NationStates Jolt Archive

Facisim In Utah USA

22-08-2005, 19:04
And the original post ...
Please repost this if you care about basic human rights and feel that this is wrong. This happened in Utah please read below.

Here is the video footage:

THE VIDEO *Torrent Files here*

Knick of Evol intent puts the night's events into his own words::

Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the flyers on them to promote in local shops.

So, we got to the show around 11:15 or so and it was really cool. It was all outdoors, in a valley surrounded by huge mountains. They had an amazing light show flashing on to a mountain behind the site, the sound was booming, the crowd was about 1500 people thick and everything just seemed too good to be true really. Well...

At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I wasn't far off.

The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops" rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got really sticky.

No one resisted. That's for sure. They had police dogs raiding the crowd of people and I saw a dog signal out a guy who obviously had some drugs on him. The soldiers attacked the guy (4 of them on 1), and kicked him a few times in the ribs and had their knees in his back and sides. As they were cuffing him, there was about 1000 kids trying to leave in the backdrop, peacefully. Next thing I know, A can of fucking TEAR GAS is launched into the crowd. People are running and screaming at this point. Girls are crying, guys are cussing... bad scene.

Now, this is all I saw with my own eyes, but I heard plenty of other accounts of the night. Now this isnt gossip I heard from some candy raver, these are instances cited straight out of the promoters mouth..

- One of the promoters friends (a very small female) was attacked by one of the police dogs. As she struggled to get away from it, the police tackled her. 3 grown men proceeded to KICK HER IN THE STOMACH.

- The police confiscated 3 video tapes in total. People were trying to document what was happening out there. The police saw one guy filming and ran after him, tackled him and his camera fell, and luckily.. his friend grabbed it and ran and got away. priceless footage. That's not all though. Out of 1,500 people, there's sure to be more footage.

- The police were rounding up the staff of the party and the main promoter went up to them with the permit for the show and said "here, I have the permit." The police then said, "no you don't" and ripped the permit out of his hand. Then, they put an assault rifle to his forehead and said "get the fuck out of here right now."

Now.. let's get the facts straight here.

This event was 100% legal. They had every permit the city told them they needed. They had a 2 MILLION DOLLAR insurance policy for the event. They had liscenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in). Oh, I suppose I should mention that they arrested all the security guards for possession.

Oh another interesting fact.. the police did not have a warrant. The owner of the land already has a lawsuit against the city for something similar. A few months ago, she rented her land for a party and the police raided that as well. And catch this, the police forced her to LEAVE HER OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY. That's right. They didnt arrest her, but made her leave her own property!!!

Don't get it twisted, this is all going down in probably THE most conservative state in the USA. And this is scary.. a gross violation of our civil liberties. The police wanted this party shut down, so they made it happen. Even though everything about this event was legal. The promoters spent over $ 20,000 on this show and did everything they had to to make it legit, only to have it taken away from them by a group of radical neo-con's with an agenda.

This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed in person. I can't even begin to describe how surreal it was. Helicopters, assault rifles, tear gas, camoflauge-wearing soldiers.... why? Was that really necessary?

This needs to be big news across the USofA. At least in our music scene (edm as a whole)... this could happen to any of us at any time. When we're losing the right to gather peacefully, we're also letting the police set a standard of what we can get away with. And I think that's BULLSHIT!

The system fucked up last night... They broke up a party that was 100% legal and they physically hurt a lot of people there at the same time. The promoters already have 6 lawsuits ready to file with their lawyers and the ACLU is already involved.

I'm sure some pictures (and hopefully some video) will surface soon. I'll make sure to post them up here on 404, so you can see the Police State of America at work.

----------------- -----------------
From: Joanna aka Syze
Date: Aug 21, 2005 11:59 PM


Hey everyone, by now most of you know that I was set to perform at the Versus 2 in Salt Lake City Utah last night August 20th 2005. I am mad, sad, and disturbed at what happened. Here is more info and thank you all for your kind words.......please spread this all around and write letters so we can be heard and fight this.

Ravers mauled by K-9s, beat up by police, CAMERAS CONFISCATED & DESTROYED, SWAT brandishing ASSAULT RIFLES, women KICK IN THE STOMACH by cops, TEAR GAS dispersed!
Make sure to check out Knick's post, linked towards the bottom of this blog.

Utah Raves Forum:

My story on Seattle DNB

Knick from Evol Intents story

find out more at
22-08-2005, 19:14
You realize Utah was founded by a bunch of shit crazy Mormons right? Not normal Mormons, no, but crazy Mormons. They still control the state
22-08-2005, 19:15
Yes I realise this, I only have lived there for 90% of my life. But this is still illegal and the word needs to get out.
22-08-2005, 19:22
Yes I realise this, I only have lived there for 90% of my life. But this is still illegal and the word needs to get out.
Of course it is illegal, but what do you expect trying to do something in Utah?
22-08-2005, 19:23
Why can't I find anything about this on any news outlets other than rave sites?

The video I saw wasn't particularly damning, and if it went down as it was said, where is the media?
22-08-2005, 19:27
Sigh. And people continue to try to tell me that I have no need to protect myself from my government... :rolleyes:
22-08-2005, 19:34
Salt Lake Tribune Is running a story. It's story takes into account much more of the police's standpoint, but the ravers standpoint is getting out there. Hopefully the media will show both sides.
22-08-2005, 19:35
what was the supposed reason for the party getting broken up. I was at a Mayday party in oxford this year, it was a small scale event with like 200 people max, there wernt lights or loud music just a bunch of hippies playing tunes on their guitars. Granted the event wasn't strictly legal but we were right out on Port Medow (which is like this big park in oxford) and we wernt disturbing anyone. The worst stuff that was going on was a bit of weed smoked (tried my first that night) although some chavs knicked someones bag but they werent really there for the party ... anyway the police turn up and ask everyone to leave which was a shame really cos we werent pissing anyone off and everyone was having a good time.
22-08-2005, 19:36
Sigh. And people continue to try to tell me that I have no need to protect myself from my government... :rolleyes:That's because you don't go to parties that get taken down by the police... :D

But this is majorly bad. Why would they close it down? There are so many other things they can do with the power they can wield. Why bash a party?
22-08-2005, 19:37
Isn't it obvious that we are becoming more and more of a police state everyday? :rolleyes:
22-08-2005, 19:39
Salt Lake Tribune Is running a story. It's story takes into account much more of the police's standpoint, but the ravers standpoint is getting out there. Hopefully the media will show both sides.
Police want parents of teenagers to know the dangers of illegal, clandestine rave parties. Gilbert said that in addition to heavy drug use, raves attract sexual assaults, violence, theft and promote unsafe driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
22-08-2005, 19:41
what was the supposed reason for the party getting broken up. I was at a Mayday party in oxford this year, it was a small scale event with like 200 people max, there wernt lights or loud music just a bunch of hippies playing tunes on their guitars. Granted the event wasn't strictly legal but we were right out on Port Medow (which is like this big park in oxford) and we wernt disturbing anyone. The worst stuff that was going on was a bit of weed smoked (tried my first that night) although some chavs knicked someones bag but they werent really there for the party ... anyway the police turn up and ask everyone to leave which was a shame really cos we werent pissing anyone off and everyone was having a good time.
According to the police, the party was illegal and drugs and stuff like that were being handed out...
22-08-2005, 19:43
Hm...Hooray for the "war on drugs" :rolleyes:

Well, thus far, we have an artist/promoter saying that all the permits were in, and the Law saying they weren't.

Show your cards boys.

May the Liar Lose.

(*edit - I wonder how many Murders/Rapes/Robberies occured druing this vital "bust". :mad: *)
22-08-2005, 19:43
Plattopia, have you contacted indymedia yet?
Sumamba Buwhan
22-08-2005, 19:43
lol - I've never seen drugs handed out at any rave... ever
22-08-2005, 19:44
Plattopia, have you contacted indymedia yet?Is that a joke?
22-08-2005, 19:46
ACLU, Indymedia, BBC, CNN, NBC, Washington Post and NYTimes have all been contacted we'll see if anything comes of it.....

It's always comforting to see the goverenment protecting us from ourselves :rolleyes:
22-08-2005, 19:49
Hooray for the "war on drugs" :rolleyes:

Well, thus far, we have an artist/promoter saying that all the permits were in, and the Law saying they weren't.

Show your cards boys.

May the Liar Lose.

(*edit - I wonder how many Murders/Rapes/Robberies occured druing this vital "bust". :mad: *)

Yes, I would interested to see the permits if they were, in fact, gained. I know lots of conspiracy theorists would like to believe this would be swept under the rug, but if this is evidence of fascism there are plenty of outlets happy to run the story, so where is the evidence?
22-08-2005, 19:56
You realize Utah was founded by a bunch of shit crazy Mormons right? Not normal Mormons, no, but crazy Mormons. They still control the stateYeh, but they agreed to abide by the US Constitution when they joined the Union. You know, all that "freedom of association" and freedom from "illegal search and seizure" jazz.

According to the police, the party was illegal and drugs and stuff like that were being handed out...And there was loud music and dancing. Oh noes!!! The country sheriff has also made some statements about how the "mob" might have gotten out of hand. Yep, pre-emptive strikes.. gotta love 'em. :rolleyes:
22-08-2005, 19:57
"We are breathless about the events that occured 2 nights ago. We know all of you were there to dance and have fun and your and our rights to do so were RAPED by government officials as well as our constitutional rights!

To clear any untrue media statements...

We were granted the utah county mass gathering permit # 2005-11 to occur on the date of aug 20 2005. We were raided and ABUSED by county AND federal officials.

We WILL NOT let this go un dealt with.

We will keep all of you informed on what is going on.

Our attorneys have been contacted, and we are takeing action immediately!!



We would like to extent our gratitude to all of you all over the world for you support!!!

Destrukt, Johnny Law, Loki, Totem
(The Versus II Crew)"
Refused Party Program
22-08-2005, 19:58
Yeh, but they agreed to abide by the US Constitution when they joined the Union. You know, all that "freedom of association" and freedom from "illegal search and seizure" jazz.

Ah, the decline of the Utah Jazz.
22-08-2005, 20:05
If they had drugs, and the event wasn't really legal, I don't see the problem. Sure, they used force, but they didn't kill anyone.
22-08-2005, 20:06
Yes, I would interested to see the permits if they were, in fact, gained. I know lots of conspiracy theorists would like to believe this would be swept under the rug, but if this is evidence of fascism there are plenty of outlets happy to run the story, so where is the evidence?

I am pretty pro-Law Enforcement, it was, at one time, my Uni Degree program, I just prefer to see LE put to use doing practical things - like looking for people who hurt other people. What goes on at Raves is almost entirely benign. It certainly doesn't require Commando/SWAT teams and Helecopters. They are busting things because 'bad stuff might happen". If that is the criteria for a Raid, then they better start busting College Football Games and Tailgate Parties... not to mention nightly Raids on Frat Houses & Jock Dorms.

They had enough infiltrators there to get good intel and stop specific trouble - they didn't have to storm-troop in like that.
Pure Metal
22-08-2005, 20:08
fuckin narcs... always breakin up the best parties :p

but seriously, not cool :(
22-08-2005, 20:10
Trust the Government, They're there to help.
22-08-2005, 20:16
If they had drugs, and the event wasn't really legal, I don't see the problem. Sure, they used force, but they didn't kill anyone.

Yeah, why use SWAT teams to combat violent crime when theres a few hippies smoking pot at an outdoor concert. Jesus Christ imagine if the cops had done something like that at woodstock.

Now I kinda understand the right to bear arms thing. As a british person without that right I never really got it, but Americans really do need guns to protect themselves from the government and police. What is the world coming to when I agree with Charlton Heston?
22-08-2005, 20:20
This makes me sick...

This is the kind of thing that gets Amnesty International involved in a POLICE STATE.
22-08-2005, 20:20
Trust the Government, They're there to help.
*hyponotised voice* Must always trust government must never disagree with government people who disagree with government must die.
22-08-2005, 20:23
Yeah, why use SWAT teams to combat violent crime when theres a few hippies smoking pot at an outdoor concert. Jesus Christ imagine if the cops had done something like that at woodstock.

Now I kinda understand the right to bear arms thing. As a british person without that right I never really got it, but Americans really do need guns to protect themselves from the government and police. What is the world coming to when I agree with Charlton Heston?

If they have drugs they're not 'protecting themselves', they're disobeying the law. We need protection from criminals more than we need protection from the police.

I agree that the SWAT teams are a little much, though.
Pure Metal
22-08-2005, 20:23
Yes, I would interested to see the permits if they were, in fact, gained.
even if they weren't, sending in the fucking army with guns seems a tad excessive to me :rolleyes:
22-08-2005, 20:29
I agree that the SWAT teams are a little much, though.
Sadly, I know instinctively that is the best we will gt out of you, but it is better than nothing.
22-08-2005, 20:32
If they have drugs they're not 'protecting themselves', they're disobeying the law. We need protection from criminals more than we need protection from the police.

I agree that the SWAT teams are a little much, though.


"A little much"? Try excessive and brutal.
22-08-2005, 20:34
If they have drugs they're not 'protecting themselves', they're disobeying the law. We need protection from criminals more than we need protection from the police.

I agree that the SWAT teams are a little much, though.
Most of the drugs seized were in the possession of the security officers of the event, who had seized them from people trying to enter the rave.
22-08-2005, 20:35

"A little much"? Try excessive and brutal.

They didn't want a riot to start. I can see their reasons for using the SWAT team, but the regular police force would've worked just the same.
22-08-2005, 20:36
Sadly, I know instinctively that is the best we will gt out of you, but it is better than nothing.

Secret aj man
22-08-2005, 20:43
Sigh. And people continue to try to tell me that I have no need to protect myself from my government... :rolleyes:

amen to you,
the problem is that the gov/police state aint dumb.they whittle away at this edge and that edge(like they are doing with me a instance of an assualt rifle used in a crime...has happenned once in a blue moon,and compare it to people attacked with knives and bats,yet they ban assault rifles)they are afraid of assault rifles,they are afraid of kids having fun,they are afraid of drugs..etc.
so they will keep nibbling away at everyones rights,piecemeal.
if that really happenned,then the cops,da,and whoever okayed the stormtroopers,should be locked up for assault and numerous civil rights violations.
hope the aclu does jump on them with both feet. :mad:
Pure Metal
22-08-2005, 20:47
is this the start of things to come, or indicative of the way the system/country (parts of) has been heading?

or is it just a localised, one-off incident?
22-08-2005, 20:49
is this the start of things to come, or indicative of the way the system/country (parts of) has been heading?

or is it just a localised, one-off incident?

Nevertheless, this missdeed cannot go unpunished.
22-08-2005, 20:50
is this the start of things to come, or indicative of the way the system/country (parts of) has been heading?

or is it just a localised, one-off incident?

If it occurred as stated, I think you will see a media blitz. It's a local one-off incident. No one finds the kind of behavior described in the article to be acceptable. I do, however, question the veracity when no other major news outlets have picked up on what, if true, will be a major media event.
22-08-2005, 20:51
And the original post ...
Please repost this if you care about basic human rights and feel that this is wrong. This happened in Utah please read below.

Here is the video footage:

THE VIDEO *Torrent Files here*

I checked all of these links. Only three of them worked, and those three showed the same short video. The people in uniform in these videos were not US military, but may have been some State uniformed service, such as National Guard or police special units.

I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye, and I would love to read a write-up by a major newspaper.
22-08-2005, 20:53
what happened here is disgusting, and a violation of the Constitution. What really bothers me is that people have begun to associate this with conservatism. True conservatism, unlike this "neoconservatism"(which really is just authoritarianism) holds a strict interpretation of the Constitution and absolute enforcement of its rights as the most important political goal.Please neocons, stop associating yourselves with real conservatives!
Pure Metal
22-08-2005, 20:54
If it occurred as stated, I think you will see a media blitz. It's a local one-off incident. No one finds the kind of behavior described in the article to be acceptable. I do, however, question the veracity when no other major news outlets have picked up on what, if true, will be a major media event.
mm of course you have to take things like this with a pinch of salt... however if it only ocurred last night perhaps the news media is simply being slow to react?
22-08-2005, 20:56
I checked all of these links. Only three of them worked, and those three showed the same short video. The people in uniform in these videos were not US military, but may have been some State uniformed service, such as National Guard or police special units.

I suspect there is more to this than meets the eye, and I would love to read a write-up by a major newspaper.
No they were'n Military - or even NG. If you will notice, at least one of the guys in BDU's & Kevlar had a black on OD "SWAT" on his back. They were most likely Sheriff/County SWAT.

This should be a fun lawsuit. If the promoters DO have a valid permit, the fecal matter is going to hit the rotary impeller...
22-08-2005, 20:58
what happened here is disgusting, and a violation of the Constitution. What really bothers me is that people have begun to associate this with conservatism. True conservatism, unlike this "neoconservatism"(which really is just authoritarianism) holds a strict interpretation of the Constitution and absolute enforcement of its rights as the most important political goal.Please neocons, stop associating yourselves with real conservatives!
I would like to know what happened. There is only one short video and that is inconclusive. Although I heard the sound of a dog growling, it didn't sound like a very large dog and it never actually appeared in the video. If the men in uniform were carrying weapons, they weren't shown in the video, or were shown so briefly that it was impossible to tell what sort of weapons they were or even if they were weapons at all. It wasn't obvious from watching the video that anyone was being beaten or kicked; I've seen both happen and it wasn't in this video.

I suspect we're being had.

I need more information.
22-08-2005, 21:24
I would like to know what happened. There is only one short video and that is inconclusive. Although I heard the sound of a dog growling, it didn't sound like a very large dog and it never actually appeared in the video. If the men in uniform were carrying weapons, they weren't shown in the video, or were shown so briefly that it was impossible to tell what sort of weapons they were or even if they were weapons at all. It wasn't obvious from watching the video that anyone was being beaten or kicked; I've seen both happen and it wasn't in this video.

I suspect we're being had.

I need more information.

I saw rifles. They appeared to be G3s, but I could be mistaken.
Hoos Bandoland
22-08-2005, 21:27
Blah blah blah, complain, complain, complain, many important words.

Me: Buh-bye.
22-08-2005, 21:45
Me: Buh-bye.

Excuse me?
22-08-2005, 21:58
I would like to know what happened. There is only one short video and that is inconclusive. Although I heard the sound of a dog growling, it didn't sound like a very large dog and it never actually appeared in the video. If the men in uniform were carrying weapons, they weren't shown in the video, or were shown so briefly that it was impossible to tell what sort of weapons they were or even if they were weapons at all. It wasn't obvious from watching the video that anyone was being beaten or kicked; I've seen both happen and it wasn't in this video.

I suspect we're being had.

I need more information.
I am no firearms expert but one guy (at about 1:13-1:21) appears to be carrying a M4, but it was obviously an assault rifle. And if you can't determine from the video anyone was being beaten or kicked, you might want to watch the bottom link to fascism.wmv, the video turns at about 1:25 to four people one some one on teh ground, during a light flash it looks like one officer is getting in a last punch.
Sumamba Buwhan
22-08-2005, 21:59
Excuse me?

S/he changed your post (which is against the rules)

but acknowledged that your point was important so probably left in frustration for not being able to refute you.
The Downmarching Void
22-08-2005, 22:31
What. The. Fuck???

In my years in the I've attended and even played at quite a few completely illegal parties. Not all of them got busted by the cops, but most of them were eventually shut down. Never, in all my years have I witnessed a bust as bad as the one described. Granted, in some cases the cops came down swift and hard, but for the most part they just showed up in sufficient force to back up their request that the party be shut down immediately. I'm talking about ILLEGAL parties I remind you, not legal ones like the one in Salt Lake.

I have seen the police and local gov't. pull fast ones and shut down perfectly legal parties too (WEMF 2001) but thankfully the scene up here has been going on for so long, and so strong, that these tactics inevitably failed (thats why you make sure you have alternate locations :p )

Fascisto Fantino and various cronies in Toronto have made it a policy to make it difficult to hold legal parties, but in the end unity, common sense and plain old craftiness have prevailed.

Surely the promoters have a very good chance of winning in the courts? I bloody well hope so, and I hope they don't back down, because tolerating this kind of bullshit just makes it easier for the Assholes (er..Powers) That Be to continue with these kinds of tactics.

As far as drugs and raves and how linked the two are in the public mind, its not a falsehood, but nowhere near as bad as the media would have people beleive. There is a lot more drugs being consumed by people at bars, clubs and house parties than there ever will be at "raves" (aside: Raves no longer exist, they were a TIME and a PLACE[s]) I know from first hand experience that Yuppy types account for a far greater percentage of Ecstasy use than the rave kiddies do.

It would be so nice if the Police & Gov't in places like Utah could remove their heads from their asses and focus on actual dangers to the community, rather than a bunch of people getting down to some repetitve beats. But I doubt it'll happen, as the media has the populace so brainwashed into beleiving such parties pose a greater risk to the public well being than the fucktard gangs that selll shiity drugs cut with dangerous substance to naiive kids. The cops do this kind of shit more for a public relations ploy than anything else. But any place where Judges and Sheriifs are elected rather than appointed clearly has something so rotten and corrupt about its legal system that such bullshit as the Salt Lake party bust is something to be expected.
22-08-2005, 23:45
S/he changed your post (which is against the rules)

but acknowledged that your point was important so probably left in frustration for not being able to refute you.

But what did (s)he attempt to refute? *sigh*
23-08-2005, 06:38
You DO realize you need to do more than just put this post on the net, right? You need to go through legal channels. Consult the ACLU about the incident, call your congressmen, call the proper media channels and get this act of facism out so people who can DO some serious punishment get their jaws around those ****s. What do you want Nation states and the internet to do? Say "lol"?

Get out of here jerky, your in the wrong place to take this.
23-08-2005, 07:14
"We have the promoters saying they have permits, the law saying that they didn't."

In my experience, the Law doesn't have a good track record of fallowing the rules. I don't know if this is true or not, but what was discriped matches closely with what I've seen/heard, especially the stealing of cameras.

If they had drugs, and the event wasn't really legal, I don't see the problem. Sure, they used force, but they didn't kill anyone.

The promoters weren't giving out drugs, and the guards were searching cars. Besides, they didn't know there were drugs. You can't just raid any party or gathering because someone might have drugs. That's just bullshit, and people need to fight back.

If it occurred as stated, I think you will see a media blitz. It's a local one-off incident. No one finds the kind of behavior described in the article to be acceptable. I do, however, question the veracity when no other major news outlets have picked up on what, if true, will be a major media event.

Shit like this happens quite a bit, accully. The authorities don't take well to any kind of mass gathering.

A couple of years ago there was a protest gathering in one of the circles in DC. The cops surrounded it, blocked the exits, and ordered people to disperse. People tryed to leave, the cops wouldn't let them. Then the cops moved in and arrested everyone on the grounds that they didn't disperse.

There was no shit storm, no media blitz.

Cops regularly break the law at mass gatherings, even peaceful ones, and regularly get away with it.

I know this guy in the Black Cross, and he's seen some crazy shit.

Many times, cops will have their badge covered, or parts of their badge number chipped off so you can't ID them. When a street medic asked a cop for his badge number, he was punched in the face and arrested. Broke his nose. He had done nothing wrong. This other guy, he got maced in the face, and he vomited, which is a natural responce to mace, and the vomit landed on a cop's boot, and he got busted for assulting a police officer. The charge stuck.

Those are just a couple of examples of shit that happens all the time. Another big tatic of the police is to steal cameras, and either break them, or mail them back to you without the footage.

You DO realize you need to do more than just put this post on the net, right? You need to go through legal channels. Consult the ACLU about the incident, call your congressmen, call the proper media channels and get this act of facism out so people who can DO some serious punishment get their jaws around those ****s. What do you want Nation states and the internet to do? Say "lol"?

Get out of here jerky, your in the wrong place to take this.

Exactly. But also, the word needs to get out, people need to not stand for this. We need to be prepared to be arrested, beaten, maced, whatever it takes, because if enough people fight back, that's the only way it'll ever change. The courts oft favor the cops.
23-08-2005, 07:37
If this is true. Something MUST be done!
23-08-2005, 08:00
if this is true those troops will have their asses handed to them by their superiors - the military dosn't want people who are going to break rules
23-08-2005, 08:12
Exactly. But also, the word needs to get out, people need to not stand for this. We need to be prepared to be arrested, beaten, maced, whatever it takes, because if enough people fight back, that's the only way it'll ever change. The courts oft favor the cops.

Which is why I said call the proper media out lets. Like that John Stossel guy on ABC with "give me a break", PBS' frontline or Now, 60 minutes, and etc. I mean if you are going to give them hell, give them hell.

I am NOT going to do shit for you. I have no concept of what really happened. So get your ass off arguing on the net and get organized to pull this stuff. I've already given you hints and names. WTF are you still *****ing on the net for?
23-08-2005, 08:22
I think the guy who started this thread said he was doing such things, or the promoters are. I wasn't there, but I agree completely with you, those who were there need to tell every news and media outlet that will listen, as well as go through whatever legal channels are in place, and see what can be done.
23-08-2005, 08:53
And the original post ...
Please repost this if you care about basic human rights and feel that this is wrong. This happened in Utah please read below.

Here is the video footage:

THE VIDEO *Torrent Files here*

Knick of Evol intent puts the night's events into his own words::

Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they presold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the show.. they even made slipmats with the flyers on them to promote in local shops.

So, we got to the show around 11:15 or so and it was really cool. It was all outdoors, in a valley surrounded by huge mountains. They had an amazing light show flashing on to a mountain behind the site, the sound was booming, the crowd was about 1500 people thick and everything just seemed too good to be true really. Well...

At about 11:30 or so, I was standing behind the stage talking with someone when I noticed a helicopter pulling over one of the mountain tops. I jokingly said "Oh look, here comes big brother" to the person I was with. I wasn't far off.

The helicopter dipped lower and lower and started shining its lights on the crowd. I was kind of in awe and just sat and watched this thing circle us for a minute. As I looked back towards the crowd I saw a guy dressed in camoflauge walking by, toting an assault rifle. At this point, everyone was fully aware of what was going on . A few "troops" rushed the stage and cut the sound off and started yelling that everyone "get the fuck out of here or go to jail". This is where it got really sticky.

No one resisted. That's for sure. They had police dogs raiding the crowd of people and I saw a dog signal out a guy who obviously had some drugs on him. The soldiers attacked the guy (4 of them on 1), and kicked him a few times in the ribs and had their knees in his back and sides. As they were cuffing him, there was about 1000 kids trying to leave in the backdrop, peacefully. Next thing I know, A can of fucking TEAR GAS is launched into the crowd. People are running and screaming at this point. Girls are crying, guys are cussing... bad scene.

Now, this is all I saw with my own eyes, but I heard plenty of other accounts of the night. Now this isnt gossip I heard from some candy raver, these are instances cited straight out of the promoters mouth..

- One of the promoters friends (a very small female) was attacked by one of the police dogs. As she struggled to get away from it, the police tackled her. 3 grown men proceeded to KICK HER IN THE STOMACH.

- The police confiscated 3 video tapes in total. People were trying to document what was happening out there. The police saw one guy filming and ran after him, tackled him and his camera fell, and luckily.. his friend grabbed it and ran and got away. priceless footage. That's not all though. Out of 1,500 people, there's sure to be more footage.

- The police were rounding up the staff of the party and the main promoter went up to them with the permit for the show and said "here, I have the permit." The police then said, "no you don't" and ripped the permit out of his hand. Then, they put an assault rifle to his forehead and said "get the fuck out of here right now."

Now.. let's get the facts straight here.

This event was 100% legal. They had every permit the city told them they needed. They had a 2 MILLION DOLLAR insurance policy for the event. They had liscenced security guards at the gates confiscating any alcohol or drugs found upon entry (yes, they searched every car on the way in). Oh, I suppose I should mention that they arrested all the security guards for possession.

Oh another interesting fact.. the police did not have a warrant. The owner of the land already has a lawsuit against the city for something similar. A few months ago, she rented her land for a party and the police raided that as well. And catch this, the police forced her to LEAVE HER OWN PERSONAL PROPERTY. That's right. They didnt arrest her, but made her leave her own property!!!

Don't get it twisted, this is all going down in probably THE most conservative state in the USA. And this is scary.. a gross violation of our civil liberties. The police wanted this party shut down, so they made it happen. Even though everything about this event was legal. The promoters spent over $ 20,000 on this show and did everything they had to to make it legit, only to have it taken away from them by a group of radical neo-con's with an agenda.

This was one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed in person. I can't even begin to describe how surreal it was. Helicopters, assault rifles, tear gas, camoflauge-wearing soldiers.... why? Was that really necessary?

This needs to be big news across the USofA. At least in our music scene (edm as a whole)... this could happen to any of us at any time. When we're losing the right to gather peacefully, we're also letting the police set a standard of what we can get away with. And I think that's BULLSHIT!

The system fucked up last night... They broke up a party that was 100% legal and they physically hurt a lot of people there at the same time. The promoters already have 6 lawsuits ready to file with their lawyers and the ACLU is already involved.

I'm sure some pictures (and hopefully some video) will surface soon. I'll make sure to post them up here on 404, so you can see the Police State of America at work.

----------------- -----------------
From: Joanna aka Syze
Date: Aug 21, 2005 11:59 PM


Hey everyone, by now most of you know that I was set to perform at the Versus 2 in Salt Lake City Utah last night August 20th 2005. I am mad, sad, and disturbed at what happened. Here is more info and thank you all for your kind words.......please spread this all around and write letters so we can be heard and fight this.

Ravers mauled by K-9s, beat up by police, CAMERAS CONFISCATED & DESTROYED, SWAT brandishing ASSAULT RIFLES, women KICK IN THE STOMACH by cops, TEAR GAS dispersed!
Make sure to check out Knick's post, linked towards the bottom of this blog.

Utah Raves Forum:

My story on Seattle DNB

Knick from Evol Intents story

find out more at

I am unable to believe it for some reason.
23-08-2005, 09:01
"We have the promoters saying they have permits, the law saying that they didn't."

In my experience, the Law doesn't have a good track record of fallowing the rules. I don't know if this is true or not, but what was discriped matches closely with what I've seen/heard, especially the stealing of cameras.

The promoters weren't giving out drugs, and the guards were searching cars. Besides, they didn't know there were drugs. You can't just raid any party or gathering because someone might have drugs. That's just bullshit, and people need to fight back.

Shit like this happens quite a bit, accully. The authorities don't take well to any kind of mass gathering.

A couple of years ago there was a protest gathering in one of the circles in DC. The cops surrounded it, blocked the exits, and ordered people to disperse. People tryed to leave, the cops wouldn't let them. Then the cops moved in and arrested everyone on the grounds that they didn't disperse.

There was no shit storm, no media blitz.

Cops regularly break the law at mass gatherings, even peaceful ones, and regularly get away with it.

I know this guy in the Black Cross, and he's seen some crazy shit.

Many times, cops will have their badge covered, or parts of their badge number chipped off so you can't ID them. When a street medic asked a cop for his badge number, he was punched in the face and arrested. Broke his nose. He had done nothing wrong. This other guy, he got maced in the face, and he vomited, which is a natural responce to mace, and the vomit landed on a cop's boot, and he got busted for assulting a police officer. The charge stuck.

Those are just a couple of examples of shit that happens all the time. Another big tatic of the police is to steal cameras, and either break them, or mail them back to you without the footage.

Exactly. But also, the word needs to get out, people need to not stand for this. We need to be prepared to be arrested, beaten, maced, whatever it takes, because if enough people fight back, that's the only way it'll ever change. The courts oft favor the cops.

Uh-huh. All these really happened. A friend of my cousin told me so. So it must be true. I lived in downtown DC a couple of years ago right near Thomas Circle. Maybe you could be more specific about when that event happened. I heard nothing of it.

There is no massive media conspiracy to cover up the inproprieties of the police force. Perhaps you heard of Rodney King. The media loves to confirm our worst fears that the cops are out to get us. So if this is happening all over the place why is no one reporting on it?
23-08-2005, 16:08

Ravers say cops were too rough making bust
Utah County: Sheriff defends the actions, denies wrongdoing

By Michael N. Westley
The Salt Lake Tribune

Partygoers at a rave in Spanish Fork Canyon that was busted by police Saturday night say officers used brutal and excessive force to clear the crowd.
As many as 90 police officers from several agencies, including SWAT members and major crimes investigators, stormed the DJ-driven dance party around 11:30 p.m. dressed in full SWAT gear and holding automatic weapons.
A helicopter announced the police presence as it crested a nearby hill and began shining a spotlight on the outdoor dance area, said 19-year-old Scott Benton of Logan.
"The cops just came in wearing full Army [camouflage]. It was basically brute force," Benton said. "I had a gun put in my face and was told to get out of there."
Standing in a crowd of people near the main stage, Alisha Matagi says she was just in the wrong place at the
Related Articles
Police raid rave party in Spanish Fork Canyon
wrong time when she was thrown to the ground, punched, kicked and handcuffed by police.
"I did absolutely nothing wrong," she said. Matagi was arrested with about 60 other partyers. She was booked into the Utah County Jail on the suspicion of resisting arrest and failing to obey an officer, according to police records.
About 1,000 people were cleared in less than a half-hour from the private ranch owned by the Childs family in the Diamond Fork area of Spanish Fork Canyon, rave promoters said. Several party attendees told The Salt Lake Tribune that officers barked orders fraught with profanity, beat people to the ground and used their weapons to intimidate the crowd.
A video of the opening moments of the bust, taken by Jeffrey Coombs and snatched from the ground by another partier as Coombs was tackled, shows the officers using force on individuals as they took over the crowd.
Utah County Sheriff James Tracy said Monday that he had seen the video and called it an accurate representation of the bust.
"I stand by everything that was done there that night. We did use some force. It was appropriate and necessary to take those who were fighting us into custody," Tracy said.
He also said that no officers used profanity as they conversed with partiers, nor did they punch, kick, Mace or use tear gas on any of the attendees.
"It's all a lie and we refute every word of that," said Tracy.
But the video clearly shows an officer using profanity as he demands the music be turned off.
"Turn that off. Turn that music off or I'll take your ass to jail," the officer can be heard saying to the DJ. In the video, the area where people had been dancing transforms into what looks like a battlefield with groups of officers surrounding ravers on the ground, guns drawn and assault dogs in tow.
"I saw a girl tackled to the ground for no reason because she told them not to touch her. It was vicious," Benton said.
Police said the party Saturday night was the third event held in Utah County during the past month. The all-night parties attract a host of illegal activities including drug use, theft, sexual assault and underage drinking, according to Utah County Sheriff's Sgt. Darren Gilbert.
Saturday's party, named Versus II, had been tracked by police for several weeks, Gilbert said. Police planned the bust when they discovered that the rave's promoters had not filed for a mass gathering permit through the County Commission office.

Rave Raid Video
See amateur video of the raid.

To have more than 250 at an event without that permit is a violation of the law, Gilbert said.
Party promotor Brandon Fullmer said he purchased a mass gathering permit through the Utah County Health Department about three weeks ago. The purchase of that permit, which ensures water, sanitation and medical services, was confirmed by County Health employee Jay Stone.
Fullmer did not know that a similar permit, which requires a security plan and event details, needed to be acquired.
The sheriff had little sympathy for the promoters or those at the rave. "They did nothing more than ensure this was a venue for illegal drug use and consumption," Tracy said. Officers confiscated ecstasy, marijuana, alcohol, cocaine and mushrooms, he said.
Among those arrested for drug possession were several security guards hired by Fullmer to patrol the event. Guards at security check points confiscated alcohol and drugs as ravers filed into the party, Fullmer said.
"[Security guards] have no legal statutory authority to take and hold controlled substances. It's against the law for them to have them," Tracy said
23-08-2005, 16:59
Uh-huh. All these really happened. A friend of my cousin told me so. So it must be true. I lived in downtown DC a couple of years ago right near Thomas Circle. Maybe you could be more specific about when that event happened. I heard nothing of it.

There is no massive media conspiracy to cover up the inproprieties of the police force. Perhaps you heard of Rodney King. The media loves to confirm our worst fears that the cops are out to get us. So if this is happening all over the place why is no one reporting on it?

I didn't say Thomas circle, I said one of the circles in DC. This was a few years back, there is still an ongoing court battle from it, but as I said, the courts oft favor the cops.

Believe me or not, some of the stuff I heard first hand account, other I saw on video tape.

I never said there was a massive media conspericy, and I quite agree with you that the media just wants a sensational story. But the media is not present at many of these events, and when it comes to mass gatherings and protests, it is alot harder to say the cops did wrong then when it is 5 on 1, like Rodney King.

All those things I said are true, weather you believe them or not. If you think the police always fallow the rules, you're in for a rude awakening one day.
23-08-2005, 17:06
The promoters weren't giving out drugs, and the guards were searching cars. Besides, they didn't know there were drugs. You can't just raid any party or gathering because someone might have drugs. That's just bullshit, and people need to fight back.
Potential threat. Preemptive strike.
I wonder what it takes for some to understand that their dear beloved homeland is not the land of the free.

I think they may have used drug dogs.
23-08-2005, 17:14
"No use resisting, you love in the land of the free"

23-08-2005, 17:22
Moral of the story: "Don't bring illegal shit to your parties, because when the cops bust your party they will be justified by your stupidity and the successful seizure of said illegal shit."
23-08-2005, 19:36
I didn't say Thomas circle, I said one of the circles in DC. This was a few years back, there is still an ongoing court battle from it, but as I said, the courts oft favor the cops.

I know. You were unsurprisingly inspecific, as these kinds of stories often are. The ongoing battle should be easy enough to look up if you'd like to provide specific information. I suspect you'll never do that, because you can't. Feel free to prove me wrong however. DC is small and the community is smaller. I would be surprised if this event happened while I was there and I didn't hear about it.

Believe me or not, some of the stuff I heard first hand account, other I saw on video tape.

I never said there was a massive media conspericy, and I quite agree with you that the media just wants a sensational story. But the media is not present at many of these events, and when it comes to mass gatherings and protests, it is alot harder to say the cops did wrong then when it is 5 on 1, like Rodney King.

All those things I said are true, weather you believe them or not. If you think the police always fallow the rules, you're in for a rude awakening one day.

No, I know they break the rules and, generally, if they do so in mass gatherings, word gets out about it. I've heard of it in Minnesota and in New York IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA. So what is so special about all of these civil rights violations that the mainstream media doesn't care? Nothing. IF they happened they would be reported. They didn't so they aren't.
Hoos Bandoland
23-08-2005, 19:48
Excuse me?

What part don't you understand? The "buh," or the "bye?"
Sheer Stupidity
23-08-2005, 19:49
Potential threat. Preemptive strike.
Justification for war. ;)
23-08-2005, 20:16
Something just occurred to me: the cops told the Salt Lake City Tribune that drugs had been offered to the EMTs who were required to be there. Why would EMTs be required to be at an illegal gathering (what the cops claim it was)?
Eris Ascendent
23-08-2005, 20:43
Permits or not, those folks did NOT look like SWAT teams! Isn't there something called posse comitatus (sp?) that keeps the military from interfering in civilian law enforcement? And aren't the SWAT folks supposed to wear jackets with 'SWAT' on the back in big assed letters? Or is that just on TV?

Scary, nonetheless.
Eris Ascendent
23-08-2005, 20:49
Something just occurred to me: the cops told the Salt Lake City Tribune that drugs had been offered to the EMTs who were required to be there. Why would EMTs be required to be at an illegal gathering (what the cops claim it was)?

An excellent point, which will probably be replied to with, "Uh... but they had drugs!"
23-08-2005, 20:55
Permits or not, those folks did NOT look like SWAT teams! Isn't there something called posse comitatus (sp?) that keeps the military from interfering in civilian law enforcement? And aren't the SWAT folks supposed to wear jackets with 'SWAT' on the back in big assed letters? Or is that just on TV? They were NOT military. They were SWAT. If you watch the video, near the begining around the DJs you will see a Camoflagued trooper with his back to the camera. On the back of his BDUs is a Black on OD Green placard that says SWAT.

They just wanted an excuse to play Army.

Scary, nonetheless.I agree. All those terrible kids, gathered together and not rapink/murdering/robbing/gang-banging. Disgraceful. :rolleyes:
Eris Ascendent
23-08-2005, 21:02
They were NOT military. They were SWAT. If you watch the video, near the begining around the DJs you will see a Camoflagued trooper with his back to the camera. On the back of his BDUs is a Black on OD Green placard that says SWAT.

They just wanted an excuse to play Army.

Ah. Didn't see that, I'll need to go back and look. But it would be nice if they ID'd as police at first glance, instead of armed forces.

I agree. All those terrible kids, gathered together and not rapink/murdering/robbing/gang-banging. Disgraceful. :rolleyes:

Sarcasm, one would hope? I'm not gonna get into the whole drug leagalization thing, that dead horse has already been beaten. But no one was getting hurt and from what I can tell, they had EMTs on hand in case anyone did get hurt. How can you justify a paramilitary style raid on people who might have been using illeagal substances? Going to a 'rave' (not up on the lingo, sorry) is not probable cause for even a single person getting stopped, much less what I saw on that video.

23-08-2005, 21:11
<snip>Sarcasm, one would hope? <snip>
Since you're new, I won't flame you... :D

:rolleyes: = Sarcastic

If you point your cursor at the smilies to the right (when typing a post) you should see "hover text" that gives you an aproximate value.

As for the Drugs bit... See my Sig. If you can't see my Sig, click the "Profile" tab in the upper left corner under the Nation States Banner and chose the "view Signaturess" option.

Welcome aboard.
The Downmarching Void
23-08-2005, 21:28
I suspect we're being had.

I need more information.

You and anyone who doesn't think the Police are capable of being complete pricks were HAD a loooong time ago.
23-08-2005, 23:45
I know. You were unsurprisingly inspecific, as these kinds of stories often are. The ongoing battle should be easy enough to look up if you'd like to provide specific information. I suspect you'll never do that, because you can't. Feel free to prove me wrong however. DC is small and the community is smaller. I would be surprised if this event happened while I was there and I didn't hear about it.

Yes, because every DC resedent hears about every event that happens in the city ::rolls eye::
I'm sorry I do not have spacifics. I really don't care if you believe me.

No, I know they break the rules and, generally, if they do so in mass gatherings, word gets out about it. I've heard of it in Minnesota and in New York IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA. So what is so special about all of these civil rights violations that the mainstream media doesn't care? Nothing. IF they happened they would be reported. They didn't so they aren't.

So you're saying that just because stuff doesn't get reported, it doesn't happen? Wake up. If you want, I can bring my cop friend to this computer and have him type out all the illigal shit they do on a regular basis. Of course, you probably wouldn't believe, you'd just say it was me.

The media is not omnipresent, believe it or not, things happen that don't make it onto the 11 o'clock news.
24-08-2005, 03:13

I keep tellin' ya, no-one ever wants to believe me, and at the risk of tuning a few more of you out,

"Welcome to the Fascist States of Uhh-murrika".

Don't like hearing it?

Then take back your frickin' country already, you layabouts!
24-08-2005, 06:07
Then take back your frickin' country

Aye. This land and the power belong to the people. While I wouldn't go so far as to call the US facist, as facism has a spacific definition, we definatly need to take the power back in this country.
24-08-2005, 07:22
Yes, because every DC resedent hears about every event that happens in the city ::rolls eye::
I'm sorry I do not have spacifics. I really don't care if you believe me.

I'm SHOCKED. I really thought this case you know SO MUCH about, even that it's still going on, but can't give even one specific detail, was going to be supported with evidence. :rolleyes: Forgive me if I dismiss your evidence of the evils of America. And DC is relatively small. It's very easy to keep your ear to the ground in a place like that, contrary to what you've heard.

So you're saying that just because stuff doesn't get reported, it doesn't happen? Wake up. If you want, I can bring my cop friend to this computer and have him type out all the illigal shit they do on a regular basis. Of course, you probably wouldn't believe, you'd just say it was me.

I know that cops are people and occasionally break the law. They don't do it in front of hundreds of people, many with cameras, unless they want to cease to be officers. The media would love to get a hold of a story like this.

The media is not omnipresent, believe it or not, things happen that don't make it onto the 11 o'clock news.

They don't have to be omnipresent. The media wasn't at the Rodney King beating. The media loves to be given stories and they love these kinds of stories. If it happened, and they broke the story, they would win awards. Their job is to get people to watch or read the news. Trust me, if there was proof that the police attacked a bunch of teenagers without cause, people would read or watch it.
24-08-2005, 08:14
I'm SHOCKED. I really thought this case you know SO MUCH about, even that it's still going on, but can't give even one specific detail, was going to be supported with evidence. :rolleyes: Forgive me if I dismiss your evidence of the evils of America. And DC is relatively small. It's very easy to keep your ear to the ground in a place like that, contrary to what you've heard.

I know that cops are people and occasionally break the law. They don't do it in front of hundreds of people, many with cameras, unless they want to cease to be officers. The media would love to get a hold of a story like this.

They don't have to be omnipresent. The media wasn't at the Rodney King beating. The media loves to be given stories and they love these kinds of stories. If it happened, and they broke the story, they would win awards. Their job is to get people to watch or read the news. Trust me, if there was proof that the police attacked a bunch of teenagers without cause, people would read or watch it.
I remember watching the Wako Siege and the documantaries that followed, that more or less concluded that the officers that started allthat off had acted illegally.
As with that siege in the mountains, can't remember the names but there was a mediocre film about it. Where the police entrapped the father then in a siege of the home killed the son and injured the wife etc. After investigation that was deamed to be illegal action but no real charges were brought.
Not saying I am anti police, but these were not spur of the moment actions like the recent tube incident, they had been planned.
24-08-2005, 16:59
I remember watching the Wako Siege and the documantaries that followed, that more or less concluded that the officers that started allthat off had acted illegally.
As with that siege in the mountains, can't remember the names but there was a mediocre film about it. Where the police entrapped the father then in a siege of the home killed the son and injured the wife etc. After investigation that was deamed to be illegal action but no real charges were brought.
Not saying I am anti police, but these were not spur of the moment actions like the recent tube incident, they had been planned.

Waco, not Wako, and a lot of careers were ended over that incident. That was also the federal government, not cops. I'm not sure it was found to be illegal so much as it was handled very, very badly.
24-08-2005, 17:25
You realize Utah was founded by a bunch of shit crazy Mormons right? Not normal Mormons, no, but crazy Mormons. They still control the state

UHm..excuse me!! Mormons are no crazier than any other religion. So drop that hating crap right now. Half of my family are mormons and they are very kind and gentle people.... ON the are only providing one side of the story...where is the other side's version? I STRONGLY suspect that this rave or whatever it was was in violation of some city or state law and that is what gave them the authority to bust up the loud and obnoxious party. How close was is it to other homes? WEre there complaints? This is very biased and is trying to bait people into becoming inflamed and outraged without having all the facts. Could we please have the other perspective before spreading any more bias? This homeowner might have other issues with the law...there is more here than meets the eye. But no lets just jump the gun and always assume authority is wrong. OH and on the Waco incident, blame the man who thought he was Jesus he hid behind women and children...what a MAN!!! coward!! they waited until they thought (lied to) about the innocents being evacuated!! OH and why were they stockpiling weapons? which they also used and killed officers with. They werent just going to play cops and robbers...they instigated it as well.
24-08-2005, 23:59
For Police States to Triumph, Good People Must Hi-five the Cops (

For today's update to the Utah rave-crackdown story (, I'll just excerpt from this Provo Daily Herald editorial (, and tremble for Utah by reflecting that even a Mormon God might be just:

If you want to rave, you've got to behave. [...]

Was this raid a bit heavy-handed? Should the entire weight of police weaponry (including military-style guns capable of full-automatic fire), special tactics, dogs and helicopters be used to break up a music concert with a few hundred kids, some of whom are drunk or high? There are only a couple of ways out of the Childs property, and a crowd is easily contained. Is this truly a situation that requires full riot gear, including black face coverings that lend a Ninja-like quality to the operation?

Such questions can be answered another time [...]

Let's state some basic facts, just for the record. Officers of the law carry guns. It is part of what they do. They often carry nonlethal weapons, too, such as bean-bag launchers or tear gas. They make plans for dealing with potentially difficult situations. Why? Because it's their job to enforce the laws that have been duly enacted by elected authorities.

It's called enforcement for a reason. Police don't need to ask politely.

The best way to stay out of range of the police is to obey the law. It's a lesson too many people have not learned.

UPDATE: What's particularly poignant is that these comments come in the context of an editorial presented as keeping a mature balance between the "massive police assault," and "the atmosphere of unrestraint [that] fosters sexual assaults, drug overdoses, car burglaries, driving under the influence and other problems." The final line of the piece is a perfect illustration of how important goalposts are moved not necessarily by loyal foot soldiers, but by detached observers ever searching for a pragmatic balance: "It's a sticky wicket that illustrates some of the ambiguities inherent in a free society and the balance between freedom and responsibility."

Here's what interests me from the Provo Article (bold bits)
(Provo Daily Herald) ... Having said that, however, we are concerned about the process that led to this raid, starting with Utah County permits. Commissioner Steve White was strangely evasive on this question. When asked point-blank whether a mass-gathering permit had been issued, he said he would not answer. He referred the Herald to law enforcement sources and the county attorney's office.

Childs, the property owner, said all the permits were in order and that officers seized them at the gate. It was a legal gathering, she said.

To be sure, there were a number of drug- and alcohol-related arrests and citations arising from the rave. These are fair game by any measure. Once a crime is committed, a permit may be considered null and void. But of the 43 citations reported by the Utah County Sheriff's Office, about half appear directly related to the raid itself -- disorderly conduct, failure to disperse and related acts. Most of the others could have been dealt with on a case-by-case basis, without shutting down a concert at which the majority were not breaking the law.

A massive police assault on virtually any public gathering (a BYU football game, for example) would uncover similar illegalities, from drugs to weapons to expired driver's licenses. But if a crime is committed during a BYU football game, the game is not stopped. Offenders are trundled off individually. A general suspicion that something illegal might happen at a public gathering, even a rave, may not be the best basis from which to launch a major law enforcement action.

Childs said she has retained an attorney to pursue the matter. It's a sticky wicket that illustrates some of the ambiguities inherent in a free society and the balance between freedom and responsibility.
25-08-2005, 01:11
I still believe something occured to prompt the police to take action like you really think with all the lawsuit happy asses in this country that they would do something like this willynilly. There is something more to this than is being investigated and reported...this is purely SENSAtionalism! If they had really been plotting against them they would have been lying in wait as all these party animals showed up at the gate. More info is needed. Yes I read that bit but it is clearly biased. Partying and acting recklessly is not a constitutional least when it infringes on others rights ((ex. loud losermobiles tooling down the street..they are infringing on my rights to good hearing and peace and quiet))
26-08-2005, 13:47
I still believe something occured to prompt the police to take action like you really think with all the lawsuit happy asses in this country that they would do something like this willynilly. There is something more to this than is being investigated and reported...this is purely SENSAtionalism! If they had really been plotting against them they would have been lying in wait as all these party animals showed up at the gate. More info is needed. Yes I read that bit but it is clearly biased. Partying and acting recklessly is not a constitutional least when it infringes on others rights ((ex. loud losermobiles tooling down the street..they are infringing on my rights to good hearing and peace and quiet))

(A) they were on private property way out in bumphuk. The noise wasn't infringing on anything.

(B) They were invited to said property and the property owner had a permit for the party. (Whether the promoters had filed for the 2nd permit is still in question)

The only thing that "occured" to bring down the law is that the Law has more respect for Football than Raves. All that there dancing and licentious behavior is pure eeevil and has got to be stopped. What better excuse than to bust in looking for "illicit materials". :rolleyes: Your "drug-war" (complete with camoflauge troopers) in action. :headbang:
26-08-2005, 13:59
UHm..excuse me!! Mormons are no crazier than any other religion. So drop that hating crap right now. Half of my family are mormons and they are very kind and gentle people....And? He never said the weren't. It sounded a bit unappreciative of mormons, but there was a clear distinction between "normal mormons" and "crazy mormons". Considering the amount of trouble with the "crazy mormons" concerning the founding of Utah, the statement might be a bit skewed, but not necessarily incorrect. (I haven't met any unfriendly mormons, but I've heard plenty of history on atrocities committed by those that founded Utah, so I think the mormons we've met are "normal mormons" and those that committed the atrocities back then and those that engage in child labor today are the "crazy mormons").