NationStates Jolt Archive

Hmm...What should I do?

11-10-2005, 21:26
Okay, today I found out that a girl who is not unattractive, and who I quite like, but she isnt that popular (Not that I care), has asked my friend several times if I fancy her. Now I dont really, but Im not too picky.

However, I am ver reluctant to ask her out, number 1, i am not sure she does, but its quite likely since she asked my friend that.

number 2, for about 3 years people have said we will make a good couple, and Ive always said..., 'Uhh..NO!', so it would be a nit let down for my self esteem if I did go out with her.

And if she REJECTED me I would probably have to kill myself.

But as I say, Im not exactly picky, and I am nearing desparate.
Greater Beatlemania
11-10-2005, 21:28
Is your entire dilemma here based on the notion that she's unpopular or that you'll have to go back on your previous words?

Mercy. You've got someone inquiring after you, just go and ask her out already.
11-10-2005, 21:29
Oh, for God's sake! How many frakkin' times do I have to say this before it sinks in???

Get a grip! If you like the girl, for whatever reason, ask her the frakk OUT!

If you don't like her, for whatever reason, don't ask her out!

Drunk commies deleted
11-10-2005, 21:31
Listen to Eutrusca. With Great age comes great wisdom.:p
Cabra West
11-10-2005, 21:31
Oh, for God's sake! How many frakkin' times do I have to say this before it sinks in???

Get a grip! If you like the girl, for whatever reason, ask her the frakk OUT!

If you don't like her, for whatever reason, don't ask her out!


What he says
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-10-2005, 21:33
I think that you should steal her gloves (if she doesn't have any gloves then you should by some for her, and then steal them) and wander around wearing them.
If she asks why you stole her gloves you should punch her in the nose, scream "FIRETRUCK!" and jump out a window (unless there aren't any windows, then you are pretty much screwed).
If she doesn't ask about the gloves then you should steal her shoes and repeat the process (and keeping repeating until either she asks what you are doing or you have assembled a complete outfit).
11-10-2005, 21:34
Listen to Eutrusca. With Great age comes great wisdom.:p
Not necessarily. *points at self for example*

Then again, in comparison 68.729 quintillion years isn't old....
11-10-2005, 21:34
Is your entire dilemma here based on the notion that she's unpopular or that you'll have to go back on your previous words?

Mercy. You've got someone inquiring after you, just go and ask her out already.

the latter. I like honour.
11-10-2005, 21:35
I think that you should steal her gloves (if she doesn't have any gloves then you should by some for her, and then steal them) and wander around wearing them.
If she asks why you stole her gloves you should punch her in the nose, scream "FIRETRUCK!" and jump out a window (unless there aren't any windows, then you are pretty much screwed).
If she doesn't ask about the gloves then you should steal her shoes and repeat the process (and keeping repeating until either she asks what you are doing or you have assembled a complete outfit).

This would in fact be hilarious. But the only gloves she has are sailing gloves.
11-10-2005, 21:37
Sounds predictable, sounds simple, sounds easy, is difficult:






Or you can get a friend to anonymously ask whether she likes you or not.

NOTE I've only been in a small handful of relationships so I'm not claiming this advice is 100% good.
11-10-2005, 21:40
number 2, for about 3 years people have said we will make a good couple, and Ive always said..., 'Uhh..NO!', so it would be a nit let down for my self esteem if I did go out with her.
People like that tend to be a bit more perceptive than everyone else thinks. You can make mistakes, you know. Learn to live with it. You won't be an awful person if you go back on your word. I do it all the time.
11-10-2005, 21:40
I think that, rather than the cliche of asking HER out, you should just drop it on HER sometime. It worked really well for my current's like an instant attraction-intensifier if you deliver it correctly. Just kind of drop it into conversation sometime....all he said was "So when are you going to ask me out", but you could do it in a slightly more classy way if that's your style.

Je-sus...who said the BOY always has to do the real work?
11-10-2005, 21:41
People like that tend to be a bit more perceptive than everyone else thinks. You can make mistakes, you know. Learn to live with it. You won't be an awful person if you go back on your word. I do it all the time.
It's true. Czardas is wretched with personal accountability.
11-10-2005, 21:44
Simonist']It's true. Czardas is wretched with personal accountability.

....Wait a minute.... ~_^ :D
11-10-2005, 21:46
I think that you should steal her gloves (if she doesn't have any gloves then you should by some for her, and then steal them) and wander around wearing them.
If she asks why you stole her gloves you should punch her in the nose, scream "FIRETRUCK!" and jump out a window (unless there aren't any windows, then you are pretty much screwed).
If she doesn't ask about the gloves then you should steal her shoes and repeat the process (and keeping repeating until either she asks what you are doing or you have assembled a complete outfit).
:eek: I am in awe of your advice-giving prowess.

(No sarcasm intended.)
11-10-2005, 21:46
Ive decided.

Im going to ignore the issue until she brings it up.

Let her, if she wants it.
11-10-2005, 21:48
Ive decided.

Im going to ignore the issue until she brings it up.

Let her, if she wants it.
If you let things take their course, they will... they'll take THEIR course, not yours.

If you want something to happen, make it happen.

If you want her to know something, tell her.

If you want to know something of her, ask her.

If you drop this, you don't really want it, and this thread was in vain.
11-10-2005, 21:50
Ive decided.

Im going to ignore the issue until she brings it up.

Let her, if she wants it.
On the upside, if you DO decide later on down the road (but not too much later....), there's a chance that you can just....ask her. 'Cause you pretty much know right now you've got a chance.

Do what I do.......wait for them to come to you.
(wait, does that even work with boys, too?)
11-10-2005, 21:51
Ive decided.

Im going to ignore the issue until she brings it up.

Let her, if she wants it.


H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-10-2005, 21:52
Simonist']Do what I do.......wait for them to come to you.
(wait, does that even work with boys, too?)
That depends, if by "boys" you mean "Tom Cruise", then, yes, you are right. If by "boys" you mean "the general male population under the age of 21", then you are wrong.
11-10-2005, 21:53
:eek: I am in awe of your advice-giving prowess.

(No sarcasm intended.)
It's ripped from the "Ask Rotovia" Bad Advice Threads, methinks.
11-10-2005, 21:54
It's ripped from the "Ask Rotovia" Bad Advice Threads, methinks.
Wish I'd seen that.
11-10-2005, 21:55
Simonist']Do what I do.......wait for them to come to you.
(wait, does that even work with boys, too?)
Well, Simonist, generally people tend to seek out young and attractive females, while the other kind.... :rolleyes:
11-10-2005, 21:56
That depends, if by "boys" you mean "Tom Cruise", then, yes, you are right. If by "boys" you mean "the general male population under the age of 21", then you are wrong.
Then I acknowledge my poor, poor advice tactics in relevance to the male population......and respectfully bow out.

Besides, I've got a date anyway (ahaha, serendipitous!)
11-10-2005, 21:57
Well, Simonist, generally people tend to seek out young and attractive females, while the other kind.... :rolleyes:
No attitude from you!
Greater Beatlemania
11-10-2005, 21:57
Everyone here with the exception of Gloveman over there tells you the best choice is to just try it and you decide that personal honor is more important?

Sir, as far as I can tell, no good relationship ever started with personal honor. They all require mass amounts of irrational behavior, mind-changing, and embarrassing moments. Otherwise you end up with a "safe" relationship. Which is to say: one that takes until you're thirty or forty to appear, and while it may have all the sure stability of a boulder, it also has all the warm and lasting passion of a pebble.

I'm not saying to go be a piece of kindling and leap straight into the fire, but really, it's fine to double back on your word now and again.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-10-2005, 22:00
It's ripped from the "Ask Rotovia" Bad Advice Threads, methinks.
I've never actually seen that. On the other hand, being Patron of Theives (Thieves are like Thieves except that they failed to pay attention in English) I tend to steal everything. Hell, at this very moment I am stealing the lives of countless bacteria, stealing resources from the Earth (all of this was powered by something, you know), stealing land from the natives, and planning to steal some cookies from my roommate.
All of this theft and undercutting has lead me to an inate ability to steal things, simply reaching out into the ether and snatching other peoples ideas, utilizing them, and then stealing the credit without knowing anything about the person who I am robbing.
11-10-2005, 22:02
Just do it, and be yourself (sounds corny, but people tend to try and be smooth and subtle or try to be different). Ask her out, and whatever the answer is, is whatever it is.

Unless she already has a boyfriend now...that's a problem.
11-10-2005, 22:03
Simonist']Then I acknowledge my poor, poor advice tactics in relevance to the male population......and respectfully bow out.

Besides, I've got a date anyway (ahaha, serendipitous!)
I'm shocked beyond words. A NSer on a date? That is intrinsically a contradiction in terms! [/sarcasm]
Chicken pi
11-10-2005, 22:13
Ive decided.

Im going to ignore the issue until she brings it up.

Let her, if she wants it.

That'll be a road to nowhere. You said yourself that she's asked your friends if you fancy her, but has never attempted to ask you out. I get the impression that if she was going to bring it up, she would already have done so.

And don't worry about going back on what you said before. There's nothing shameful about changing your mind once in a while.
Ancient Valyria
11-10-2005, 22:35
I think there is no girl interested in Vintovia at all, he just wants to appear interesting :p
Drunk commies deleted
11-10-2005, 22:40
I think there is no girl interested in Vintovia at all, he just wants to appear interesting :p
Well then he should seek attention in more constructive ways. Join a gang, take drugs, drop out of school, you know, the classics.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-10-2005, 22:42
I think there is no girl interested in Vintovia at all, he just wants to appear interesting :p
Actually, it is a nice accomplishment if that was his goal. How many other 5+ page threads are there about one person's RL?
Drunk commies deleted
11-10-2005, 22:55
Actually, it is a nice accomplishment if that was his goal. How many other 5+ page threads are there about one person's RL?
If he made up the girl then it's not technically about his real life though, is it?
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-10-2005, 22:59
If he made up the girl then it's not technically about his real life though, is it?
Then it is about his Fake Real Life.
Don't question the Patron of Theives on matters of Real Life. After all, the rest of you are involved in reality on at least some level, only I have sufficient removal from the subject of analysis to be fully objective.
The Plutonian Empire
11-10-2005, 23:26
Simonist']Do what I do.......wait for them to come to you.
(wait, does that even work with boys, too?)
I've been waiting for nearly TWENTY-ONE GODDAMN YEARS AND I'M STILL SINGLE!!! :mad:

*calmly (:D) *
So no, it does not work for boys. ;) It'd be nice, though.
11-10-2005, 23:30
People like that tend to be a bit more perceptive than everyone else thinks. You can make mistakes, you know. Learn to live with it. You won't be an awful person if you go back on your word. I do it all the time.
Yeah, but you are an aweful person.
Plainwell Nation
12-10-2005, 00:09
Okay, today I found out that a girl who is not unattractive, and who I quite like, but she isnt that popular (Not that I care), has asked my friend several times if I fancy her. Now I dont really, but Im not too picky.

However, I am ver reluctant to ask her out, number 1, i am not sure she does, but its quite likely since she asked my friend that.

number 2, for about 3 years people have said we will make a good couple, and Ive always said..., 'Uhh..NO!', so it would be a nit let down for my self esteem if I did go out with her.

And if she REJECTED me I would probably have to kill myself.

But as I say, Im not exactly picky, and I am nearing desparate.

Just ask her. In 10 years, who will care if you got rejected? If you do, just be proud of yourself for taking a chance.
12-10-2005, 00:25
Sounds predictable, sounds simple, sounds easy, is difficult:

Sounds predictable, sounds simple, is NOT difficult. Ya see, when you see her at a moment when she's not real busy with something else, you plaster this stoopid, shit-eatin' grin all over your face, walk up to her all kinda kewl like, lean in about 1/2 an arm's length from her face so she can't ignore you. Then you simle ( and DO try to make it genuine! ) and say, "I kinda like you. How would you like to go out?"

Then she says, "Why ... yes. I think I'd like to. When did you have in mind?" In which case you respond with what you've been planning all this time while you work yourself up to this.

OR ... she says, "Sorry, but I can't. My father is going to paint the house and I need to watch it dry."

IN WHICH CASE, you smile and say, "Well, sorry you'll be missing out, but I'll let you know how things turn out with whichever girl has enough intellect to recognize a great guy when she sees one." Then turn your sorry ass back home and plot who you're going to ask out next. And you do ... you ask out every girl in whom you have the remotest interest until you find one who says yes. Then you take her out and learn from the experience. And the next time you ask someone out, you'll do it just a bit better. And each time you'll get just a little more relaxed and a little more adept and soon you won't have to ask anyone else out because they'll be asking YOU out.

Just like Babe Ruth, who most people know as "The Homerun King: ( before he was dethroned ), but who most people DON'T know was also the strikeout king. He just swung more often.

Go and do thou likewise! :p
12-10-2005, 01:25
I'd try and sleep with her a few times before you commit to going out with her, you dont want to waste time going out with someone you're not that into unless you know the sex is gonna be good. And at least that way if things dont work out it hasnt been a total waste of time.
12-10-2005, 01:26
I'd try and sleep with her a few times before you commit to going out with her, you dont want to waste time going out with someone you're not that into unless you know the sex is gonna be good. And at least that way if things dont work out it hasnt been a total waste of time.
That's some good advice
12-10-2005, 02:14
Sounds predictable, sounds simple, is NOT difficult. Ya see, when you see her at a moment when she's not real busy with something else, you plaster this stoopid, shit-eatin' grin all over your face, walk up to her all kinda kewl like, lean in about 1/2 an arm's length from her face so she can't ignore you. Then you simle ( and DO try to make it genuine! ) and say, "I kinda like you. How would you like to go out?"

Then she says, "Why ... yes. I think I'd like to. When did you have in mind?" In which case you respond with what you've been planning all this time while you work yourself up to this.

OR ... she says, "Sorry, but I can't. My father is going to paint the house and I need to watch it dry."

IN WHICH CASE, you smile and say, "Well, sorry you'll be missing out, but I'll let you know how things turn out with whichever girl has enough intellect to recognize a great guy when she sees one." Then turn your sorry ass back home and plot who you're going to ask out next. And you do ... you ask out every girl in whom you have the remotest interest until you find one who says yes. Then you take her out and learn from the experience. And the next time you ask someone out, you'll do it just a bit better. And each time you'll get just a little more relaxed and a little more adept and soon you won't have to ask anyone else out because they'll be asking YOU out.

Just like Babe Ruth, who most people know as "The Homerun King: ( before he was dethroned ), but who most people DON'T know was also the strikeout king. He just swung more often.

Go and do thou likewise! :p

Tried something similiar. Fail miserably. Be yourself, nothing else. Unless you're normally an asshole.
12-10-2005, 02:26
Yeah, but you are an aweful person.
Don't complicate this with facts.
12-10-2005, 07:21
Actually, it is a nice accomplishment if that was his goal. How many other 5+ page threads are there about one person's RL?
*Ahem*'s three pages for me. Something you wanna tell us about? Y'know, some.....troubles with.....basic mathematics?

I totally did a double-take, though.

And for the record, Czardas, my date was lovely. Not a thought of that snide remark the entire time. So nyeh :p
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
12-10-2005, 14:54
Simonist']*Ahem*'s three pages for me. Something you wanna tell us about? Y'know, some.....troubles with.....basic mathematics?

I totally did a double-take, though.

And for the record, Czardas, my date was lovely. Not a thought of that snide remark the entire time. So nyeh :p
You know what you can do? You can just go make a bacon and egg sandwich!
Or not, I suppose, depending on your relative location to bacon and eggs.
Wait, this come-back seems to be strangely lacking . . . *reads advice card again* Oh, my bad, I was supposed to be more forceful about my assertion.
12-10-2005, 14:59
I've been waiting for nearly TWENTY-ONE GODDAMN YEARS AND I'M STILL SINGLE!!! :mad:

*calmly (:D) *
So no, it does not work for boys. ;) It'd be nice, though.
It does, but only intermittently. Even though I was almost always the initiatior, the most exciting woman I've ever been with approached me first. :D

( I was 53! ) LOL!
Sierra BTHP
12-10-2005, 15:24
Okay, today I found out that a girl who is not unattractive, and who I quite like, but she isnt that popular (Not that I care), has asked my friend several times if I fancy her. Now I dont really, but Im not too picky.

You must care if she's not popular, because you mentioned it. Either that, or you're saying something negative about your perception of your own social status.

Also, if you're not too picky, just ask any girl you see - warts and all.

However, I am ver reluctant to ask her out, number 1, i am not sure she does, but its quite likely since she asked my friend that.
If you're that afraid of rejection, go have yourself neutered immediately.

number 2, for about 3 years people have said we will make a good couple, and Ive always said..., 'Uhh..NO!', so it would be a nit let down for my self esteem if I did go out with her.
I think you already have major problems with your self-esteem.

And if she REJECTED me I would probably have to kill myself.

But as I say, Im not exactly picky, and I am nearing desparate.

Oh brother.

Look, women are not aliens from space. They are human beings, just like you, except that their genitals and gonads are different. They may or may not dress differently. Most of them want some fun out of life. Most want friendship, etc. So don't take it so damn seriously - it's not like you're marrying her.

Just ask her out. If you find she's fun to be with, ask her out some more. If she's no fun to be with, don't ask her out.

Repeat with other women as necessary.