Are you racist?
Unified Sith
24-08-2005, 11:06
In todays society, we are becoming ever more politically correct, which unfortunately undermines certain aspects of peoples freedom of expression and liberty. This does in turn breed hatred, contempt or just a little anger, so let me ask everyone here a few questions first.
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it?
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
Cabra West
24-08-2005, 11:15
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
If there is enough to house and feed asylum seekers, there is enough to house and feed homeless people as well. Redistribute funds.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
Um... I don't know which nation you're talking about, but mine isn't filled with different societies. It's a growing multinational society, open and welcoming. By international standarts, it's peaceful and safe.
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it?
Every safe and paeceful nation should accept asylum seekers, it's a moral duty in my eyes. However, I can't remember an authority that could make a nation accept refugees against its will...
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
Well, I tend to find American tourists annoying, but apart from that, no.
24-08-2005, 11:18
Racism and patriotism aren't mutually exclusive, they're both aspects of the same thing really. It's partly related to evolution. We evolved in extended family/tribal situations where xenophobia was a great survival tool, but these days it's just a reason for mindless conflict.
24-08-2005, 11:21
1.- I think that my must as civilized human is to help as many people as I can. When I find a guy singing in the Subway I give him 50 cent or an Euro. I am 19 and I'm not rich. If somebody is prosecuted for his political thought or religion and looks for asylum here, I agree with letting him have a life here.
2.- It is not destined to failure. The inmigrants come to a new country, the don't know nobody, the feel strange, and they feel happier living with their equals. But their children -born in the inmigrated country- mix with the children of people born here. Also appears a new word: the ghettization, which is the destiny of the inmigrants unadapted to their new society. But it doesn't mean a failure of multiculturalism. They still live here, and have influence over (and are influenced by) the people born in the country.
3.- I guess the people is not stupid. If the public opinion is against a case of asylum, I think that it is because the inmigrant has a dark past, commited crimes in his original country, or something in that way.
In that case, I would deny him the entry. If he has commited a crime, he must pay.
4.- In Spain every year grow the number of South American and North African inmigrants. The inmigrants are 4 million people out of a population of 43 million. And; no, I don't find any reason to be hostile with any of them.
For Example (I don't want to hurt anybody): If a guy called Ibrahim, who comes from Morocco, steals an apple; the problem is not the inmigrants from Morocco; the problem is only Ibrahim.
Death eggs
24-08-2005, 11:21
we should be acceptin all groups except the french. they should be blown from the face of the earth.
Unified Sith
24-08-2005, 11:29
I’m talking about the United Kingdom, which, I hate to say it is one of the most racist nations on the planet.
My point is, that funds going to foreigners is not being spent on our homeless people, our schools and hospitals for the United Kingdoms population as it stands. Currently I see that as an injustice.
I realise that some may view it as a moral duty, however I also see helping ones own first as a moral duty, after all charity begins at home?
When we have an influx of new people, the traditional and former ways of life are eroded and changed, its what happens when two cultures mix. Now what about those that don’t want their towns to change, or those that don’t want foreign cultures and what can be essentially described as aliens around them.
Asylum seekers can be very detrimental to an area. Especially when refused entry, as most then attempt to flee, with only crime to survive off of, or illegal working.
24-08-2005, 11:31
Racism conflicts? We've got loads of them in Spain.
We are historical enemies of Morocco, so many north africans are seen as bad people and have a terrible fame.
By my part, I have no problem with them.
24-08-2005, 11:40
I'm not really sympathetic to people who think it's their right not to have foreigners around them, any more than I am sympathetic to people who believe they should be able to live in a country where everyone observes their religious beliefs.
24-08-2005, 11:55
Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes. :)
1.) In this day and age, no. They could just as easily be terrorists pretending to be asylum seekers.
2.) There really isn't a reason why multi-cultural societies can't work. With that said, trying to make your society more diverse for the sole sake of diversity is insane.
3.) No. It's the governments job to serve the people. If the people do not want to pay for asylum seekers, then that is their right. The government should not force it on them.
4.) Only two, actually only two parts of the same group. Radical Islam and the Islamic heirarchy. Radical Islam are the terrorists, the Islamic Heirarchy could stop the terrorism, but they don't.
Cabra West
24-08-2005, 12:23
I’m talking about the United Kingdom, which, I hate to say it is one of the most racist nations on the planet.
My point is, that funds going to foreigners is not being spent on our homeless people, our schools and hospitals for the United Kingdoms population as it stands. Currently I see that as an injustice.
I realise that some may view it as a moral duty, however I also see helping ones own first as a moral duty, after all charity begins at home?
From what I understand, asylum seekers live in my home country. So, yes, charity begins at home. My government does spend more money on poor and needy people at home than it does abroad. But I think that wasn't your point, was it?
Talking about myself, I don't have friends or relatives who are homeless. I do have friends though that came a asylum seekers. Guess who I feel closer to? I tend not ot regard people in categories of "local" and "foreigners" but rather in "living here" and "not living here". And everybody in the first category should have exactly the same rights.
When we have an influx of new people, the traditional and former ways of life are eroded and changed, its what happens when two cultures mix. Now what about those that don’t want their towns to change, or those that don’t want foreign cultures and what can be essentially described as aliens around them.
What about those who crave those influences, who are fascinated by them, who love to have variety of cultures around them? What about those who hate the traditional life they grew up in and want to provide a broader and more interesting, less restrictive world to their children?
You see, it's called democracy. You live together with all kinds of people, and you get to vote on things that influence your daily life. You want tradition, make it a political issue and transfer it back to Victorian standarts if you can find enough supporters. If you can't find the supporters, I guess you'll have to accept the decision of the majority, or find a compromise.
I think that everyone is slightly racist. Its impossible not to be.
and woo hoo my thread count just went up to 900 and I am now a gaming master... :D
24-08-2005, 12:36
I think that everyone is slightly racist. Its impossible not to be.
I am NOT racist in any way.
Those Damn Commies
24-08-2005, 12:41
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
No. In particular I am talking about Russia. While a quarter of the populace is below the poverty line, the government insists on sending out foreign aid and such.
This is unnaceptable.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
Multi cultural societies work when there is no emphasis on race.
If race is treated like an extremely minor thing, it will become an extremely minor thing for most people.
If we are reminded every 20 seconds how blessed we are to be multicultural (I'm talking about the west, don;t have that in Russia) you beign to get annoyed with multi culturalism, which negatively impacts some peoples' feelings on race.
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it?
No. It's not like we owe them anything.
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
I highly patritotic, but don't consider myself racist.
You might though, here's my stance: no race is equal.
That's it.
All races are superior to others in certain areas and inferior in certain areas.
Nobody is the same, but in the end we're all humans and the differrence between races does not make us separate species, we still are basically the same, althoguh with unequal abilities in certain areas, we still have the same basic concepts, are biologically a lot alike and members of one species out of which certain branches have developped specific skills that they needed to survive in their enviroment better, and lost some functionality in skills they did not use much.
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
Yes, people are people no matter their background and all deserve to be helped where possible.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
Yes, they do. While some are unwilling to integrate, the majority are. Personally, I have a very diverse group of friends from a variety of different backgrounds.
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it?
Who is going to force it?
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
Not at all.
24-08-2005, 12:44
I think that everyone is slightly racist. Its impossible not to be.
It is in human nature to hate someone be it Race, Creed, Color, or Sex about something.
I don't hate races. I just hate the people that make that race look like crap. I hate those that don't come into America LEGALY!!! Sorry, getting a bit tired of paying for everyones lifestyle just because they refuse to follow the law. Here in Texas we have a major problem with boarders, Unlike what Bush and his Republicans say.
You know its getting bad when you see billboards in spanish.
24-08-2005, 12:49
It is in human nature to hate someone be it Race, Creed, Color, or Sex about something.
I don't hate races. I just hate the people that make that race look like crap. I hate those that don't come into America LEGALY!!! Sorry, getting a bit tired of paying for everyones lifestyle just because they refuse to follow the law. Here in Texas we have a major problem with boarders, Unlike what Bush and his Republicans say.
You know its getting bad when you see billboards in spanish.
I know what do you mean, I feel the same when I travel to Mallorca and everything I read is written in German.
BTW; now I speak a little German :D
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
We can house them if we'd stop fucking privatising everything.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
Multicultural societies dont work when aggravators such as the BNP, Daily Express and certain radical muslims tell everybody that they shouldn't. People are generally stupid and will follow the advice
Yes. The public is being lied to massively.,49,0,0,1,0
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
I am neither a racist or patriot. Race doesnt exist and a country is just 4 lines drawn on a map. So there.
24-08-2005, 13:03
I am only ravist about americans guess why
24-08-2005, 13:07
As I tend to dislike people based on individual merit, rather than something unchangeable, I'd have to say no to the question in the title.
As for the questions in the post, it is the moral duty of any prosperous and free nation to accept asylum seekers. Especially if your prosperous and free nation goes about the world imposing its particular brand of freedom.
I am only ravist about americans guess why
Ravist about americans, you say? What's that? Can't you stop talking about them? :p
24-08-2005, 13:24
You know its getting bad when you see billboards in spanish.
Eh, we've got Spanish billboards in Kansas City and we don't have nearly the illegal alien problem you guys do (though admittedly, our Hispanic district downtown, in the rapidly growing ghetto, isn't exactly minor). I think statistically we have like 20-some percent illegals living down there. They even converted one of the oldest, coolest grocery stores in north Johnson County to a completely Spanish grocery store. They sell pinatas and don't have ONE purely English speaking person there. It's kinda sad.
Am I racist? Not really. I'm just racially aggrivated. And most of the time it's issues of language or stereotypes (I hate when minorities follow their own stereotypes rather than TRYING to improve their image).
I am only ravist about americans guess why
Hey, buddy, guess what. We're not really a race. And we're not all the same. That's like me saying that I hate the British just 'cause they're British. Which I don't......I just hate prats like you who put a label on us upstanding world-minded Americans who can do nothing about the state of our nation.
Nova Castlemilk
24-08-2005, 13:27
I am NOT racist in any way.
Then I would say you are mistaken. Inside all of us, is that mean little spirit which says "me, me, me". But that is just one tiny aspect of who we are, none of us are truly altruistic, completely accepting of all that is different. We find ourselves judging others by our own standards, inevitibly, racism raises it's ugly little head deep in our spirit.
The difference is how we respond to this negative feeling. The willing rascist embraces such ideas and think they have good insight into different ethnic cultures, theirs being the most reasonable and proud.
The non racist realises what such mean spirited feelings this nasty little concept causes and actively seeks to challenge such nasty and petty ideas in themselves. If they can't do that first, then how can they challenge the true racist, with any degree of rationality and honesty.
I initially wanted to call you a liar for your claim but thought that it was too offensive......see what I mean about nasty little thought processess?
24-08-2005, 13:28
It is in human nature to hate someone be it Race, Creed, Color, or Sex about something.
Sounds like justification to me.
You know its getting bad when you see billboards in spanish.
So learn Spanish. It was Bush who created the Texas border pretty much as it is today. When he was governor, he met with Vincente Fox and Fox told him, flat out, that as long as there were jobs in the United States that her citizens were not willing to take but that would pay enough in one week to feed a family in Mexico for a month, then he would continue to encourage his people to go get them ... legally or otherwise.
Governor Bush's response: He relaxed the border. He made it mandatory for all elementary aged students in Texas to learn Spanish.
Only good thing Bush has ever done in his sad life.
Say, Kate, can I ask you a question?
Kate Monster:
Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs?
Kate Monster:
Uh huh.
Well, he's Trekkie Monster, and you're Kate Monster.
Kate Monster:
You're both Monsters.
Kate Monster:
Are you two related?
Kate Monster:
What?! Princeton, I'm surprised at you! I find that racist!
Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking!
Kate Monster:
Well, it's a touchy subject.
No, not all Monsters are related.
What are you trying say, huh?
That we all look the same to you?
Huh, huh, huh?
No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry,
I guess that was a little racist.
Kate Monster:
I should say so. You should be much more
careful when you're talking about the
sensitive subject of race.
Well, look who's talking!
Kate Monster:
What do you mean?
What about that special Monster School you told me about?
Kate Monster:
What about it?
Could someone like me go there?
Kate Monster:
No, we don't want people like you-
You see?!
You're a little bit racist.
Kate Monster:
Well, you're a little bit too.
I guess we're both a little bit racist.
Kate Monster:
Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...
But I guess it's true.
Kate Monster:
Between me and you,
I think
Everyone's a little bit racist
Doesn't mean we go
Around committing hate crimes.
Look around and you will find
No one's really color blind.
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face
Everyone makes judgments
Based on race.
Now not big judgments, like who to hire
or who to buy a newspaper from -
Kate Monster:
No, just little judgments like thinking that Mexican
busboys should learn to speak goddamn English!
Kate Monster:
Everyone's a little bit racist
So, everyone's a little bit racist
Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,
But you laugh because
They're based on truth.
Don't take them as
Personal attacks.
Everyone enjoys them -
So relax!
All right, stop me if you've heard this one.
Kate Monster:
There's a plan going down and there's only
one paracute. And there's a rabbi, a priest...
Kate Monster:
And a black guy!
Gary Coleman:
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Kate?
Kate Monster:
Gary Coleman:
You were telling a black joke!
Well, sure, Gary, but lots of people tell black jokes.
Gary Coleman:
I don't.
Well, of course you don't - you're black!
But I bet you tell Polack jokes, right?
Gary Coleman:
Well, sure I do. Those stupid Polacks!
Now, don't you think that's a little racist?
Gary Coleman:
Well, damn, I guess you're right.
Kate Monster:
You're a little bit racist.
Gary Coleman:
Well, you're a little bit too.
We're all a little bit racist.
Gary Coleman:
I think that I would
Have to agree with you.
Princeton/Kate Monster:
We're glad you do.
Gary Coleman:
It's sad but true!
Everyone's a little bit racist -
All right!
Kate Monster:
All right!
All right!
Gary Coleman:
All right!
Bigotry has never been
Exclusively white
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
Even though we all know
That it's wrong,
Maybe it would help us
Get along.
Oh, Christ do I feel good.
Gary Coleman:
Now there was a fine upstanding black man!
Gary Coleman:
Jesus Christ.
Kate Monster:
But, Gary, Jesus was white.
Gary Coleman:
No, Jesus was black.
Kate Monster:
No, Jesus was white.
Gary Coleman:
No, I'm pretty sure that Jesus was black-
Guys, guys...Jesus was Jewish!
Hey guys, what are you laughing about?
Gary Coleman:
Christmas Eve:
BRIAN! Come back here!
You take out lecycuraburs!
What's that mean?
Um, recyclables.
Hey, don't laugh at her!
How many languages do you speak?
Kate Monster:
Oh, come off it, Brian!
Everyone's a little bit racist.
I'm not!
Oh no?
How many Oriental wives
Have you got?
Christmas Eve:
What? Brian!
Brian, buddy, where you been?
The term is Asian-American!
Christmas Eve:
I know you are no
Intending to be
But calling me Oriental -
Offensive to me!
I'm sorry, honey, I love you.
Christmas Eve:
And I love you.
But you're racist, too.
Christmas Eve:
Yes, I know.
The Jews have all
The money
And the whites have all
The power.
And I'm always in taxi-cab
With driver who no shower!
Me too!
Kate Monster:
Me too!
Gary Coleman:
I can't even get a taxi!
Everyone's a little bit racist
It's true.
But everyone is just about
As racist as you!
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
Maybe we could live in -
Christmas Eve:
Evlyone's a ritter bit lacist!
Egg and chips
24-08-2005, 13:52
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless? The housing thing is blown out of all proportion. Most of them end up self suffcient once their applications are processed. And then they keep our ecconomy propped up, because they're the only ones who work cheaply enough for our products to be competitive.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?My best friend is secon generation Chinease immigrant, several of my frinds are none white. It's people's attitudes that need changing, not thre society.
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it? When the ecconomy crashed, public opinion would change.
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?I find myslef predjudiced against Chavs. They're taking over my town! (Crewe was named Chav capital of the UK) But no. I'm not predjudiced against any minority. I might discriminate against people for being twats, but not based off their ethnic origin.
I blame the Daily Mail.
Shut Up Eccles
24-08-2005, 14:09
1) Should we be accepting Asylum seekers, housing them, feeding them and paying them while our own are on the streets homeless?
We should be doing a great deal more for both parties, our homeless and the international homeless.
2) Do multi cultural societies work, as from what I’m seeing is that we are a nation filled with different societies. After all, the whites pretty much stick with the whites, the Asians with the Asians and so on and so forth, so is this lack of blending just not destined for failure?
Multi-culturalism only will work when people stop seeing others as different from themselves because they're from a different culture, instead of realising that we are all different, no matter what culture.
3) Should we be forced to accept Asylum seekers when Public opinion is against it?
Yes, public opinion is usually based on paranoia and I can think of two unecessary wars started by paranoia.
4) And finally, do you find yourself hostile to any, any ethnic minority at all? Maybe because they are taking over your city. The papers are against them, or because of 9/11 if so, would you classify yourself as racist, or patriotic?
I have no hostility towards any race.