NationStates Jolt Archive

Things You Have to Believe To Be A Conservative Republican These Days - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
26-08-2005, 14:00
I was just disspelling the myth that he wasn't a doctor. I have proved that he is. That was all I was doing.

think he's implying that, since AIDS is transmittable through bodily fluids (blood, for example) a transplant surgeon would be some kind of expert on AIDS transmission. Which is, of course, utter bullshit.

Never claimed he was an expert on AIDS transmission. I just said, he'll know a little bit on how they are transmitted. Even I know abit on how they are transmitted.
28-08-2005, 06:10
Ann Coulter and Michael Moore are a matched Yin Yang set. Identical and polar opposite.

No, they're not. Coulter calls for civil rights to be thrown out when they're used to defend the rights of those with whom she disagrees. She advocates conquering foreign nations and forcibly converting them to "our" religion. She advocates murder, he merely points out things that make Republicans look bad and adds his own opinion. She outright lies, he selects evidence that supports his opinion while leaving out that which doesn't.

The two are not equal and opposite. They're on opposite sides of the dividing line, but Michael Moore is left of center, Anne Coulter is right off the deep end.

You'll never convince me that the Democrats aren't do as I say not as I do kind of party aslong as the likes of Kennedy and Schumer are in leadership positions and Rosie O'donnel and Micheal Moore are it's mouthpieces. Like wise If I change the names I'm sure the same would be true with you of Republicans....

I'm not going to argue names with you. Point out topics and positions. The fact that so many people think that Clinton was a liberal, that Kerry was anti-gun and anti-military makes arguing names in lieu of issue pointless.

e.g. You seem to think that Chuck Schumer is a liberal. He isn't. He's part of that DLC (democratic lucre cancer) wing of the party where it crosses over with Republican interests.

The big differnce is I'm not trying to convice you otherwise...I'd like you to fix your party while I try to fix mine so that they both move to the middle.

If you think that Anne Coulter and Michael Moore represent the extreme points then you clearly have no idea where the middle is. The middle is not located between two arbitrarily chosen points. If you need names on where the "middle" is to be located try Marx and Franco. The American left has no equivalent of Coulter. To be the liberal equivalent of Coulter would be to do no less than call for the popular violent overthrow of the Republican Party. There isn't so much as a call for a Federally mandated subsistence wage from the American left.

Democrats like John Glenn and Republicans like John McCain should be the rule not the exception recent history has seen both parties drift to the lunatic fringe and the need to be brought back to the fold. I'm not saying the Republican party is great or even good but for me it just sucks less.
But while the Democrats have several conflicted movements milling around, the Republican only has one at any given time. And it's clear that the entire Republican party is now in the hands of the lunatic Right. Again, we don't have a lunatic left. Such a thing is conceptually possible, but we don't actually have it.

Some positions that would qualify as hard left.
Mandated minimum wage that is calculated to provide 12 months rent in a local average quality 2 bedroom apartment and 3,000 calories per day calculated on a 35 hour work week.
Federal law requiring that 80% of any organization's workforce consist of full-time employees with health benifits.
Bankrupcy law in which any citizen may have his debt absolved if it amounts to 5 times his, or her, annual salary, except for mortgage payments.
4 years of publicly funded college for all high-school graduates.
Federal law forbidding state and city governments from denying any petition for public gathering (any rally, protest, or demonstration would be automatically approved) if made at least two weeks before the scheduled event.

These aren't even lunatic left. I'm not saying they're all practical for America right now, but none of those positions exist anywhere in current American political discourse. Until they do, or something equally extreme appears then you cannot reasonably claim to oppose the far left. There hasn't been any even arguably real opposition to the left in this country since the Berlin wall fell. Everything since has been mere shadowboxing.
28-08-2005, 19:15
That's because issues that concern sex and the control of it get too much attention (abortion and Gay marriage) with religious issues follwing up behind.

No, they're not. Coulter calls for civil rights to be thrown out when they're used to defend the rights of those with whom she disagrees. She advocates conquering foreign nations and forcibly converting them to "our" religion. She advocates murder, he merely points out things that make Republicans look bad and adds his own opinion. She outright lies, he selects evidence that supports his opinion while leaving out that which doesn't.

The two are not equal and opposite. They're on opposite sides of the dividing line, but Michael Moore is left of center, Anne Coulter is right off the deep end.

I'm not going to argue names with you. Point out topics and positions. The fact that so many people think that Clinton was a liberal, that Kerry was anti-gun and anti-military makes arguing names in lieu of issue pointless.

e.g. You seem to think that Chuck Schumer is a liberal. He isn't. He's part of that DLC (democratic lucre cancer) wing of the party where it crosses over with Republican interests.

If you think that Anne Coulter and Michael Moore represent the extreme points then you clearly have no idea where the middle is. The middle is not located between two arbitrarily chosen points. If you need names on where the "middle" is to be located try Marx and Franco. The American left has no equivalent of Coulter. To be the liberal equivalent of Coulter would be to do no less than call for the popular violent overthrow of the Republican Party. There isn't so much as a call for a Federally mandated subsistence wage from the American left.

But while the Democrats have several conflicted movements milling around, the Republican only has one at any given time. And it's clear that the entire Republican party is now in the hands of the lunatic Right. Again, we don't have a lunatic left. Such a thing is conceptually possible, but we don't actually have it.

Some positions that would qualify as hard left.
Mandated minimum wage that is calculated to provide 12 months rent in a local average quality 2 bedroom apartment and 3,000 calories per day calculated on a 35 hour work week.
Federal law requiring that 80% of any organization's workforce consist of full-time employees with health benifits.
Bankrupcy law in which any citizen may have his debt absolved if it amounts to 5 times his, or her, annual salary, except for mortgage payments.
4 years of publicly funded college for all high-school graduates.
Federal law forbidding state and city governments from denying any petition for public gathering (any rally, protest, or demonstration would be automatically approved) if made at least two weeks before the scheduled event.

These aren't even lunatic left. I'm not saying they're all practical for America right now, but none of those positions exist anywhere in current American political discourse. Until they do, or something equally extreme appears then you cannot reasonably claim to oppose the far left. There hasn't been any even arguably real opposition to the left in this country since the Berlin wall fell. Everything since has been mere shadowboxing.
28-08-2005, 19:29
Yet entertaining!
actually no not really

i would go on but it would turn into a long ranting flame against people like the creator of this thread

and im not even republican, or democratic, or nazi party, or green party.........

oh and by the way micheal moore does lie. half the stuff he puts into any of his movies is complete bullshit.
28-08-2005, 19:34
actually no not really

i would go on but it would turn into a long ranting flame against people like the creator of this thread

and im not even republican, or democratic, or nazi party, or green party.........

oh and by the way micheal moore does lie. half the stuff he puts into any of his movies is complete bullshit.

You can argue against Moore's conclusions and speculation but the facts are basically true. Personally, I preferred his TV show to his movies.