Conspiracy Theories
There are plenty, I'm just searching for interesting ones.
One I picked up earlier:
Osama Bin Laden does not exist. he is an actor hired by the (first) Bush administration to use as a dummy head for when terrorists attack. This would explain why he can't be found, he isn't real.
The No Child Left Behind act is a way for the government to ensure that only upper class citizens get an education. This way, they can close the public schools, deny vouchers and refuse to educate the poor.
Any to share, or any info/debate on these?
The Blaatschapen
13-09-2005, 20:42
Yes, [violet] = Max Barry :D
There is even a whole thread dedicated to it: ;)
Neil Armstrong never landed on the moon.
George Bush is a robot which is how he won the election,he used his robot magic to interfere with television screens the world over and made them announce him the winner,anyone who actually knew he lost was killed by the flying monkeys death squad.just a little something i made up as i went along.
I don't know if that qualifies as a conspiracy theory. It is interesting though. If there ever is a Jennifer Government movie, my band should be in the soundtrack.
I am so underslept and out of wack today.
Neil Armstrong never landed on the moon.
George Bush is a robot which is how he won the election,he used his robot magic to interfere with television screens the world over and made them announce him the winner,anyone who actually knew he lost was killed by the flying monkeys death squad.just a little something i made up as i went along.
I've heard the Neil Armstrong one before. And the people truly convinced of it sure are difficult to argue with.
As for Bushbot...that is the shittiest robot I've ever seen. Honda's asimo could do a better job.
I V Stalin
13-09-2005, 20:52
Yes, [violet] = Max Barry :D
There is even a whole thread dedicated to it: ;)
I think, out of all the conspiracy theories that will be posted here, this is the only one that none of us will ever know the answer to...
now i guess few people will care as it is a germna one, but here we go. there is a town called bielefeld in germany /the one i live in, btw) and there actually are quite some people who are convinced that bielefeld does not exist, that any news coverage of it is faked, as are the diplomas from its high schools and colleges, and that people like me who are claiming to be from bielefeld are brainwashed..
now i guess few people will care as it is a germna one, but here we go. there is a town called bielefeld in germany /the one i live in, btw) and there actually are quite some people who are convinced that bielefeld does not exist, that any news coverage of it is faked, as are the diplomas from its high schools and colleges, and that people like me who are claiming to be from bielefeld are brainwashed..
Wow. That is interesting. I wonder if that is common in other places of the world.
hope not. it annoys the hell out of me to have people go "but bielefeld doesn't exist" whenever i have to mention my place of residence..most only say it jokingly, but things tend to gt rather non-funny very quickly if hearing them every fucking time. :sniper:
I V Stalin
13-09-2005, 21:30
now i guess few people will care as it is a germna one, but here we go. there is a town called bielefeld in germany /the one i live in, btw) and there actually are quite some people who are convinced that bielefeld does not exist, that any news coverage of it is faked, as are the diplomas from its high schools and colleges, and that people like me who are claiming to be from bielefeld are brainwashed..
They have a godamm football team! Is there any basis to this? Was there some spoof news story years ago or anything?
Call to power
13-09-2005, 21:33
I love the "I'm the only person in the world" thing I personally like to think like that :)
hope not. it annoys the hell out of me to have people go "but bielefeld doesn't exist" whenever i have to mention my place of residence..most only say it jokingly, but things tend to gt rather non-funny very quickly if hearing them every fucking time. :sniper:
I understand. I went to a High School that was only open for 3 graduating classes. Now it really doesn't exist. I had a hard time going back to college when there is no # to register and no place to get my records from.
There was that one about the book "Catcher in the Rye" from the movie Conspiracy Theory. Of course, they found that it was actually true that the US government tracks your library card and usage and if you take out Catcher then they track you.
13-09-2005, 22:07
Myrth :D
13-09-2005, 22:08
The whole of Angels and Demons.
Damn good conspiracy theory though.
A friend of mine is trying to find the illuminati lair in school. I think I found it: a warning sign was displayed on a wall, so they must be behind that.
Upper Botswavia
13-09-2005, 22:16
I love the "I'm the only person in the world" thing I personally like to think like that :)
Solipsism is not so much a conspiracy theory as a philosophy. :)
Solipsism is not so much a conspiracy theory as a philosophy. :)
The conspiracy is that aliens have brainwashed you into thinking that you are in a world full of other humans. All humans have been eliminated, and you are the last, living in a zoo, going about your earth human business while continually under surveillance. There are still other humans, but none on Earth. The rest escaped. They thought you were on the ship, but the aliens concealed you, and now you are the only human left on Earth!
Just don't go behind the "illuminati" sign, you won't like what you find... :eek:
I heard this one about all the leaders of the developed world being lizards "dressed" in human skin - not as a metaphor.
I, for one, find such reasoning disturbing. It can mislead people from the reality of world leaders being hamsters:).
I V Stalin
13-09-2005, 23:08
I heard this one about all the leaders of the developed world being lizards "dressed" in human skin - not as a metaphor.
I, for one, find such reasoning disturbing. It can mislead people from the reality of world leaders being hamsters:).
Yeah, I can't remember the name of the guy who came up with that one, but he's a complete fuckhead.
Let's see - JFK, there's a conspiracy. No one liked the name Idlewild for that airport, so they had to think of a way to rename it and people not mind...also Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald's killer, was apparently a hired assassin...
...also Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald's killer, was apparently a hired assassin...
Call me a wacko, but I fail to see the connections between Oswald and the KGB or Cuba. The official version is filled with holes, as argued by professionals (and not the usual cretins). This, of course, is not to say that another circulating version is right.
13-09-2005, 23:23
Let's see, most interesting conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
Oh, I know.
The Earth is actually a giant egg, and our governments and geologists all know it. At some point in the future, the egg will hatch releasing a huge dragon-like creature (which, when described, sounds suspiciously like Bahamut). Our governments don't tell us this, of course, because they don't want people to panic. In fact, they think that the entire solar system is a nesting ground, but are only sure about earth.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is what partial psychosis brings you. Freedom from boredom.
The Former Smoking Man
13-09-2005, 23:35
*takes a drag*
Conspiracy theories are fulfilling fictions created by those who have never participated in the true conspiracies.
13-09-2005, 23:38
*takes a drag*
Conspiracy theories are fulfilling fictions created by those who have never participated in the true conspiracies.
Agreed. Being involved in a real conspiracy is alot more fun. Of course, there are no conspiracies. I was never involved in one. Stop looking at me!!!!
*runs away*
The only victim of manipulation is the one thinking that manipulation exists.
The White Hats
13-09-2005, 23:43
Yeah, I can't remember the name of the guy who came up with that one, but he's a complete fuckhead.
David Icke. A better goalkeeper than he was a political leader
Dishonorable Scum
13-09-2005, 23:44
Call me a wacko, but I fail to see the connections between Oswald and the KGB or Cuba. The official version is filled with holes, as argued by professionals (and not the usual cretins). This, of course, is not to say that another circulating version is right.
While in college, I convinced my roommate that Nixon was behind the JFK assassination. The key piece of evidence that convinced him was the fact that Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission. (Which is true - look it up. :D)
Non-violent Adults
14-09-2005, 00:04
There's no such thing as the illuminati (!
While in college, I convinced my roommate that Nixon was behind the JFK assassination. The key piece of evidence that convinced him was the fact that Gerald Ford was on the Warren Commission. (Which is true - look it up. :D)
I'm not claiming stuff like that. I wasn't about to claim any theory out there is fact, but the Warren comission was quite incompetent (I'm not sure if it means it was hiding something, they just seem to have rushed in). Gerald Ford being there only goes to prove the level of intelligence in there ("So, Homer, my name is Jerry Ford. You like nachos? You like beer? You like football?").
The events are problematic to say the least, and I see no reason for the Soviet link that is suggested with the same "strenght" and "logic" that you find in the idea about a right-wing conspiracy.
Also, the technicalities of it make it unlikely that Oswald was a lone gunman (as much as is needed in front of an American jury, as in: "guilty beyond reasonable doubt"). And what was that with Ruby saying: "he killed my President"? Was he in love with Kennedy or something?
14-09-2005, 02:20
Ok, how about for the real ones:
The Soviets thought, Oleg Gordievski (double agent defector) writes in his book "KGB", that the Western world doesn't really have decentralized corporate control, but is centrally controlled. They even placed a secret American economy planning center somewhere in the Midwest. They just couldn't believe that the economic success can be achieved without a (secret) central planning bureau.
This George guy likes to claim that a Saudi millionaire went to Afghanistan, and from the mountains of Afghanistan made a group of extremists hijack American airplanes and fly them at two skyscrapers in New York, and at the most central - thus possibly the best defended against airborne threats - U.S. government military structure, damaging each. Then, some garden variety dictator in Middle East, although known to systematically destroy the likes of Islamic fundamentalists, would collaborate with the aforementioned millionaire and deliver him chemical or nuclear weapons. Is that kooky or not? I think it's on par with the Soviets' belief.
Neo Kervoskia
14-09-2005, 02:44
This is the matrix.
Ok, how about for the real ones:
The Soviets thought, Oleg Gordievski (double agent defector) writes in his book "KGB", that the Western world doesn't really have decentralized corporate control, but is centrally controlled. They even placed a secret American economy planning center somewhere in the Midwest. They just couldn't believe that the economic success can be achieved without a (secret) central planning bureau.
Ok, that is pretty cool. But it just points to incompetence, if it is true.
This George guy likes to claim that a Saudi millionaire went to Afghanistan, and from the mountains of Afghanistan made a group of extremists hijack American airplanes and fly them at two skyscrapers in New York, and at the most central - thus possibly the best defended against airborne threats - U.S. government military structure, damaging each. Then, some garden variety dictator in Middle East, although known to systematically destroy the likes of Islamic fundamentalists, would collaborate with the aforementioned millionaire and deliver him chemical or nuclear weapons. Is that kooky or not? I think it's on par with the Soviets' belief.
I don't think this is "on par". I wouldn't trust a defector to be a reliable source. And it is not consistent with Soviet policy - radical Islam was a great threat to the USSR. Not so to the US, at the time - not as much as rivalry with the Soviets, and, if traceable, usually (and deceitfully, as was to be shown) identified with the mavericks in Iran. Real conspiracy: get Sunni millionaire to help the US in Afghanistan against the USSR, get him to gather a band of the paragon in radicalism, one that is not composed of tameable Afghan patriots.
By the way, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 just because Bush says so(and does not prove it, and does not mention it after a while). The attitude of "classical" regimes in the Arab world was understandably different (since Usama was aiming at them as well). Did you know that Libya was the first state to issue a warrant for bin Laden's arrest? That was way before 2001.
CORRECTION: Actually, I looked again at what you posted. I think I misunderstood: we might be agreeing. If you were saying it's a premonition of the Soviets, I guess so. Sorry.
Except for the Saddam part.
14-09-2005, 02:57
:rolleyes: of course theres no bin laden, bush just convinced the entire population of afghanistan to play along!
14-09-2005, 03:02
By the way, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11...
Except for Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, Abdul Rahman Yasin, and Musab Yasin.
14-09-2005, 03:03
I don't think this is "on par".
Well, the point was there that the the Soviets didn't believe in decentralized control, and the focus on Osama bin Laden bears remarkable similarity to the Soviet's delusion. Al-Qaida has been designed to be decentralized, and so is the market economy. People who are unfamiliar with decentralized control tend to think it's impossible; compare: "really there must someone controlling all the American economy" - "really there must be someone controlling Al-Qaida's terrorist activity".
Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 just because Bush says so(and does not prove it, and does not mention it after a while). The attitude of "classical" regimes in the Arab world was understandably different (since Usama was aiming at them as well).
Yep, this makes Bush's claims look really ridiculous and shows that he's just a really bad conspiracy theorist, or more probably, a blatant liar.
14-09-2005, 03:05
:rolleyes: of course theres no bin laden, bush just convinced the entire population of afghanistan to play along!
The average American knows more about OBL than the average Afghan, or Pakistani, or any. If you think Americans have an ignorant populace, go and read up about the Islamic countries.
14-09-2005, 03:08
All of you do realize that Elvis's death is a complete fake. He lives in the kitchen at Dick's Last Resort in San Antonio now.
14-09-2005, 03:19
The vast majority of politicians are actually cybernetic synthetics manufactured in a secret plant somewhere in southern North Dakota.
Bigfoot actually *is* blurry. And has the power of invisibility.
Cheney actually died 8 years ago. His mind was preserved, and his body recreated with cybernetic parts. Ever wonder why he's bald? His chrome dome is actually a futuristic solar panel.
Santa Barbara
14-09-2005, 03:28
Katrina was artificially created using HAARP in order for the United Nations/New World Order to test out it's weather-making weaponry and establish a secret bio-warfare facility out of the martial law area of New Orleans (aka New Order-leans).
Radiation in space is so harsh that in fact, mankind has never been up there and every so-called manned space mission has been a hoax.
Oil is not limited like the peak oil folks say, in fact there's an infinite amount of energy due to zero point energy being harnessed as well, but its all a conspiracy to keep oil prices up so that wars and civil strife can continue.
Aspartame <sp> is a brainwashing drug found in all "food" available commercially.
9/11 was in fact caused by stationary explosives implanted by the CIA.
Nikola Tesla solved most of mankind's problems with his technological innovations but they're being hoarded by the illuminati to maintain their stranglehold over the human destiny.
The world will end in 2012. On September 11.
14-09-2005, 03:45
Aspartame <sp> is a brainwashing drug found in all "food" available commercially.
It's aspartame. And that may be more correct than you might think. Aspartame is now legal to include in food, and since it almost certainly causes cancer, once could ultimately end up with a brain tumor, which alters one's behavior.
Isle of East America
14-09-2005, 04:22
We were told that we invaded Afghanastan to hunt down Bin Laden, but the real reason is because the elite and shadowy Carlyle Group that really runs this country bought heavily into a small pharmaceutical ( ENDP at .30 per share and now up to $30.00) company that mainly produces hypodermic needles. They make billions now that we have control of the Opium production there and the evidence can be seen around the world. Heroine suply has increased by 100% in the UK and the US. The bad part is, they practically give the heroine away and charge a bundle for the needles. This also played a part in why the poor people of New Orleans didn't leave when they had the chance a couple weeks ago. ------just a theory, don't sue me.
14-09-2005, 05:23
The world will end in 2012. On September 11.
What time?
14-09-2005, 06:46
What time?
Teatime of course!
14-09-2005, 06:57
Rotovia- and Rotovia are connected... *shifty eyes*
Santa Barbara
14-09-2005, 07:02
What time?
11:11 PM. Eight minutes from now in fact, plus seven years.
Oh shoot, not tea time. I am not ending the world without my tea.
Shiggered bloke
14-09-2005, 07:33
Former American president was killed at the hands of the CIA because of his involvement with the civil rights movement in the USA. JFK did much at the time to supply better lifes to black americans. He also made high level appointments:the first black U.S. circuit judge and the first black senior government official. He then stood up to the governers of many southern states and tried to force them to change their policies of desegregation and try and discourage the KKK :mp5: :mp5: :mp5: .
and so I conclude that the CIA on behalf of several high rascist government officialls and the KKK who thought Kennedy was destroying the country, killed JFK! :) :sniper: :sniper:
Daistallia 2104
14-09-2005, 07:46
Jesus Christ escaped crucifiction and lived too a ripe old age of 106 in a small, remote villiage in Northern Japan.
Daistallia 2104
14-09-2005, 07:53
We were told that we invaded Afghanastan to hunt down Bin Laden, but the real reason is because the elite and shadowy Carlyle Group that really runs this country bought heavily into a small pharmaceutical ( ENDP at .30 per share and now up to $30.00) company that mainly produces hypodermic needles. They make billions now that we have control of the Opium production there and the evidence can be seen around the world. Heroine suply has increased by 100% in the UK and the US. The bad part is, they practically give the heroine away and charge a bundle for the needles. This also played a part in why the poor people of New Orleans didn't leave when they had the chance a couple weeks ago. ------just a theory, don't sue me.
Sorry, but the spelling mistake made me laugh. One of the local video shops in my neighborhood used to have a bunch of English signs. Among the childrens videos was "Children's Hero". And right next to it was, of course "Children's Heroin". ;)
Shiggered bloke
14-09-2005, 08:08
Jesus Christ escaped crucifiction and lived too a ripe old age of 106 in a small, remote villiage in Northern Japan.
I agree with you, it was indeed Jesus christs brother who died on the cross just so Jesus could travel many parts of the world to spread his teachings and return to the only place that was left when the continent of MU sank into the depths. :)
P.S. does the word mahikari ring a bell?
Non-violent Adults
14-09-2005, 08:17
I agree with you, it was indeed Jesus christs brother who died on the cross just so Jesus could travel many parts of the world to spread his teachings and return to the only place that was left when the continent of MU sank into the depths. :)
P.S. does the word mahikari ring a bell?No, no, no. Jesus did die on the cross, but he was resurrected and walked off to the east. He did not "float up to heaven."
Shiggered bloke
14-09-2005, 08:24
perhaps :rolleyes:
Daistallia 2104
14-09-2005, 08:25
I agree with you, it was indeed Jesus christs brother who died on the cross just so Jesus could travel many parts of the world to spread his teachings and return to the only place that was left when the continent of MU sank into the depths. :)
P.S. does the word mahikari ring a bell?
Yes, quite literally. I used to have them knocking on my door about once a month when I lived in Niigata, as well as praying over people at the train station. I got rather good at the "go away, you're more annoying than the 'may I practice English on you' jerks" look of disapproval.
For whatever fortunate reason the Mahikari just don't seem to be very active here in Osaka. It may be that the Aum attack was about a year I moved here, and they're just lower profile. Or they may just not be very active in the western/southern areas. Either way, I'm happy they aren't bugging me.
(Here it's just the JWs and Mormons. The Mormons have yet to door knock me, so I mind saying hi on the streets most of the time. But the JWs... I have no problems being rude to. :upyours: )
Non-violent Adults
14-09-2005, 08:29
The world will end in 2012. On September 11.
That's actually December 21, 2012.
Daistallia 2104
14-09-2005, 08:33
No, no, no. Jesus did die on the cross, but he was resurrected and walked off to the east. He did not "float up to heaven."
Nope. That was his brother on the cross.
Also, Yoshitsune Minamoto didn't die in battle in Koromogawa 1189, but escaped to Mongolia and became the infamous Genghis Khan.
(Both are borderline conspiracy theories or urban legends here in Japan.)
Ok, how about for the real ones:
The Soviets thought, Oleg Gordievski (double agent defector) writes in his book "KGB", that the Western world doesn't really have decentralized corporate control, but is centrally controlled. They even placed a secret American economy planning center somewhere in the Midwest. They just couldn't believe that the economic success can be achieved without a (secret) central planning bureau.
This one I've heard and is partially based on the fact that early on in his career Karl Marx came to the US and started a true socialist society in the Midwest. Supposedly, the "corporate strategic planning center" grew from that town and we owe it all to Marx. Of course, in actuality, the community fell apart as people began to feel oppressed and eventually it disbanded.
:rolleyes: of course theres no bin laden, bush just convinced the entire population of afghanistan to play along!
Why would he need to get Afghanistan to play along? Can you tell the difference between footage of Iraq and Afghanistan?
They have a godamm football team! Is there any basis to this? Was there some spoof news story years ago or anything?
i'm not quite sure about the origin..but seeing that you know our football team, i take it that you're fluent in german? so then, why don't you check "bielefeld verschwörung" with google, or go to and see whether you can find anything on there..
The football (soccer) World Cup of 1958 was a hoax, and it wasn't even made in Sweden, where the tournament is supposed to have taken place. There's a fairly big website dedicated to this theory, . Sadly, it's all in swedish.
Avalon II
14-09-2005, 16:43
All recent Islamic terrorist atrocities, while having diffrent groups actually perpretrating them, are funded and cordinated by a community of Zionists who secretly are trying to inflame anti-Islamic sentiment in the west so as to encourage them to invade Israels Arab neighbourghs to make Israel itself safer. Of course the funding is done in such a way that the terrorists themselves are unaware that it is Zionists funding them.
The State of It
14-09-2005, 16:46
That's actually December 21, 2012.
According to The Mayan Calendar.
Elvis Conspiracy: Elvis faked his own death because the limelight got too much, and all those who say they found his body are in on the secret.
Two photos of Elvis are said to have been taken since his 'death' are floating on the internet, one of them taken at a party where a man who looks just like Elvis is seen hugging celebrity pals.
Marilyn Monroe Conspiracy: Marilyn Monroe was murdered for her links to the Kennedys. It is reported that she was planning to tell 'all' about the relationships. The Kennedy's panicked about what secrets she would reveal, and had her silenced.
Before she was killed, she was questioned what relationship the Kennedy's had with the Soviets.
JFK was killed because it was seen by those who had him killed that he backed down from a war with The Soviet Union over the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, (which angered anti-castro American-Cubans) and his support for civil rights.
US Military elements and the CIA saw him as a weak president who was an appeaser of the soviets, like his father appeased the Nazis, and was too soft on the Soviets, in what the conspirators thought was the lead up to a WW3 situation.
Bobby Kennedy's death occured before he was linked to Marilyn Monroe's death, and before he could become President.
Martin Luther King and Malcom X were systematically eliminated by order of elements of the US Government because of their speeches and the things they were achieving.
Jimmy Hendrix was killed by elements of the US Government, disgusted that a drug taker played the US national anthem and was dragging American youth into a nation of hippies and and subsequently undermining US Army conscription and causing anti-war sentiments at the time of the 'war on communism'.
The July 7th London bombings were planted by American Black Ops, (the terrorists kidnapped and eliminated or manipulated into thinking they were planting the bombs for the Al-qaeda cause by US Black Ops) to raise British support for the war on Iraq and the war on terror, cementing Britain's continuing support of The War on Iraq and War on Terror, and to take the world's eye of the G8 meeting which was under pressure to cancel debt and 'make history poverty'.
Or...the Illumaniti did it.
The World Wars and future world wars were ochestrated by the world's leaders who wish to keep populations down and under control.
AIDS was unleashed by the US Government to exterminate homeless people, drug takers and homosexuals, in what those who supported it called an extermination of the undesirables of society. First conceived by Nazi scientists, later captured by the Americans who were shown advanced Nazi plans of methods of extermination.
Hitler survived World War Two, and escaped to South America to raise a new Reich to assault America directly, hence the Nazi War Criminals constantly being found in South America.
Charles De Gualle was a woman. The hips gave it away.
now i guess few people will care as it is a germna one, but here we go. there is a town called bielefeld in germany /the one i live in, btw) and there actually are quite some people who are convinced that bielefeld does not exist, that any news coverage of it is faked, as are the diplomas from its high schools and colleges, and that people like me who are claiming to be from bielefeld are brainwashed..
... did this town house a Nazi Cncentration camp or something?
here's something regarding a conspiracy;
Maximus Barry
14-09-2005, 17:24
All those conspiracy theories about who Max Barry really is, they're ludacrious.
... did this town house a Nazi Cncentration camp or something?
no i don't think it did, and i think i'd know if it did..why are you asking?
no i don't think it did, and i think i'd know if it did..why are you asking?
... did this town house a Nazi Cncentration camp or something?
emphasis added.
It was a joke. a rimshot is that thing that they do with the drums to indicate a punchline. i was making a stab at how Germany is so ashamed of the war that some even go to the extent of denying the whole thing happened.
tupac isnt really dead.he lives in my garden shed and in exchange for not telling anyone he mows my lawn.although he has undergone major surgery and has pulled a micheal jackson to avoid getting caught out(ie he is now a white woman)living with him are elvis and a clone of george bush.
and no i didnt just pick up homeless wacko's.i broke them out of an insane asylum.
ooops. okay, i'm ready to accept my english is just not good enough to catch on to those things ;) thanks fo so patiently explaining what a rimshot is :)
by the way: those folks who deny the holocaust has happened (which, btw, is a crime in this country and will be heavily punished) are not the ones who are very ashamed of it, but the noe-nazi ones who do it in order to glorify hitler and his ideologies.
Shiggered bloke
15-09-2005, 02:21
Yes, quite literally. I used to have them knocking on my door about once a month when I lived in Niigata, as well as praying over people at the train station. I got rather good at the "go away, you're more annoying than the 'may I practice English on you' jerks" look of disapproval.
For whatever fortunate reason the Mahikari just don't seem to be very active here in Osaka. It may be that the Aum attack was about a year I moved here, and they're just lower profile. Or they may just not be very active in the western/southern areas. Either way, I'm happy they aren't bugging me.
(Here it's just the JWs and Mormons. The Mormons have yet to door knock me, so I mind saying hi on the streets most of the time. But the JWs... I have no problems being rude to. :upyours: )
The mahikari organisation has no links with the AUM supreme truth, we would never kill ourselves or others-were just trying to help create a better world.
Although we have been accused in have relations with this cult in japan, it has never been proved because no relation exists.
P.S. I do not like mormons knocking on my door! :D :D
Desperate Measures
15-09-2005, 02:22
Behold! The Suck of that which is Dark!
Shiggered bloke
15-09-2005, 02:30
Behold! The Suck of that which is Dark!
What the hell you talkin' about?
Desperate Measures
15-09-2005, 03:00
What the hell you talkin' about?
It only makes sense if you follow the link...
But Bielefeld doesn't exist. I've never seen it and I don't know anyone who has. How can you seriously let silly things like facts get in the way of the obvious truth that Bielefeld doesn't exist?
15-09-2005, 03:08
That's actually December 21, 2012.
not fair.... that's my birthday.... :eek:
Shiggered bloke
15-09-2005, 03:21
JFK was killed by the CIA for not giving enough help to South Vietnam in the early stages of the war. Lyndon Johnson, the next president ended up giving more american aid to Vietnam because he obviously felt threatened! :sniper:
Shiggered bloke
15-09-2005, 03:32
According to The Mayan Calendar.
Elvis Conspiracy: Elvis faked his own death because the limelight got too much, and all those who say they found his body are in on the secret.
Two photos of Elvis are said to have been taken since his 'death' are floating on the internet, one of them taken at a party where a man who looks just like Elvis is seen hugging celebrity pals.
Marilyn Monroe Conspiracy: Marilyn Monroe was murdered for her links to the Kennedys. It is reported that she was planning to tell 'all' about the relationships. The Kennedy's panicked about what secrets she would reveal, and had her silenced.
Before she was killed, she was questioned what relationship the Kennedy's had with the Soviets.
JFK was killed because it was seen by those who had him killed that he backed down from a war with The Soviet Union over the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Fiasco, (which angered anti-castro American-Cubans) and his support for civil rights.
US Military elements and the CIA saw him as a weak president who was an appeaser of the soviets, like his father appeased the Nazis, and was too soft on the Soviets, in what the conspirators thought was the lead up to a WW3 situation.
Bobby Kennedy's death occured before he was linked to Marilyn Monroe's death, and before he could become President.
Martin Luther King and Malcom X were systematically eliminated by order of elements of the US Government because of their speeches and the things they were achieving.
Jimmy Hendrix was killed by elements of the US Government, disgusted that a drug taker played the US national anthem and was dragging American youth into a nation of hippies and and subsequently undermining US Army conscription and causing anti-war sentiments at the time of the 'war on communism'.
The July 7th London bombings were planted by American Black Ops, (the terrorists kidnapped and eliminated or manipulated into thinking they were planting the bombs for the Al-qaeda cause by US Black Ops) to raise British support for the war on Iraq and the war on terror, cementing Britain's continuing support of The War on Iraq and War on Terror, and to take the world's eye of the G8 meeting which was under pressure to cancel debt and 'make history poverty'.
Or...the Illumaniti did it.
The World Wars and future world wars were ochestrated by the world's leaders who wish to keep populations down and under control.
AIDS was unleashed by the US Government to exterminate homeless people, drug takers and homosexuals, in what those who supported it called an extermination of the undesirables of society. First conceived by Nazi scientists, later captured by the Americans who were shown advanced Nazi plans of methods of extermination.
Hitler survived World War Two, and escaped to South America to raise a new Reich to assault America directly, hence the Nazi War Criminals constantly being found in South America.
Charles De Gualle was a woman. The hips gave it away.
I would like to point out that before hand it was my idea that I put forward about the Kennedy's work with the civil rights movement that led to his death!
I hope you did not do this deliberately
Daistallia 2104
15-09-2005, 05:02
The mahikari organisation has no links with the AUM supreme truth, we would never kill ourselves or others-were just trying to help create a better world.
Although we have been accused in have relations with this cult in japan, it has never been proved because no relation exists.
P.S. I do not like mormons knocking on my door! :D :D
Didn't say there was a connection, but lot's of people here do look more suspiciously on cults after subway attack in 1995. Just note the rather extreme reactions to both the Aleph and Pana-Wave Laboratory cults.
Daistallia 2104
15-09-2005, 05:09
And I'm a bit surprised no-one has brought up Time Cube yet.
Shiggered bloke
16-09-2005, 11:39
I heard that there are many cults in japan, is that true? :confused:
Daistallia 2104
16-09-2005, 16:38
I heard that there are many cults in japan, is that true? :confused:
Yep. There are heaps. In addition to the Mahikari, Aum (now known as Aleph), and Pana-Wave cults, a couple of other well known cults include Ho-no-hana (famous in a recent scandal as the foot cult) and Life Space (famous for a recent murder scandal). Peace Love (PL) is another pretty famous one, as they sponson one of the largest annual fireworks displays in the world on Aug. 1 every year. Soka Gakkai is considered a cult by some, although it's more in the vein of an odd minority religion like LDS and JWs. And there are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of others. And thode are just the home grown ones. Scientology, the Unification Church, and even the Hari Krishnas are active here.