Why do you debate?
The North Falklands
26-08-2005, 19:18
Most threads around here seem to be ethical debates, usually started by one of many discussion-hunting, intelligent people.
Why do you debate? To have fun? To let loose your feelings? To "search for the truth?"
I, being a Christian, debate on issues that I feel compelled to give my own opinion on, making the argument not so one-sided (lot of debaters here are atheist...).
26-08-2005, 19:21
Most threads around here seem to be ethical debates, usually started by one of many discussion-hunting, intelligent people.
Why do you debate? To have fun? To let loose your feelings? To "search for the truth?"
I, being a Christian, debate on issues that I feel compelled to give my own opinion on, making the argument not so one-sided (lot of debaters here are atheist...).
If its physics, I debate because most people in this forum speak idle nonsense about physics and science.
All other matters, I enjoy watching people getting mad/defensive/offensive/illogical and the like. It's solely for my amusement. Kinda like putting foil in the microwave.
I debate for the same reason I play chess... its just an intellectual game. It improves my writing skills and keeps my mind from getting too slack.
I don't see what the other purposes could be. We don't get a prize for winning, we don't sway anyone elses opinion if they don't think the same way we do to begin with... ultimately our opinions on these issues don't make any difference.
Like Heming, I also enjoy watching people get all emotional and bent out of shape during discussions on anonymous internet forums.
Melkor Unchained
26-08-2005, 19:27
I do it for a couple of reasons. For one thing, mine is a most unconventional morality, and I've always lived for pushing peoples buttons. For another thing, I'm a headstrong bastard who's sure he's right.
26-08-2005, 19:28
Debating relaxes me. That's my war... :rolleyes:
26-08-2005, 19:33
It's a great way to kill time when drinking beer. Mostly I just read the posts and chuckle.
Firstly, I enjoy discussion. I do it because it's fun, and because I want to learn how people think, even if I'm never going to have to interact with them in any other way. In that respect, I like simply stringing together arguments for whatever purpose.
On the ethical issue, though, I too feel compelled to put a certain viewpoint across that originates in my spirituality. I follow the edge of the Christian/Atheist coin; the face of the inescapably three-dimensional object of faith that is almost never represented on these forums. It's a tough job, but for the sake of intellectual persuit, someone has to do it. Might as well be me, huh?
Hoos Bandoland
26-08-2005, 19:45
Most threads around here seem to be ethical debates, usually started by one of many discussion-hunting, intelligent people.
Why do you debate? To have fun? To let loose your feelings? To "search for the truth?"
I think most people here "debate" just to get on other people's nerves. At least, that's my reason. :D
Boredom mostly. Nothing better to do.
26-08-2005, 20:07
Every now and then, someone I in general disagree with makes a good point and I see another nuance of grey in the world.
Heron-Marked Warriors
26-08-2005, 20:07
becuase I have nothing better to do
Heron-Marked Warriors
26-08-2005, 20:08
I think most people here "debate" just to get on other people's nerves. At least, that's my reason. :D
Oh yeah, that too.
Drunk commies deleted
26-08-2005, 20:09
It's fun. Trying to counter a good argument is like trying to solve a puzzle. Also if someone starts to get upset during a debate I like to see just how angry I can make him/her sometimes. Plus I like to learn what other people think and how other people think.
26-08-2005, 20:39
While there are some people on here that are very fun to debate...
I hate to tell you that I am using you all, debating here helps me debate in the real world, I am learning what others believe and why so I can better educate my self on the issues of the day, and test to see if my arguments hold any water with people who don't really think like I do....
I may not always win, but I am learning.
In face to face debates I am gettting better.
So I would like to thank all the people who answer my questions and clearly state thier point of veiw so I can work on picking it apart.
Oh yeah, and I like to debate. My husband and I debate regularly and sometimes it is my turn to play devil's advocate so I try to get intelligent opinions here, even if I don't agree with them.
I debate to further the cause of anarchism.
Call to power
26-08-2005, 20:42
I debate because it keeps me from talking about politics in the real world
Pencil 17
26-08-2005, 20:42
If I have something interesting to throw out there... I love doing that... but usually I steer clear of the hardcore debate topics...
It's a pain in the ass reading 400 posts from people who take themselves way to seriously.
If I have something interesting to throw out there... I love doing that... but usually I steer clear of the hardcore debate topics...
It's a pain in the ass reading 400 posts from people who take themselves way to seriously.
Seconded! Also, it is nearly inevitable that someone else states my argument for me, much better than I could have. :)
26-08-2005, 21:04
If I have a firm opinion on something and I see someone throw out absolute rubbish in opposition to it I go and lay some smack down! Also I think it helps me refine my opinions and definitely allows me the freedom to walk away if I get too annoyed by the ardent pro war/homophobe/bible bashers/ignoramus's (or is that ignorami????)/etc out there. Not to say I'm not open-minded, recently I was swayed to be a little more sympathetic to the pro-life crowd.
There is a very nice feeling in completely ripping a bad argument into little pieces, it lets me exercise my evil side in a very "higher moral ground" kinda way.
If I have a firm opinion on something and I see someone throw out absolute rubbish in opposition to it I go and lay some smack down! Also I think it helps me refine my opinions and definitely allows me the freedom to walk away if I get too annoyed by the ardent pro war/homophobe/bible bashers/ignoramus's (or is that ignorami????)/etc out there. Not to say I'm not open-minded, recently I was swayed to be a little more sympathetic to the pro-life crowd.
There is a very nice feeling in completely ripping a bad argument into little pieces, it lets me exercise my evil side in a very "higher moral ground" kinda way.
I've had very little opportunity to do that...the threads I tend to be interested in have such good arguments in them already, I feel like I'll get lost in the shuffle. Plus, it's usually Cat-Tribe or Sinuhue that sum up how I feel the best anyway.
26-08-2005, 21:14
I debate because, believe it or not, I actually intend/expect to learn something. I also feel like there may be others out there like me who are willing to have their minds changed in light of new evidence about the world, but who also have the strength of their convictions and won't be swayed from solid conclusions they've already made. I don't care much for emotional flaming, and I have little to no patience with stupidity/deliberate ignorance. I like this board in particular because I find many people that share my political/philosophical orientation (a libertarian, individualistic, freedom-loving mindset). Though I get easily frustrated by the repetitiousness of extremists on all sides. I find the evolution/creation debate particularly tiresome because as a scientist I can only reach one conclusion on that.
So yeah, silly me, I'm in it for the personal enrichment and all that.
That's also a good reason...I have found my mind changing back and forth a number of times on several threads.
26-08-2005, 21:23
I debate because, believe it or not, I actually intend/expect to learn something. I also feel like there may be others out there like me who are willing to have their minds changed in light of new evidence about the world, but who also have the strength of their convictions and won't be swayed from solid conclusions they've already made. I don't care much for emotional flaming, and I have little to no patience with stupidity/deliberate ignorance. I like this board in particular because I find many people that share my political/philosophical orientation (a libertarian, individualistic, freedom-loving mindset). Though I get easily frustrated by the repetitiousness of extremists on all sides. I find the evolution/creation debate particularly tiresome because as a scientist I can only reach one conclusion on that.
So yeah, silly me, I'm in it for the personal enrichment and all that.
Haha - ditto - I can't read the evolution/creationism thread cause it's like putting a square into a circular hole for me - how/why... ah nevermind, some people are just bizarre.
I also agree that repetitiveness is frustrating, and care little for flamers or ignorance.
I find it amusing also in debate when I run across someone who for me holds two beliefs that seem contrary/hypocritical, and I just love watching them either successfully defend their beliefs (albeit through some circuitous logic) or totally get ripped apart - my fave to watch squirm under dissection are log-cabin republicans, anyone else got one?
26-08-2005, 21:29
i just like to pontificate