NationStates Jolt Archive

Cases of child abuse, neglect soar

Mind Sickness
04-10-2005, 20:09
Cases of child abuse, neglect soar
Oct. 4, 2005. 06:11 AM

More children are being abused and neglected in Canada than researchers and policymakers previously believed, according to results from a new study. The study shows that in 2003, the incidence of reported child abuse and neglect in Canada was up 125 per cent from 1998, the last time it was measured. Andrew Mills reports. [Full Story]

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What is wrong with people today? Are the average stress levels of Noth American society so high that we're taking it out on our children? Are children the culprits, getting worse every generation? Are we just getting crazier?

I'm suggesting a forced sterelization program for those who consistently neglect or abuse their children.

04-10-2005, 20:14
I think a lot of child abuse can be traced back to people who had sex without thinking of the consequences and therefore resent thier children and blame them for the hurt they are feeling and abuse the kids in some form of sick retaliation.

I did see a case once where a woman had her three kids taken away repetedly for abusing them. and when she had the fourth the DCF came and took it from the hospital before she was even discharged. that started a whole huge fight. I don't think that forced sterilization would go over well.
Sierra BTHP
04-10-2005, 20:15
Abuse, whether child or domestic abuse, is more prevalent than studies indicate. That's not a surprise.
04-10-2005, 20:18
I have numerous friends who work in various aspects of child protective and abused persons services, and i think most would agree that it is through reporting, both by mandated reporters as well as concerned people, that these numbers have gone up. It's always been sickeningly high. We just know about it now.