NationStates Jolt Archive


06-10-2005, 09:10
I was just listening to CNN Radio and that law banning poor treatment of prisioners in custody has just passed Congress. Score 1 the liberal left.
06-10-2005, 09:28
I was just listening to CNN Radio and that law banning poor treatment of prisioners in custody has just passed Congress. Score 1 the liberal left.
Something i can agree on Yay!
Pepe Dominguez
06-10-2005, 09:31
What exactly did they ban, now? Just curious what kind of interrogation techniques Congress didn't like..
06-10-2005, 09:37
I was just listening to CNN Radio and that law banning poor treatment of prisioners in custody has just passed Congress. Score 1 the liberal left.

Wait, both House and Senate passed it?

Wonder if Bush will have the balls to veto it? :rolleyes:
06-10-2005, 09:39
What exactly did they ban, now? Just curious what kind of interrogation techniques Congress didn't like..
"Inhumane interrogation techiniques"... IE (I assume) Letting dogs growl at the testicles of a naked suspect, etc.

Spy agencies like M5 and ASIO have long discredited these techniques as unreliable and the ASIO Director went as far as to call them "Ineffective and a crime against the very nature of democracy"

Fromw hat I've been hearing Bush may veto this, which could put the White House on the extreme wrong side of public opinion. With Democrats and Republicans comming together to support this act.
06-10-2005, 09:40
Wait, both House and Senate passed it?

Wonder if Bush will have the balls to veto it? :rolleyes:
From what I understand, yes. About twenty minutes ago.
06-10-2005, 09:41
What exactly did they ban, now? Just curious what kind of interrogation techniques Congress didn't like..
They banned torture...
06-10-2005, 09:43
They banned torture...
define torture
06-10-2005, 09:48
define torture
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
06-10-2005, 11:36
I was just listening to CNN Radio and that law banning poor treatment of prisioners in custody has just passed Congress. Score 1 the liberal left.
Finally the Senate (just the Senate, the House hasn't taken it up yet) does SOMETHING useful. President Bush has threatened to veto it however... of course he hasn't vetoed ANYTHING, but there you are.

Oh, Rotovia, before someone smacks you with this. It wasn't the liberal left in the Senate. This amendment, passed with a 90-9 vote, was written by Sen John McCain.
Evil Woody Thoughts
06-10-2005, 11:41
Finally the Senate (just the Senate, the House hasn't taken it up yet) does SOMETHING useful. President Bush has threatened to veto it however... of course he hasn't vetoed ANYTHING, but there you are.

Oh, Rotovia, before someone smacks you with this. It wasn't the liberal left in the Senate. This amendment, passed with a 90-9 vote, was written by Sen John McCain.

I think all nine who voted against it were Republicans though, with one Democrat absent.

The dems that were there voted unanimously in favor, I believe (I saw the roll call earlier tonight, too lazy to go back and look it up again). So, the support from the "liberal left" was rock solid, and only the looniest Republicans would dare vote against this (including $enator Bond, one of mine *pukes on keyboard*). Even t3h $antorum voted in favor of this, IIRC...
06-10-2005, 11:53
Score 1 the liberal left.Wrong. Score one for anyone to the left of fascist. Even Republicans supported this one. I'm really tired of you leftists implying that conservatives are all heartless monsters.
06-10-2005, 11:54
"Inhumane interrogation techiniques"... IE (I assume) Letting dogs growl at the testicles of a naked suspect, etc.

Score one for the
06-10-2005, 11:56
Wrong. Score one for anyone to the left of fascist. Even Republicans supported this one. I'm really tired of you leftists implying that conservatives are all heartless monsters.
Just the politicians :p
06-10-2005, 12:17
Just the politicians :p

I doubt Bush would veto it based on the Constitution anyway...if he pays any attention to that anymore...
06-10-2005, 12:18
Wait, both House and Senate passed it?

Wonder if Bush will have the balls to veto it? :rolleyes:

Faster than you can say "Dumb Texas Rednceck."
06-10-2005, 12:24
oh, DO let bush come here and veto this...

anyway..i think it's great such a thing got started, but i'm still in doubt it'll pass completely, and i do sincerely hope they put some decent definition of this "poor treatment" thing in..'cause my pessimist guess is that either they stretch and bend the definition in order to still suit their needs or that it won't be enforced the way it should.