Who is the stupidest person ever?
Ryno III
09-08-2005, 19:37
Let me hear what you think.
Pure Metal
09-08-2005, 19:40
there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
edit: lol that wasn't meant as an insult to the thread author it just popped in my head :p
Gymoor II The Return
09-08-2005, 19:45
I am. Therefore I am wise, as I alone know my limitations. Pwned you all!
No I am!!!! *stamps up and down*
The person who invented "Chia Pets". You KNOW that person was either high or just stupid. Who the hell says "hey, let's make some plants grow on some clay heads and sell them! They'll be worth a fortune!". Suprisingly, they have sold pretty well, but I would consider it to be one of those anomalous things that just happened to work because people's ability to leap beyond logic and sustain a little amount of stupidity made them actually want a chia pet.
Neo Rogolia
09-08-2005, 19:54
Let me hear what you think.
I think it's a tie between all people in a state of vegetation.
Seeing how your name is Ryno, I'm going to say Ryne Sandburg, Just kidding.
Rafael Palmeiro. What a moron. I don't think I need to explain this one.
The person who invented "Chia Pets". You KNOW that person was either high or just stupid. Who the hell says "hey, let's make some plants grow on some clay heads and sell them! They'll be worth a fortune!". Suprisingly, they have sold pretty well, but I would consider it to be one of those anomalous things that just happened to work because people's ability to leap beyond logic and sustain a little amount of stupidity made them actually want a chia pet.
Who's stupider...the person who develops a stupid product, or the person who buys it?
Oh, if you're into health, you could harvest and eat the sprouts. The 'pet' part would just be a cute looking vegetable plot:)
Who's stupider...the person who develops a stupid product, or the person who buys it?
Oh, if you're into health, you could harvest and eat the sprouts. The 'pet' part would just be a cute looking vegetable plot:)
DEFINATELY the person who buys it! :p
Oh no! Don't tell me you have one!
Gymoor II The Return
09-08-2005, 20:02
DEFINATELY the person who buys it! :p
Unless said person can sell it again 20 years later at 100 X the price because of the kitsch value.
09-08-2005, 20:03
Ding ding ding ding ding :D
doctors that carry out abortions
Gymoor II The Return
09-08-2005, 20:05
doctors that carry out abortions
We have a new winner! This guy.
Why don't you go piss on someone's birthday cake while you're at it?
hillary clinton. i would like her to be our next president, but seriously, ban violent video games cause they might cause our kids to go pyschopathic? hell, most of us kids already ARE pyschopathic, so whats the point. and, if you dont want them to become pyschopathic, why not just ban heavy metal music, cause apparently, that causes kids to become pyschopathic. so, while your at it, why not just ban everything that makes us kids happy, cause apparently everything that makes us kids happy causes us to become pyschopathic, then you will make us more pyschopathic cause we wont be able to have any of the crap that makes us happy, then we will have agressive behavior, and be even more violent! so hillary, apparently, you want our kids to become pyschopathic, dont you. that is what makes her so stupid.
09-08-2005, 20:19
I'm going to have to go with Michael Moore. Not because of his intelligence, as in 'his IQ'. Just that he seems to be certainly ignorant to the overall pointlessness to his documentaries.
To begin with, the only people whos minds he needs to change will never listen. Then the poeple who already share his state of mind feel even more sickened after watching his nauseating attack on the Bush adminstration.
He makes the people that are already mad about the situation at hand, even madder. And then those that aren't willing to listen to any sense would seem to be becoming immune to any logic if there is the slightest hint of satire attached.
He has basically exacerbating the situation by preaching to the already converted. A total lardy-dumb-arse if you ask me.
Achtung 45
09-08-2005, 20:31
I'm going to have to go with Michael Moore. Not because of his intelligence, as in 'his IQ'. Just that he seems to be certainly ignorant to the overall pointlessness to his documentaries.
And now we have a runner up!
Legless Pirates
09-08-2005, 20:36
Your mom :eek:
09-08-2005, 20:39
Jack Thompson. (the wanker that hates videogames). He's all the things I hate about Hilary Clinton but at least she had the sense to leech of her husbands fame and get to the door of the whitehouse.
Gymoor II The Return
09-08-2005, 20:44
Jack Thompson. (the wanker that hates videogames). He's all the things I hate about Hilary Clinton but at least she had the sense to leech of her husbands fame and get to the door of the whitehouse.
I'm sorry, but videogames (while enjoyable) are simply not the most important thing when it comes to stupidity, not when there's rape, government excess, murder, rascism, high-fructose corn syrup, war, Tom Cruise, new super-diseases, movies based on old T.V. shows, and chubby girls wearing low-rise jeans.
So, bad on both you and Hillary.
09-08-2005, 20:44
And also everyone who downloaded that goddamn crazy frog ringtone. Do they have that outside Britain? For all your sakes I hope not.
09-08-2005, 20:47
I'm going to have to go with Michael Moore. Not because of his intelligence, as in 'his IQ'. Just that he seems to be certainly ignorant to the overall pointlessness to his documentaries.
To begin with, the only people whos minds he needs to change will never listen. Then the poeple who already share his state of mind feel even more sickened after watching his nauseating attack on the Bush adminstration.
He makes the people that are already mad about the situation at hand, even madder. And then those that aren't willing to listen to any sense would seem to be becoming immune to any logic if there is the slightest hint of satire attached.
He has basically exacerbating the situation by preaching to the already converted. A total lardy-dumb-arse if you ask me.
A total lardy-rich-arse. It's all about the money!
And also everyone who downloaded that goddamn crazy frog ringtone. Do they have that outside Britain? For all your sakes I hope not.
Me too, you see, the tories would ban it, along with abortion!
Gymoor II The Return
09-08-2005, 20:48
And also everyone who downloaded that goddamn crazy frog ringtone. Do they have that outside Britain? For all your sakes I hope not.
Now this I can agree with. I'm in America, and I look upon this phenomenon much as brits must look upon the singing career of Jessica Simpson. With incredulosity and disdain.
09-08-2005, 20:49
And also everyone who downloaded that goddamn crazy frog ringtone. Do they have that outside Britain? For all your sakes I hope not.
seconded and all the equally annoying ones that have been brung forth by the devil because of the-ringtone-that-must-not-be-named
Winston S Churchill
10-08-2005, 04:20
I'm sure some of the Darwin Award winners are serious contenders for the according to Hoyle definition of stupidity (assuming you are mentally capable but just choose to be an imbecile)
Winston S Churchill
10-08-2005, 04:21
I'm sure some of the Darwin Award winners are serious contenders for the according to Hoyle definition of stupidity (assuming you are mentally capable but just choose to be an imbecile)