War scenario!
Psychotic Military
16-09-2005, 19:03
What would be the outcome of a war between China backed Soviet and America and its allies :confused:
Psychotic Military
16-09-2005, 19:24
Mutaly Assured Destruction,
Mad yes, genecidal perhaps, but if genesis is to be true then this conflict will be inevitable
What would be the outcome of a war between China backed Soviet and America and its allies :confused:
I hate to break it to you, but the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore, kiddo.
What would be the outcome of a war between China backed Soviet and America and its allies :confused:
somebody wins.all the other people get splatted.
Dishonorable Scum
16-09-2005, 19:31
We are, I take it, talking about a war pre-1992? Given that there is now no Soviet Union (which is what I presume you meant by "Soviet").
Full launch of the American and Soviet nuclear missile arsenals. Mutual Assured Destruction. A radioactive cinder of a planet. And that's the best possible outcome.
All in all, I'm glad it's a war we avoided.
16-09-2005, 19:38
One great big glowing ball in space.
16-09-2005, 19:40
it doesn't really matter as resonably soon (probably within most of our life times) america won't be the world super power it is at the moment
europe and china will probably be equal or more powerfull (we are already starting to overtake economicly) then america as will japan and possibly a re-emergent russia
though some people think that russia will end up in the European block and possibly japan will end up in a alliance with china to dominate southern asia
africa and south america will probably be in the same position
and america will probably be a bit like europe was 20-30 years ago
but canada will probably come with europe so no worries
The Czardaian envoy
16-09-2005, 19:43
somebody wins.all the other people get splatted.
Lmao, how true.
16-09-2005, 19:44
There would definitely be fewer people on the planet than there are now.
At least the question didn't start out with "Who would win..." because that would that lead to a complex question of "Could someone win...", which would be no.
I can't remember who said it, but it explains war nicely: "War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left."
MAD would be desired compared to a conventional full scale war.
One great big glowing ball in space.
Its so true! We would more than likely end up like venus! Kinda makes you wonder... :gundge:
it doesn't really matter as resonably soon (probably within most of our life times) america won't be the world super power it is at the moment
Maybe you want that, but I don't see it happening unless the rest of the world fell apart with it.
europe and china will probably be equal or more powerfull (we are already starting to overtake economicly) then america as will japan and possibly a re-emergent russia
Socialism =/= economic power. The whole "Europe is resurgent" idea just doesn't hold water. The American economy simply outdoes it by at least double to triple the growth rate each year depending on the country. Check the GDP statistics if you do not believe me. China is growing incredibly fast, but they have catching up to do with America, which is growing at only about half the rate as China but amounting to similar size growth as the American economy is significantly more powerful to begin with. Nonetheless, I think that they alone have the potential to overtake the American economy in the somewhat-distant future. Japan has very good rates (still at least a percent ahead of EU average, mind you, much less the lagging economies of states like Germany) for a country that has pretty much maxed itself out in terms of how economically powerful it can become. Russia has potential, but only if it reaches the same base for this economy as Japan, China, and the US have built. Namely a strong capitalist foundation.
though some people think that russia will end up in the European block and possibly japan will end up in a alliance with china to dominate southern asia
Russia MAY end up there, depending on how it manages to rise to might on its own or not. But there's not a snowball's chance in heck that China and Japan would work together militarily. The US needs Japan to rise nonetheless in military might to counter the threat of Chinese aggression in Taiwan. East Asia maintains the greatest capitalist trade zone in the world, and it needs to be kept that way by preventing wars.
and america will probably be a bit like europe was 20-30 years ago
Europe isn't going to rise again, not before it falls flat on it's face and picks itself up in time to something new and promising. America maintains all the signs of having a continually growing economy.
but canada will probably come with europe so no worries
Canada will be annexed as the long-lost 51st state if they try anything funny ;) . We appreciate them as a huge trade partner, and the current situation really is fine for both Canada and America.
What would be the outcome of a war between China backed Soviet and America and its allies :confused:
The result would be, well read my signature
Phriykui Linoy Li Esis
17-09-2005, 07:49
Let's say it's 1983 and for some inexplicable reason they felt the need to kill each other, then China would manage to strike all major US cities with their ICBMS and large atomic weapons. China would be completely scorched. Soviet Russia would do their upmost to stay out of it once the **** hits the fan, but most likely the US would strike them also and they would retaliate on western europe and the US. The rest of the world would experience mass starvation sending populations to less than subsistence farming levels. The 1000s of hydrogen bombs would have an effect astronomically more devastating than the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagaski, sending tons of radioactive dust into the air and across the planet, blocking out the sun and sterilising large swathes of land for decades. This would be another small mammals, insects and sharks mass extinction. Humans living in bunkers with plenty of tinned food would emerge a year or 2 years later to find no ozone layer and a large desert. Places largely unscathed in South America, Africa and the oceans would only have to face the radiation from the sun, they would have faced mass starvation as a result and reduced to subsistence farming. Pretty much the rest of the world would still be radioactive for too long for people to stay in bunkers, including the oil fields of the middle east and neutral India. After a crippling nuclear war, such places would be considerred a threat and the Soviet Union and China would probably attack them aswell.
:gundge: :sniper: :mp5:
Phylum Chordata
17-09-2005, 10:03
Socialism =/= economic power. The whole "Europe is resurgent" idea just doesn't hold water. The American economy simply outdoes it by at least double to triple the growth rate each year depending on the country. Check the GDP statistics if you do not believe me.
Umm... Norway and Switzerland both have Gross National Incomes per capita that are higher than the U.S.A.