforic. One centiliter makes you high, two makes you comatose and three centilitre kills you if you have bad luck. And you never know the concentration). Meth? Opium? 'Shrooms? Cannabis oil? ...All drugs have different effects, both good and bad. All drug use carries risks. How do you draw a line to put them in just two categories?
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 20:20
I don't see how you draw the line between hard and soft drugs. Is acid hard? MDMA? GHB? (Hallucinogen and euforic. One centiliter makes you high, two makes you comatose and three centilitre kills you if you have bad luck. And you never know the concentration). Meth? Opium? 'Shrooms? Cannabis oil? ...All drugs have different effects, both good and bad. All drug use carries risks. How do you draw a line to put them in just two categories?
Because it's his zone, and he can do whatever the hell he wants to. You can have your own zone, and classify them as you see fit. See how that works? Everyone is happy. If you don't like his zone, stay in your own!
24-10-2005, 20:21
I don't see how you draw the line between hard and soft drugs. Is acid hard? MDMA? GHB? (Hallucinogen and euforic. One centiliter makes you high, two makes you comatose and three centilitre kills you if you have bad luck. And you never know the concentration). Meth? Opium? 'Shrooms? Cannabis oil? ...All drugs have different effects, both good and bad. All drug use carries risks. How do you draw a line to put them in just two categories?
The general consensus at least among the druggies i know is that 'soft' drugs are natural, don't take any real input from chemicals to create, aka shrooms and weed for example. Hard drugs tend to be the crystals and powders (most powders also can go into liquid forms) so cocaine, acid, ecstacy and the likes.
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 20:21
Alright, I am just going to play a long. I want Italy, inluding all the surrounding islands.
1) Legal Substances: Weed, shrooms and alcohol
2) Basic laws for pretecting the rights to life, property and freedom.
3) Sex is open for it's own thing as long its in a private residency or not in plain view of the public. (gotta have some thrill factor for doing it outdoors)
Application - Approved
Action needed - Zone law charter needs to be submitted to the World Court for finalization and codification
Congratulations, the zone of Shaw is hereby titled an official World Zone!
24-10-2005, 20:23
uhhh name uhhh a name...shit...that's like the hardest fucking part man. Ummm...Shaw. Yeah that's what itll be called 'Shaw".
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 20:36
uhhh name uhhh a name...shit...that's like the hardest fucking part man. Ummm...Shaw. Yeah that's what itll be called 'Shaw".
Applicant name: Hiberniae
Application - Approved
Action needed - Zone law charter needs to be submitted to the World Court for finalization and codification
Congratulations, the zone of Shaw is hereby titled an official World Zone!
24-10-2005, 20:56
2)An international court shall be formed (not the ICC, one that actually has jurisdiction on ALL crime) This court shall be the Supreme Court of The World. World law shall be formed following the American model, but allowing for more liberal thoughts to affect it.
Just who will choose the judges, and how will we hold them accountable, I ask you? If it's based off our court system, where there's no accoutnability (supposedly political immunity will allow judges to rule w/o fear of partisanry, but we all know that's now defunct)
3)All militaries shall be combined, and put under the control of a panel of Generals from around the world. Their prime purpose shall be to provide relief in times of natural disasters, and to get into space and start colonizing other planets. No funding shall be cut.
Oppose it. How will the people of the world be able to fight back if their government becomes tyrannical? An armed revolution is less likely to succeed aganst a force that friggin spans the entire globe!
4)Different sections of the world shall have different levels of freedom.
Bleh, I like 'states' rights' better than I do this 'varying levels of freedom' stuff.
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 21:41
Just who will choose the judges, and how will we hold them accountable, I ask you? If it's based off our court system, where there's no accoutnability (supposedly political immunity will allow judges to rule w/o fear of partisanry, but we all know that's now defunct).
Judges shall be appointed by the world senate, made of one one delegate from each Zone, and shall only serve 4 year terms. And due to the limitations of the laws that the World Court can oversee, there shouldn't be too much partisanism, since most partisan laws will be settled on a Zone Level.
Oppose it. How will the people of the world be able to fight back if their government becomes tyrannical? An armed revolution is less likely to succeed aganst a force that frigging spans the entire globe!.
The Military will answer only to a panel of Generals, made up of representative Generals from all zones who wish to be represented.
Bleh, I like 'states' rights' better than I do this 'varying levels of freedom' stuff.It'll be the ultimate form of states rights. All the perks, but the World Government can't step in and say dumb shit like "No Zones may permit marijuana because this arcane commerce clause says so"
24-10-2005, 21:49
The Military will answer only to a panel of Generals, made up of representative Generals from all zones who wish to be represented.
And what if, in the unlikely event, that all these generals happen to be in the same pocket of some politician?
It'll be the ultimate form of states rights. All the perks, but the World Government can't step in and say dumb shit like "No Zones may permit marijuana because this arcane commerce clause says so"
So basically, states rights minus the Supremacy Clause. Are you sure we won't fracture into large continent-wide Federations as a result?
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 22:09
And what if, in the unlikely event, that all these generals happen to be in the same pocket of some politician?
I'll admit that it is possible, so I suppose that the Generals could only serve 4 year terms also. Do you think that would lessen the possibility?
So basically, states rights minus the Supremacy Clause. Are you sure we won't fracture into large continent-wide Federations as a result?
I don't see it becoming a problem, as long as World Law is followed, and Zone Law is not infringed by another zone. And since the military is one entity, and would be spread out accordingly, and well mixed (Lots of different nationalities in units) it shouldn't pose a serious risk to anyone.
At any rate, it will have alot of bugs, considering I just thought it up 30 minutes ago!:D
Sick Nightmares
24-10-2005, 22:54
24-10-2005, 23:02
The general consensus at least among the druggies i know is that 'soft' drugs are natural, don't take any real input from chemicals to create, aka shrooms and weed for example. Hard drugs tend to be the crystals and powders (most powders also can go into liquid forms) so cocaine, acid, ecstacy and the likes.
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 00:36
Secular Europe
25-10-2005, 00:43
So....what exactly is the difference between a 'Zone' and a 'State' (as in Nation-State, not US state)?
And if there are no borders, how will you define the area of a 'Zone'?
If 'Zones' are not the same as 'States' then why is it necessary for there to be laws between them, and rules governing trade between them, especially if there are no borders?
And surely states perform the ideal of having different levels of freedom?
For example the US and the UK have more social freedom than North Korea or China and Scandinavia has more freedom than all of them....and so forth...
A rose by any other name....
Uber Awesome
25-10-2005, 00:50
The zones idea reminds me of a better one I thought of (requires technological advancement) - everyone lives in virtual reality, in a reality of their choosing.
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 01:06
So....what exactly is the difference between a 'Zone' and a 'State' (as in Nation-State, not US state)?
"Zones" All have differing laws, and cannot be governed by the "World Court" except for a few "core" laws such as murder, rape, assault, and theft.
And if there are no borders, how will you define the area of a 'Zone'? I guess that needs rewording. My intent was to say that no one shall be denied access to ANY zone for ANY reason as long as they follow the local "ZONE" laws.
If 'Zones' are not the same as 'States' then why is it necessary for there to be laws between them, and rules governing trade between them, especially if there are no borders?There won't be laws "regulating" trade. For example: Zone A wants to trade goods with Zone B. Zone B says they will only trade with Zones who condone Group Orgies.
Zone A cannot sue Zone B. The only recourse is to not trade with them.
The only regulation is that you can't use manipulative practices, such as selling "Rolex" watches, that turn out to be "Time Square Specials" (fakes)
And surely states perform the ideal of having different levels of freedom?
For example the US and the UK have more social freedom than North Korea or China and Scandinavia has more freedom than all of them....and so forth...
True. But most countrys have alot of laws in common. My theory would give people the chance to live by standards that are as close to perfect for them as it can get.
Example: It's illegal to drive drunk in just about, if not all, countries. In my theory, you could set up your own zone where it is legal, and if people dont want to deal with it, they can move to a zone where it is outlawed. But they would have the choice of Anti-DUI zones that legalize or criminalize marijuana.
Or Anti DUI zones that are christian, anti-marijuan, pro-life, anti-porn
Basically, it just gives more choices than are currently available
[QUOTE=Secular Europe]A rose by any other name....
Is a Daisy?:D
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 01:16
The zones idea reminds me of a better one I thought of (requires technological advancement) - everyone lives in virtual reality, in a reality of their choosing.
Ok, thats great for people who want to avoid real life. But what about people who actually want to enjoy life?
Uber Awesome
25-10-2005, 01:19
Ok, thats great for people who want to avoid real life. But what about people who actually want to enjoy life?
They can enjoy it in simulated form. They'd get all the same experiences, but without pissing off/being pissed off by people who disagree with them. I'm talking full VR, where it feels like you're really there.
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 01:22
They can enjoy it in simulated form. They'd get all the same experiences, but without pissing off/being pissed off by people who disagree with them. I'm talking full VR, where it feels like you're really there.
Ya, thats fine for people who like to live their life plugged into a computer. But like I said, what about those of us who can actually function in society?
And who's gonna farm our food, build and maintain our houses, mow our lawns, put out fires, build our computers?
And one final, point. And this is really important. How are we going to procreate?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
25-10-2005, 01:25
Damn it, I need to read better. I voted against it, but it sounds like my Utopian ideal (except I was a lot lazier and just said that nations should be forced to open their borders to anyone who wants to leave or enter for citizenship). The point of this, I assume, is to reduce government's to the level of corporations as far as getting and keeping people. Unlike the current set-up where you can slam your borders shut and keep all the people under your inept rule (I'm looking at you, North Korea).
So, yeah, rock on!
Zone of Cardigans (based on Alaska, and parts of Canada because it would piss the Canadians off until they moved)
1) Everything is legal, provided that all who are obviously affected are over 16 and are willing (or were willing, in the case of post mortem dealings (so you could have organ harvesting, cannibal delis, and necrophilic brothels if the person said such was okay before they expired)).
2) If there is a reasonable expectation for someone else to be effected, then they must be allowed to agree as well. So no speeding, DUI, or that sort off thing, because you can reasonable expect someone else to be on the road. The same goes for public nudity outside of clearly marked areas, you can expect that people that don't want to see your schlong might also be in public.
3) Agreement requires knowledge (so everything must be clearly labeled, laid out, and presented in a form that is legible)
4) Any change of any sort, must be agreed to in advance by both parties in advance
5) A fetus becomes a person (and thus nonabortable without said fetus' express written consent) after the second trimester because I feel like laying the limit there.
6) No selling what you don't have (No overbooking of airline flights, or conartistry)
Uber Awesome
25-10-2005, 01:27
Ya, thats fine for people who like to live their life plugged into a computer. But like I said, what about those of us who can actually function in society?
And who's gonna farm our food, build and maintain our houses, mow our lawns, put out fires, build our computers?
And one final, point. And this is really important. How are we going to procreate?
Like I said - technological advances.
Artificial intelligence.
As for procreation, artificial uterus (although conquering aging would make procreation unnecessary).
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 01:45
Congratulations! your application for Zone recognition has been approved! (
Sick Nightmares
25-10-2005, 14:08
~Bumpitty bump~
Secular Europe
26-10-2005, 02:20
"Zones" All have differing laws, and cannot be governed by the "World Court" except for a few "core" laws such as murder, rape, assault, and theft.
I guess that needs rewording. My intent was to say that no one shall be denied access to ANY zone for ANY reason as long as they follow the local "ZONE" laws.
There won't be laws "regulating" trade. For example: Zone A wants to trade goods with Zone B. Zone B says they will only trade with Zones who condone Group Orgies.
Zone A cannot sue Zone B. The only recourse is to not trade with them.
The only regulation is that you can't use manipulative practices, such as selling "Rolex" watches, that turn out to be "Time Square Specials" (fakes)
Example: It's illegal to drive drunk in just about, if not all, countries. In my theory, you could set up your own zone where it is legal, and if people dont want to deal with it, they can move to a zone where it is outlawed. But they would have the choice of Anti-DUI zones that legalize or criminalize marijuana.
Or Anti DUI zones that are christian, anti-marijuan, pro-life, anti-porn
Basically, it just gives more choices than are currently available
Is a Daisy?:D
I'm sorry, there's absolutely no difference between what you are proposing and what we have at the moment.
Yes, just about every country has laws against rape, murder, etc, but it's not a prerequisite for an area to be called a "state" that it needs these laws, it's just that they are generally thought of as a good idea. States can make whatever laws they want just now.
And there aren't any laws governing trade except those which states consent to through the WTO, etc.
And as for the very first thing you say in this bit; that the Zones cannot be governed by the World Court except for special circumstances; this is essentially what happens now. Originally you said they were all subordinate to it, and this was the only thing that differentiated your system from the current world order, but now all you have done is effectively modify the ICC model which is coming into existence now.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
26-10-2005, 02:27
The differences between the proposed system and the current one are that A) there is no wars and B) there is cheap and easy e/immigration for everyone.
As a result, the only way for a government to run, is if it can attract enough people to the area. In the current international set-up, North Koreans don't have to be kept happy because, hey, where else are they going to go?
Der Drache
26-10-2005, 02:49
Sounds good to me.
I'm saddened to see New York and Pennsylvania in the Redneck zone. Why should the Rednecks get New York City and Philly. Though they can have Ohio as far as I care.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
26-10-2005, 02:56
I don't like the idea of a pollution ordinance being world wide, that sort of power puts us back at homogenizing what should be a sprawling array of choices.
On the other hand, Is there a reason why I can't have Alaska and the immeditly surrounding environs (islands, a slice of Canada), or did you just miss that?
Sick Nightmares
26-10-2005, 03:44
I don't like the idea of a pollution ordinance being world wide, that sort of power puts us back at homogenizing what should be a sprawling array of choices.
On the other hand, Is there a reason why I can't have Alaska and the immeditly surrounding environs (islands, a slice of Canada), or did you just miss that?
OOPs, I missed that. What part do you want? Alaska, what islands, and what part of Canada?
And I'll tell ya what, if you don't like the pollution law, join the party, and then you can get it changed!;)
Sick Nightmares
26-10-2005, 03:46
Sounds good to me.
I'm saddened to see New York and Pennsylvania in the Redneck zone. Why should the Rednecks get New York City and Philly. Though they can have Ohio as far as I care.
Pa, Oh, and Ny are my home. The tri-state area is where I'm from. And I'm a redneck. :cool: And I called it first!:cool:
Secular Europe
26-10-2005, 13:53
The differences between the proposed system and the current one are that A) there is no wars and B) there is cheap and easy e/immigration for everyone.
As a result, the only way for a government to run, is if it can attract enough people to the area. In the current international set-up, North Koreans don't have to be kept happy because, hey, where else are they going to go? do you know that the Zones won't decide to go to war with each other? Maybe rather than attract enough people to the area, they'll decide just to conquer some more people.
And B) How do you make immigration cheap and easy for everyone? What about the costs incurred in packing up your life in one Zone and starting again in another. And surely some Immigration process will be required in each Zone for the purposes of Administration?
And what's to stop a Zone deciding that it wants the same level of freedoms as North Korea?
You see, the problem is the basic statal set up which you are essentially replicating.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
26-10-2005, 17:48 do you know that the Zones won't decide to go to war with each other? Maybe rather than attract enough people to the area, they'll decide just to conquer some more people.
Because the zones aren't allowed to have militaries. The only army available is the big interzonal one made of Incredibly Huge Ants.
And B) How do you make immigration cheap and easy for everyone? What about the costs incurred in packing up your life in one Zone and starting again in another. And surely some Immigration process will be required in each Zone for the purposes of Administration?
By making all the zones have to communicate, you could stream line the process of crossing the border. However, you are right about the difficulties in leaving, there is no way to fund that (well, maybe a zone desperate to increase e/immigration could start offering travel vouchers for people who want to leave/enter) easily. Yet, i/emmigration would be much easier then it is now, and a good number of people so do every year, in spite of red tape and all.
And what's to stop a Zone deciding that it wants the same level of freedoms as North Korea?
Because said Zone needs funding. To get funding, they need taxes or at least citizens to serve in government run industry. Therefore, if losing so many freedoms is a bad thing, people will leave, and the government will go bankrupt.
You see, the problem is the basic statal set up which you are essentially replicating.
No, I see the problems you bring up are largely nonexistent. The only way to get people into your zone is to encourage immigration and breeding, and then you have to keep them there by ensuring that the government that you offer is superior to the ones around.
This also means that fringe political markets (Libertarians, Anarcho-Primitivists) could get a chance to try out there ideas. It would work like free-enterprise applied to government:
You want complete freedom with a bit of risk, go to Libertaria.
You want to be safe, Totalitopia is open for business.
In the end, the people vote with their wallets, and zones would either have to make themselves wanted by the people or wallow in poverty.
Sick Nightmares
26-10-2005, 17:56
Because............... .
You read my mind!
Damn, you can be the official spokesman if you want!.:D