Elephant The Perfect Symbol For Republicans
Think about it...what other animal can you think of with a back strong enough to support the supremely rich...and a nose long enough to stick in everyone's bedroom?
Sheer Stupidity
24-08-2005, 20:21
As opposed to your party being represented by a JACKASS.
Enough said.
Tactical Grace
24-08-2005, 20:22
As a European, I feel both to be deliciously apt. :D
A jackass and a huge beast that shits on everything. Nice mascots guys. That's one of the more lighthearted of th dozens of reasons I'm an Independent
As opposed to your party being represented by a JACKASS.
Enough said.
Actually, a donkey.
And, quite frankly, I'd rather be represented by a jackass, than by some guy who only cares about the rich...and sticking their nose into everyone else's bedroom!
24-08-2005, 20:48
"Hey look Lois, the two symbols of the Republican party: An elephant and a big fat white guy who's threatened by change."
24-08-2005, 20:51
If only there was some way we could combine the two
maybe.... an Albino Elephant?
do those exsist?
24-08-2005, 20:51
Actually, a donkey.
And, quite frankly, I'd rather be represented by a jackass, than by some guy who only cares about the rich...and sticking their nose into everyone else's bedroom!
A jackass is a male donkey.
"Hey look Lois, the two symbols of the Republican party: An elephant and a big fat white guy who's threatened by change."
God, that was a good episode. "For my next miracle, I'm going to turn water...in to funk"
24-08-2005, 20:54
Actually, a donkey.
And, quite frankly, I'd rather be represented by a jackass, than by some guy who only cares about the rich...and sticking their nose into everyone else's bedroom!
I am going to assume you are speaking of the current administration. so uh... what evidence do you have that they only care about the rich?
Where do the symbols come from?
The Democratic Jackass (http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/2/26/Democraticjackass.jpg):
On January 19, 1870, a political cartoon by Thomas Nast appearing in Harper's Weekly titled "A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion" for the first time symbolized the Democratic Party as a donkey. Since then, the donkey has been widely used as a symbol of the Party, though unlike the Republican elephant, the donkey has never been officially adopted as the Party's logo. The DNC's official logo, pictured at right, depicts a stylized kicking donkey.Click Link and scroll to Symbols (http://www.answers.com/topic/democratic-party-united-states)
The Republican Elephant:
This symbol of the party was born in the imagination of cartoonist Thomas Nast and first appeared in Harper's Weekly on November 7, 1874.Click Link (http://www.meckgop.com/elephant.html)
Both were first depicted together here (neither in favorable condidtions ;) ):
Evil Arch Conservative
24-08-2005, 21:05
Acute observation. Consider me crushed. Hah... crushed.
Sheer Stupidity
24-08-2005, 21:12
Where do the symbols come from?
The Democratic Jackass (http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/2/26/Democraticjackass.jpg):
Click Link and scroll to Symbols (http://www.answers.com/topic/democratic-party-united-states)
The Republican Elephant:
Click Link (http://www.meckgop.com/elephant.html)
Both were first depicted together here (neither in favorable condidtions ;) ):
I knew someone would eventually post the origins of the symbols. I could have looked it up for myself, but I decided to wait for someone else to do it. Thanks. :cool:
I knew someone would eventually post the origins of the symbols. I could have looked it up for myself, but I decided to wait for someone else to do it. Thanks. :cool: :D
You see, my party of choice has an even cooler animal:
US parties are crap.
Now, The Monster Raving Loony Party, there's a group you can trust :)
A jackass and a huge beast that shits on everything. Nice mascots guys. That's one of the more lighthearted of th dozens of reasons I'm an Independent
A jackass is moderatly sized animal that does huge amounts of work for its size. The description you provided fits perfectly for an elephant which is exactly what most of the Republican party is. Especially Limbaugh and Falwell.
Al Franken said it best.
Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot.
24-08-2005, 21:38
A jackass is moderatly sized animal that does huge amounts of work for its size. The description you provided fits perfectly for an elephant which is exactly what most of the Republican party is. Especially Limbaugh and Falwell.
Both animals are renowned for their stubbornness. THAT is where the comparisons first came from.
Both animals are renowned for their stubbornness. THAT is where the comparisons first came from.Well, actually, the elephant was protrayed as a trampling brute and the jackass was taken from one of AEsop's fables. Refer to my post on the previous page.
Cannot think of a name
24-08-2005, 21:53
Think about it...what other animal can you think of with a back strong enough to support the supremely rich...and a nose long enough to stick in everyone's bedroom?
I'm on your side, really I am-but bro to bro, maybe you could ease back on the hammer a bit? Once you got into those dumbass "What you have to believe to..." lists and this stuff, it just gets to be a bit much. Give it time, pick your shots. Bush and the faithfull do plenty to give you more than enough to go on that we really don't have to do this kind of stuff.
this just seems fitting for the thread...
"I'll hug your elephant when you kiss my ass"
NOTE: this is not meant to be anything other than amusing. time to laugh a little.
24-08-2005, 23:28
Think about it...what other animal can you think of with a back strong enough to support the supremely rich...and a nose long enough to stick in everyone's bedroom?
I usually find this stuff amusing, but even I am getting tired of your pointless flamebait threads.
I'm on your side, really I am-but bro to bro, maybe you could ease back on the hammer a bit? Once you got into those dumbass "What you have to believe to..." lists and this stuff, it just gets to be a bit much. Give it time, pick your shots. Bush and the faithfull do plenty to give you more than enough to go on that we really don't have to do this kind of stuff.
I can't ease back on the hammer until Bush and his ilk GO AWAY!!!
These people have stolen my country from me, and I'm pissed.
I never turned my back on America. America turned it's back on ME.
And I'm seriously considering a move to Canada. Why the hell stay here and continue to fight a rigged fight against the forces of repression...when I can cross the northern border into a land that far better reflects my own values, beliefs and ideals...and more closely resembles the country of my birth?
This is the land of my birth, but it no longer is the country of my birth. America abandoned me. That hurts more than any of you can ever know. America turned it's back on me. Well, fuck America. When my mom dies, I'll have nothing left holding me here. There will be nothing left for me here. So, when that happens...since america has so clearly demonstrated that it doesn't want me anymore...I'll leave. And go somewhere where I'm wanted...and my human dignity and civil rights are still respected.
Sheer Stupidity
25-08-2005, 00:35
I usually find this stuff amusing, but even I am getting tired of your pointless flamebait threads.
Its not flamebait if you're attacking conservatives, republicans, or the USA in general. It only becomes flamebait if you start attacking liberals, democrats, or any country other than the US.
25-08-2005, 00:51
Actually, a donkey.
And, quite frankly, I'd rather be represented by a jackass, than by some guy who only cares about the rich...and sticking their nose into everyone else's bedroom!
thats right.. you rather have someone who pretends to care about the poor but meanwhile gets funded by the rich... and sticks their nose into everyone else's pocket.
You keep your hand out of my pocket.. ill keep my nose out of your bedroom.
Economic Associates
25-08-2005, 00:55
I can't ease back on the hammer until Bush and his ilk GO AWAY!!!
These people have stolen my country from me, and I'm pissed.
I never turned my back on America. America turned it's back on ME.
I'm sorry I didn't realize that you owned America. I'll get the accounting staff right on that one... :rolleyes: I guess that there aren't any other points of view that matter other then Lyric's one.
And I'm seriously considering a move to Canada. Why the hell stay here and continue to fight a rigged fight against the forces of repression...when I can cross the northern border into a land that far better reflects my own values, beliefs and ideals...and more closely resembles the country of my birth?
Seriously you think your going to get change going by saying you hate and despise all republicans? You get change going by making people aware of a problem, educating them about it, and then taking action. You alienate people with your attitude because you make it seem like its everyone against you when its not. There are plenty of people who are democrats and republicans who want reform. Instead of labeling all people based on the actions of a few leaders realize that not everyone is like the few bad apples. I mean your using the same point of view as those who condemn all muslims because of the few terrorists.
This is the land of my birth, but it no longer is the country of my birth. America abandoned me. That hurts more than any of you can ever know. America turned it's back on me. Well, fuck America. When my mom dies, I'll have nothing left holding me here. There will be nothing left for me here. So, when that happens...since america has so clearly demonstrated that it doesn't want me anymore...I'll leave. And go somewhere where I'm wanted...and my human dignity and civil rights are still respected.
Here I made this just for you its your own personal cross. So when you feel persecuted you can drag yourself up there and nail yourself to it.
Its not flamebait if you're attacking conservatives, republicans, or the USA in general. It only becomes flamebait if you start attacking liberals, democrats, or any country other than the US.Did you know that 'pool is a democratic socialist?
25-08-2005, 01:01
And I'm seriously considering a move to Canada. Why the hell stay here and continue to fight a rigged fight against the forces of repression...when I can cross the northern border into a land that far better reflects my own values, beliefs and ideals...and more closely resembles the country of my birth?
Enjoy the move while it lasts. Sooner or later the Maple Country will be sporting the good ol' Red, White 'n' Blue. Just a matter of time.
*has the craving of watching Canadian Bacon*
EDIT: Now, before I get flamed down, this was a joke folks. A joke. I wouldn't support any kind of action against Canada.
25-08-2005, 01:04
I just about had it up to here with these flaming threads... using your logic lyric, democrats have the right symbol and they are asses.
Now I apologize for saying that to all democrats (when you bring up my personal feelings I in no way feel that any of you are asses, well maybe Ted Kennedy... but moving on), but this kind of flaming is just totally out of line.
I mean if you want to move to Canada.. then do it.. quit bitching at the rest of us who are trying to work for a living. America doesn't want you anymore? You mean the bogeymen are out there to get you? *does a homer simpson and grabs shotgun* AHHH BOGEYMEN.. *boards up windows*
Sheer Stupidity
25-08-2005, 02:19
Did you know that 'pool is a democratic socialist?
Did you think I was being serious?
Lyric reminds me of someone.....
Did you used to use a different name in this forum, Lyric?
Jah Bootie
25-08-2005, 02:25
Where do the symbols come from?
The Democratic Jackass (http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/2/26/Democraticjackass.jpg):
Click Link and scroll to Symbols (http://www.answers.com/topic/democratic-party-united-states)
The Republican Elephant:
Click Link (http://www.meckgop.com/elephant.html)
Both were first depicted together here (neither in favorable condidtions ;) ):
That is a really confusing cartoon. WTF?
Cannot think of a name
25-08-2005, 03:13
I can't ease back on the hammer until Bush and his ilk GO AWAY!!!
These people have stolen my country from me, and I'm pissed.
I never turned my back on America. America turned it's back on ME.
And I'm seriously considering a move to Canada. Why the hell stay here and continue to fight a rigged fight against the forces of repression...when I can cross the northern border into a land that far better reflects my own values, beliefs and ideals...and more closely resembles the country of my birth?
This is the land of my birth, but it no longer is the country of my birth. America abandoned me. That hurts more than any of you can ever know. America turned it's back on me. Well, fuck America. When my mom dies, I'll have nothing left holding me here. There will be nothing left for me here. So, when that happens...since america has so clearly demonstrated that it doesn't want me anymore...I'll leave. And go somewhere where I'm wanted...and my human dignity and civil rights are still respected.
Look, like I said, I'm with you for the most part.
It's just this kind of "Look, republicans are teh stupid. Their mascot is dumb" stuff just spins your wheels. Let them do that, we don't need to. It's childish and not fitting a proper response. At this point we might as well be rooting for Niners over Raiders for all the substance it has.
The mascot? Strawman lists? What I'm saying is we don't need to do things like this when they give us bloopies every day to hit out of the park. Keep your eye on the ball, or start saving your pennies because immigrating to Canada ain't cheap.