politicly correct hypocrates
I dislike political correctness. Someone bashes Christianity and the politicly correct, or pc, praises the basher. Point out one flaw in atheism or Islam and you'll be sued the next day. If you don't meet the racial quotas for whatever reason(# of people working there, # of minorities actually applying, etc.) and you're suddenly the grand wizard of the kkk. Fire a man and noone cares; fire a woman and everyone cares. Bashing the USA and calling for it to pull it's troops out of unstable and vulnerable Iraq is appropriate. Support the USA and you're "brainwashed" and a Bush supporter sudddenly. Call Sheehan what she is, a political opportunist and liberal mccartney(50's senator or congressman or whatever who used America's fear of the Soviets to hurt his opposition), and you're suddenly an uber-conservative, like uber-conservative, super-republican "Sheehan can't tell me what to think" Hillary who's now one of Bush's mindslaves because she didn't listen to that Sheehan nut. Longstory short, down with political correctness and it's ACLU supporters. If you'll allow someone to be racist because he or she is black, you're racist.
It's strange how most people who use the term "political correctness' lean to the right, isn't it?
02-10-2005, 00:12
Wow ... you were really all over the place there.
However, I'd like to see a source where there is any law concerning praising those who bash Christianity and, conversely, a source where it is legal precident to give fabulous cash prizes to everyone else who gets bashed.
I mean ... come on ... methinks you're taking internet forums too seriously. They're not life, you know. If they were, Jack Chick would have been shot years ago.
You may speak your mind, openly and frankly, but you must take the personal responsibility for the backlash.
As for the ACLU, I suggest you read Cat-Tribes terrific stuff proving that the ACLU spends as much time and energy defending the rights of Christians as they do anyone else. The ACLU even defends the Klan.
02-10-2005, 00:12
Don't worry you're not the only one who thinks PC is nothing but a sinister form of propaganda.
02-10-2005, 00:16
It's strange how most people who use the term "political correctness' lean to the right, isn't it?
Well how dare we take away their right to be rude? After all, it's a Constitutional guarantee. I believe the Federalist Papers have a lengthy discussion between Franklin and Adams concerning life, liberty, and the right to use "******" in daily conversation.
Well how dare we take away their right to be rude? After all, it's a Constitutional guarantee. I believe the Federalist Papers have a lengthy discussion between Franklin and Adams concerning life, liberty, and the right to use "******" in daily conversation.
I've never heard of someone sued for the use of the word '******' before, but I have heard of people demanding resignations etc.
Those are two different things. You can say ****** all you want, but you sow the winds, you reap the whorlwinds.
02-10-2005, 00:20
I've never heard of someone sued for the use of the word '******' before, but I have heard of people demanding resignations etc.
Those are two different things. You can say ****** all you want, but you sow the winds, you reap the whorlwinds.
That was the point of my post. ;)
Well how dare we take away their right to be rude? After all, it's a Constitutional guarantee. I believe the Federalist Papers have a lengthy discussion between Franklin and Adams concerning life, liberty, and the right to use "******" in daily conversation.
A fair point. The bulk of stuff people whining about the PC mindfuck conspiracy (that has, presumably, exiled PJ O'Rourke, Ann Coulter and Howard Stern from the American media while I wasn't looking) seem to have a problem with does mostly come under good manners, doesn't it?
02-10-2005, 00:21
Totally what Cahnt said, a lot of that wasn't Political Correctness but anti-left sentiment :D
02-10-2005, 00:21
I dislike political correctness. Someone bashes Christianity and the politicly correct, or pc, praises the basher. Point out one flaw in atheism or Islam and you'll be sued the next day. If you don't meet the racial quotas for whatever reason(# of people working there, # of minorities actually applying, etc.) and you're suddenly the grand wizard of the kkk. Fire a man and noone cares; fire a woman and everyone cares. Bashing the USA and calling for it to pull it's troops out of unstable and vulnerable Iraq is appropriate. Support the USA and you're "brainwashed" and a Bush supporter sudddenly. Call Sheehan what she is, a political opportunist and liberal mccartney(50's senator or congressman or whatever who used America's fear of the Soviets to hurt his opposition), and you're suddenly an uber-conservative, like uber-conservative, super-republican "Sheehan can't tell me what to think" Hillary who's now one of Bush's mindslaves because she didn't listen to that Sheehan nut. Longstory short, down with political correctness and it's ACLU supporters. If you'll allow someone to be racist because he or she is black, you're racist.
Jeeze! Who the hell ate your cookie, dude? Heh!
Mythotic Kelkia
02-10-2005, 00:23
:rolleyes: when are people gonna get it? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. It's like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Invented by right-wingers so they can bash people they don't like.
There's a lad I used to know who was convinced that the Elders Of Zion were a reggae band...
02-10-2005, 00:26
Yes there is.
The South Islands
02-10-2005, 00:27
:rolleyes: when are people gonna get it? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. It's like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Invented by right-wingers so they can bash people they don't like.
Its traditional to put the Smilie at the END of a statement. :rolleyes:
02-10-2005, 00:30
An example of political correctness:
There's a Black History Month, Black Entertainment Television, etc., yet if someone were to propose, say, a White History Month, or a channel called White Entertainment Television, PCers would pounce all over them and scream 'racist!'
Jeeze! Who the hell ate your cookie, dude? Heh!umm... that cookie was claimed?
*wipes crumbs away* umm... it was... the cookie monster.. yeah... him... :D
actually I kinda agree with Avika. which soldier would get the treatment he/she needed by the people; one suffereing from Post-Operational-Stress-Disorder or the one suffering from Combat Fatigue, or the one that has Shell Shock?
why must employers of private businesses have to have a quota while private schools can give admission preferences by Blood? (Kamehameha Schools)
would you rather be hired because of your skills or because you fill a quota?
An example of political correctness:
There's a Black History Month, Black Entertainment Television, etc., yet if someone were to propose, say, a White History Month, or a channel called White Entertainment Television, PCers would pounce all over them and scream 'racist!'
Then open your mouth and scream racist at black history month. Don't bitch at hypotheticals, get off your arse and do something.
Mythotic Kelkia
02-10-2005, 00:31
Its traditional to put the Smilie at the END of a statement. :rolleyes:
:confused: eh? I can put it wherever I want. You know people take the internet too seriously when they start creating prescriptivist style rules for the use of the emoticon. :rolleyes: Anyway, I was using " :rolleyes: " it as a response to the quoted message, so it made more sense to put it immediately after the quote, rather than the end of the whole message. imo.
English Humour
02-10-2005, 00:31
Saying that there is no such thing as political correctness is like calling bald a hair color, or calling atheism a religion.
Fingolfin Unleashed
02-10-2005, 00:31
I dislike political correctness. Someone bashes Christianity and the politicly correct, or pc, praises the basher. Point out one flaw in atheism or Islam and you'll be sued the next day. If you don't meet the racial quotas for whatever reason(# of people working there, # of minorities actually applying, etc.) and you're suddenly the grand wizard of the kkk. Fire a man and noone cares; fire a woman and everyone cares. Bashing the USA and calling for it to pull it's troops out of unstable and vulnerable Iraq is appropriate. Support the USA and you're "brainwashed" and a Bush supporter sudddenly. Call Sheehan what she is, a political opportunist and liberal mccartney(50's senator or congressman or whatever who used America's fear of the Soviets to hurt his opposition), and you're suddenly an uber-conservative, like uber-conservative, super-republican "Sheehan can't tell me what to think" Hillary who's now one of Bush's mindslaves because she didn't listen to that Sheehan nut. Longstory short, down with political correctness and it's ACLU supporters. If you'll allow someone to be racist because he or she is black, you're racist.
Why does political correctness have to be leftist/laberal?
02-10-2005, 00:32
Then open your mouth and scream racist at black history month. Don't bitch at hypothetical, get off your arse and do something.
I never said Black History Month was racist. I'm simply saying, PC types find some things honoring specific races (Black History Month, for example) okay, but others (such as White History Month) offensive. It's just stupid. But for the record, I find neither offensive.
What happened to the days when PC just meant Personal Computer? *Goes back to playing Alpha Centauri and rocking in the fetal position*
02-10-2005, 00:33
:rolleyes: when are people gonna get it? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. It's like the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Invented by right-wingers so they can bash people they don't like.
Political Correctness exsists, it's just that it has been hijacked as one of those phrases that means people don't have to think about the logical or practical realities of it (see also: Big Brother). PC is basically seeking not to offend.
"Political correctness is a term employed to describe real or perceived attempts to impose limits on language and the range of acceptable public debate." that's where it stops. It's now become about (mainly right-wing) people with unexpressed socially unacceptable ideals that (for example, subtle racist tendancies towards immigration or terrorism) that they feel but are frustrated because it is not socially acceptable to say it clearly (Brittish readers may want to recollect carefully worded BNP political broadcasts), so they hit out at these social barriers because they are frightened of being labelled sexist, racist etc. This is usually because the accusations are to some degree true or the subject has poor reasoning or understanding of the issue (i.e blacks commit more crime).
I hope that made at least some sense
I never said Black History Month was racist. I'm simply saying, PC types find some things honoring specific races (Black History Month, for example) okay, but others (such as White History Month) offensive. It's just stupid. But for the record, I find neither offensive.
It isn't honoring, it's to inform. We have a white history year ffs, and almost never touch on black history. It isn't to 'honor' blacks any more then regular history 'honors' whites.
02-10-2005, 00:37
An example of political correctness:
There's a Black History Month, Black Entertainment Television, etc., yet if someone were to propose, say, a White History Month, or a channel called White Entertainment Television, PCers would pounce all over them and scream 'racist!'
Well, blacks are a minority group so it's inclusive through being a specialist channel whereas a majority group doing it would be exclusive.
I.e you focus on 2/10 of history with one but you exclude 2/10 of history with the other.
In an ideal world we all watch the same stuff and race isn't never an issue but you can racially target or be racially aware without being racists. You don't have to look at everyone and not even notice their skin colour not to be racist.
02-10-2005, 00:39
There's a lad I used to know who was convinced that the Elders Of Zion were a reggae band...
There actually is a band called the Elders of Zion, but they aren't really reggae. *clicky* (http://www.epitonic.com/artists/eldersofzion.html)
An example of political correctness:
There's a Black History Month, Black Entertainment Television, etc., yet if someone were to propose, say, a White History Month, or a channel called White Entertainment Television, PCers would pounce all over them and scream 'racist!'Another example.
a business can be sued and forced to hire minorities should it be known that they give preference to caucasains. but a private school can turn away anyone who does not meet the Ethnical requirements for admission and it's "Not Discrimination."
02-10-2005, 00:41
It isn't honoring, it's to inform. We have a white history year ffs, and almost never touch on black history. It isn't to 'honor' blacks any more then regular history 'honors' whites.
That's stupid, though. Instead of 'honoring,' 'informing,' or whatever, certain groups, why can't we honor or inform people as human beings, not as 'black' or 'white' or whatever?
Another example.
a business can be sued and forced to hire minorities should it be known that they give preference to caucasains. but a private school can turn away anyone who does not meet the Ethnical requirements for admission and it's "Not Discrimination."
Hawaii has a fucked up school system. I'm not even going to bother justifying the native schools. In most places, that doesn't fly.
02-10-2005, 00:42
Another example.
a business can be sued and forced to hire minorities should it be known that they give preference to caucasains. but a private school can turn away anyone who does not meet the Ethnical requirements for admission and it's "Not Discrimination."
Exactly! Reverse racism is still racism.
02-10-2005, 00:42
There are no flaws in Atheism.
And I don't think any private citizen (as opposed to government) has ever been sued for attacking Atheism. If you have an example give it to me, so I can get all of Pat Robertson's money!
That's stupid, though. Instead of 'honoring,' 'informing,' or whatever, certain groups, why can't we honor or inform people as human beings, not as 'black' or 'white' or whatever?
Because it's african history, as opposed to the mostly european history that we study. The entire point of black history month is to bring attention to a part of history that is mostly ignored/glossed over.
02-10-2005, 00:44
Because it's african history, as opposed to the mostly european history that we study. The entire point of black history month is to bring attention to a part of history that is mostly ignored/glossed over.
Nothing wrong with focusing on it. It's extremely essential that we bring attention to it, but it just seems like it's emphasizing blacks for being black, not because of the great things they've done. Why can't we just scrap all ethnic-specific subjects and have a color-blind history subject that pays attention to the histories of all people?
02-10-2005, 00:45
Why does political correctness have to be leftist/laberal?
Um ... because it was developed by a far left Duke University professor and is constantly used by liberal/left organizations? Ya think??? :rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with focusing on it. It's extremely essential that we bring attention to it, but it just seems like it's emphasizing blacks for being black, not because of the great things they've done. Why can't we just scrap all ethnic-specific subjects and have a color-blind history subject that pays attention to the histories of all people?
Because that's about as likely to happen as everyone around the world renouncing violence.
Hawaii has a fucked up school system. I'm not even going to bother justifying the native schools. In most places, that doesn't fly.nope, just one school is doing it. So you're saying it's ok to allow only Hawaiians into a private school while a Caucaisan who is adopted by a Hawaiian family is rejected and kicked out?
and you're saying you are not for Discrimination?
02-10-2005, 00:48
Because that's about as likely to happen as everyone around the world renouncing violence.
I wish it weren't so, though. :(
nope, just one school is doing it. So you're saying it's ok to allow only Hawaiians into a private school while a Caucaisan who is adopted by a Hawaiian family is rejected and kicked out?
and you're saying you are not for Discrimination?
Just one set of schools. I know what you're speaking of, last time I was in hawaii the papers were in a big brewhaha over that.
No, I'm not, but plastering the entire nation and using that to justify racist comments is a bit off. Yes, there is some justification for it (mostly that native hawaiians have been getting the short end of the stick for the last...100 or so years), but eh. It will die in time.
02-10-2005, 00:57
Um ... because it was developed by a far left Duke University professor and is constantly used by liberal/left organizations? Ya think??? :rolleyes:
So why does nobody cry "political correctness" when a Bush supporters claims war opponents to be unpatriotic? It's the same thing as liberal political correctness - silencing your opposition by making their opinion socially unacceptable.
02-10-2005, 00:58
I dislike political correctness. Someone bashes Christianity and the politicly correct, or pc, praises the basher. Point out one flaw in atheism or Islam and you'll be sued the next day. If you don't meet the racial quotas for whatever reason(# of people working there, # of minorities actually applying, etc.) and you're suddenly the grand wizard of the kkk. Fire a man and noone cares; fire a woman and everyone cares. Bashing the USA and calling for it to pull it's troops out of unstable and vulnerable Iraq is appropriate. Support the USA and you're "brainwashed" and a Bush supporter sudddenly. Call Sheehan what she is, a political opportunist and liberal mccartney(50's senator or congressman or whatever who used America's fear of the Soviets to hurt his opposition), and you're suddenly an uber-conservative, like uber-conservative, super-republican "Sheehan can't tell me what to think" Hillary who's now one of Bush's mindslaves because she didn't listen to that Sheehan nut. Longstory short, down with political correctness and it's ACLU supporters. If you'll allow someone to be racist because he or she is black, you're racist.
Well, it's probably a good thing then that views like that aren't held by many people at all.
Just one set of schools. I know what you're speaking of, last time I was in hawaii the papers were in a big brewhaha over that.and they still are. last I've heard they're fighting the Courts Decision to remove their "Procedure of Preference"
No, I'm not, but plastering the entire nation and using that to justify racist comments is a bit off. Yes, there is some justification for it (mostly that native hawaiians have been getting the short end of the stick for the last...100 or so years), but eh. It will die in time.not using it to Justify Racial Comments, but to show how Political Correctness can be taken to the extreme, in any direction.
as you say Hawaiians WERE badly off, but to allow any EDUCATIONAL FACILITY to say, "sorry, but you're not hawaiian, so you cannot come here" is the same as saying "Sorry, all blacks must sit at the rear of the bus." or hanging a "White Only" sign on a water fountain.
As long as there are things that emphasise the differences in people, then there will alwasy be discrimination.
02-10-2005, 01:22
So why does nobody cry "political correctness" when a Bush supporters claims war opponents to be unpatriotic? It's the same thing as liberal political correctness - silencing your opposition by making their opinion socially unacceptable.
If memory serves me correctly, I've seen all sorts of claims against vitrually everyone who supports Bush, particularly on here, but none of them decrying "political correctness." The term seems to have become attached to the liberal/left, perhaps because they created it. The conservative/right has simply pre-empted it as an epithet to throw at the oppostion.
02-10-2005, 01:38
I am not a huge fan of the term Political Correctness. I prefer common sense.
2 Guys rock up to a hospital at the same time, one has a paper cut and one has a broken leg.
Who are you gonna treat first?
Is it discriminatory to treat the guy with the broken leg first?
Would the guy with the broken leg be right to complain if the guy with the paper cut got treated first?
How about visa versa.
Same with policies like taking a woman over a man for a job if they are equally qualified. Women have more trouble employment and wage wise than men do.. hence they should have priority... same deal.
Sure there are specific circumstance that differ from the general. The guy with the paper cut might be a haemophiliac.. etc but in general its a good idea to treat the most needy first.
Course things can go wrong and go to far.. Sure American Indians are probably having a hard time right now and maybe there should be assistance in that direction. But taking the guy with the paper cut and treating him first because he is an American Indian is taking things too far...
Just got to find the right middle ground.. right now I think we have a very long way to go before we have gone too far.
02-10-2005, 02:17
Who is Hypocrates again? Was he the one of the Greek philosophers who ran around setting other's sandals on fire?
Secluded Islands
02-10-2005, 02:21
Who is Hypocrates again? Was he the one of the Greek philosophers who ran around setting other's sandals on fire?
lol :D
02-10-2005, 02:22
If memory serves me correctly, I've seen all sorts of claims against vitrually everyone who supports Bush, particularly on here, but none of them decrying "political correctness." The term seems to have become attached to the liberal/left, perhaps because they created it. The conservative/right has simply pre-empted it as an epithet to throw at the oppostion.
It's not tangible, so to claim it has been created is kinda strange.
02-10-2005, 13:52
It's not tangible, so to claim it has been created is kinda strange.
It's a phrase that was coined by a leftist, you could say it was created. However since then it has become basically a verbal weapon to bludgeon certain views without any actual thought. It could be a useful phrase if it was only applied to hyper-sensitivity, obsession with labels and other impractical ideals, but is basically used to attack anyone on the left.