NationStates Jolt Archive

Why does it seem like everything is going bad so suddenly?

07-10-2005, 06:37
I've been alive for 18 1/2 years now...During my life I have felt rather ok with this world and so forth..But with in these last few years everything seems to be going down hill in fast paced manner. I mean our(the US) seems to be vigiliant against anyone nowadays. Our president, im sure, is in an alliance with the antichrist. all these increased natural disasters and so on..Some people might say life happens and this stuff had always happen..But really has it happened in such a frequency? Why is everything go bad? I(going to sound crazy to alot) Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so... What is everyone else's thoughts? Please no offensive statements. :)
07-10-2005, 06:40
Why is everything go bad? I(going to sound crazy to alot) Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so...

18½ and Judeo-Christian. There's your explanation. People your age tend to have this crisis, and people of your religion intertwine this particular mythology. Let's hope you grow out of it.
07-10-2005, 06:50
You probaly are just at that age where you notice things that are going on in the world. Things always seem simpler when you are younger.
07-10-2005, 07:05
There has been a definate stepping up in the right wing evil sector. But then again we liberals had a good run with Clinton. It's only fair to let the Conservatives have a go at cocking things up for a few years.
Greater Valia
07-10-2005, 07:06
Quit looking at the world through shit colored glasses.
07-10-2005, 07:09
18½ and Judeo-Christian. There's your explanation. People your age tend to have this crisis, and people of your religion intertwine this particular mythology. Let's hope you grow out of it.

Oh yes, that's the explanation alright. Much better to become enlightenend by Fass, believe in nothing and worship the the alter of Buba's asshole. One look from his perspective and you'll get whole new outlook on life. Guarenteed.
07-10-2005, 07:12
Much better to become enlightenend by Fass, believe in nothing and worship the the alter of Buba's asshole.

Amen! Testify!
West Kalamar
07-10-2005, 07:15
It always seems the worst when it's your time. Things look so bad, and you are unsure because they are happening so quickly. The problem is perspective. Every generation has it's crises, and every generation think's their time is the most important.
Respectable People
07-10-2005, 07:17
Its just a phase, little tyke, it must be because you're young...What the fu-
Those are a couple of terrible replies, no one wants to be told that.
West Kalamar
07-10-2005, 07:19
No one wants to be, no. I'm also not denying that things are bad, or that we shouldn't try to fix them. I'm just saying that things are going as they always have.
Respectable People
07-10-2005, 07:24
It's just that you are older and wiser right? It's all in zilam's head, it's his struggle to understand with his puny young mind.
Enlightened residents
07-10-2005, 07:24
Actually, our country has pretty much gone down hill in the last few years. If you doubt that, you must have your head in the sand. I don't need to point fingers; we all know where the problem lies. :rolleyes:
07-10-2005, 07:25
The human mind makes associations between things. This and that. That and this. It draws connections, makes inferences, and divines conclusions, all quite without effort. It's magic.
Greater Valia
07-10-2005, 07:26
Actually, our country has pretty much gone down hill in the last few years. If you doubt that, you must have your head in the sand. I don't need to point fingers; we all know where the problem lies. :rolleyes:

Disney? I totally agree man.
Respectable People
07-10-2005, 07:26
Wait, scratch that, I'm starting to sound like an asshole.
Respectable People
07-10-2005, 07:27
Wait, scratch that, I sound like an asshole.
Respectable People
07-10-2005, 07:29
everyone here has finger up their ass. why am i replying?
Sick Nightmares
07-10-2005, 07:36
If you ask me, it's all those motherfuckers who.......
Please no offensive statements. :)
Oh, nevermind.
Slaughtered Sheep
07-10-2005, 07:54
I agree with Luxey. When you reach a certain age, you start to notice things more. For me it was about 17, near Clinton's impeachment. I thought that things were going down hill pretty fast when we were wasting our time and tax dollars on a private affair that was far less of an abuse of power than about 90% of anything scandalous Presidents have ever done when people are hungry, our schools are in dire straits, and the dot-com bubble was bursting. But I digress.

My point is that everyone thinks that things are going down hill, but what they don't realize is that things have been in the crapper for ages. We just don't notice because the Republicrats gloss over everything and we Americans have the attention span of a gnat with ADHD.
07-10-2005, 08:24
I think that things have been bad before - but:
We've had a good run in the Nineties. The USSR was gone, and nuclear war wasn't on the agenda anymore.
Smaller conflicts could be sorted out by international alliances that interfere to end them (Iraq, Kosovo).

Then came 9/11, which was somewhat expected, given that there were many who were unhappy with the US and its involvement in the Middle East. Everyone was on the side of the US (although people in Germany were asking themselves how a Bush could be elected again...), and everyone went along to help out in Afghanistan.

But from then on, this cultural imperialism (and that's not empty words - imposing Western values of "freedom", "democracy" etc) came along, and even worse: attacking Iraq, which really didn't have anything to do with it all.
I know from the people around me at the time: Around the world people were sure that now the "Yanks" were using September 11 as an excuse to engage in some sort of obsession of Bush and his cronies (New American Century (

As far as natural disasters are concerned, no, we always had them. But I reckon we might see more of them as global warming progresses.

I think though that it will get worse. The more the rest of the world feels like the US does the wrong thing, the more the US hardens in its stance, the more the rest of the world gets angry.
It'll be an interesting five decades or so.
07-10-2005, 08:28
I've been alive for 18 1/2 years now...During my life I have felt rather ok with this world and so forth..But with in these last few years everything seems to be going down hill in fast paced manner. I mean our(the US) seems to be vigiliant against anyone nowadays. Our president, im sure, is in an alliance with the antichrist. all these increased natural disasters and so on..Some people might say life happens and this stuff had always happen..But really has it happened in such a frequency? Why is everything go bad? I(going to sound crazy to alot) Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so... What is everyone else's thoughts? Please no offensive statements. :)
Just a thought for you ... if you don't want people to post offensive statements in response to something you post, you might not want to post offensive statements yourself. In particular: "Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so... "

However, you just need to calm down a bit. At your age, you're finally done coping with your own perosnal problems and you're starting to look out at the world. Scary, isn't it? Hold on tight, it's a crazy ride.
San haiti
07-10-2005, 08:54
A broadening of your horizons nearly always gives you the impression that things are falling apart, did for me anyway.

If its still going on when you're 30, then you might have a problem.
07-10-2005, 08:57
So everything is happy with patronising the original poster, yet no one actually thinks that we live in an environment any less stable or violent than we did in 1995?
07-10-2005, 08:58
So everything is happy with patronising the original poster, yet no one actually thinks that we live in an environment any less stable or violent than we did in 1995?
I do think it's less stable, but you have to admit that the OP is at a stage where he's just starting to wake up and look around at the bigger picture. It's never easy - even before 9/11 and all that he's mentioning.
07-10-2005, 09:07
The world has been going down hill pretty much since the instant our primate ancestors decided that picking up a stick and beating the shit out of each other was a great way to solve their disputes.

But seriously, though, all these people saying "you're just at that age..." are basically right. You're old enough now that you aren't shielded from the all badness by your own ignorance, but you're not old enough to have grown jaded to it all yet. It's not a bad thing, though.
07-10-2005, 09:39
The way I see it, everybody's young. I don't care if you're 5 or 50, you're a young, ignorant, whiny, ungreatful, bitch. If people weren't young then endless bickering, war, crime, poverty, and general stupidity would not exist. Just because you're a certain age doesn't mean the magical intelligence bunny has visited you and endowed you with intellectual powers. Also the other way around, just beause you're young doesn't mean you're stupid, while most young people are, it would be idiotic to generalize and assume every single one of them are.
07-10-2005, 09:40
Why does it seem like everything is going bad so suddenly? It might have a little bit to do with the fact that you're 18 1/2. In my experience people around 20 seem to suffer a bit of a down. Don't worry. I hear things clear up around thirty. ;)
De Kempen
07-10-2005, 09:49
Has nothing to do with the OP's age.

Since the beginning of the eighties things are going down the drain.

07-10-2005, 10:20
That's just perfectly natural paranoia. Everyone in the Universe has that. You just learn to ignore it as you get older.
07-10-2005, 11:25
You probaly are just at that age where you notice things that are going on in the world. Things always seem simpler when you are younger.

True..or when your older and on valium.

Honestly everyone goes through a phase of 'the world is an awful place' I'm not belittling your view. I think you just have grown up. It happened to me 2 summers ago. The most horrible shit happened, it came out of nowhere and then all these horrible things started happening in the world. When realisticly all that bad stuff is always there.....

I'm not sure that Bush made a deal with the anti-christ, I think the anti-Christ turned Bush down ( Rove went to Hades and made the offer btw) as he realised that he(the anti-christ) would be labeled a terrorist, hiding wmd's in hell! Also the anti christ was concerned that Bush would not represent him properly, since Bush hears the voice of God in his head.
07-10-2005, 12:36
I've been alive for 18 1/2 years now...During my life I have felt rather ok with this world and so forth..But with in these last few years everything seems to be going down hill in fast paced manner. I mean our(the US) seems to be vigiliant against anyone nowadays. Our president, im sure, is in an alliance with the antichrist. all these increased natural disasters and so on..Some people might say life happens and this stuff had always happen..But really has it happened in such a frequency? Why is everything go bad? I(going to sound crazy to alot) Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so... What is everyone else's thoughts? Please no offensive statements. :)

Welcome, you!

I escaped from the ideas that trap you when I was 11, and my father became Jehova's Witness. With 11 years, who should I obey? The Witness, or my ultra-catholic mother?

And now I can clearly see that the US can not be police of nothing, that your president is just an stupid madman who talks about fear to keep the power, that the US don't sign the Kyoto protocol and it leads us to the Disaster, and that the thing of the Israel Temple is just a sionist joke, it should be built for next summer and they should sacrifice a red goat or something like that, hm, don't remember...

And, don't worry, there are enough faiths to bother...
Good Lifes
07-10-2005, 14:25
The US had/has a lot of inertia. It takes a long time for a bad/good decision to really change things. The change came in 1980. Things have been slowly going downhill. The inertia is catching up.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Sierra BTHP
07-10-2005, 14:36
18½ and Judeo-Christian. There's your explanation. People your age tend to have this crisis, and people of your religion intertwine this particular mythology. Let's hope you grow out of it.

People who watch too much television news have this problem too.

It helps to get out and enjoy life, rather than watching things that suck on TV.
07-10-2005, 16:08
I've been alive for 18 1/2 years now...During my life I have felt rather ok with this world and so forth..
Ok, so you were born at the end of the eighties and grew up during the nineties. Don't dispair - everything is in cycles. Let me tell you, from someone who grew up in the eighties: that was a really awfull decade. War all over the place, huge friction between USA and USSR, nuclear weapons being stationed all over Europe, the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, sour rain killing the trees ... the list goes on and on. Then the change at the end of the eighties. An overall promising decade during the nineties. And now everything seems to slip again. But don't worry, it'll get better. And if it doesn't get better soon, but worse, don't worry either, because it'll take quite a while to get to the black hole that was the eighties (at least in Europe).

Go out, travel around your country and try to see a bit of the world, read ... there are so many great things to discover.

Oh, and write poetry or song lyrics! That way you have a great outlet for your frustrations now and something to remind you of these feelings later. More importantly, you have something to laugh at and a way for your kids to ridicule you, when they find your stack of poetry :D

And to round it up: Have a :fluffle:
07-10-2005, 18:27
Believe we are seriously in the last days. I mean I forsee the temple in israel being rebuilt within the next 3 yrs or so... What is everyone else's thoughts? Please no offensive statements. :)
Have they gotten that red heiffer yet? I think the place has to be purified with the blood of a red heiffer before they can rebuild the temple.
07-10-2005, 18:38
Here's the thing i forgot to mention; I have always been an open to the world kind of perosn. I have laways stayed on top of politics and world events, thats why I can honestly say this time period of my life seems a heck of a lot worse
07-10-2005, 18:40
I heard some see natural disasters as God's wrath. Florida loves getting hit with hurricanes. I guess there is an abundance of evil people there. ;)
07-10-2005, 18:41
Have they gotten that red heiffer yet? I think the place has to be purified with the blood of a red heiffer before they can rebuild the temple.

A red heifer was born like 5 yrs back in israel and with current clone tech. there is no doubt that there can be another soon
07-10-2005, 18:44
I heard some see natural disasters as God's wrath. Florida loves getting hit with hurricanes. I guess there is an abundance of evil people there. ;)

Here is a bit of trivia: katrina means the purifier or the purger..look at where it hit....N.O. city of sex and booze..It also hit during the week of which there was going to be a thing called southern decadence..a gay rights parade in which the gays were permitted to commit lude acts in public..Kind of coincedentle ,eh?
07-10-2005, 18:45
A red heifer was born like 5 yrs back in israel and with current clone tech. there is no doubt that there can be another soon
What are they waiting for, then? Zoning permits?
07-10-2005, 18:47
Here is a bit of trivia: katrina means the purifier or the purger..look at where it hit....N.O. city of sex and booze..It also hit during the week of which there was going to be a thing called southern decadence..a gay rights parade in which the gays were permitted to commit lude acts in public..Kind of coincedentle ,eh?

Scratch my earlier comment. Loony writing like that may just mean you're one of those people that need this sort of thinking to get by.
07-10-2005, 22:09
What are they waiting for, then? Zoning permits?

Well if they Destroy the Dome of the rock to build there, then all hell breaks loose..You got every arab nation, plus russia who is in alliance with many arab nations, and now possibly china which does military exercises with russia, all of which would be aimed straight at israel..Now they,israel, have a nice army and nuke capabilities, but uh that many people taking you on...well lets say unless God intervenes then there is going to be a lot of dead Israelis...thats why they are waiting...thinking of a way to get past the whole warfare idea...I say the should build on the mount of Olives..there is nothing there AND it would be rather peaceful way to go about it...Just my thoughts though
Daistallia 2104
08-10-2005, 13:45
So everything is happy with patronising the original poster, yet no one actually thinks that we live in an environment any less stable or violent than we did in 1995?

Yep, things are pretty stable and less violent.

Have a read of Why The Decline In Wars (
08-10-2005, 14:25
I grew up in the 70s terrified of nuclear war.

Everyone goes through it -- and everyone comes out of it sooner or later.
Demented Hamsters
08-10-2005, 15:00
I grew up in the 70s terrified of nuclear war.

Everyone goes through it -- and everyone comes out of it sooner or later.
I was just going to say that myself. I can still remember how terrified I felt some nights during the early 80's that the US/USSR were on the brink. The nuclear holocaust cash-in movies that came out during that time didn't help either.

It's just a phase one goes through. As you mature you suddenly become acutely aware of your surroundings. Teenagers are incredibly selfish and self-centred and aren't even aware of this. Then they hit a certain age (around 17-18, sometimes younge,r sometimes older, sometimes never!) when they suddenly notice the rest of the world and suffer a bit of sensory overload. Unfortunately one of the first things you notice is how fucked up it is and how powerless you are to do anything about it.
This worries the hell out of you. It did me.
Eventually you calm down and you're able to make better sense of everything and your place in the scheme of things. Then you start to realise that 'No the end of the world isn't coming and even if it is, there's bugger-all I can do anyway so why fret and worry myself sick over it?'
08-10-2005, 15:26
Here is a bit of trivia: katrina means the purifier or the purger..look at where it hit....N.O. city of sex and booze..It also hit during the week of which there was going to be a thing called southern decadence..a gay rights parade in which the gays were permitted to commit lude acts in public..Kind of coincedentle ,eh?
Yeah, and isn't it interesting that the French Quarter, the region most associated with the "sinful gays" was largely spared from the worst of the storm? I mean, "The Purfier" takes all the trouble to hit NO, and then avoids the gays when it gets there...kind of makes you think...

Seriously, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop worshipping a being that murders innocent people because it doesn't like consenting adults choosing who they want to spend their lives with.
08-10-2005, 21:00
Yeah, and isn't it interesting that the French Quarter, the region most associated with the "sinful gays" was largely spared from the worst of the storm? I mean, "The Purfier" takes all the trouble to hit NO, and then avoids the gays when it gets there...kind of makes you think...

Seriously, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop worshipping a being that murders innocent people because it doesn't like consenting adults choosing who they want to spend their lives with.

yeah i was pointing out how ironic the whole situation was..kthnx