NationStates Jolt Archive

Jingoistic cliches...

Unabashed Greed
10-09-2005, 19:59
I found this on Daily Kos, and it was too good not to pass on...

"Well, now the 101st Fighting Keyboardists can get their own little Operation Iraqi Freedom souvenir. Via Atrios and The Liberal Avenger we find that participants in Sunday's "Freedom March" (or whatever the hell it's called) will get fake, plastic dog tags.

Gee, that's a fine way to honor the men and women of this country who gave their lives for the Iraq Debacle. Hand out plastic tchotchkes that proclaim "America Supports You" to the people who do indeed support you, but don't want to be you, don't want to pay the higher taxes necessary to make sure that you are properly equipped, and really don't want to hear about it when you die.

And when you die, you get to participate in yet another PR stunt for the administration. You can have your headstone in Arlington National Cemetary proudly proclaim you died in Bush's Folly. That's right, your headstone can advertise the Iraq War, apparently whether you want it or not (
