Hark! the herald angels sing...
Neo Kervoskia
18-10-2005, 04:12
Since Thanksgiving in the US is, well I don't know when it is, I wrote this poem. It's dedicated to everyone who hates cooking that goddamn turkey.
Hark! The herald angels sing, how the hell do you cook this thing?
It takes nine hours just to baste, making my day one big waste.
Place it in the oven and turn on the gas, shove the stuffing up it's ass.
With irritated host proclaim, this turkey has brought me shame
Hark! The herald angels sing, I should never have cooked this thing.
18-10-2005, 04:20
I'm greatful NK hasn't lost his impecable desire to satirise, everything.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
18-10-2005, 04:26
I am grateful for knives, which have added a new potential dimension to relational problem solving, and for the Spam forum, to which this thread will most likely be moved.
Neo Kervoskia
18-10-2005, 04:26
I'm greatful NK hasn't lost his impecable desire to satirise, everything.
Well, not everything.
18-10-2005, 04:27
*loud applose*
that was fantastic
I am grateful for knives, which have added a new potential dimension to relational problem solving, and for the Spam forum, to which this thread will most likely be moved.
And I shall help it along!
To the spam forum!
18-10-2005, 04:39
Since Thanksgiving in the US is, well I don't know when it is, I wrote this poem. It's dedicated to everyone who hates cooking that goddamn turkey.
Hark! The herald angels sing, how the hell do you cook this thing?
It takes nine hours just to baste, making my day one big waste.
Place it in the oven and turn on the gas, shove the stuffing up it's ass.
With irritated host proclaim, this turkey has brought me shame
Hark! The herald angels sing, I should never have cooked this thing.
Based on standard cooking methods, in order for it to take 9 hours to cook a bird, the thing would have to weigh about 60 lbs.
Maybe you should try cooking turkeys instead of ostriches.:D
The South Islands
18-10-2005, 05:07
NK, you need to write a NK bible.
Oh, and I'll have my part of the war up sometime tomarrow.