medical service shall be free!
22-08-2005, 00:34
medical service shall be free!
Its not yours wallet decide what health care you receive.
Its yours need of treatment how decide what health care you receive
22-08-2005, 00:37
there is no such thing as a free lunch
even freedom isn't free. Healthcare surely isn't... If you don't think your taxdollars are supporting it, you are fooling yourself.
22-08-2005, 00:41
Free how? Are you not going to pay the doctor for his or her work? Are you not going to pay for medical supplies and drugs and equipment? Are you going to steal these things and enslave the doctors so as not to pay for it? Or do you expect to pay for these things with a magical money tree that grows currency?
even freedom isn't free. Healthcare surely isn't... If you don't think your taxdollars are supporting it, you are fooling yourself.
I doubt this person uses dollars as currency.
22-08-2005, 00:44
medical service shall be free!
Its not yours wallet decide what health care you receive.
Its yours need of treatment how decide what health care you receive
I have no idea what you just said.
No, medical care should NOT be free, especially when you have meth heads coming in to get free health care for their teeth and gums which are only that way because they choose to consume an illegal substance.
22-08-2005, 00:45
there is no such thing as a free lunch
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
22-08-2005, 00:46
even freedom isn't free. Healthcare surely isn't... If you don't think your taxdollars are supporting it, you are fooling yourself.
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
22-08-2005, 00:47
I have no idea what you just said.
No, medical care should NOT be free, especially when you have meth heads coming in to get free health care for their teeth and gums which are only that way because they choose to consume an illegal substance.
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
I have no idea what you just said.
No, medical care should NOT be free, especially when you have meth heads coming in to get free health care for their teeth and gums which are only that way because they choose to consume an illegal substance.
Or fat people getting patched up because they're lazy fuckers, or old people because they were stupid enough not to die young, or smokers because they smoke, or stupid kids who idiotically went outside and did something and broke their arms, and so on and so forth...
22-08-2005, 00:49
I doubt this person uses dollars as currency.
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
No im from sweden.
And we have almost free medical care.
22-08-2005, 00:51
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
Do you mean 'with' tax? Who do you tax? Well someone is taxed and so that someone pays. If someone pays it is not free. As a matter of fact when someone pays who does not want to (I am assuming you would enforce this tax it is not voluntary is it?) it is not free rather a robbery.
Pure Metal
22-08-2005, 00:51
free at the point of consumption, yes absolutley.
free from tax requirements? no.
but i think people are being a little pedantic over the definition of "free" here...
22-08-2005, 00:51
Free how? Are you not going to pay the doctor for his or her work? Are you not going to pay for medical supplies and drugs and equipment? Are you going to steal these things and enslave the doctors so as not to pay for it? Or do you expect to pay for these things with a magical money tree that grows currency?
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
22-08-2005, 00:52
free at the point of consumption, yes absolutley.
free from tax requirements? no.
but i think people are being a little pedantic over the definition of "free" here...
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
22-08-2005, 00:55
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
ahhhhh yes but that is very different than being free.
shall there be no limits to the medical care you can get paid for by government taxes? any treatment for anything at any time?
what about cosmetic surgery? (like making one's nose look better)
22-08-2005, 00:55
free at the point of consumption, yes absolutley.
free from tax requirements? no.
but i think people are being a little pedantic over the definition of "free" here...
I feel unappreciated.
I understand medical care cost money.
22-08-2005, 00:59
ahhhhh yes but that is very different than being free.
shall there be no limits to the medical care you can get paid for by government taxes? any treatment for anything at any time?
what about cosmetic surgery? (like making one's nose look better)
Not cosmetic becuse i dont think you can call a girl how wants biger bobs for sick but its okej to help burn injury.
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
We heard you the first time. Stop repeating it.
No im from sweden.
And we have almost free medical care.
Jag är också från Sverige - något du sett om du bemödat dig att läsa det som står under mitt namn här på forumet - och även om vi har "nästan gratis" sjukvård vid konsumtionstillfället, så stämmer detta absolut inte för sjukvården i stort, som kostar oss en ofantlig summa pengar om året, och detta stämmer absolut inte för vare sig tandvård eller medicinkostnader.
Jag vill igen passa på att råda dig att sluta upprepa samma svar om och om och om igen. En gång räcker - folk kan faktiskt läsa vad du skrivit fastän ditt svar inte är riktat till dem personligen.
22-08-2005, 01:04
Do you mean 'with' tax? Who do you tax? Well someone is taxed and so that someone pays. If someone pays it is not free. As a matter of fact when someone pays who does not want to (I am assuming you would enforce this tax it is not voluntary is it?) it is not free rather a robbery.
It snot free but I feel we must help people and if we do that we also help us self.
22-08-2005, 01:04
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
Yes but that does not makeit free. Someone has to pay the tax so someone (likely a lot of people) are indeed paying. If you pay for something it is not free.
22-08-2005, 01:07
Sweden1974, repeating yourself over and over again is called spamming. It's annoying, it eats bandwidth, and it's against our rules. Please don't do it again.
22-08-2005, 01:10
We heard you the first time. Stop repeating it.
Jag är också från Sverige - något du sett om du bemödat dig att läsa det som står under mitt namn här på forumet - och även om vi har "nästan gratis" sjukvård vid konsumtionstillfället, så stämmer detta absolut inte för sjukvården i stort, som kostar oss en ofantlig summa pengar om året, och detta stämmer absolut inte för vare sig tandvård eller medicinkostnader.
Jag vill igen passa på att råda dig att sluta upprepa samma svar om och om och om igen. En gång räcker - folk kan faktiskt läsa vad du skrivit fastän ditt svar inte är riktat till dem personligen.
Uppenbarligen så svara dom ju ungefär samma svar alla då får dom samma svar också.
jag har aldrig sakt vi har helt fri men näst har vi jag hoppas vi kommer få helt fri sjukvård i sverige.
Visst kostar det pengar sjukvård men det är betald med skattemedel.
man ska få efter behov det tycker jag är viktigt.
22-08-2005, 01:12
Sweden1974, repeating yourself over and over again is called spamming. It's annoying, it eats bandwidth, and it's against our rules. Please don't do it again.
I dont want to spamm the reply is simuler the answer be simuler but if you want i can you diffrent formulation.
Jag är också från Sverige - något du sett om du bemödat dig att läsa det som står under mitt namn här på forumet - och även om vi har "nästan gratis" sjukvård vid konsumtionstillfället, så stämmer detta absolut inte för sjukvården i stort, som kostar oss en ofantlig summa pengar om året, och detta stämmer absolut inte för vare sig tandvård eller medicinkostnader.
Jag vill igen passa på att råda dig att sluta upprepa samma svar om och om och om igen. En gång räcker - folk kan faktiskt läsa vad du skrivit fastän ditt svar inte är riktat till dem personligen.For some reason, I have trouble reading that (But I can read it! :D)
I dont want to spamm the reply is simuler the answer be simuler but if you want i can you diffrent formulation.She's a moderator and was giving you an inofficial warning...
22-08-2005, 01:15
medical service shall be free!
Its not yours wallet decide what health care you receive.
Its yours need of treatment how decide what health care you receive
All "free" care will do is create shortages. It's just another example of why price controls don't work.
22-08-2005, 01:15
Yes but that does not makeit free. Someone has to pay the tax so someone (likely a lot of people) are indeed paying. If you pay for something it is not free.
thay are not free but its not the patient how pay.
its everybody and we can whit tax fulfil this.
thay are very importen every body can have medical service.
Uppenbarligen så svara dom ju ungefär samma svar alla då får dom samma svar också.
Det är inte tillåtet det du gjort. Som du ser här uppe som moderatorn skrivit - det anses vara spam.
jag har aldrig sakt vi har helt fri men näst har vi jag hoppas vi kommer få helt fri sjukvård i sverige.
Visst kostar det pengar sjukvård men det är betald med skattemedel.
man ska få efter behov det tycker jag är viktigt.
Då får du nog vänta rätt så länge. Med en allt äldre befolkning och en otillräcklig befolkningstillväxt i de yngre ålderskikten kommer det helt enkelt inte att finnas tillräckligt med arbetsföra skattebetalare för att finansiera den allt mer krävande och avancerade sjukvården, som dessutom kommer att utsättas för ett enormt tryck på grund av just denna åldrande befolkning.
Du får nog hoppas att vi löser vårt demografiska problem innan du ens kan börja tänka på sådana högtflygande drömmar som gratis sjukvård i framtiden. Förmodligen kommer vi att få nöja oss med mycket mindre än så.
22-08-2005, 01:19
All "free" care will do is create shortages. It's just another example of why price controls don't work.
How do you mean?
22-08-2005, 01:21
Då får du nog vänta rätt så länge. Med en allt äldre befolkning och en otillräcklig befolkningstillväxt i de yngre ålderskikten kommer det helt enkelt inte att finnas tillräckligt med arbetsföra skattebetalare för att finansiera den allt mer krävande och avancerade sjukvården, som dessutom kommer att utsättas för ett enormt tryck på grund av just denna åldrande befolkning.
Du får nog hoppas att vi löser vårt demografiska problem innan du ens kan börja tänka på sådana högtflygande drömmar som gratis sjukvård i framtiden. Förmodligen kommer vi att få nöja oss med mycket mindre än så.
Jag tror det går vi trodde för inte så länge sedan att det vi har idag var omöjligt.
For some reason, I have trouble reading that (But I can read it! :D)
"For some reason" - well, it's not exactly German! :p
But it's somewhat close, and that's also why I understand written German. It's speaking it myself that's the hard part.
Jag tror det går vi trodde för inte så länge sedan att det vi har idag var omöjligt.
Vad har du då för lösning på detta monumentala samhällsproblem - detta "köttberg", som en viss rådvill minister kallade det för inte så länge sen?
22-08-2005, 01:24
How do you mean?
Let's say you owned a grocery store. Then there was a program that was financed by tax dollars that allowed folks to go to your store and take whatever food they thought they needed. Your shelves would be empty in no time. No amount of tax money or good intentions would fill them up again until the next delivery truck arrived.
It's a lot like that with medical care. When folks can go to the doctor and use his services whenever they think they need it, eventually the system will saturate and there will be no time left. Then folks that need that hip operation and that kidney transplant are left waiting. There's no problem paying for it, only finding enough time to do the procedure.
That's the case whenever price controls are introduced. They produce shortages. Always has, always will.
22-08-2005, 01:24
She's a moderator and was giving you an inofficial warning...
yes i undertand that.
22-08-2005, 01:25
Vad har du då för lösning på detta monumentala samhällsproblem - detta "köttberg", som en viss rådvill minister kallade det för inte så länge sen?
jag håller med dig det är ett stort problem värre och väre arbetar dom ska försörja allt fler dom få som arbetar.
22-08-2005, 01:31
Let's say you owned a grocery store. Then there was a program that was financed by tax dollars that allowed folks to go to your store and take whatever food they thought they needed. Your shelves would be empty in no time. No amount of tax money or good intentions would fill them up again until the next delivery truck arrived.
It's a lot like that with medical care. When folks can go to the doctor and use his services whenever they think they need it, eventually the system will saturate and there will be no time left. Then folks that need that hip operation and that kidney transplant are left waiting. There's no problem paying for it, only finding enough time to do the procedure.
That's the case whenever price controls are introduced. They produce shortages. Always has, always will.
The doctor decide what care you need.
22-08-2005, 01:32
The doctor decide what care you need.
Okay, you got me there. I don't see how there could ever be a problem in that case.
jag håller med dig det är ett stort problem värre och väre arbetar dom ska försörja allt fler dom få som arbetar.
Jag föreslår att du gnuggar dina geniknölar och försöker lösa detta problem innan du hoppas på gratis sjukvård. Löser du det demografiska problemet, så kommer sjukvårdsutopin att följa med på köpet.
Okay, you got me there. I don't see how there could ever be a problem in that case.
Sarcasm, Will Robinson! I detect sarcasm! ;)
German Nightmare
22-08-2005, 01:35
And it used to work pretty good in Germany until people grew older, medical work became more expensive and those people contributing the money grew less and less. And some other reasons thrown in there as well...
Other than that - yes, good idea. As long as the doctor doesn't decide what I can buy at the grocery store :D
BTW, Jag pratar inte svenska or so. But I did have a Swedish girlfriend in 12.2, 13.1 and 13.2 grade. Tak se mykke!
The doctor decide what care you need.You can bullshit your way around a doctor with the right literature. Hypochondriacs try it all the time and it isn't always detected...
22-08-2005, 01:42
You can bullshit your way around a doctor with the right literature. Hypochondriacs try it all the time and it isn't always detected...
Yes but it dont mean the system is wrong.
22-08-2005, 01:44
Jag föreslår att du gnuggar dina geniknölar och försöker lösa detta problem innan du hoppas på gratis sjukvård. Löser du det demografiska problemet, så kommer sjukvårdsutopin att följa med på köpet.
JJa du har rätt fram för allt är det viktigt med bra stats finanser.
German Nightmare
22-08-2005, 01:49
You can bullshit your way around a doctor with the right literature. Hypochondriacs try it all the time and it isn't always detected...
True - then again, how large is their fraction in the average population?
(And shouldn't you be in bed by now, Laerod? :p It's 2:48!!! :D)
Anyway - I bid y'all a good night!
JJa du har rätt fram för allt är det viktigt med bra stats finanser.
Och hur anser du att man får sådana?
True - then again, how large is their fraction in the average population?
(And shouldn't you be in bed by now, Laerod? :p It's 2:48!!! :D)
Anyway - I bid y'all a good night!My sleeping cycle is completely out of sync due to me not having anything to do besides NationStates and getting off of my medication kept me... well, not quite awake and not quite asleep...
I usually go to bed around 4:30 at the time... :D
My sleeping cycle is completely out of sync due to me not having anything to do besides NationStates and getting off of my medication kept me... well, not quite awake and not quite asleep...
I usually go to bed around 4:30 at the time... :D
Haha! Same here - except it's my last week of summer vacations and I'm not eligible to get any good medication in the first place...
22-08-2005, 02:22
Sarcasm, Will Robinson! I detect sarcasm! ;)
Gee, it worked. I just don't have the sand for this tonight. There's a Braves game on, I've got work to do before an early flight, and I'm having a hard time coming up with more excuses...
'Night y'all.
Dragons Bay
22-08-2005, 03:07
It's ridiculous. Many a time it is your own choice to destroy your health (e.g. sleeping at 2.30a.m.), and you expect the government to pay for your healthcare when you get sick. What responsible people you are! :rolleyes:
I think we shall have a medical servics finance whit tax. Not whit private health insurance.
This genius is making a good attempt to speak in English, which is obviously not the first language.... Maybe a different subject... Have you ever met Foppa (Peter Forsberg)??? Surely that will get a different answer then the above, which you answered the previous 3 posts with..
Melkor Unchained
22-08-2005, 05:09
It's ridiculous. Many a time it is your own choice to destroy your health (e.g. sleeping at 2.30a.m.), and you expect the government to pay for your healthcare when you get sick. What responsible people you are! :rolleyes:
Wait, since one does the hour at which we choose to sleep have any bearing on our health? You can go to sleep at 2 am and still get 8 hours you know...
I'd advise being a little less heavy handed next time.
Wait, since one does the hour at which we choose to sleep have any bearing on our health? You can go to sleep at 2 am and still get 8 hours you know...
There have been studies linking higher incidence of cancer and heart disease with people who work nights,
I'd advise being a little less heavy handed next time.
Good advice.