NationStates Jolt Archive

The Book ID Thread.

The Downmarching Void
13-09-2005, 13:48
Inspired by another post and the ridiculous amount of record ID threads I see on the music forums I visit, I have decided to start this, The Book ID Thread.

The premise is simple: Ever read a book, or heard a synopsis of one, and you want to re-read it, aqquire, but you just can't quite recall the name or even author?

Well, just give as detailed a synopsis as you can, and someone here should be able to help you identify the title and/or author of the book.

I'll start with my own:

Type: Fiction

Premise: Set in the late 21st or 22nd century, the world had been taken over by the Chinese, who have remodelled the globe upon the Confucian Celstial system and ancient chinese myths. There is an Emperor and several noble families. Almost the entire land mass and much of the oceans have been covered by an enormous city, many hundreds of stories thick, all sheltered from the elements and climate controlled.

There are of course, resistance movements against this. Both the resistance and the governement are for some reason interested in the world that lies beneath the mega-city, where human life has continued o in a primitive, twisted fashion.

I read the first few novels in the series back incollege, and I want to reaad the rest, but can't for the life of me remember the name of the series or the author. Can anyone help me with this?


Add your own Book ID requests and answer others. Hopefully this takes off and works as well as Record ID threads I've seen on other forums (you wouldn't believe the correct IDs I've seen from some very minimal infor...and with books it should be much, much easier than records)