"Gay-dar" does exist!
The population in general is able to do what Evelyn Hooker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evelyn_Hooker) was unable to;
How about you - do you have 'gay-dar'? Do you think you can do better than 70% accuacy? I personally don't think I could. I tend to be pretty oblivious when I meet new people. I'm more interested in making a new friend than determining if they want to sleep with men or not.
The Mindset
06-08-2005, 13:25
My gaydar is fantastically fine-tuned. So much so that I can tell (usually) if you're gay from a picture, and after that if you're a camp gay or a non-camp gay.
06-08-2005, 13:33
I can usually tell if the camp gays are gay or just have a camp style ..
But thats about it
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 13:34
My gaydar is fantastically fine-tuned. So much so that I can tell (usually) if you're gay from a picture, and after that if you're a camp gay or a non-camp gay.
Ok, then try your gaydar on me.
06-08-2005, 13:38
Ok, then try your gaydar on me.
It looks like you allready have a cock in your mouth -- 100% GAY :D
Ok, then try your gaydar on me.
You're not gay or straight - you have an erotic fascination with airplanes.
You sick-twisted-plane-fetish-freak!
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 13:39
Bluestrips2']It looks like you allready have a cock in your mouth -- 100% GAY :D
LOL sorry buddy. I am 100% straight. In fact I am asking advice on a girl that I am trying to get with. Maybe you need to find tune your Gay-Dar alittle bit more.
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 13:40
You're not gay or straight - you have an erotic fascination with airplanes.
You sick-twisted-plane-fetish-freak!
That what my mom said lol. I am a pilot and aviation is my passion.
New Fuglies
06-08-2005, 13:51
I can usually tell by eye contact. Hard to explain but I haven't been wrong yet... or I am just a darn good recruiter. :)
06-08-2005, 13:52
LOL sorry buddy. I am 100% straight. In fact I am asking advice on a girl that I am trying to get with. Maybe you need to find tune your Gay-Dar alittle bit more.
I knew you would say this or it wasn't your photo :p - I can only tell with camp ones im sure - just if they are putting the campness on for attention or are really like that !
Gaea independent
06-08-2005, 13:58
what exactly is "camp"?
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 14:07
what exactly is "camp"?
Big Gay Al
Richard Simmons
Christopher Lowell
Elton John
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 14:14
I get mistaken for gay sometimes. I have a v. nice haircut and a tendency to wear brightly colored shirts. Plus I work out and take care of my skin. I'm just guessing those are the reasons.
06-08-2005, 14:26
Hmm I have very good gaydar, but it's also a cultural thing - I can tell geáy Irish guys 100% of the time, but this decreases in other countries and sometimes when you see a tourist it can be a tough call (my friends and I have a saying - he's either gay or French!)
I'd say I'm pretty good at telling American gays also, but when you get to German I haven't a clue. And all the Swedish men look gay to me (Seemingly the Finnish say all Swedish men are Gay and the Swede's say all Finns carry knives - why did I choose Finland to study!!!!)
I guess what it boils down to is clothes, body language, voice, and context
Oh and if anyone starts playing the pronoun game that's a definite blip on the gaydar.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 14:29
Oh and if anyone starts playing the pronoun game that's a definite blip on the gaydar.
lol. yeah. And if a guy who's driving a new BMW has a "roommate", then that's a big flashing sign.
06-08-2005, 15:22
does it realy matter if your gay or not :fluffle: :headbang:
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 15:24
does it realy matter if your gay or not :fluffle: :headbang:
Well, yeah. if you want to sleep with that person it certainly does.
06-08-2005, 15:33
so sleep with whom you want to :fluffle:
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 15:35
so sleep with whom you want to :fluffle:
Well, it's not completely up to you. You generally have to get them to agree (or at least not protest).
06-08-2005, 15:35
:eek: so sleep with whom you want to :fluffle:
06-08-2005, 15:40
that for me anyway isnt a problem but if you were say ugly thats different...lol
Ok, then try your gaydar on me.
i think your too ugly :D to be gay :D
Neo Kervoskia
06-08-2005, 16:06
Tisk, tisk, you poor homosexuals and heterosexuals, why must you limit yourself to only one sex? With bisexuality it's win-win.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 16:09
that for me anyway isnt a problem but if you were say ugly thats different...lol
Well, if you wanted to sleep with someone of the opposite sex, and they were gay, that would be a problem. Or, conversely, if you wanted to sleep with someone of the same sex and they were straight, same problem. Unless, of course, you have the ability to magically change your own sex.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 16:10
I get mistaken for gay sometimes. I have a v. nice haircut and a tendency to wear brightly colored shirts. Plus I work out and take care of my skin. I'm just guessing those are the reasons.
Actually. That is gay. No offense to you, and you may not be interested in sex with males...but the word "metrosexual" was invented so that straight men don't have to say they have a gay lifestyle.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 16:11
Actually. That is gay. No offense to you, and you may not be interested in sex with males...but the word "metrosexual" was invented so that straight men don't have to say they have a gay lifestyle.
lol. I'm pretty sure gay means you sleep with men, or at least want to. But I see where you're coming from.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 16:12
But so I can add to conversation...
There are some instances where I can tell whether a person is gay or not...however, I generally try not to make any assumptions.
For some reason, it's just about impossible for me to tell the sexuality of a woman, and that'd be the only thing that interests me. As for men, I don't care if a man is straight or gay, because I'm not hooking up with him either way...
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 16:13
lol. I'm pretty sure gay means you sleep with men, or at least want to. But I see where you're coming from.
Yea, but technically, "Christian" means you believe in the Christian God and accept Jesus Christ as your "saviour," but you can still go to church and do good deeds for people without actually believing that. Are you a Christian? No, not really, but...
Israelities et Buddist
06-08-2005, 16:48
Tisk, tisk, you poor homosexuals and heterosexuals, why must you limit yourself to only one sex? With bisexuality it's win-win.
Hmmm.. I saw that coming.
From the picture it was very blatant he is straight. My sense lies more telling if people are in the closet.
I wonder what yall would say about me?? Even if the pics. are mostly 5 years old except 1.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 16:50
Yea, but technically, "Christian" means you believe in the Christian God and accept Jesus Christ as your "saviour," but you can still go to church and do good deeds for people without actually believing that. Are you a Christian? No, not really, but...
For a homosexual, I have had sex with quite a few women.
Drunk commies deleted
06-08-2005, 16:52
Unless one is tested in a double blind study one can never know if he or she has gaydar. In day to day life you meet a few people who are very obviously gay, but I'm sure you also meet plenty of folks who look and seem straight but are actually gay. Unless you ask each person you meet whether or not he likes cock you'll never know if your gaydar is working or not.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 16:59
For a homosexual, I have had sex with quite a few women.
Well, like the political spectrum, I think there ought to be multiple axes to the sexual spectrum. One for what attracts you, sexually. Another for lifestyle...not that the lifestyle axis should be labeled "straight" and "gay," but should be labeled as "dress for comfort" vs "dress for appearance," because lifestyle and sexuality really have less to do with each other than Christian fundamentalists would have you think, and there are probably plenty of homosexual men who are far on the "dress for comfort" end of the lifestyle spectrum.
San Texario
06-08-2005, 17:04
Well, like the political spectrum, I think there ought to be multiple axes to the sexual spectrum. One for what attracts you, sexually. Another for lifestyle...not that the lifestyle axis should be labeled "straight" and "gay," but should be labeled as "dress for comfort" vs "dress for appearance," because lifestyle and sexuality really have less to do with each other than Christian fundamentalists would have you think, and there are probably plenty of homosexual men who are far on the "dress for comfort" end of the lifestyle spectrum.
Well look at me, I'm 4 steps away from being ALL the way over the rainbow. Two of those steps are losing what attraction I still have for woment, and dressing for appearance.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 17:10
Well, like the political spectrum, I think there ought to be multiple axes to the sexual spectrum. One for what attracts you, sexually. Another for lifestyle...not that the lifestyle axis should be labeled "straight" and "gay," but should be labeled as "dress for comfort" vs "dress for appearance," because lifestyle and sexuality really have less to do with each other than Christian fundamentalists would have you think, and there are probably plenty of homosexual men who are far on the "dress for comfort" end of the lifestyle spectrum.
Or maybe the way you dress has to do with influences that have little or nothing to do with your sexuality.
06-08-2005, 17:13
and there are probably plenty of homosexual men who are far on the "dress for comfort" end of the lifestyle spectrum.
Haha yeah you wouldn't catch me wearing designer threads,
I think sometimes it is harder to tell if a woman is gay or not, unless they're obvious (straining not to use so many fun words for an "obvious lesbian" as I was told in another forum that PC is conspiracy by the feminists and gays... ah the crackpots you get here)
Secondly now that the world is turning metrosexual it is becoming harder to tell the queers from the steers (the males anyways) this is irritating, and while I generally do pick up on it it's taking longer for my gaydar blip - so straight men either sleep with guys or stop using moisturiser!!!! :D
In ireland we used to call them "strays" (str-aight g-ays).
PS has anyone seen that southpark episode where they all turn metrosexual. Absolutely brilliant - I feel like Mr. Garrison in that episode (only in the fact that I want to kill those QEFS-Guy twats - bloody stereotyped sellouts!)
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 18:10
Or maybe the way you dress has to do with influences that have little or nothing to do with your sexuality.
You're right, it doesn't have anything to do with your sexuality. However, in males, it tends to go hand in hand. It's moving farther away from that with the "metrosexual revolution," but I still think it'd be interesting to see a sexuality version of the political spectrum with lifestyle on one axis and sexuality on the other.
And Thermidore, yes, I've seen that episode. It's one of the best episodes. However, with South Park, religion episodes trump all, so I've got to go with the two-parter that was on recently where Cartman starts a cult, and as punishment in the end, Jesus sends Cartman to a place much worse than hell--Mexico.
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 18:44
i think your too ugly :D to be gay :D
So THAT what the doctor said when you were born.
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 18:46
Actually. That is gay. No offense to you, and you may not be interested in sex with males...but the word "metrosexual" was invented so that straight men don't have to say they have a gay lifestyle. I stilll think Metrosexuals are gay. I mean look at N Sync. No girls in the band, 5 guys, etc.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 18:49
You're right, it doesn't have anything to do with your sexuality. However, in males, it tends to go hand in hand. It's moving farther away from that with the "metrosexual revolution," but I still think it'd be interesting to see a sexuality version of the political spectrum with lifestyle on one axis and sexuality on the other.
I guess I would say that while there might be some slight correlation between personal style and sexuality, it's definitely cultural rather than sexual, so I don't think these two belong on the same graph.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 18:50
I stilll think Metrosexuals are gay. I mean look at N Sync. No girls in the band, 5 guys, etc.
Metrosexual mentallity pretty much means "I'll be as gay as it takes to get in this girls pants."
Before you know it, it's going to start meaning sex with another man, so long as the reward is sex with that girl.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 18:52
I guess I would say that while there might be some slight correlation between personal style and sexuality, it's definitely cultural rather than sexual, so I don't think these two belong on the same graph.
Why not? I'm interested in seeing the two compared, and the best way to compare things (time vs money...political left/right vs economic left/right, etc, etc) is put them on a graph on seperate axes.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 18:53
Metrosexual mentallity pretty much means "I'll be as gay as it takes to get in this girls pants."
Before you know it, it's going to start meaning sex with another man, so long as the reward is sex with that girl.
Nonsense. It's just a dumb media buzzword. Taking pride in your appearance is only considered "gay" because of stupid stereotypes. Do you really think that men's designer clothing was at one time made ONLY for gay men?
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 18:57
Nonsense. It's just a dumb media buzzword. Taking pride in your appearance is only considered "gay" because of stupid stereotypes. Do you really think that men's designer clothing was at one time made ONLY for gay men?
No, but at the same time, I think high maintenance men are even more rediculous then high maintenance women. I don't approve of high maintenance no matter sex or sexuality. I've actually stopped hanging out with some of my straight friends because they were "too gay," so to speak.
Now, I'm not suggesting men should walk around every where scratching their hairy belly through their half-tucked shirt, while carrying around an open beer can and belching...I mean, there's nothing wrong with looking nice. But if on a regular basis it takes you more than 15 minutes to shower, get dressed, and be ready to go out the door, there is something wrong.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 19:09
meh. I've never timed myself or anything. it's a silly thing to be concerned about. If it makes you happy, do it.
Oak Trail
06-08-2005, 19:11
I look nice from day to day. But all I use is soap and water. Sometimes face wash for the acne.
06-08-2005, 19:17
But I like long showers!!! As a gay man I'll have you know in my bathroom there is one tub of hair gel, toothbrush, tooth paste, shaving cream and rasor, face wash and shaving balm. Oh and a hair brush from when I had longer hair.
Jah Bootie
06-08-2005, 19:19
In five years every guy will be wearing moisturizer and sunscreen.
Neo Kervoskia
06-08-2005, 19:22
Hmmm.. I saw that coming.
From the picture it was very blatant he is straight. My sense lies more telling if people are in the closet.
I wonder what yall would say about me?? Even if the pics. are mostly 5 years old except 1.
Hmm, you don't look gay to me, but then again I don't have a full-blown gaydar.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 19:22
But I like long showers!!! As a gay man I'll have you know in my bathroom there is one tub of hair gel, toothbrush, tooth paste, shaving cream and rasor, face wash and shaving balm. Oh and a hair brush from when I had longer hair.
About 3 years ago, I started going to get haircuts more often, specifically to avoid messing with my hair. The person who does my hair continually insists that I buy all this shit to put in my hair and some high dollar shampoo, but I insist that she shuts the hell up and cuts my hair so that I don't have to mess with it any more.
The professor who did the study (J. Michael Bailey) is generally considered a quack. Do a Google search on him (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=j+michael+bailey&btnG=Search), and you'll see just what I mean on the first page of results.
Of course, some of his "findings" are fascinating, but they shouldn't be taken as hard science.
Tisk, tisk, you poor homosexuals and heterosexuals, why must you limit yourself to only one sex? With bisexuality it's win-win.
Exactly. ;) This same professor did a "study" and determined that male bisexuality doesn't exist. (http://www.queerday.com/2005/jul/07/bisexuality_research_the_work_of_crackpot_j_michael_bailey.html) :rolleyes:
06-08-2005, 20:17
How about you - do you have 'gay-dar'? Do you think you can do better than 70% accuacy? I personally don't think I could. I tend to be pretty oblivious when I meet new people. I'm more interested in making a new friend than determining if they want to sleep with men or not.
Yes. I do have strong gay dar, and I can pretty much tell just by looking at a guy. And then I would be able to support those assumptions with the way he acts.
06-08-2005, 20:49
However, with South Park, religion episodes trump all, so I've got to go with the two-parter that was on recently where Cartman starts a cult, and as punishment in the end, Jesus sends Cartman to a place much worse than hell--Mexico.
I thought it was Detroit.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 20:53
I thought it was Detroit.
...are you serious? How could that possibly be confused with Detriot? Have you even seen the episode?
06-08-2005, 21:05
...are you serious? How could that possibly be confused with Detriot? Have you even seen the episode?
*sighs* Remember the earlier Hell episodes with Chris and Saddam? They kept trying to kill each other but kept reappearing. The first times they did this they said on there return from death "Where was I supposed to go, Detroit?
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 21:08
*sighs* Remember the earlier Hell episodes with Chris and Saddam? They kept trying to kill each other but kept reappearing. The first times they did this they said on there return from death "Where was I supposed to go, Detroit?
Oh. That's the right episode. But that's not the place where Kenny ends up at the end of the first half and not where Jesus sends Cartman at the end of the episode.
Neo Kervoskia
06-08-2005, 21:23
Oh. That's the right episode. But that's not the place where Kenny ends up at the end of the first half and not where Jesus sends Cartman at the end of the episode.
Jesus sends Cartman to Mexico with Kenny.
06-08-2005, 21:31
GayDar misfires on a regular basis. I live in a predominantly gay neighborhood. I wish girls hit on me as often as guys do. While not metrosexual I do like some artsy/cultural things and use multiple hair care products. But I don't shop at the GAP. I think thast most gay guys and gals and the omnipresent fag-hags like to think their gaydar is infallible. Either that or I'm so dead sexy they won't take no for an answer.....
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 21:31
However, with South Park, religion episodes trump all, so I've got to go with the two-parter that was on recently where Cartman starts a cult, and as punishment in the end, Jesus sends Cartman to a place much worse than hell--Mexico.
Jesus sends Cartman to Mexico with Kenny.
Thank you.
So THAT what the doctor said when you were born.
probably. but now i'm handsome (so my girlfriend says :rolleyes: ) and happy. So yay!
07-08-2005, 16:18
I think Gaydar exists. But then, I don't think it's infallible - and I don't think it's only limited to gay people. I think gays and lesbians are more likely to have accurate gaydar because they are more likely to know what to look for.
I'm not brilliant, but not bad. And I can sometimes pick out closet cases, which can be a little depressing - especially as I then really don't know how to help.
And just because a guy is camp doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. Well, not according to my friend Tom, who has no masculinity (said so himself), but isn't gay (said so himself.
Of course, most people think he's a closet case, but as long as he's happy, we don't really care. :D