NationStates Jolt Archive

Republican Jeopardy.

17-10-2005, 03:06
I've got a riddle for you:

If Arnold Schwarzanegger, George W. Bush, and Terri Schiavo went on Jeopardy, who would win and why?
Neo Kervoskia
17-10-2005, 03:07
I would.
17-10-2005, 03:15
If Bush dropped his idiot act, he probably would.
Don’t buy into it. The guy is an evil genius! Evil I tells ya!
17-10-2005, 03:16
Sean Connery, because Sean Connery always wins.
Der Drache
17-10-2005, 03:52
Terri Schiavo,

You loose points if you get something wrong and she is the only one who wouldn't buzz in. Giving her the only non-negative score.

Why didn't you make a poll?
17-10-2005, 03:58 depends on the questions...

If it's about the terrorist and why we're winning, then Dubya hands down. If it's about being a meatheaded Nazi asshole... well, then we know Ah-nald will win... Otherwise, they might as well hand victory to Ms. Schiavo on a silver platter right now.
17-10-2005, 04:15
Terri Schiavo,

You loose points if you get something wrong and she is the only one who wouldn't buzz in. Giving her the only non-negative score.

Why didn't you make a poll?
Ding-ding. depends on the questions...

If it's about the terrorist and why we're winning, then Dubya hands down. If it's about being a meatheaded Nazi asshole... well, then we know Ah-nald will win... Otherwise, they might as well hand victory to Ms. Schiavo on a silver platter right now.
I'll take malapropisms for one thousandth, Alex.
17-10-2005, 04:29
I can hear the questions now...

Bush: Ya know what? I'll take Places to buy Coke at Yale for 200 Alex...

Ah-nold: I vant sveroids vor 400, girly man...
17-10-2005, 04:33
I can hear the questions now...

Bush: Ya know what? I'll take Places to buy Coke at Yale for 200 Alex...

Ah-nold: I vant sveroids vor 400, girly man...
Actually, Arnold did cocaine too.
17-10-2005, 04:33
arnold would lose brecause when he talks fast it is hard to understand him but he would win if he pulled out a machine gun screamed "quaado!" and wasted everyone.
17-10-2005, 04:35
Actually, Arnold did cocaine too.

That's why he got to ask the next question!
17-10-2005, 04:43
Ya know, Chomskyrion, I am obviously no fan of President Bush or the Govenator, but this is a little beyond the pail, not to mention very disrespectful to Terri Schiavo and her family.

It's almost trollish really.
17-10-2005, 04:53
Probably Bush, because if you see videos of him in the past, he didn't come across as a moron. I'd have to say that he's been groomed to come across as a common man, and that's what screws him up.
17-10-2005, 06:17
Sean Connery, because Sean Connery always wins.

Trebek - Well Mr. Connory, let's see your answer. Hmmm. 'Miso.' That's a soup. You're correct! And let's see what you wagered. 'Horny.' 'Miso Horny.'

Celebrity Jeopardy rules!

Keanu - I know Kung Fu.
Trebek - For the last time, Mr. Reeves, no you do not.
17-10-2005, 06:18
Sean Connery, because Sean Connery always wins.

Trebek - Well Mr. Connery, let's see your answer. Hmmm. 'Miso.' That's a soup. You're correct! And let's see what you wagered. 'Horny.' 'Miso Horny.'

Celebrity Jeopardy rules!

Keanu - I know Kung Fu.
Trebek - For the last time, Mr. Reeves, no you do not.
17-10-2005, 06:18
Sean Connery, because Sean Connery always wins.

Trebek - Well Mr. Connery, let's see your answer. Hmmm. 'Miso.' That's a soup. You're correct! And let's see what you wagered. 'Horny.' 'Miso Horny.'

Celebrity Jeopardy rules!

Keanu - I know Kung Fu.
Trebek - For the last time, Mr. Reeves, no you do not.