Next step
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 07:33
Ok, with natural crude oil going to $4-$6 a gallon now. I believe that America is at a Crossroad. It can go three way. It can either start mass transit, alternative fuel, or more oil drilling.
I think Alternative fuel should be our next step. Theres ton of reasearch out there about Alternative fuel that is worth trying on a large scale. I mean they already have the technology to make Bio-Oil and Bio-Diesel basically using renewable sources. I don't think Mass Transit is going to work because its so limited to where it can go, and when it can run. Not to mention raping and mugging in the subway station. And more oil will just feed the oil company more money, so thats out.
So my vote, Alternative fuel!
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 07:53
You can discuss people.
Hey I really don't care what happens. All of the suggestions cost a lot of money anyways. I mean with mass public transportation you still need gas and it costs money to set up routes, build new tracks (trains/subways). Either way I think we're all screwed and doomed to spend all our cash on gasoline. Now I think 3 things are certain in life 1. Death 2.Taxes 3. GAS PRICE HIKES
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:03
Hey I really don't care what happens. All of the suggestions cost a lot of money anyways. I mean with mass public transportation you still need gas and it costs money to set up routes, build new tracks (trains/subways). Either way I think we're all screwed and doomed to spend all our cash on gasoline. Now I think 3 things are certain in life 1. Death 2.Taxes 3. GAS PRICE HIKES
You have a future in the oil business. :rolleyes: God forbid you try something new.
Like most of our fellow North American's, I FEAR CHANGE :headbang:
So what do you suggest as an alternate fuel source, and how do you expect people to actually buy into it?
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:08
Like most of our fellow North American's, I FEAR CHANGE :headbang:
Yea but change could be good.
$1.50 a gallon for Bio-Oil OR
$6.00 for drilled oil.
Alternative fuel will only be expensive at first. Once it starts getting strength in the mainstream, then it'll be lower than the drilled oil prices.
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:09
So what do you suggest as an alternate fuel source, and how do you expect people to actually buy into it?
Hydrogen power
Theres even a guy in my city thats working on a truck fueld with cooking oil that comes from greese traps!
Egg and chips
03-09-2005, 08:13
I find it Ironic that America is obsessed with petrol prices being high, when In England, we're paying $2 a gallon more.
Hey man, are you phsycic or something? What gives you the ability to predict the economy? Gasoline never used to cost this much man and look at it now! You cannot guarantee that your alternative fuel source will remain cheap.
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:17
Hey man, are you phsycic or something? What gives you the ability to predict the economy? Gasoline never used to cost this much man and look at it now! You cannot guarantee that your alternative fuel source will remain cheap.
Yes I can because while drilled oil is in LIMITED supply. Bio-Oil, Bio-Diesel and even Hydrogen fuel is a renewable source. Bio-Oil and Bio-Diesel are made from pine sawdust and wheat. Both renewable sources. Hydrogen uses water and Hyrdogen, both renewable sources. See, if the American public knows this, then hey they can't be screwed over like the oil company is doing right now. Remember Knoweldge is Power!
Hydrogen power
Theres even a guy in my city thats working on a truck fueld with cooking oil that comes from greese traps!
Yeah, but that's one person... and how many immitators does he have?? How many people have even attempted to recreate his system? Not very many, if any at all.
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:23
Yeah, but that's one person... and how many immitators does he have?? How many people have even attempted to recreate his system? Not very many, if any at all.
Dude, there are Thousands if not millions of people working on these Alternative fuels. Hell, theres a few companies that are working on Alternative fuels. Like I said, you're perfect for the oil industry.
Althought I do have to admit, they did take it a little too far with the car thats powered by human waste.
Hey man, screw you and your BIO crap. I'll stick to my original tried and true method. :)
Oak Trail
03-09-2005, 08:30
Hey man, screw you and your BIO crap. I'll stick to my original tried and true method. :)
Welp have fun paying $10 a gallon for drilled oil while I only pay $1.50 for Bio-Oil.
Eurasia and Oceana
03-09-2005, 08:40
None of the renewable energy sources are effective yet . Hydrogen power is the only real option, yet to get the hydrogen out of the water you need large amounts of energy. In fact it takes more energy to split water than it does to take a car journey. Before our cars start to spit out HO2, we need to build huge amounts of solar pannels and wind turbines to power the hydrogen plants.
All in all... in the long run it would be better to have an alternative, but in the short term its gonna take our gereation, our childrens generation and their childrens generation to even get the project into movement, so right now I'll stick with oil.
The blessed Chris
03-09-2005, 11:01
I fail to see why any American can complain as to PETROL prices, we pay over £1 a gallon in certain regions. Upon the subject of alternative fuels, numerous fuels; alcohol, hydrogen, electric, have been proven as viable and feasible, and in contrast to the environmental implications of inactivity, the financial cost modification and alteration of cars is negligable.
03-09-2005, 11:10
Um, Brazil anyone? Bio-fuel is already used in many places in the world (i.e those that were too poor to set up an oil infrastructure when it was dirt cheap),
You don't even need a re-designed engine to do it. Your diesel can run of it, really, try it, And even simply putting Vegatable oil mixed with petrol will work.
And individuals working on it, maybe. But all the major car manufacturers are as well- especially after the take off of hybrids have prove people want efficient cars.
So it probably won't be too long before we see these on our streets. :)
I hope.
03-09-2005, 15:25
I'm glad other people are realizing the 'next step' I'm really getting fed up with people just complaning about the now. Anyways, what about mass transit AND alternative fuel?
its gonna take our gereation, our childrens generation and their childrens generation to even get the project into movement, so right now I'll stick with oil.
If you don't change it, who will?
I agree with pursuing an alternative fuel, for a number of reasons. First, while I don't think it should be our highest priority, the IC engine does pollute a good bit, and surely reducing that would be nice - but only if we can continue relatively unbothered (after the switch, of course). Second, IC engines are quite inefficient, wasting resources. Finally, oil will run out someday. I remember how laughably wrong the environmentalists were fifteen years ago when they predicted we'd be out of oil by now, but they were right in principle: sooner or later, that will be all.
Of course, in the meantime, we should pull out every drop we can from the ground. Getting that alternative energy means research, which means time, and we need a viable economy to support that research. I don't care if oil wells pop up in the wasteland we have in Alaska; even if there were something worth preserving up there the oil reservations would occupy a tiny speck of it. Same for offshore platforms.