Anti-Sheehan article unintentionally comedic gold.
The Nazz
25-08-2005, 13:20
The National Review ( is a decidedly conservative magazine, and their blog, the National Review Online, is staffed by hardcore conservative commentators--Kathryn Lopez, Jonah Goldberg, etc. So it's no surprise that they've been among the many on the right vilifying Cindy Sheehan and supporting the counter protests.
The link above is to a story on the anti-Sheehan protests, which is cool, especially since in the three pictures posted, there's not a single protester in any of them. My favorite unintentionally funny picture is this one.
I want to make something clear--this thread is not a slam at the counter-protestors. They are engaging in their right to protest and ought to be congratulated for doing so.
But the pictures are funny.
Non Aligned States
25-08-2005, 13:22
You know the phantom voter phenomenon? There you go. That's them alright. The phantom voters. You can't see them, but they can vote. =p
25-08-2005, 13:25
I know I disagree with you on the Sheehan debate, but it is funny how they couldn't even get a picture of the girl they interviewed.
25-08-2005, 14:01
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture. It kind of shocked me.'"
Nice people. Very respectful. Right. :rolleyes:
The Nazz
25-08-2005, 14:06
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture. It kind of shocked me.'"
Nice people. Very respectful. Right. :rolleyes:
As if you would know anything about treating people who disagree with you with respect.
Carnivorous Lickers
25-08-2005, 14:14
Funny, if real.
That picture seems more like a set-up.
The Nazz
25-08-2005, 14:17
Funny, if real.
That picture seems more like a set-up.
I would normally agree, except for the source. The National Review is solidly pro-Bush and anti-Sheehan. I think they just didn't realize how that picture could be translated.
German Nightmare
25-08-2005, 14:22
Can tell you this much: That picture is going to be sent around to all my friends - just for the chuckle-factor being so ridiculous high :D
You know the phantom voter phenomenon? There you go. That's them alright. The phantom voters. You can't see them, but they can vote. =p :D
Carnivorous Lickers
25-08-2005, 14:35
I would normally agree, except for the source. The National Review is solidly pro-Bush and anti-Sheehan. I think they just didn't realize how that picture could be translated.
Yes-I am familiar with the National Review-I'm kind of surprised they would-knowingly or not-assist in loading a gun pointed in their direction.
25-08-2005, 14:49
As if you would know anything about treating people who disagree with you with respect.
To use your own words, "respect has to be earned." :)
To use your own words, "respect has to be earned." :)No it doesn't. Respect must be granted by default, and can be lost after that.
Wizard Glass
25-08-2005, 14:55
No it doesn't. Respect must be granted by default, and can be lost after that.
Tolerance is default, Respect is earned.
25-08-2005, 14:56
The National Review ( is a decidedly conservative magazine, and their blog, the National Review Online, is staffed by hardcore conservative commentators--Kathryn Lopez, Jonah Goldberg, etc. So it's no surprise that they've been among the many on the right vilifying Cindy Sheehan and supporting the counter protests.
The link above is to a story on the anti-Sheehan protests, which is cool, especially since in the three pictures posted, there's not a single protester in any of them. My favorite unintentionally funny picture is this one.
I want to make something clear--this thread is not a slam at the counter-protestors. They are engaging in their right to protest and ought to be congratulated for doing so.
But the pictures are funny.
*Can almost hear the wind whistling by with a tumble weed*
Lol thats a great pic I am going to have to remember it
tumbleweed lol :D :D
Tolerance is default, Respect is earned.I consider lack of respect as being an atitude of disdain, disregard, and intereference with someone else's affairs, I believe that respect must be given by default and tolerance must be given inconditionally.
25-08-2005, 15:07
tumbleweed lol :D :D
I consider lack of respect as being an atitude of disdain, disregard, and intereference with someone else's affairs, I believe that respect must be given by default and tolerance must be given inconditionally.
You have to admit that it would make the picture even better lol
Gymoor II The Return
25-08-2005, 15:18
You have to admit that it would make the picture even better lol
That, plus the slightly melted and half-buried hulk of the Statue of Liberty.
25-08-2005, 15:22
To use your own words, "respect has to be earned." :)
Well I think you've answered your own question of why we 'all pick on you' then...
25-08-2005, 16:36
That, plus the slightly melted and half-buried hulk of the Statue of Liberty.
25-08-2005, 17:07
The classic "This is the room full of people who care" phenomena.
Earth Government
25-08-2005, 17:47
A Palestinian man traveled to and back from Dallas today to supply “Camp Qualls” with a power generator. He says that despite the conventional wisdom, most Palestinians want American forces in Iraq. Their presence is providing the foundation for long term security in the region even if the short term results are less than compelling to some.
Because he's a Palestinian, he knows, of course, what every other Palestinian thinks and feels, so we'll use his point-source quote to prove that Palestinians want America in Iraq. :rolleyes:
Yeah, we're not prejudiced, nigh racist bastards who enjoy slotting an entire group into one person...
Free Soviets
25-08-2005, 18:32
The link above is to a story on the anti-Sheehan protests, which is cool, especially since in the three pictures posted, there's not a single protester in any of them.
perhaps they were concerned about another example of this?
25-08-2005, 18:37
perhaps they were concerned about another example of this?
LOL that one is good :)
25-08-2005, 18:38
What does the other one say? "Free Ride" perhaps? Yeah, that ride looks to be free..
25-08-2005, 18:43
Hahaha, that's very funny Nazz. Great post! :fluffle:
Because he's a Palestinian, he knows, of course, what every other Palestinian thinks and feels, so we'll use his point-source quote to prove that Palestinians want America in Iraq. :rolleyes:
Yeah, we're not prejudiced, nigh racist bastards who enjoy slotting an entire group into one person...That's the problem with talking to the people that come to live in America. They aren't the ones that didn't mind staying...
25-08-2005, 18:50
Don't they have PR people whose jobs it is to catch stuff like this? Someone's losing their job.
25-08-2005, 19:18
LOL. It's freaking great. :D
25-08-2005, 19:30
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture. It kind of shocked me.'"
Nice people. Very respectful. Right. :rolleyes:
So someone tells this woman people have been making fun of her picture. And then she tells the National Review blogger that people have been making fun of her picture. And then National Review reports that people have been making fun of this woman's picture. Ever played the game "Telephone"?
25-08-2005, 23:25
Bravo. Bravo. *nods solemnly*
Gymoor II The Return
26-08-2005, 00:41
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture. It kind of shocked me.'"
Nice people. Very respectful. Right. :rolleyes:
Wait wait wait. I though it was liberals who are supposed to be whiney little bitches when their tender feelings get hurt. :D
Thank you, people, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
Non Aligned States
26-08-2005, 00:47
perhaps they were concerned about another example of this?
Tsk. I can understand internet mispellings due to the ease of mistyping a letter, but this? This is a sign that whoever wrote it must have failed at English or something.
Either that or the person was really addressing it to someone named "Morans" =p
The Nazz
26-08-2005, 00:49
perhaps they were concerned about another example of this?
I've had that pic on my computer for at least two years. Don't you just love it?
26-08-2005, 00:56
Tolerance is default, Respect is earned.
no, no, no
a bullet is the default treatment... torture is earned. hehe
26-08-2005, 01:00
Tolerance is default, Respect is earned.
No hunger is default. Tolerance is taught.
Gymoor II The Return
27-08-2005, 09:10
Enough said.
Enough said. :D There goes half dozen political records down the drain.
27-08-2005, 15:39
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture.Bushites are whiney little bitches when their tender feelings get hurt.
And the Bushite Media is full of whiney little bitches always looking to whine about anything.
As if you would know anything about treating people who disagree with you with respect.
I think the bit that Etrusca's quoting represents a certain amount of projection on the part of the author. The whole taking pictures bit is a common tactic for ProtestWarriors, I've never heard of the anti-government protesters doing that before. What would be the point?
The counter protesters do it as a threat to say "the government now knows the face of the person who opposes it. How brave do you feel now?"
What purpose would it serve for an anti-government policy activist to do that to a counter protester? "Here's proof that you're a devoted servant of "the man" maybe you can use it on your resume and get a job with one of those astro-turf groups."
Tsk. I can understand internet mispellings due to the ease of mistyping a letter, but this? This is a sign that whoever wrote it must have failed at English or something.
Either that or the person was really addressing it to someone named "Morans" =p
Possibly, but Congressman Moran ( is a Repulican. So it still doesn't make much sense.
The Bushites tend to be crybabies. The anti-Bushites tend to be crybabies. I know what might be comedic gold. There are two groups of people. One is the pro-America group. the other is the anti-America group. It'll be funny once you see who's in each group. "I'm just as surprised as you are" is comedic platinum.
27-08-2005, 20:57
The Bushites tend to be crybabies. The anti-Bushites tend to be crybabies.Yes...but.
The Bushites have appointed most of the they are calling the shots.
The Nazz
28-08-2005, 05:37
"... the protestors have been mostly respectful of ... Bush supporters. But all that changed recently. 'One of them came up to me and started taking pictures. It kind of made me uncomfortable, but that’s their right. But the next day a group of them came up to me and said those pictures had been posted on the Internet and the protesters were making fun of my picture. It kind of shocked me.'"
Nice people. Very respectful. Right. :rolleyes:
Speaking of respect...
Centrist, heal thyself.