Sweet Crap that's painfull
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 10:13
I just broke my toenail off. Well, not off all the way, but it's hinged up like a car hood (bonnet, for you brits and such).
I have to climb a steep set of wooden stairs in the dark to go to the bathroom and I missed a step in my sandles and slammed my toe into the top step, hinging it. At first it felt like a stubed toe, but it has been ramping up in pain value.
I band-aided the little bastard back down and it only bled a little, but sweet mamajama it hurts.
I don't have gas to get to a emergency room, nor do I think this merits it. Couldn't afford it if it did, anyway. Right now I just want to whine like a bitch because it hurts like, a lot. Garrrrrrrr.
Anyway to deal with pain using what I have (which is to say, no drugs, money, or gas to go anywhere)?
Teh DeaDiTeS
30-08-2005, 10:25
Swear a lot. Works for me. :)
30-08-2005, 10:29
I just broke my toenail off. Well, not off all the way, but it's hinged up like a car hood (bonnet, for you brits and such).
I have to climb a steep set of wooden stairs in the dark to go to the bathroom and I missed a step in my sandles and slammed my toe into the top step, hinging it. At first it felt like a stubed toe, but it has been ramping up in pain value.
I band-aided the little bastard back down and it only bled a little, but sweet mamajama it hurts.
I don't have gas to get to a emergency room, nor do I think this merits it. Couldn't afford it if it did, anyway. Right now I just want to whine like a bitch because it hurts like, a lot. Garrrrrrrr.
Anyway to deal with pain using what I have (which is to say, no drugs, money, or gas to go anywhere)?
Fucking OW!
Yer gonna lose that nail.
Its probably not emergency room serious..but you may wanna use some hydrogen peroxide or something antibacterial on it, so it doesnt get infected.
30-08-2005, 10:29
Punch yourself in the face to take your mind off it.
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 10:33
Swear a lot. Works for me. :)
Oh yeah, doin' a lot of that. The poor cat got a stream of obsenities because he was buggin' me to get in my place. Fortunately he doesn't understand a word of it. But he's not gettin in.
It's 2:30 am here, so I can't yell them like I really want to. Oh christ o'mighty, it's really not getting any better...man, kinda wish I was into morphine just for the moment....
Don't swear!
Replace "sweet crap" with "By the beard of Zeus!"
30-08-2005, 10:36
Well if you have any alcohol I'd say slam a few, otherwise all that's left is mind games. So how's your meditative techniques? In situations like that I usually concentrate on the pain...close my eyes and focus all my being on the injury and the pain. Then sort of turn it off...make it flow out of me...or move my concentration and my being away from the injury if that fails. Basically meditative techniques of not thinking about it...distraction inside the mind.
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 10:37
Fucking OW!
Yer gonna lose that nail.
Its probably not emergency room serious..but you may wanna use some hydrogen peroxide or something antibacterial on it, so it doesnt get infected.
I think I'm gonna hobble to work early tommorrow, since I work on the campus I just graduated from and see if the health center will still help me out.
Right about now I feel like I should be telling someone what they want to know.
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 10:39
Well if you have any alcohol I'd say slam a few, otherwise all that's left is mind games. So how's your meditative techniques? In situations like that I usually concentrate on the pain...close my eyes and focus all my being on the injury and the pain. Then sort of turn it off...make it flow out of me...or move my concentration and my being away from the injury if that fails. Basically meditative techniques of not thinking about it...distraction inside the mind.
I've never been all that good at this kind of thing.
Right about now I really regret that.
...Right about now I feel like I should be telling someone what they want to know.
Is it safe?
30-08-2005, 10:42
Is it safe?
I refused to see a dentist for a long time after that movie.
I would keep saying "OW! HOLY FUCK!! YES...ITS SAFE! IT IS SO FUCKING SAFE!"
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 10:50
I don't think I've seen the movie you guys are talking about, but now I don't want to. I think I'm going to stare at the ceiling and see if I can't just go into a daze or something, anything so I can get to sleep.
It's actually getting worse, I had no idea that was possible. Oh manohmanohman, this is fuckin' painfull....
Lunatic Goofballs
30-08-2005, 11:06
Any pain you feel now will pale cmpare to the annoyance of having the nail catch in the fabric of your sock from time to time as you are putting them on.
YOur toe is doomed. Amputate. You'll regret it if you don't. :(
30-08-2005, 11:11
Some fat kid jumped on big toe during a music festival, I had to stand on it for 2 hours and then limp a mile to my tent.
Lunatic Goofballs
30-08-2005, 11:13
Some fat kid jumped on big toe during a music festival, I had to stand on it for 2 hours and then limp a mile to my tent.
You stood on the fat kid for two hours?!? Groovy. :)
30-08-2005, 11:16
You stood on the fat kid for two hours?!? Groovy. :)
30-08-2005, 11:18
You stood on the fat kid for two hours?!? Groovy. :)
I hope you hit him in the nuts with a dodgeball for no reason whatsoever.
30-08-2005, 11:18
You stood on the fat kid for two hours?!? Groovy. :)
The Downmarching Void
30-08-2005, 11:20
Ouch. I feel for ya. A good meditation/mind trick technique, if you're brave enough for it, is to concentrate on the pain, really, really feel it, every aching tngle, become one with it...makes it easier to recognize the mental asoect of it and not so much turn it off, as just accept it as an annoying signal which can be ignored. Hard to explain properly, but it does work (works with cold too) One of my sensei's taught it to me...his cryptic explanation being "Each contains its opposite>"
Okay, so it probably won't work for you, but if it makes you feel any better, I woke up from the pain of a splitting headache.
30-08-2005, 12:29
What you want to do is rip off the nail next to it. Then to distract from the pain of that, rip off the nail next to that one, etc. etc.
If you run out of toenails, you can always move on to the fingernails. ;)
(Unless, of course, you have already ripped them off.)
Anyway to deal with pain using what I have (which is to say, no drugs, money, or gas to go anywhere)?
the only solution i have is to drink yourself silly. and if you don't like the risk of a huge hangover, then just keep on drinking and don't look back :D . that's what i did for a week when i broke my heel, granted it was drink that caused the problem, but hey, what does that matter? ahhh, alcohol, the solution to, and the problem of, all of life's worries.
30-08-2005, 12:44
Slam the other big toe in a door!
That will take your mind off the pain!
the only solution i have is to drink yourself silly. and if you don't like the risk of a huge hangover, then just keep on drinking and don't look back :D . that's what i did for a week when i broke my heel, granted it was drink that caused the problem, but hey, what does that matter? ahhh, alcohol, the solution to, and the problem of, all of life's worries.
I heartily endorse this solution.
30-08-2005, 12:47
the only solution i have is to drink yourself silly. and if you don't like the risk of a huge hangover, then just keep on drinking and don't look back :D . that's what i did for a week when i broke my heel, granted it was drink that caused the problem, but hey, what does that matter? ahhh, alcohol, the solution to, and the problem of, all of life's worries.
Ahh Homer Simpson.
i knew i made a wise choice. :p
30-08-2005, 12:58
Life without alcohol would be entirely unbearable. I ended going to AA for a bit, but it made me terribley terribley depressed. Alcohol = life.
The Nazz
30-08-2005, 13:03
Find a mantra you can repeat to yourself over and over again, concentrating on that and nothing else. I suggest the lyrics to Cher's "Believe." If that won't numb your brain, nothing will.
30-08-2005, 13:03
Rehab is for quitters!
Rehab is for quitters!
yeah,why go to AA at all? i say alcohol isn't dangerous, in fact, the only dangerous amount of alcohol is none at all!
30-08-2005, 13:09
yeah,why go to AA at all? i say alcohol isn't dangerous, in fact, the only dangerous amount of alcohol is none at all!
Spoken like a True Irishmen. :p
1000 posts soon w00t
Spoken like a True Irishmen. :p
1000 posts soon w00t
thanks, i try to live up to my stereotype, most people take comfortable in the predictable
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
30-08-2005, 13:12
My suggestion for you is to enjoy a few pornos or find some other means of having an orgasm. Not only will that help take away you attention from your toe but the body will also start producing endorphins which will help with the pain. :)
The Downmarching Void
30-08-2005, 13:28
Just ahad to comment: This thread was just below the circumcission thred.
Sweet Crapthat's painfull!
Cannot think of a name
30-08-2005, 18:53
Any pain you feel now will pale cmpare to the annoyance of having the nail catch in the fabric of your sock from time to time as you are putting them on.
YOur toe is doomed. Amputate. You'll regret it if you don't. :(
I just had to put on my boot to go to work, and it's a whole new world of pain.
There's a first aid kit at work that I'm going to raid.
When I was younger I dropped the corner of a full file cabinet on my big toe and split it down the center. I think the universe hates my big toe. What did my big toe ever do to the universe?
Now I have to limp my way down the hill. What sucks even more is this isn't a cool Lunatic Goofballs injury-no ones going to be impressed with "Stubbed my toe on the way to bathroom." I wasn't even stoned for cryin' out loud...
Refused Party Program
30-08-2005, 19:03
I just broke my toenail off. Well, not off all the way, but it's hinged up like a car hood (bonnet, for you brits and such).
I have to climb a steep set of wooden stairs in the dark to go to the bathroom and I missed a step in my sandles and slammed my toe into the top step, hinging it. At first it felt like a stubed toe, but it has been ramping up in pain value.
I band-aided the little bastard back down and it only bled a little, but sweet mamajama it hurts.
I don't have gas to get to a emergency room, nor do I think this merits it. Couldn't afford it if it did, anyway. Right now I just want to whine like a bitch because it hurts like, a lot. Garrrrrrrr.
Anyway to deal with pain using what I have (which is to say, no drugs, money, or gas to go anywhere)?
I did the same thing to my big toe once but in the folly of youth I decided to plaster (band aid) it and walk it off. Later that week I participated in a rugby match. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I remember peeling the plaster off a few days after and pulling the nail off with it.
I've done similar things to my big toe nail, once crushed it under a drawer full of video tapes, and another time kicked a football (soccer ball) so hard it broke at the root and started cutting into the flesh. Mother of god, I´ve never experienced anything worse than that. It was still hanging on both times, but I know the pain when it does start to let go. I used ice, but this case is probably more complicated...
30-08-2005, 19:12
My suggestion for you is to enjoy a few pornos or find some other means of having an orgasm. Not only will that help take away you attention from your toe but the body will also start producing endorphins which will help with the pain. :)
I endorse this proposition.
But there's a bit of a problem with it, in that it probably wouldn't be a great idea to repeatedly get off all day. One could only really use this idea a few times, couldn't they?
Crabcake Baba Ganoush
30-08-2005, 21:19
I endorse this proposition.
But there's a bit of a problem with it, in that it probably wouldn't be a great idea to repeatedly get off all day. One could only really use this idea a few times, couldn't they?
Maybe once every couple of hours. You know to give the arm and various reproductive organs a rest. Doing this at work though might be difficult too. Unless one has a regular partner in the work place.
Cannot think of a name
31-08-2005, 08:19
So I tried wrapping it in band aids and telling myself I was being a wuss, but it turns out that I'm totally okay with being a wuss and I went to the health center.
Not only did she give me tickets to exchange at my work (no escape), she sent me to a foot doctor to have the little bastard removed all the way.
Of course, that's after the nurse pulled the nail back out getting the bandage off. After that I was completely willing to admit that 2+2=5. Sweet fuck.
The foot doctor dude stayed open for me and pulled the toenail off after giving my toe four shots which hurt, but nothing like the toe hurt before, so...
I discovered that when you look like a wuss and act like a wuss, people give you crap. When you look like a big scary dude and act like a wuss it puts everyone at ease. They where very nice while I tried to pull my hat down around my neck during the shots.
Now I have no toenail and my toe looks fuckin' gross. Feeling is just starting to come back and I wish it wouldn't...
I tried the meditation thing in the chair but eventually I resorted to babling jibberish.
Thanks for the advice, all.