NationStates Jolt Archive

Greatest Rock&Roll Band Claimed for next two years

04-10-2005, 05:25
Tom DeLonge wants you to know that his new band, Angels & Airwaves, will probably change the way you listen to rock and roll, will more than likely alter your life and will most definitely be the most famous band in the world. You've just got to give him some time

playing music in the wake of the Blink thing was like finding love in the middle of a war zone." — Tom DeLonge

"Right now, I'm a song and a half from finishing the greatest album of my career, and I swear it's going to be something that will compete with the greatest rock records of all time," he enthused. "Within two years, we'll be the biggest rock act in the world. There's never been a rock band from America that sounds like us. And I hope that what I just said raises more than a few eyebrows."

Like I said, there's never been a band from America that sounded like this. Pink Floyd, the Cure, the Police, U2, Coldplay — they all come from Europe — and this band, it has the conceptual depth of Pink Floyd, it has the anthemic architecture of U2 but it has the energy and youthful vibrancy of Blink. I'm freaking out," he laughed. "And I'm not saying this lightly. Every single person who's heard the music understands. If I ever had the chance in my life to do something on a whole different level from anything I've ever done before, this is it."

It's cinematic and massive. All the songs have dramatic crescendos and huge stadium choruses," he said. "If you slam the Cure, Pink Floyd, U2 and the Police into one band with me singing, that's kind of what it will sound like. It's everything you like about those little bands, but also with parts of Blink in there too."
Cannot think of a name
04-10-2005, 05:29
Don't you think that the cat from Blink 182 can pimp his own shit, that whatever it is is going to be littered all over every airwave, plugged endlessly on MTV, used to promote everything from sneakers to condoms to whatever that it isn't really neccisary to make two threads pimping his shit for him here? Or are you just trying to accelerate how quickly we're all going to be irratated by it's constant presence?
Children of Valkyrja
04-10-2005, 05:31
And the point to this posting is?
04-10-2005, 05:36
Blink 182 sucked alot... a ton... a sh*tload...

Matt Delonge sucks alot... a ton... a sh*tload...

Follow the pattern and.... TA DA! you get:

Angel & Airwaves will suck alot... a ton... a sh*tload...

If it changes the way i listen to rock and roll then it will only because i ripped my ears off after hearing his garbage. In my opinion he is a vain prissy turd... thats just my opinion though.

The last band that truly changed the way we liten to rock and roll- again this is my humble opinion- is Nirvana, even though they were technically grunge.

They kicked ass alot... a ton... a sh*tload...
04-10-2005, 05:41
Agreed with Cramz, on pretty much every point. Good job. I can't believe I wasted my time downloading a Blink song years back, i want those wasted moments back :headbang:
04-10-2005, 11:41
Tom DeLonge wants you to know that his new band, Angels & Airwaves, will probably change the way you listen to rock and roll, will more than likely alter your life and will most definitely be the most famous band in the world. You've just got to give him some time.

"Right now, I'm a song and a half from finishing the greatest album of my career, and I swear it's going to be something that will compete with the greatest rock records of all time," he enthused. "Within two years, we'll be the biggest rock act in the world..."

DeLonge, who based on these statements is quite honestly more full of himself than anyone else on the planet, has sealed his doom.

Because of the outright egocentric prickishness of these statements, legions of people who actually like quality music will never tolerate or listen to this new music.

"Within two years, we'll be the biggest rock act in the world..."

And within three, you'll be Jesus. :rolleyes:
04-10-2005, 11:53
What happened to Blink 182?
04-10-2005, 11:56
If he's that excited, he must have discovered a 4th chord on his guitar or something.
04-10-2005, 12:19
If he's that excited, he must have discovered a 4th chord on his guitar or something.

04-10-2005, 12:52
If he's that excited, he must have discovered a 4th chord on his guitar or something.

04-10-2005, 13:08
What happened to Blink 182?

not a band anymore, broke up in february
04-10-2005, 22:32
He better live up to what he says.
The blessed Chris
04-10-2005, 22:37
Hmm, I am sure we all take the sentiments of a thrity year old plus who remains obsessed with puerile humour, and was a member in the most over rated and immature band of the decade, completely seriously....

However, I'll give him and the band a fair chance, he did establish Atticus Clothing (without which I wouldn't have a wardorbe), and give the world the quintissential Emo haircut :)