The History Lounge
06-09-2005, 10:29
My name is Matt and I was wondering if you are interested in news, politics, and history. If you are, I strongly recommend you visit The History Lounge:
The History Lounge is a message board where real intelligent debates go on. If your interested please message me back and take a look at The History Lounge.
06-09-2005, 10:33
You are obviously new here, however we discourage advertising other sites in the forums. It can normally be overlooked if you do so in your signature (not a Mod so don't quote me on that). Just something to remember for future reference.
06-09-2005, 10:34
Oh sorry, I did not realize this.
06-09-2005, 10:37
Oh sorry, I did not realize this.
It's ok, no one expects you to know all the rules yet. You can edit your signature my clicking on the "Profile" tab at the tob of the page.
06-09-2005, 10:41
It's ok, no one expects you to know all the rules yet. You can edit your signature my clicking on the "Profile" tab at the tob of the page.
Thanks for the help, I think I did it. Can you see my signature?
06-09-2005, 10:50
Thanks for the help, I think I did it. Can you see my signature?
Yes I can. I'll post a linkt o where you can setup your account so you can see it to.
06-09-2005, 10:52
It's fine, I can see my signature and others too. Thanks though. How old is everyone here?
06-09-2005, 10:52
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06-09-2005, 10:55
You are obviously new here, however we discourage advertising other sites in the forums. It can normally be overlooked if you do so in your signature (not a Mod so don't quote me on that). Just something to remember for future reference.
I think the real concern is expecting to fing Intelligence here.
06-09-2005, 10:57
Is there not a lot of intelligent people here, then?
06-09-2005, 10:59
Is there not a lot of intelligent people here, then?
Sorry there are plenty but things go a little crazy sometimes.
06-09-2005, 11:47
Does anyone think that President Bush should be blamed for the lack of help during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?
Does anyone think that President Bush should be blamed for the lack of help during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?
EEK! Duck man! That's been a raging debate on this board for the past 5 days or more, and even mentioning it will get you slammed. ;)
06-09-2005, 12:25
Let me guess, a lot of people here love Bush?
No, actually NS is skewed more towards the liberal side (according to the excellent chart for everyone's poltical compass rankings), however we have a very vocal group of conservatives.
But that's (usually) a good thing as it makes the debates rather fun.
06-09-2005, 12:47
Were you here before, Souderton? I seem to remember another poster who wanted people to visit The History Lounge.
Not that I've any gripe with history, or lounges, come to that.
As to everyone's ages, there's a recent thread on that, too; I think it was in General, but I'm too lazy to find it. Anyway, there's a wide spread. The youngest I've seen admitting to it was "almost" 14, with no specifics on how close "almost" is.
Then you've got me, old enough to be a grandmother if my kids, two of whom are in their 20s, would co-operate (No! Not yet!). And you've got my Lefty Oz buddy Rotovia here, with whom I constantly find myself agreeing, though he's a mere spring chicken.
And on the question of intelligence ... well ... It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.
06-09-2005, 13:09
Were you here before, Souderton? I seem to remember another poster who wanted people to visit The History Lounge.
No, I was not here before but some of my members from The History Lounge might of came by. I really do not know.
As to age, I have no problem if your 14 but you have to know what your talking about. I hate when teens talk about something they do not understand. That has always irritate me.
06-09-2005, 13:25
I like hearing teenagers talk about things they don't understand. It's an easy way for them to find out they don't understand it. Besides, sometimes they understand it better than I do.
Another thing I like about teenagers is their view that rhings are either black or white. The older I get and the more I experience, the greyer things get. I can see so much of my opponent's reasons for their views that they stop being my opponent. But this is confusing, because I really do believe that some things are right and some things are wrong. So it is refreshing to hear someone who is sure that things are right and wrong and that they know which is which.
Another thing I like about teenagers is their view that rhings are either black or white. The older I get and the more I experience, the greyer things get. I can see so much of my opponent's reasons for their views that they stop being my opponent. But this is confusing, because I really do believe that some things are right and some things are wrong. So it is refreshing to hear someone who is sure that things are right and wrong and that they know which is which.
That's a really good point. I guess it's easy to get caught up in seeing the other person's POV too much that you lose your own.
Edit: I almost forgot. Read the stickies, read Moderation to get a feel for the rules and boundries, grow some really thick skin, flame proof your PC, and then jump in and have fun. Welcome to NationStates, where intelligence is a debate point in the Intelligent Design Threads. ;)
06-09-2005, 13:38
I like hearing teenagers talk about things they don't understand. It's an easy way for them to find out they don't understand it. Besides, sometimes they understand it better than I do.
Another thing I like about teenagers is their view that rhings are either black or white. The older I get and the more I experience, the greyer things get. I can see so much of my opponent's reasons for their views that they stop being my opponent. But this is confusing, because I really do believe that some things are right and some things are wrong. So it is refreshing to hear someone who is sure that things are right and wrong and that they know which is which.
Yet, but they can be as annoying as hell too.
Utter Noobs
06-09-2005, 14:02
So can sand in your wich, the definitions of "left" and "right," pubic hair in the washbasin, realising you've had your thoughts stuck in a box for 30yrs. And I could safely say I've been posting annoying things for a time since teenagedom.. and that barring any unforeseen (like death isn't foreseen?) occurences, will be posting annoying things for a goodwhile yet. Irrelevant to anything posted previous? Veni Vidi Illudo
06-09-2005, 14:42
Yet, but they can be as annoying as hell too.
Only when they don't clean their room/don't pick up the wet towels/don't take the garbage out/answer "out" when you ask where they went and "nothing much" when you ask what they did/stay out till god-knows-when and then get offended when you yell at them when they call to ask you to come and pick them up 50km away at 4am because at least they're being sensible and not driving when they've been drinking and it's not as if your work worries if you're a bit late because you slept in/treat your car as their car until it needs petrol ...