Just watched General Honore giving reporters hell! ROFLMFAO!!!
16-09-2005, 19:08
That was priceless!
Some idiot of a reporter made the gross tactical error of asking General Honore why the buses weren't there three days earlier to carry refugees from the New Orleans Superdome. Obviously restraining himself, he laid into all of them for equating moving in a news team with moving out 20,000 refugees!
SIC 'em, General! ROFLMFAO!!! :D
Sick Dreams
16-09-2005, 19:15
That was priceless!
Some idiot of a reporter made the gross tactical error of asking General Honore why the buses weren't there three days earlier to carry refugees from the New Orleans Superdome. Obviously restraining himself, he laid into all of them for equating moving in a news team with moving out 20,000 refugees!
SIC 'em, General! ROFLMFAO!!! :D
I really like that guy! If you happen to come accross the video on the net, could you post the link?
what station did you see it on?
Carnivorous Lickers
16-09-2005, 19:15
I like this General too.
That was priceless!
Some idiot of a reporter made the gross tactical error of asking General Honore why the buses weren't there three days earlier to carry refugees from the New Orleans Superdome. Obviously restraining himself, he laid into all of them for equating moving in a news team with moving out 20,000 refugees!
SIC 'em, General! ROFLMFAO!!! :D
Maybe someone could try asking why all those schoolbuses we saw caught up in the floods weren't used to evacuate people before the hurricane hit.
Carnivorous Lickers
16-09-2005, 19:27
Maybe someone could try asking why all those schoolbuses we saw caught up in the floods weren't used to evacuate people before the hurricane hit.
That question should be addressed to mayor Nagin or governess Blanco. They could hauled a few thousand people out of the city AND not had several hundred buses destroyed, leaking fuel,benzine and lubricants into water that will end up in the Gulf.
16-09-2005, 19:31
I really like that guy! If you happen to come accross the video on the net, could you post the link?
what station did you see it on?
It was a clip from an open-air news conference he held near the Superdome. I've been flipping around the channels, but I think I saw it on Fox News.
16-09-2005, 19:33
... governess ...
Carnivorous Lickers
16-09-2005, 19:43
I knew that wouldnt get past you. :D
That question should be addressed to mayor Nagin or governess Blanco. They could hauled a few thousand people out of the city AND not had several hundred buses destroyed, leaking fuel,benzine and lubricants into water that will end up in the Gulf.
Shh. Can't do that. Jessie Jackson says it's racist. :rolleyes:
16-09-2005, 19:46
Shh. Can't do that. Jessie Jackson says it's racist. :rolleyes:
HE'S a fracking "racist!" Sheesh!
That question should be addressed to mayor Nagin or governess Blanco. They could hauled a few thousand people out of the city AND not had several hundred buses destroyed, leaking fuel,benzine and lubricants into water that will end up in the Gulf.
Well as long as somebody in a vague position of authority gets asked it (and repeatedly, until we get an answer) then good.
16-09-2005, 19:50
I knew that wouldnt get past you. :D
Hehehe! You know me all too well then! [ shoots yer sorry, intelligent ass ... for security reasons! ] :D
16-09-2005, 19:57
It was a clip from an open-air news conference he held near the Superdome. I've been flipping around the channels, but I think I saw it on Fox News.
You watching Fox News?
Gosh.... I NEVER would have suspected THAT!
16-09-2005, 19:58
You watching Fox News?
Gosh.... I NEVER would have suspected THAT!
[ pulls the pin on a hand-gre-nuke and drops it behind Silliopolous's ass ... runs like hell! ] :D
Maybe someone could try asking why all those schoolbuses we saw caught up in the floods weren't used to evacuate people before the hurricane hit.
I think Nagin didn't want to pay them overtime, of all things. He needs to be removed from office for this.
Oh, and General Honore kicks ass.