This Doesn't Make Sense
25-08-2005, 03:30
I've played a lot of video games I have always had some question about how much sense certain aspects of video games make. Most of these come from RPG video games.
Honestly though, how do bears obtain 200 gold?
What in the world is a rat doing with chainmail and a broadsword?
These two I have seen a banner concerning one certain "Robina Hood" who steals from the rich and gives to poor dungeon creatures. I can except this explanation, but I'd like to hear others.
And if there are all these dead hero bodies in the tenth dungeon level, how come there are so many unopened chests and weapon racks in the previous levels?
Any help would be welcomed.
25-08-2005, 03:36
I figure you can sell the pelt, meat and any other useful parts for whatever the goldpiece value turns out to be. 200 GP for a bear, in this case.
Small attackers yielding armour and weapons, well..I guess they were hiding in it and you have to kill them to collect the goods. Also the weapons can be part of a "nest" or horde gathered by the creatures.
Untouched treasure? Two possible reasons. A) They're already encumbered and were leaving it for the trip out, and B) they're heroes who care nothing for money and have all the weapons they need..or think they do. much battle experience does killing a rat give you? XP should really be given only for things you've never fought before, or at least not often.
Wizard Glass
25-08-2005, 03:37
I've played a lot of video games I have always had some question about how much sense certain aspects of video games make. Most of these come from RPG video games.
Honestly though, how do bears obtain 200 gold?
What in the world is a rat doing with chainmail and a broadsword?
They sell fish.
Well, it's gotta protect itself SOMEHOW.
And if there are all these dead hero bodies in the tenth dungeon level, how come there are so many unopened chests and weapon racks in the previous levels?
Would YOU want to live in a dungeon with opened chests and weapons everywhere?
Tactical Grace
25-08-2005, 03:58
I'd like to know how a 750k Guristas Destroyer drops a Large Shield Extender, Large Shield Booster, Basic Power Diagnostic and 100 Mjolnir torpedos, and is never, ever, ever hardened against kinetic damage even after you've killed a dozen of them in the same belt.
And why don't Conquistadors target-jam? It's a Scorp hull FFS! Sniping at 50k with 350s, wtf?
Greater Valia
25-08-2005, 03:59
I'd like to know how a 750k Guristas Destroyer drops a Large Shield Extender, Large Shield Booster, Basic Power Diagnostic and 100 Mjolnir torpedos, and is never, ever, ever hardened against kinetic damage even after you've killed a dozen of them in the same belt.
And why don't Conquistadors target-jam? It's a Scorp hull FFS! Sniping at 50k with 350s, wtf?
Eve Online... amirite?
Steel Butterfly
25-08-2005, 04:06
Why would the heros and villans take turns when fighting for the fate of the world? It's a doesn't have to make
Why would the heros and villans take turns when fighting for the fate of the world? It's a doesn't have to make
Exactly. I usually fill in more details in my head, anyway.
Tactical Grace
25-08-2005, 04:11
Eve Online... amirite?
Yes indeed. Pwning n00bs since June 2004. :D
Not likely to fight Gurista BS spawns ever again though, having been through the fall of four Northern Regions alliances, I have well and truly given up on that space. Pirates do not make for stable government.
Greater Valia
25-08-2005, 04:13
I started playing in May of this year. I mined and mined and mined for weeks until I could get enough cash to buy a indie. But when I did, I made a large fortune in cross regional trading. And sometimes I do PvP just for fun. ;)
Tactical Grace
25-08-2005, 04:39
I'm 0.0 alliance cannon-fodder. :rolleyes:
Every now and then I take time out to do some missions/industry/merc work, then back into 0.0. A few months here, a few months there. I'm sure the efforts of me and my friends must have made a few people rich. You don't really make billions going where you're told and fighting whom you're told.
It's a videogame. I understand it all, it's all just to help YOU progress through the game.
What gets me most is fences. Your character is the ONLY person who can save the world, yet you CANNOT go over, under, through, or anyother way past a fence.
Sure you can destroy a level 56 Malboro. But if your path comes face to face with a fence you might as well give up. There's NOTHING that can overcome the fence! NOTHING.
25-08-2005, 04:55
Funny as you get older NS seems less cool...
Funny as you get older NS seems less cool...
....Your kidding right?
You thought this place was cool to begin with? :confused:
I've played a lot of video games I have always had some question about how much sense certain aspects of video games make. Most of these come from RPG video games.
Honestly though, how do bears obtain 200 gold?
What in the world is a rat doing with chainmail and a broadsword?
These two I have seen a banner concerning one certain "Robina Hood" who steals from the rich and gives to poor dungeon creatures. I can except this explanation, but I'd like to hear others.
And if there are all these dead hero bodies in the tenth dungeon level, how come there are so many unopened chests and weapon racks in the previous levels?
Any help would be welcomed.Right. About the animals having money and swords... Do you really care? Every little bit helps when saving towards the money you need to pay the thieves' guildmaster to rescue Imoen, why care where the money comes from? :D
25-08-2005, 05:01
....Your kidding right?
You thought this place was cool to begin with? :confused:
25-08-2005, 12:53
Right. About the animals having money and swords... Do you really care? Every little bit helps when saving towards the money you need to pay the thieves' guildmaster to rescue Imoen, why care where the money comes from? :D
Screw paying to rescue Imoen, Become strong and you can kill anyone, even those stupid no magic in the city people.
Non Aligned States
25-08-2005, 13:06
I'd like to know how a 750k Guristas Destroyer drops a Large Shield Extender, Large Shield Booster, Basic Power Diagnostic and 100 Mjolnir torpedos, and is never, ever, ever hardened against kinetic damage even after you've killed a dozen of them in the same belt.
Guristas pilots went to Stormtrooper training school. One of the key things you learn is never to use your equipment to its fullest capacity. I mean, when was the last time you saw a stormtrooper use their standard issue grenades? Same principle here
And why don't Conquistadors target-jam? It's a Scorp hull FFS! Sniping at 50k with 350s, wtf?
Because the great god Programmer said "And thine weapons and equipment shalt not be used to its fullest potential upon the players, for the players are mine cash co...Children. Shalt thou disobey mine commands, thou shalt know my wrath, and it is great, for none may defy me and escape the touch of the nerf bat"
And so it was done, and the NPCs were forever messed up.
I started playing in May of this year. I mined and mined and mined for weeks until I could get enough cash to buy a indie. But when I did, I made a large fortune in cross regional trading. And sometimes I do PvP just for fun. ;)
November, 2004. I make more money mining in a full on covetor. And yeah, I know how sucky it can get with just a frigate mining. Blargh. I'm glad I left those days a long time ago. Here's a tip, get learning skills in perception and intelligence fast. Get them to advanced 4. You won't regret the reduction in training times.
By the way. Tactical Grace, got any good trade routes for a heavy duty trader to be? I've made a sizeable investment in the biggest damn hauler in the game and I'm looking forward to making some money off with it. Being taken around on the ferryman of the river styx. And damn, he don't charge just a copper anymore to charter that boat.
Heh, I wonder if any non-EVE people will get that.
25-08-2005, 13:08
In Morrowind, how come every kaguri beast you kill doesn't have a skin left behind? I mean, honestly, are these beasts just walking around with no skin?
Saint Curie
25-08-2005, 23:49
I liked Morrowind a lot. I especially liked that they gave you the option to "Dispose of Corpse" once you looted it. I'm told the follow up game will be extraordinary.
I liked Morrowind a lot. I especially liked that they gave you the option to "Dispose of Corpse" once you looted it. I'm told the follow up game will be extraordinary.
Takes days to get somewhere on foot...argh.
26-08-2005, 00:18
Honestly though, how do bears obtain 200 gold?
What in the world is a rat doing with chainmail and a broadsword?
This is one of the reasons that I like Dungeon Siege. Enemies drop the items you'd expect them to.
Non Aligned States
26-08-2005, 01:03
Takes days to get somewhere on foot...argh.
Bah, you've obviously never had to max your running or acrobatics skill. That old yarn of leaping over tall buildings in a single bound can come true there =p
Saint Curie
26-08-2005, 01:53
Bah, you've obviously never had to max your running or acrobatics skill. That old yarn of leaping over tall buildings in a single bound can come true there =p
yeah, there are also some spiffy spells/scrolls that let you get around pretty quick. Even if you aren't a magically inclined character, you can learn enough to get around easily.
I remember in one area, some guy falls out of the sky and dies (you hear him screaming on the way down), and when you check his corpse, you find a flight scroll and a book on levitation or something. Just don't run out of mana mid flight, heh.