Will Bush bashers become Hillary bashers?
11-09-2005, 21:25
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
Desperate Measures
11-09-2005, 21:28
Politicians need to be bashed. That's the only way to get them to work. Though I heard that some of them work when you rub their heads on the carpet.
11-09-2005, 21:29
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
I like how you are trying to set a derogitory tone
I dont agree with bush nor a lot of his decisions (no I dont think he is the devil ... so on so forth) but I personaly also do not like hillary and wish to see another democrat that I can suport run and take the democratic party canadate
11-09-2005, 21:31
That all depends on two things:
(a) Why the person in question does not approve of Bush.
(b) How Hillary does in office, if elected - and whether or not she does the things that the person does not approve of in Bush.
For my part, if Hillary tried to interject her own religion into my government, if she intentionally appointed incompetent advisors because of their ability to be yes-men, if she refused to admit the mistakes she has made, suggesting that they were actually lies to begin with, and so on......, yeah, I'd bash her all the time.
Kjata Major
11-09-2005, 21:33
While I am all for equality, but Hillary....no way in the world. She may promote all these good ideas and changes, but come on! How many politicans actually KEEP their promises. Hillary will have one of the most UNSUCCESSFUL presidental terms if she becomes the chief. She's too radical for our time and our views on a woman running the country. A person who promises nearly no change and just to fix Bush's mess would be like the hero of the people probably.
11-09-2005, 21:54
It depends on which set of Bush bashers you're talking about. The ones in Europe and Canada pretty much dislike America no matter *who* is running it so I'm pretty certain they'll be finding reasons to trash her before you could sing "Dingdong, the witch is in power!". The people who are laughingly called "anti war" would trash her as well since they really are merely anti "anything that isn't the old Soviet Union". But the liberals? They're a well trained set of poodles so you can count on them to worship her as goddess in human form if she should somehow get elected and starts giving them political jobs again. ;)
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
11-09-2005, 22:20
Most Bush bashers would probably become nice little lap dogs for Hillary. However, most foriegn Bush bashers would probably be just as Anti-American, in their efforts to be just as fair as possible. They are lovable that way.
11-09-2005, 22:32
It depends on which set of Bush bashers you're talking about. The ones in Europe and Canada pretty much dislike America no matter *who* is running it so I'm pretty certain they'll be finding reasons to trash her before you could sing "Dingdong, the witch is in power!". The people who are laughingly called "anti war" would trash her as well since they really are merely anti "anything that isn't the old Soviet Union". But the liberals? They're a well trained set of poodles so you can count on them to worship her as goddess in human form if she should somehow get elected and starts giving them political jobs again. ;)
Speaking as a non-american, the main beef I have with bush is not the aura of incompetence he radiates, or the fact that he seems to have come to power solely through the Bush family name and its cronies, despite the impression that almost anybody would be more suited to the job of leader of the free world, or his conviction that he is ruling in God's name; these don't really affect me - seems to me countries deserve the politicians they vote for.
What really gets me is that despite his many mistakes, noone will hold him to account or make him take responsibility for his actions, which I assumed were the most important elements of leadership, to act as a balance to the power.
Now I get the feeling that this is probably built-in to the US political system, with politicians removed from the people on the street and so on, but the problem with Bush is that he doesn't even make the effort to pretend that he should be taking responsibility when things go wrong; he just blunders through, blames things on the terrorists, mumbles some buzz words about progress, hugs a few grannies or veterans and everyone forgives him. Now, I reckon lots of politicians act like this but Bush has it down to a fine art. This would be worrying for any leadership role but considering the power the POTUS has to change the shape of global politics and so on, it becomes a little bit worrying.
So in conclusion, if Hilary acts in the same way then I would probably bash her as much as I do bush.
Outer Munronia
12-09-2005, 00:49
[QUOTE=Airlandia]It depends on which set of Bush bashers you're talking about. The ones in Europe and Canada pretty much dislike America no matter *who* is running it so I'm pretty certain they'll be finding reasons to trash her before you could sing "Dingdong, the witch is in power!".[QUOTE]
...this part's not technically true. canada (the government, at least) pretty much fell over itself to accomidate the US when clinton/bush sr./regan were in charge. it's only lately that we've gotten more standoffish, and even still that's only due to specific policies that the liberals know the majority of canadians are opposed to.
Eight Nunns Moore Road
12-09-2005, 01:16
Speaking as a Brit (and thus another one of those fortunate enough to enjoy a "special relationship" with the States) Bush is all in a league of his own. It's not that there isn't generally a fair amount of disgust with US foreign policy (this is different to anti-Americanism, by the way - you can hate the foreign policy and still like lots of things about the country). But there's something very different with Bush - it's not just poorer nations, lefties or the French. A lot of people who are broadly conservative around Europe think the Bush administration is going dangerously off the rails, and I've met dyed-in-the-wool Thatcherites/Reaganites in the UK who feel it might have been better if Kerry had won. This should not be happening.
So, from the outside the USA perspective, there'd still be criticism of Hillary, because there's always criticism of the US, but it wouldn't be anything like as strong.
12-09-2005, 01:17
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
Nah, the folks that are chronic Bush--haters are sure to see Hillary*as their political saviour. My hope is that Congress remains Republican and obstructionist.
Hillary won't only be bashed if she gets into office, she'll be assassinated.
12-09-2005, 01:22
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
If she were to prove as inept, and as corrupt as Bush...you bet your sweet ass I would.
12-09-2005, 01:29
If she were to prove as inept, and as corrupt as Bush...you bet your sweet ass I would.
Agreed ... somehow I think they think all of us dislike bush just because of the party he is running in
News flash all I would be upset with any party canidate that acted as bush apparently has
Tropical Montana
12-09-2005, 01:44
Most people that hate Bush really hate his policies first and foremost. His incessant smirk and general incompetence just makes it worse.
I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I vote issues. Im a centrist on business and left-leaning on civil and political rights. So I bash anyone that is extreme either way on economic issues, and those who lean too far to the right on social issues. My other pet issues are the environment and women's rights. So chances are Hillary will not make policies that go so against my beliefs for me to hate her.
You know, i never did understand why the Republicans hate Hillary so much. I think the idea of a strong woman scares them. Maybe they are more comfortable with the silent, obedient type of woman. I won't speculate why.
No, Hillary isn't Bush.....she's not a crazy homicidal manic..no references please to that describing every woman :mad:
Come on she can't possibly be worse ......
12-09-2005, 01:54
Agreed ... somehow I think they think all of us dislike bush just because of the party he is running in
News flash all I would be upset with any party canidate that acted as bush apparently has
Worse yet, are the people who think Im bashing Bush becuase I hate him, and not his policies, or actions.
La Habana Cuba
12-09-2005, 02:03
I do not vote on this poll, the concept of President Hillary Yak, I hope not.
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
What do you mean, I already bash Hillary.
12-09-2005, 02:12
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected?
Of course not. Even liberals don't normally bite the hand that feeds them.
12-09-2005, 02:22
Of course not. Even liberals don't normally bite the hand that feeds them.
Amazing a very simmilar thing that the "righties" do :p maybe it is a human condition rather then just a single political side?
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.Didn't Michael Moore say he'd have done the same thing if Kerry had been elected?
Hillary has the bonus that she's handed out diplomas at my school and that she's a democrat and not a republican, but if she behaves similarly to Bush (although Bush somehow manages to be exactly the opposite of what I'd consider a good president so he'll be hard to equal) I'll bash her too.
Of course not. Even liberals don't normally bite the hand that feeds them.If Hillary's hand won't feed us though, we'll have to bite her foot. :D
12-09-2005, 02:56
Amazing a very simmilar thing that the "righties" do :p maybe it is a human condition rather then just a single political side?
No! Really??? OMG!!!!!11!!SHIFT1!! Teh rightists are human too???
12-09-2005, 02:57
If Hillary's hand won't feed us though, we'll have to bite her foot. :D
Yeah. I know you! You'd bite her foot just so you could look up her dress, you prevoid! ROFLMAO!
Yeah. I know you! You'd bite her foot just so you could look up her dress, you prevoid! ROFLMAO!Hillary wears a dress? I thought she was the one in the family with the pants on... :D
12-09-2005, 03:20
Newt's newest wet dream.
Ha. Just kidding. The Repugs & Dumbs have always been 2 sides
to the same coin.
They have always intervened in other people's countries
and used the US armed forces in illegal, unconstitutional ways.
Number of declared wars: 5
Number of instances in which the United States has used its armed forces abroad in situations of conflict or potential conflict or for other than normal peacetime purposes : 234 (as of 1993)
Congressional Research Service -- Library of Congress -- October 7, 1993
Gore Vidal was correct when he wrote in his short, short booklet
"The American Presidency"
That the presidency was given way too much leaway for imperialist 'fun'.
If she runs & wins I'll be among the thousands and thousands of Americans
who will be criticizing her policies, as we did her husbands and
his almost successor Al.
quick fact:
HC is a corporate tool as well.
She used to work for the Wal-Mart corporation back in Arkansas.
Wonder why she doesn't care if we're all screwed over under
the rubic of "free trade" - the exporting of our jobs and importation
of cheap labor from countries such as China. Way to go Wal-Mart,
give us a job, any job! You are so anti-union - anti-democratic that is.
Typically todays unions are just a mirror of the corporations that they
work hand in hand with. They are undemocratic top down institutions.
They'd rather we remain passive and not work democratically to better
our situation so they can remain in power, be it in elected office,
rulers of some corporate totalitarianism, or some union head.
Firing someone for suspect of or actual union activity is as illegal
and immoral as firing someone because they are black.
Copiosa Scotia
12-09-2005, 03:25
I only bash Bush when he deserves it, which is often, but not quite as often as many on this site believe it is. Hillary will get exactly the same treatment from me.
12-09-2005, 03:33
Will all the Bush bashers turn into Hillary bashers if she is elected? They probably will about half way through her first term.
I would imagine that Bush bashers would be so ecstatic that the Republicants were out of office, that they would find it extremely difficult to bash Hillary.
However, IF she acted like Bush-lite, then there would be some concern.
12-09-2005, 03:36
Hillary wears a dress? I thought she was the one in the family with the pants on... :D
Hehehe! Well, now that you mention it ... ! :D
12-09-2005, 04:55
Hillary Clinton and George W Bush were first elected to federal office at about the same time so the question for the poll isn't really a hypothetical. There isn't much (if any) overlap between the George W bashers and the Hillary bashers.
Unless you're a Republican, you probably know that Hillary Clinton isn't running for president. Her presidency relies on her ability to win a presidential election without running for president.
Copiosa Scotia
12-09-2005, 05:00
Didn't Michael Moore say he'd have done the same thing if Kerry had been elected?
Exactly what is "the same thing" in this context? What has he done since the election other than pen fallacy-ridden letters about Hurricane Katrina?
Supposedly Free People
12-09-2005, 05:17
Number of declared wars: 5
Number of instances in which the United States has used its armed forces abroad in situations of conflict or potential conflict or for other than normal peacetime purposes : 234 (as of 1993)
Congressional Research Service -- Library of Congress -- October 7, 1993
I, and everyone I've copied this quote to, found this absolutely HILARIOUS. You actually think you can prove a point with this drabble? You'll find these same events in the history of other world powers. Sure, that's a lot of undeclared "wars", but you can't prove ANYTHING unless you show us something to compare this to.
12-09-2005, 10:34
It depends if she performs well as a president. But something tells me that she won't be a good one...
Anarchic Christians
12-09-2005, 10:56
From what I know of her platform (summed up as 'Won't somebody please think of the children!') she's in line for a lot of bashing from me. Bush might not be in a league of his own for long.
Well, considering that I won't be voting for her if she runs, I think I'm perfectly entitled to bash both George and Hillary as much as I damn well please. :)
Good Lifes
13-09-2005, 04:28
If she were to prove as inept, and as corrupt as Bush...you bet your sweet ass I would. Amen!---I didn't vote for Bush but gave him the benefit of the doubt, until he showed his total lack of common sense. I don't really want Hillary to win. I hope I have a choice other than her. We really do need a leader with intelligence and knowledge though. I don't see anyone of either party that fits that bill right now. Come to think of it the last time I really voted for someone I thought would be a great president was when I voted for Bobby Kennedy in the primary. As I look back, I think I was right every time. In the Bush 2 case, I KNOW I was right.
A Flintoff
13-09-2005, 04:33
I don't like Bush. I won't like Hillary. Though I gather you people have chosen her for the next president in any case.
Bush seemed okay at first, but he pisses on all his allies. So fuck him.
I think hillary hates everything about the english speaking world.
Carnivorous Lickers
13-09-2005, 05:08
I don't like Bush. I won't like Hillary. Though I gather you people have chosen her for the next president in any case.
Bush seemed okay at first, but he pisses on all his allies. So fuck him.
"Allies"? Mostly smug,pretentious suck-puppets that deserve a good pissing on. So fuck them.
A Flintoff
13-09-2005, 05:10
"Allies"? Mostly smug,pretentious suck-puppets that deserve a good pissing on. So fuck them.
You must be Canadian.
Supposedly Free People
13-09-2005, 05:59
I don't like Bush. I won't like Hillary. Though I gather you people have chosen her for the next president in any case.
Bush seemed okay at first, but he pisses on all his allies. So fuck him.
I think hillary hates everything about the english speaking world.
Hillary Clinton, as a member and potential candidate for presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, must first defeat all other potential candidadtes and then proceed to defeat the opposing Republican candidate. Because of her views and strong voice, she is already polarizing a good portion of America's view of her. I do believe that she has a lot of work to do before we "choose" her.
Besides, if Barack Obama were to run (though doubtful :( ), I'd say that whoever he faces might as well leave the country. There's just no stopping that man.
A Flintoff
13-09-2005, 06:00
The impression I get though, is that Hillary is heir elect to the throne. No-one can stop her.
Sumamba Buwhan
13-09-2005, 06:45
Will right brainers become left brainers? Will left handers become right handers?
Sounds like you expect Hillary to win.
I personally will bash Hillary every step she takes that I dislike, just like I do with Bush. I'm sure I won't bash her as much as I bash Bush though because I've never bashed anyone as much as I bash Bush.
The impression I get though, is that Hillary is heir elect to the throne. No-one can stop her.
Ya know, Hill certainly does have name recognition going for her. But she by no means has the Dem nomination locked up.
She has no official executive branch experience - she's never been a governor. By 2008, she will have had, at most, 1 term in the Senate + 2 years into her second, with no remarkable legislation passed by her.
Virginia governor Mark Warner, who is going out of the governor's office as of January 1, 2006, is an enormously popular Democratic governor in a Republican leaning state. He even got a tax increase without too much of a fuss.
The last two Democratic Presidents were also governors from Southern states - Jimmy Carter from Georgia, and Hill's husband Bill Clinton from Arkansas.
With enough fund-raising, he could certainly give her a run for the money. And I wouldn't be surprised if Corzine enters the fray, perhaps as a vice-presidential candidate. Many speculate that is why he is leaving the Senate to run, and most likely win, the governorship of New Jersey.
13-09-2005, 07:11
Hillary Clinton is not running for president.
Hillary Clinton is not running for president.
She has all but announced. The only question is whether she will risk running for Senate again, or risk being out of the spotlight for a year before the Presidential campaign gets in gear.
13-09-2005, 07:31
No, because most Bush bashers attack him because of his political beliefs. They are liberal, he is not. Therefore, they attempt to discredit him. By any means possible. And past history means nothing to them, unless of course it supports their views. Truth is secondary as well. As is right or wrong.
Depressing stuff to even talk about. I'd rather see Al Gore run again. He, at least has some integrity.
13-09-2005, 08:18
I think whether Bush bashers will become Hillary bashers or not depends on the quality of her performance as president.
I would love to bash Hilary, she has that sexy older women thing going on.
Her and Chelsea in a threesome would be fun!
13-09-2005, 09:03
She has all but announced. The only question is whether she will risk running for Senate again, or risk being out of the spotlight for a year before the Presidential campaign gets in gear.I have all but announced my candidacy for president of the United States. In other words, I'm not running for president. There is no question as to whether she'll run for Senate again because she already is running for Senate again. http://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/