Do you think Harry Potter is Evil?
The Dominickan Islands
10-08-2005, 21:43
There has been much controversy recently over the Harry Potter books. Many Religous Groups have condemed the book for advocating Witchcraft and evils spirits. Even the Pope is Against it. I am a Roman Catholic and i think the Book is fine. It is fiction and about Good vs. Evil. I just want to know what you think of this.
10-08-2005, 21:44
I don't think it's evil, except for the fact that my sister plays the infernal "talking book" tapes relentlessly. That's mean.
10-08-2005, 21:45
The bad part is the sorcerry and occultism.
I Still Like Oranges
10-08-2005, 21:45
no, not at all, i mean, its had no influence on me (until i turned my sister into a goat)
Lord-General Drache
10-08-2005, 21:45
I think that it's sad if people think it's a real portrayal of any pagan belief-system. I'm not a fan of the books, but they're certaintly not evil.
No, it's not evil. It's a story of good over evil, in reality. However, it's also more realistic in showing that not everyone is 100% good or evil, and some evil people may help good because it benefits them. It's the way the world is; the morality of makind falls in to shades of gray rather than the black and white world of religion.
The pope should be condemning real evils like terrorism, famines or genocide rather than looking for evil where it doesn't exist.
10-08-2005, 21:47
Not evil, but it's becoming quite lame.
*quotes my history teacher* "Harry Potter is an asshole!"
I really do hope lots of people die in the 7th book.
Sumamba Buwhan
10-08-2005, 21:47
I think that it's sad if people think it's a real portrayal of any pagan belief-system. I'm not a fan of the books, but they're certaintly not evil.
I agree.
Jah Bootie
10-08-2005, 21:48
I wouldn't have thought so, but after reading the first two books I started worshipping Satan.
Oak Trail
10-08-2005, 21:50
I don't care.
Sumamba Buwhan
10-08-2005, 21:53
Harry Potter is as evil as Samantha from Bewitched.
I think that it's sad if people think it's a real portrayal of any pagan belief-system. I'm not a fan of the books, but they're certaintly not evil.
No disagreement here! :D
Drunk commies deleted
10-08-2005, 21:56
The first post in the thread I'm about to link to contains PROOF that Harry Potter causes satanism.
10-08-2005, 21:58
The first post in the thread I'm about to link to contains PROOF that Harry Potter causes satanism.
OMFG I forgot about this!1!1!111!111!!!!1112323143987897
The first post in the thread I'm about to link to contains PROOF that Harry Potter causes satanism.
i think that proves only that stupidity/gullability/a mix of the two and harry potter causes satanism
The first post in the thread I'm about to link to contains PROOF that Harry Potter causes satanism.
Jesussaves! Thank God, his (or your :p ) clarity and decisive unlinked proof are all I need to repent my evil ways and ban that poison once and for all.
Hey, if the Necronomicon is real, I'm there; I didn't even read Harry Potter, but know my Lovecraft.
Hoos Bandoland
10-08-2005, 22:00
There has been much controversy recently over the Harry Potter books. Many Religous Groups have condemed the book for advocating Witchcraft and evils spirits. Even the Pope is Against it. I am a Roman Catholic and i think the Book is fine. It is fiction and about Good vs. Evil. I just want to know what you think of this.
Yes, Harry Potter is evil. Not the books, necessary, but that smartass little kid certainly is. :sniper:
Hoos Bandoland
10-08-2005, 22:02
Harry Potter is as evil as Samantha from Bewitched.
She was a bitch, wasn't she? Oh, and a witch as well! :eek:
I have often heard the belief from many people (christians) that they feel that Harry Potter is evil, because the book series uses the idea of magic as a medium to express its messages of love, the frailty of life, the triumph of the power of those wronged and with a just cause to overcome the challenges set upon them by their wrongdoers (good vs. evil, et.) and of the seductions of power on those who lack a strong moral base. Ironically the christian holy texts express those same lessons continuously to billions of people. I understand their arguement that witchcraft is evil, as they are taught that from a text that has been mistranslated numerous times from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to archaic English to modern English as well as dozens of modern languages, many times by scholars who, as Human, have the tendency to err. Certainly nobody can TRULY know what the Biblical texts were once meant to cnvey EXACTLY, but I know one thing: such texts are not enough for ME to believe that a cleverly written, emotionally riveting book series like Ms. Rowling's Harry Potter is evil, simply because its main character is a wizard, and "Witches are Evil," because "the Bible tells us so,". One more note: many of the devout Christians who campaign against Ms. Rowlings Classic that I have spoken and debated have never even READ a single word from the series because they "don't want to be tempted," or they've "God says that witchcraft is evil because a horribly mistranslated book i read (Bible) says its evil and I Don't want to be tempted by another book that must surely teach witchcraft.". Thats seriously irks ME, I don't know about anybody else.
I have often heard the belief from many people (christians) that they feel that Harry Potter is evil, because the book series uses the idea of magic as a medium to express its messages of love, the frailty of life, the triumph of the power of those wronged and with a just cause to overcome the challenges set upon them by their wrongdoers (good vs. evil, et.) and of the seductions of power on those who lack a strong moral base. Ironically the christian holy texts express those same lessons continuously to billions of people. I understand their arguement that witchcraft is evil, as they are taught that from a text that has been mistranslated numerous times from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to archaic English to modern English as well as dozens of modern languages, many times by scholars who, as Human, have the tendency to err. Certainly nobody can TRULY know what the Biblical texts were once meant to cnvey EXACTLY, but I know one thing: such texts are not enough for ME to believe that a cleverly written, emotionally riveting book series like Ms. Rowling's Harry Potter is evil, simply because its main character is a wizard, and "Witches are Evil," because "the Bible tells us so,". One more note: many of the devout Christians who campaign against Ms. Rowlings Classic that I have spoken and debated have never even READ a single word from the series because they "don't want to be tempted," or they've "God says that witchcraft is evil because a horribly mistranslated book i read (Bible) says its evil and I Don't want to be tempted by another book that must surely teach witchcraft.". Thats seriously irks ME, I don't know about anybody else.
*applauds*very well that is one hell of a first post.welcome to the board Pyladia
Thanks, Ifreann. I just wanted to vent, because lately I've been hearing a lot of anti-Harry Potter sentiment. I'm a fan of the books, was raised devout Christian (no more christianity has done some EVIL things) and to be honest I can find nothing wrong about them. OH yes, the occasional misspelled word or two. how do you spell walwrus? or walrus? Anyway, I just think people should READ the frigging things before making decisions.
Sel Appa
10-08-2005, 22:34
Not evil in the same sense as Christians, but evil as in well evil. spongebob is evil...
The Great Sixth Reich
10-08-2005, 22:35
Harry Potter is a jackass, but certainly not evil. The books, conversely, are great, but definitely NOT evil. In fact, it teaches goodness. If you commit magic on Muggles in the world of Harry Potter, the Minstry of Magic busts you like the LAPD. :)
Not evil in the same sense as Christians, but evil as in well evil. spongebob is evil...
i remember something about the spongebob movie turning kids gay.somebody was complaining that when spongebob grab a pole with his ass and the somehow climbed up it with his ass(i never saw it this is just what i vaugely remember from the thread on another forum) it was really a big thumbs up for sodomy
The Great Sixth Reich
10-08-2005, 22:40
spongebob is evil...
...and Barney is too.
10-08-2005, 22:43
The Harry Potter books do NOT teach magic. If it were as easy as they "teach" in the books, just by speaking what you want to happen in Latin, then all sorts of colleges and universities should be closed for teaching magick. The thought that JK Rowling's books are in any way involved in Satanism or the downside of it, Devilworship, is outrageous, and anyone worth listening to would know better. Also, the kids in the books and movies celebrate CHRISTMAS! What kind of anti-Christian or Devilworshipper would celebrate CHRISTMAS?!
10-08-2005, 22:44
The first post in the thread I'm about to link to contains PROOF that Harry Potter causes satanism.
Wow, that's some convincing proof all right.
The article also has a teacher who says her kids started reading Harry Potter and now have read the seven scrolls of the black rose, the necronomicon, the satanic bible, and the origin of species.
Oh NOOOOOO! I shall go burn my copies of all the HP books right now! :p
Drunk commies deleted
10-08-2005, 22:47
Wow, that's some convincing proof all right.
Oh NOOOOOO! I shall go burn my copies of all the HP books right now! :p
Ok, relax. It was written by my parrot after all.
New Fubaria
10-08-2005, 22:50
A little dull and trite perhaps, but not evil...
10-08-2005, 22:52
Ok, relax. It was written by my parrot after all.
Heh. I was well aware that you were kidding. Silly internet, making it hard to be clear whether you're laughing-at or laughing-with...
The "Origin of Species" line is absolutely priceless. :)
I can't believe someone actually thought The Onion was a serious newssource and quoted it to "prove" HP was evil.
I can't believe someone actually thought The Onion was a serious newssource and quoted it to "prove" HP was evil.
Well, it's Jesussaves...that should answer all of your questions. ;)
11-08-2005, 03:19
lolosome :D
No Harry Potter is not evil, no it dosn't teach magic and anyone that says it does is flat our wrong. its a fantasy novel, nothing more, nothing less. if anything it teachs kids the value of honour and integrty which is not a bad thing
11-08-2005, 03:26
I actually know someone who got into witchcraft because of the Harry Potter books. The funny thing is this person isnt a child, he is a rather intelligent business owner in his 40s.
Of course it's not evil. It's a book and it teaches some really good values. The problem is that there is as always a small group of people trying to censor what everyone else hears, reads, sees, etc... It's obviously fantasy and doesn't do any harm once so ever.
And for their attempt to ban a book cause *gasp* it mentions witchcraft *not real Wicca, but a fantasy version of it* that's discrimination here in the good ol' USA as Wicca has been recognized as a religion by the government since 1978. If you don't want your kids or you watching or seeing something, real simple answer then don't watch or read it and if your kids are doing so behind your back, sorry taking it out of schools will not keep them away from it.
Enjoy your "proof". Next time check your source before citing it, eh?
Asylum Nova
11-08-2005, 06:31
Too absorbing for their own good, but definitely not evil.
11-08-2005, 06:44
Kids are flocking to Satanic temples? Wha? I've never even seen a Satanic temple. Never even heard of one. 9 year olds reading the Origin of Species? I think that's probably a little over their heads. They'd get bored with it in 2 seconds. And what does it have to do with Harry Potter and devil worship? The Satanic Bible? I've read that one. Kids arn't reading that. They wouldn't find it interesting. I thought it was shortsighted and boring. We obviously have an article with fabricated facts here. If kids want to read HP, great. Reading is good for you. Maybe those complaning Christian people should go write a book that can compete video games and television the way HP does.
Well, more important to me,then the pope thinking it was evil, was my mom had bought into the crap about it being evil. But I was able to reason with her and point out how she was being guided wrong .
Just stories, nothing more. And pretty good ones too.
Gargantua City State
11-08-2005, 07:42
The latest HP book is a best seller in Gargantua City State.
That pretty much sums up what I think about the books. :) Read 'em all (except the latest one), and I haven't summoned up any demons, or spoken with any ghostly girls who are stuck in a bathroom. :)
The religious right needs to loosen up a bit and realize most of the rest of the planet has this wonderful thing called an "imagination."
11-08-2005, 08:08
Just on a side note, it really irritates me that the Christian right focuses on something like Harry Potter for its "pagan witchcraft" and think of LOTR as a wholesome, Christian world. Perhaps they do not realize that Gandalf, Saruman, Sauron, the Balrog, are all minor deities with deeply pagan undertones? Why don't they object to that?
Pencil 17
11-08-2005, 08:15
Yes I think Harry Potter will turn evil by the seventh book. Did you see how angsty he was in the fifth? and furthermore...
That's not what this thread is about.
11-08-2005, 08:42
Just on a side note, it really irritates me that the Christian right focuses on something like Harry Potter for its "pagan witchcraft" and think of LOTR as a wholesome, Christian world. Perhaps they do not realize that Gandalf, Saruman, Sauron, the Balrog, are all minor deities with deeply pagan undertones? Why don't they object to that?
Im not sure that the Christian right has any position on LOTR. But thats not to say there aren't any differences between the books. Harry Potter was primarily marketed to children, LOTR was primarily marketed to adults. Therein lies the vital difference. To give a more extreme example, you may have nothing against pornography but you would probably have something against pornography designed for and marketed to children.
I'm Christian and I see nothing wrong with Harry Potter books... I really like them and it drives me insane to get disaproving looks from friends whenever I read them or say anything about them... honestly, to me it's like complaining about Narnia or LOTR... And seriously, it's fiction... it's not real!
11-08-2005, 09:56
I think, Harry is evil like Gollum is....the only difference is : Gollum is longer evil.....
Dragons Bay
11-08-2005, 11:04
I'm Christian, and although I'm not a fan of fantasy novels, I still don't see anything wrong with Harry Potter books. The thing that is wrong about the entire trend is that people are taking this seriously and joining witchcraft. It's fiction, so let's just all enjoy it and end there.