NationStates Jolt Archive

Clarification of Constitutional Rights

06-08-2005, 00:29
Found this on the web. Finally someone sticks to those whiny ass democrats. I am just angry that it wasn't me.
Following is taken from online version of Whittier Daily News.

Constitution revamped

"We The People Of The United States..." "We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common-sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden, delusional, and other bed-wetters.

We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of Non-Rights as such:

ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

The phrase In God we trust is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, tough!

I think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. If sensible people of the United States don't speak out, who will? The above has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia.

Anne Dornbush
06-08-2005, 00:33
So in other words:
This right-wing interpretation is correct, and the left-wing interpretation is wrong.
06-08-2005, 00:41
So in other words:
This right-wing interpretation is correct, and the left-wing interpretation is wrong.
You do not have a right to not be offended.
You do not have the right to force people to be politically correct.
You do not have the right to free money.
You do not have the right to punish other people for your stupidity.
You do not have the right to restrict other people's rights just because you yourself are an unfit parent.
If you rape or murder someone, you forfeit your own right to life.
If you committ a felony (a major violation of someone else's rights) you forfeit all of your rights. That includes the right to vote. (that's right excons have no constitutional right to vote).
06-08-2005, 00:42
Found this on the web. Finally someone sticks to those whiny ass democrats. I am just angry that it wasn't me.
Following is taken from online version of Whittier Daily News.

Constitution revamped

"We The People Of The United States..." "We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common-sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden, delusional, and other bed-wetters.

We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of Non-Rights as such:

ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

The phrase In God we trust is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, tough!

I think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. If sensible people of the United States don't speak out, who will? The above has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia.

Anne Dornbush
Yep, i'm sure they feel stuck alright. Stuck it to 'em. From the internet. Bravo.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 00:50
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Contradicts itself. Putting someone in the electric chair is physically harming them. You have no right to do that.

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Ok, fine, that means the current rich have no right to that either. Hand them over, we're going to sell them off to pay off our $7 TRILLION national debt.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Good, then why do we need the police? Why do we need insurance? Get rid of those, you have no right to be free from harm. This also contradicts Article VI, because then you HAVE the right to harm people if you have no right to be free from harm.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free housing if you're disable. You do not have the right to free food if you're mentally retarded. In fact, get the hell out of this country, they don't belong. You have no right to compensation if you can't work anymore, go die.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to be healthy. Enough said.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to accept gifts. You do not have the right to forclose accounts. You do not have the right to take anything from anyone, even if they voluntarily give it to you. You are to never accept anything ever again that you don't get yourself, including money that you need to print yourself.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do not have the right to a living wage. We'll gladly give you a low paying job as a janitor or at McDonald's where you earn $5.15 an hour when you need $8 to live in today's America. Fuck you.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

You have no right to happiness. You do not have the right to enjoy the satisfaction of robbing the poor in order to benefit the rich like Halliburton, you have no right to golf, or tax breaks because they are just giving you happiness. You have no right to religion either, because simply being part of one merely GIVES you happiness instead of letting you pursue it.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

Verily, I do say that these evident natures of the recourse of language escape you. I do say you shall return to whence thine came from. In fact, thine must return any culture at all, along with thee Irish, thee Europeans that did not cometh from Britannia. Leaveth, thine who cameth in thee 1900's.

Don't piss me off. You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. Don't make me do this again, you hear?
Globes R Us
06-08-2005, 00:51
1) You do not have a right to not be offended.
2) You do not have the right to force people to be politically correct.
3) You do not have the right to free money.
4) You do not have the right to punish other people for your stupidity.
5) You do not have the right to restrict other people's rights just because you yourself are an unfit parent.
6) If you rape or murder someone, you forfeit your own right to life.
7) If you committ a felony (a major violation of someone else's rights) you forfeit all of your rights. That includes the right to vote. (that's right excons have no constitutional right to vote).

1) Do you have the right to not be called a stupid fucker?
2) Do you have the right to not be called a ****** or spick or chink?
3) Do you have the right to welfare if sick?
4) King George is doing just that to your soldiers, over 2000 of them so far.
5) So if you deem someone to be an unfit parent, they lose all right to criticise others? Who judges the judges?
6) That's not the view of millions of people.
7) Criminals retain all human rights. It is only the extreme (and often calling themselves 'Christians') that would deny a fellow human being basic rights.
Lord-General Drache
06-08-2005, 00:51
Wanna know something funny? The Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians, which kinda blows the "one True God" thing outta the water.

As for Americans being the most charitable and generous on the planet..Hah, that one amuses me, greatly. We're not, by far. A lot of the ones I've met are selfish and would only give to charity to make themselves feel better, social pressure, some hope of purchasing good karma, or some foothold in Heaven, instead of altruistic reasons.

As to the rest of, it some of it seems a bit common sense, if not managing to be offensive and hostile at the same time. The rest...egh.
Globes R Us
06-08-2005, 00:52
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Contradicts itself. Putting someone in the electric chair is physically harming them. You have no right to do that.

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Ok, fine, that means the current rich have no right to that either. Hand them over, we're going to sell them off to pay off our $7 TRILLION national debt.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Good, then why do we need the police? Why do we need insurance? Get rid of those, you have no right to be free from harm. This also contradicts Article VI, because then you HAVE the right to harm people if you have no right to be free from harm.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free housing if you're disable. You do not have the right to free food if you're mentally retarded. In fact, get the hell out of this country, they don't belong. You have no right to compensation if you can't work anymore, go die.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to be healthy. Enough said.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to accept gifts. You do not have the right to forclose accounts. You do not have the right to take anything from anyone, even if they voluntarily give it to you. You are to never accept anything ever again that you don't get yourself, including money that you need to print yourself.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do not have the right to a living wage. We'll gladly give you a low paying job as a janitor or at McDonald's where you earn $5.15 an hour when you need $8 to live in today's America. Fuck you.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

You have no right to happiness. You do not have the right to enjoy the satisfaction of robbing the poor in order to benefit the rich like Halliburton, you have no right to golf, or tax breaks because they are just giving you happiness. You have no right to religion either, because simply being part of one merely GIVES you happiness instead of letting you pursue it.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

Verily, I do say that these evident natures of the recourse of language escape you. I do say you shall return to whence thine came from. In fact, thine must return any culture at all, along with thee Irish, thee Europeans that did not cometh from Britannia. Leaveth, thine who cameth in thee 1900's.

Don't piss me off. You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. Don't make me do this again, you hear?

Well said, and 100% better than me.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 00:54
Wanna know something funny? The Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians, which kinda blows the "one True God" thing outta the water.

As for Americans being the most charitable and generous on the planet..Hah, that one amuses me, greatly. We're not, by far. A lot of the ones I've met are selfish and would only give to charity to make themselves feel better, social pressure, some hope of purchasing good karma, or some foothold in Heaven, instead of altruistic reasons.

As to the rest of, it some of it seems a bit common sense, if not managing to be offensive and hostile at the same time. The rest...egh.

Being forced to speak English is not common sense. That is just retarded. Honestly, NO country in the world forces their people to speak only 1 language.
06-08-2005, 00:55
You've posted this before, Whittier. At least give us new trolling.
Lord-General Drache
06-08-2005, 00:56
Being forced to speak English is not common sense. That is just retarded. Honestly, NO country in the world forces their people to speak only 1 language.

I said some of it. However, I do think that if you're going to go live in a country, any country, you learn the dominant language and become fluent in it. There are a number of people who have not done this, by lack of opportunity (which is forgivable), or by choice (which just annoys me).
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 00:58
I said some of it. However, I do think that if you're going to go live in a country, any country, you learn the dominant language and become fluent in it. There are a number of people who have not done this, by lack of opportunity (which is forgivable), or by choice (which just annoys me).

So what? You have no right to restrict what language you are allowed to speak in any country. I have yet to hear of any law by any nation saying you can't speak a certain language, with the exception of possibly US restrictions against Native American languages because they were trying to "whitewash" them.

Furthermore, remember non-right #2? You have no right not to be offended, you hypocrite. Just because it annoys you doesn't mean you're allowed to stop it.
Lord-General Drache
06-08-2005, 01:05
So what? You have no right to restrict what language you are allowed to speak in any country. I have yet to hear of any law by any nation saying you can't speak a certain language, with the exception of possibly US restrictions against Native American languages because they were trying to "whitewash" them.

Furthermore, remember non-right #2? You have no right not to be offended, you hypocrite. Just because it annoys you doesn't mean you're allowed to stop it.
I just feel it's common courtesy. If you care about the country you're moving to enought to want to live in it, I think it's polite to learn the language. I never stated that other languages should be excluded in any country, but that one should have fluency in the dominant language, in order to ease communication between two people. Frankly, I rather like Europe's idea of having people learn a few languages throughout their educational career.

And I never specified which I agreed with (and the ones I do agree with are only to a partial degree), so calling me a hypocrite and putting words in my mouth is a bit pointless.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 01:09
You disagreed with the charitable part. You said the rest was based on common sense but offensive. So I assumed you agreed with #2 since you never called it out specifically and said you agreed pretty much with all but the charity one.

Besides, common courtesy is dead. Just look at Whittier.
Poison and Rice
06-08-2005, 01:09
So what? You have no right to restrict what language you are allowed to speak in any country. I have yet to hear of any law by any nation saying you can't speak a certain language, with the exception of possibly US restrictions against Native American languages because they were trying to "whitewash" them.

Furthermore, remember non-right #2? You have no right not to be offended, you hypocrite. Just because it annoys you doesn't mean you're allowed to stop it.

he didnt say that it needs to be a law. dumbass.
06-08-2005, 01:10
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Has anyone ever argued that people have the right to wealth? It's news to me.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

After reading some of these articles, I certainly can't argue with the last clause here. There is, however, a difference between "the right to never be offended" and "the right to be treated with the respect and dignity accorded a human being." Very few liberals/Democrats would argue in favor of the former, since that would go against the First Amendment.

ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Can't argue there.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

Aw, isn't it nice to know that conservatives can judge one's achievements so perfectly? Obviously, all unemployed or disabled people want to be unemployed or disabled, 'cause it's so much fun!

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

Yep. Poor people don't deserve kidneys like rich people do! Sounds fair...

ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Okay, I won't be surprised if people want that. Unfortunately for them, they don't have the right to physically harm other people, either.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

Because liberals want to keep criminals out of jail...right. Sure. Ooh, look, a scarecrow! Guess what he's made out of?

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

Wait, I thought you just said you wouldn't help me along in hard times? You know, up there in articles IV and V? I'm sure I read something about having to live on the street with no healthcare unless I did things you deemed "useful"...

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

Oh, okay. Fantastic idea. Let's repeal all the laws protecting our rights, and then everyone will be happy. Actually, come to think of it, let's just save time and declare this a authoritarian dictatorship. Those are fun!

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

Funny - I was under the impression we didn't have an official language. Oh well, time for some rewrites...


Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore -
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door -
And if you can't read this, you can just keep on yearning,
You stupid foreign scum.

*wipes tear* Beautiful. Just beautiful.

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

The phrase In God we trust is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, tough!

Oh, okay. I guess if we can't change things, we'd better reinstitute slavery. And powdered wigs. They're part of our heritage, so no more letting your real hair show! And guys, you'd better get your tights on right now, because respecting history means ignoring the present - or didn't you know? Oh, and bring back Prohibition - it's part of our heritage, so we can't change it.

Oddly enough, I was also under the impression that fundamental human rights weren't "given" to me, but hey, sure. Just so long as we can burn anyone I think is a witch. It's part of our history!
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 01:10
he didnt say that it needs to be a law. dumbass.

And if he lists those as things you should follow, they might not be laws, but they're still guidelines that he thinks every American should follow, dumbass. I'm proving how if he follows any of them, he destroys America.
Lord-General Drache
06-08-2005, 01:14
You disagreed with the charitable part. You said the rest was based on common sense but offensive. So I assumed you agreed with #2 since you never called it out specifically and said you agreed pretty much with all but the charity one.

Besides, common courtesy is dead. Just look at Whittier.

I said some was common sense. Yes, I disagreed with Americans being charitable and generous, because that's what I've seen consistantly. I didn't specify what, because I figured if someone was curious, they'd ask, and I'd respond. It's been my experience here that people don't often read long, well thought out posts, but best respond to a number of well thought out smaller posts. *Shrugs*

You're new to Nationstates forums (or a very infrequent poster) I see, so may I make a friendly tip, and suggest that you never assume? Let someone clarify, or make an ass out of themselves on their own, or ask for clarification yourself. Otherwise, it may wind up being detrimental to your debate, no matter how eloquent and thought out it may be.
Edit: Somehow, I misread your join date as something else. I think it was the post count I saw first. So, I'll edit that tip.
Poison and Rice
06-08-2005, 01:15
And if he lists those as things you should follow, they might not be laws, but they're still guidelines that he thinks every American should follow, dumbass. I'm proving how if he follows any of them, he destroys America.

i don't want to put words into drache's mouth, so i'll just say that from my perspective, anybody who moves to a foreign nation, makes no attempt to learn the dominant language, and then is confused about why they dont get the same opportunities as others is just naive. communication is vital to the functioning of a democracy... dumbass.
The Great Sixth Reich
06-08-2005, 01:15
You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself.

You just wrote that everybody has to accept your beliefs about what is fine (homosexuality, the media), but censoring isn't allow. In other words, you write that you are against censorship, but then say people don't have the right to have their own views one the listed issues.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 01:19
Can you contradict yourself any worse? You just wrote that everybody has to accept your beliefs about what is fine (homosexuality, the media), but censoring isn't allow. In other words, you write that you are against censorship, but then say people don't have the right to have their own views one the listed issues.

No, I didn't. I never said they HAVE to accept them, they just no longer have the right to be offended about them and bitch about them.

Even more so, that statement was made under HIS non rights, and because I was trying to show how his don't work and are contradictory, I suceeded anyway.
06-08-2005, 01:23
No, I didn't. I never said they HAVE to accept them, they just no longer have the right to be offended about them and bitch about them.

Even more so, that statement was made under HIS non rights, and because I was trying to show how his don't work and are contradictory, I suceeded anyway.

What you're trying to say is that they still have the right to be offended by them, they can just no longer put that offense into law by depriving gays of rights that they would have for themselves. Everyone has the right to be offended by whatever they want. They just don't have the right to force other people to act in a way that does not offend them.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 01:25
What you're trying to say is that they still have the right to be offended by them, they can just no longer put that offense into law by depriving gays of rights that they would have for themselves. Everyone has the right to be offended by whatever they want. They just don't have the right to force other people to act in a way that does not offend them.

That's one way to look at the statements I made, basically saying being offended isn't a reason to violate a person's natural rights.

Another way to look at it is that his Non-Rights fail when put up to the test of issues the Republican Party stands on.
The Great Sixth Reich
06-08-2005, 01:26
No, I didn't. I never said they HAVE to accept them, they just no longer have the right to be offended about them and bitch about them.

That's the problem. It's censorship when people limit speech on a subject, and you just wrote they "just no longer have the right to be offended about them and bitch about them", which supports censorship.

Even more so, that statement was made under HIS non rights, and because I was trying to show how his don't work and are contradictory, I suceeded anyway.

I agree with you there. ;)
06-08-2005, 01:43
Strike X and XI and we have a consensus. We've never had and never will have an official language. But if pursuing happyness means a better job and or education to you learning english will help a lot. My gr. granpaw Nich sprechen but his son did. That's why he worked in a tannery and his son was on the board of directors at one. That's the way it works and it's worked pretty well. If you look at the foundiong fatehrs there are a lot of deists. Alot of the early colonists left countries that had the habit of passing laws for or against one religion or the other. I think that that was a good chunk of their motivation in making a government without a religious bias.
Free Soviets
06-08-2005, 01:46
You do not have a right to not be offended.

so i take it you will be joining us in our fight to stop any attempt to outlaw flag burning. and in the fight for gay marriage. and to drum stupid religious nonsense out of science class in the brutally honest way it deserves. and to get rid of any remaining laws preventing people from buying, selling, or using sex toys and pornography. and to abolish censorship in libraries and on tv. etc.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 01:48
Strike X and XI and we have a consensus. We've never had and never will have an official language. But if pursuing happyness means a better job and or education to you learning english will help a lot. My gr. granpaw Nich sprechen but his son did. That's why he worked in a tannery and his son was on the board of directors at one. That's the way it works and it's worked pretty well. If you look at the foundiong fatehrs there are a lot of deists. Alot of the early colonists left countries that had the habit of passing laws for or against one religion or the other. I think that that was a good chunk of their motivation in making a government without a religious bias.

Oh no you don't. I disagree with all of them. Every last one.

See my post on the first page as to why.
06-08-2005, 01:48
That's one way to look at the statements I made, basically saying being offended isn't a reason to violate a person's natural rights.

I understand. I was just rephrasing it a way that couldn't be disagreed using the logic the other poster was using.

Another way to look at it is that his Non-Rights fail when put up to the test of issues the Republican Party stands on.

Clearly. The list is a cute bit of rhetoric, but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny whatsoever.
06-08-2005, 02:03
I'm left with the overwhelming suspicion that this article stemmed from an original with a few good ideas, but was then quickly scanned, considered and loosely translated by a drunken Jeff Foxworthy.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 02:05
I'm left with the overwhelming suspicion that this article stemmed from an original with a few good ideas, but was then quickly scanned, considered and loosely translated by a drunken Jeff Foxworthy.

Even Jeff Foxworthy couldn't be this stupid.
Globes R Us
06-08-2005, 02:10
I suppose it's too much to ask people to stop babbling on about their rights and look a bit closer at their responsibilities?
06-08-2005, 02:11
Even Jeff Foxworthy couldn't be this stupid.
Well, this much I can promise--

The translator definitely keeps his collection of Nascar memorabilia next to a velvet Jesus. Of that, you can be sure.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 02:13
I suppose it's too much to ask people to stop babbling on about their rights and look a bit closer at their responsibilities?

The only responsibilities people have are to not violate others rights without consent, and Whittier's obviously violated my right to intelligent debate.
06-08-2005, 02:14
I suppose it's too much to ask people to stop babbling on about their rights and look a bit closer at their responsibilities?
Ummmm, I thought that the flip side to liberty was personal responsibility?
San Texario
06-08-2005, 02:25
In all fairness, Jeff Foxworthy can be funny, in my opinion. Coming from one of those far off lefty/libertarians.
06-08-2005, 04:06
I suppose it's too much to ask people to stop babbling on about their rights and look a bit closer at their responsibilities?

Interesting side of the coin, isn't it?
But MAJOR Kudos to SW Asia for sticking it to him! YEAH! ROCK ON!
06-08-2005, 05:20
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

The phrase In God we trust is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, tough!

I think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. If sensible people of the United States don't speak out, who will? The above has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia.

Anne Dornbush

It wasn't founded on the belief of one true god. The framers were mostly deists and believed in natural law. That god as you know it isn't god as THEY believed him to be. Think of the "force" and you'll have something more atune with what the framers believed. Hell the first four presidents weren't even christian. It wasn't untill John QUINCY Adams till we had a legitimate christian president.

As for english, its something you don't really need to worry about. We do business in english, and because of that, we don't really need to worry about other languages.

We should be more inclined to make sure our natural born American citizens however are keenly aware of their responsibilities to our Constitutional Republic and their loyalties to it. Do that, and you don't have to worry about "other cultures" because you are going to continue to have a legitimate populace who believes in our Republic's founding.
Neo Rogolia
06-08-2005, 05:21
Found this on the web. Finally someone sticks to those whiny ass democrats. I am just angry that it wasn't me.
Following is taken from online version of Whittier Daily News.

Constitution revamped

"We The People Of The United States..." "We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common-sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden, delusional, and other bed-wetters.

We hold these truths to be self evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim they require a Bill of Non-Rights as such:

ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

The phrase In God we trust is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, tough!

I think it's about time common sense is allowed to flourish. If sensible people of the United States don't speak out, who will? The above has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia.

Anne Dornbush

Neo Kervoskia
06-08-2005, 05:23
Ahw, yes, the Bill of No Rights. It's always a pleasure to read your threads, Whittier.
Neo Rogolia
06-08-2005, 05:24
Wanna know something funny? The Founding Fathers were deists, not Christians, which kinda blows the "one True God" thing outta the water.

As for Americans being the most charitable and generous on the planet..Hah, that one amuses me, greatly. We're not, by far. A lot of the ones I've met are selfish and would only give to charity to make themselves feel better, social pressure, some hope of purchasing good karma, or some foothold in Heaven, instead of altruistic reasons.

As to the rest of, it some of it seems a bit common sense, if not managing to be offensive and hostile at the same time. The rest...egh.

Jefferson and a few others were deists. The vast majority were Christian.
06-08-2005, 05:27
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

And lastly: ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faith at all with no fear of persecution.

Article X is wrong. They can stay, but they aren't allowedd to bitch about the lack of services in any language other than english.

Article XI is partly wrong. Also disregard the Treaty of Tripoli as that was essentially signed under duress. While it is probable that most of if not all of the founding fathers believed in some sort of god they were not all part of active christian sects. There's a reason that the constitution is phrased the way it is and it's not so that christians could claim sole ownership of the country, however large a part they played in it's founding.
06-08-2005, 05:56
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Contradicts itself. Putting someone in the electric chair is physically harming them. You have no right to do that.

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Ok, fine, that means the current rich have no right to that either. Hand them over, we're going to sell them off to pay off our $7 TRILLION national debt.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Good, then why do we need the police? Why do we need insurance? Get rid of those, you have no right to be free from harm. This also contradicts Article VI, because then you HAVE the right to harm people if you have no right to be free from harm.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free housing if you're disable. You do not have the right to free food if you're mentally retarded. In fact, get the hell out of this country, they don't belong. You have no right to compensation if you can't work anymore, go die.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to be healthy. Enough said.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to accept gifts. You do not have the right to forclose accounts. You do not have the right to take anything from anyone, even if they voluntarily give it to you. You are to never accept anything ever again that you don't get yourself, including money that you need to print yourself.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do not have the right to a living wage. We'll gladly give you a low paying job as a janitor or at McDonald's where you earn $5.15 an hour when you need $8 to live in today's America. Fuck you.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

You have no right to happiness. You do not have the right to enjoy the satisfaction of robbing the poor in order to benefit the rich like Halliburton, you have no right to golf, or tax breaks because they are just giving you happiness. You have no right to religion either, because simply being part of one merely GIVES you happiness instead of letting you pursue it.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

Verily, I do say that these evident natures of the recourse of language escape you. I do say you shall return to whence thine came from. In fact, thine must return any culture at all, along with thee Irish, thee Europeans that did not cometh from Britannia. Leaveth, thine who cameth in thee 1900's.

Don't piss me off. You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. Don't make me do this again, you hear?

Well and the libs start in.

1. "Contradicts itself. Putting someone in the electric chair is physically harming them. You have no right to do that."

There is no contradiction. Just an attempt to promote European socialism on your part. If you kill, you are violating someone's right to life. By doing so, you forfeit your own right to life. According to the Social Contract Theory by Mr. Hobbes, found in his book, "Leviathon", it is government that is intrusted with the power to execute murderers. It is given this right so that those of us who live moral, law abiding lives don't have worry about someone killing us and then getting away with it.

2. Looks to me like you misread.
"Ok, fine, that means the current rich have no right to that either. Hand them over, we're going to sell them off to pay off our $7 TRILLION national debt."
First off, there is no $7 trillion national debt. The national was $5 trillion but is now $3.5 trillion thanks to Bush's economic policies. But that's a seperate topic.
The point of this article was that you do not have the right free property. This is a point that is repeated and emphasized in her letter. What she is saying is that you don't have the right to steal just because you want something. You must work hard and earn the money to acquire your own possessions. You do not have the right to take from someone else whether by robbery, coercion, or fraud. Property redistribution, which you advocate in your response, is a violation of the US Constitution.

3. "You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself."
a. Nay, you do not have a right to not be offended by pop culture.
b. Censorship is necessary to prevent riots or "screaming fire in crowded theater" type scenarios. It is necessary if there is a reasonable expectation that violence will result. I'm against censorship but in extreme circumstances, it is a necessary evil.
c. Nay, rather, you do not have a right to not be offended by homosexuals.
d. Nice to see you can flame.

4. "Good, then why do we need the police? Why do we need insurance? Get rid of those, you have no right to be free from harm. This also contradicts Article VI, because then you HAVE the right to harm people if you have no right to be free from harm."

Again you miss the point. The point is personal accountability. Personal responsibility for one's own decisions and actions. If you stick the screwdriver in your own eye, you do not have the right to sue the manufacturer just so you can get rich quick. It does not say anything about a right to be free from harm. But rather, that if you do something stupid and you get hurt, the only person responsible is you. Basic common sense. This has nothing to do with police. And nothing to do with insurance except the fact that people who injure themselves by failing to follow proper instructions and not doing something the proper way, and then file a claim are actually committing theft via insurance fraud.
This is seperate from VI and hence there is no comparison.

5. "You do not have the right to free housing if you're disable. You do not have the right to free food if you're mentally retarded. In fact, get the hell out of this country, they don't belong. You have no right to compensation if you can't work anymore, go die."
Libs are pretty good at twisting stuff. Find a dictionary and look up the term couch potatoe.

6. You do not have the right to force other people to pay for your medical care when you are the one fucking up your own health.

7. "You do not have the right to accept gifts. You do not have the right to forclose accounts. You do not have the right to take anything from anyone, even if they voluntarily give it to you. You are to never accept anything ever again that you don't get yourself, including money that you need to print yourself."
Again, this lib is maliciously twisting what the author of the article wrote. This goes with the earlier one on the right to be secure in one's property. You don't have the right to take what is not yours. You don't have the right to steal. The only way for you to constitutionally obtain property from another person is if it was a gift. But the paragraph was addressing theft, not gift giving.

8. "You do not have the right to a living wage. We'll gladly give you a low paying job as a janitor or at McDonald's where you earn $5.15 an hour when you need $8 to live in today's America. Fuck you."

Another commie attempt at twisting the words of a true American.
a. She is saying that you do not have the right to force someone to hire you. If you don't have what they are looking for, they don't have to hire you. Its their right.
b. The paragraph has nothing to do with minimum wage. It has everything to do with employers' right to decide who they will and will not hire.
c. Flaming a second time.

9. "You have no right to happiness. You do not have the right to enjoy the satisfaction of robbing the poor in order to benefit the rich like Halliburton, you have no right to golf, or tax breaks because they are just giving you happiness. You have no right to religion either, because simply being part of one merely GIVES you happiness instead of letting you pursue it.
Only socialists believe in a right to happiness. That is why they advocate abolition of religious freedom, abolition of families and repeal of the right to private property and forced redistribution of income.
a. None of those things make people happy, they are just tools in pursuing happiness much as religion is. See what you seek is the repeal of property rights just like Stalin and all the other commies sought.

"Verily, I do say that these evident natures of the recourse of language escape you. I do say you shall return to whence thine came from. In fact, thine must return any culture at all, along with thee Irish, thee Europeans that did not cometh from Britannia. Leaveth, thine who cameth in thee 1900's."

If you move to a country, it is YOUR responsibility to learn and speak the dominant language. In the US, all official government business is done in English. You do not have the right to force your language on the host nation.

"Don't piss me off. You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. Don't make me do this again, you hear?"

You're pretty good at trolling. Or do you actually believe the crap you just posted? Russia and Eastern Europe tried communism. Take their word for it, communism is a failed and bankrupt system.
06-08-2005, 05:58
1) Do you have the right to not be called a stupid fucker?
2) Do you have the right to not be called a ****** or spick or chink?
3) Do you have the right to welfare if sick?
4) King George is doing just that to your soldiers, over 2000 of them so far.
5) So if you deem someone to be an unfit parent, they lose all right to criticise others? Who judges the judges?
6) That's not the view of millions of people.
7) Criminals retain all human rights. It is only the extreme (and often calling themselves 'Christians') that would deny a fellow human being basic rights.
1. no
2. no
3. no
4. not true
5. Yes
6. The US is governed by the constitution, not by millions of people.
7. They don't retain all rights and not all rights can be classed as basic human rights. Voting is not a human right.
06-08-2005, 06:00
So what? You have no right to restrict what language you are allowed to speak in any country. I have yet to hear of any law by any nation saying you can't speak a certain language, with the exception of possibly US restrictions against Native American languages because they were trying to "whitewash" them.

Furthermore, remember non-right #2? You have no right not to be offended, you hypocrite. Just because it annoys you doesn't mean you're allowed to stop it.
It can be banned in instances in which it interferes with official government business or in law enforcement efforts.
06-08-2005, 06:02
There is no contradiction. Just an attempt to promote European socialism on your part. If you kill, you are violating someone's right to life. By doing so, you forfeit your own right to life. According to the Social Contract Theory by Mr. Hobbes, found in his book, "Leviathon", it is government that is intrusted with the power to execute murderers. It is given this right so that those of us who live moral, law abiding lives don't have worry about someone killing us and then getting away with it.
See, this is where you're going wrong, you're following Hobbes not Locke and later Burke. In fact Eurosoc follows much closer along the lines of Hobbesian philosophy than does the american government although that difference is unfortunately becoming less and less as our country turns away from it's Lockian roots.
06-08-2005, 06:13
so i take it you will be joining us in our fight to stop any attempt to outlaw flag burning. and in the fight for gay marriage. and to drum stupid religious nonsense out of science class in the brutally honest way it deserves. and to get rid of any remaining laws preventing people from buying, selling, or using sex toys and pornography. and to abolish censorship in libraries and on tv. etc.
1. Flag burning is protected political speech.
2. Neither the state nor federal governments have the power to dictate who can marry whome. This is an infringment on the right to pursue happiness.
3. Seperate issue.
4. What people do in the privacy of their own homes is none of the governments business.
5. Depends what type of censorship you are speaking of. Since only political and religious speech are constitutionally protected.
06-08-2005, 06:14
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.

Contradicts itself. Putting someone in the electric chair is physically harming them. You have no right to do that.

You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.

Ok, fine, that means the current rich have no right to that either. Hand them over, we're going to sell them off to pay off our $7 TRILLION national debt.

ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots and probably always will be.

You do NOT have the right to be offended by pop culture. You have no right to censor, you have no right to be offended by homosexuals. Go off into a corner and fuck yourself.

You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.

Good, then why do we need the police? Why do we need insurance? Get rid of those, you have no right to be free from harm. This also contradicts Article VI, because then you HAVE the right to harm people if you have no right to be free from harm.

ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.

You do not have the right to free housing if you're disable. You do not have the right to free food if you're mentally retarded. In fact, get the hell out of this country, they don't belong. You have no right to compensation if you can't work anymore, go die.

ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.

You do not have the right to be healthy. Enough said.

ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen color TV or a life of leisure.

You do not have the right to accept gifts. You do not have the right to forclose accounts. You do not have the right to take anything from anyone, even if they voluntarily give it to you. You are to never accept anything ever again that you don't get yourself, including money that you need to print yourself.

ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want you to have a job and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.

You do not have the right to a living wage. We'll gladly give you a low paying job as a janitor or at McDonald's where you earn $5.15 an hour when you need $8 to live in today's America. Fuck you.

ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness, which by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

You have no right to happiness. You do not have the right to enjoy the satisfaction of robbing the poor in order to benefit the rich like Halliburton, you have no right to golf, or tax breaks because they are just giving you happiness. You have no right to religion either, because simply being part of one merely GIVES you happiness instead of letting you pursue it.

ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you are from, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!

Verily, I do say that these evident natures of the recourse of language escape you. I do say you shall return to whence thine came from. In fact, thine must return any culture at all, along with thee Irish, thee Europeans that did not cometh from Britannia. Leaveth, thine who cameth in thee 1900's.

Don't piss me off. You're wrong, and I'll prove it to you. Don't make me do this again, you hear?

is there a point to try prove the right wing constitution wrong? do you feel the need to state that you have different beliefs than him. don't tell me you've never contridicted yourself because as a human you have more than one in your life. i think it's noble he's not just bitching about the latest thing Bush did seeing as that's what's the cool new thing to do is bitch at the republicans saying they're bigots, idiots, and selfish when the democrats are just as racist, selfish, and idiotic.
06-08-2005, 06:14
According to the Social Contract Theory by Mr. Hobbes, found in his book, "Leviathon"...

We used to have a saying years ago when I did Lincoln-Douglas debate in high school - "As soon as someone quotes Hobbes, you know they're either desperate or just plain nuts."

a. Nay, you do not have a right to not be offended by pop culture.

That...doesn't even make sense. What the heck is that supposed to mean?

c. Nay, rather, you do not have a right to not be offended by homosexuals.

See above. So, what do you do to me if I'm not offended? Electrocute me?

Libs are pretty good at twisting stuff. Find a dictionary and look up the term couch potatoe.

Well, I somehow doubt you'll find it there, unless you're consulting the Dan Quayle edition. But even beyond that, how on earth would one legislate that? How many hours need one spend on a couch to qualify as a potato? Would medical conditions causing additional couch hours be taken into account? What if you choose to sit on a chair rather than a couch? And how about those people who exercise and stay in shape - are they still eligible for root-vegetable status?

6. You do not have the right to force other people to pay for your medical care when you are the one fucking up your own health.

Ah. Right. All people who are ill got that way just to spite conservatives. Sure. Those cancerous bastards!

Another commie attempt at twisting the words of a true American.

BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you use this sort of nonsense rhetoric?

a. She is saying that you do not have the right to force someone to hire you. If you don't have what they are looking for, they don't have to hire you. Its their right.

Well, unless what they are looking for is "big tits" or "not black" or "not gay," in which case, no, it really isn't.

Only socialists believe in a right to happiness. That is why they advocate abolition of religious freedom, abolition of families and repeal of the right to private property and forced redistribution of income.

*falls off chair laughing* Yup, I hear that all the time, where by "all the time," I mean, "never in my life."

If you move to a country, it is YOUR responsibility to learn and speak the dominant language. In the US, all official government business is done in English. You do not have the right to force your language on the host nation.

Right, because those dam' furiners are gonna turn us all furin with their furin ways! The English language is in grave danger of dying out! Ooh, look - flying pigs!

Russia and Eastern Europe tried communism. Take their word for it, communism is a failed and bankrupt system.

Liberalism /= socialism /= communism. At all. Understand, Mr. McCarthy?
06-08-2005, 06:17
It wasn't founded on the belief of one true god. The framers were mostly deists and believed in natural law. That god as you know it isn't god as THEY believed him to be. Think of the "force" and you'll have something more atune with what the framers believed. Hell the first four presidents weren't even christian. It wasn't untill John QUINCY Adams till we had a legitimate christian president.

As for english, its something you don't really need to worry about. We do business in english, and because of that, we don't really need to worry about other languages.

We should be more inclined to make sure our natural born American citizens however are keenly aware of their responsibilities to our Constitutional Republic and their loyalties to it. Do that, and you don't have to worry about "other cultures" because you are going to continue to have a legitimate populace who believes in our Republic's founding.

I agree on all but the first part. The founders didn't consider God to be merely a force as presented in the Star Wars series. They viewed him as a actual entity.
06-08-2005, 06:22
Article X is wrong. They can stay, but they aren't allowedd to bitch about the lack of services in any language other than english.

Article XI is partly wrong. Also disregard the Treaty of Tripoli as that was essentially signed under duress. While it is probable that most of if not all of the founding fathers believed in some sort of god they were not all part of active christian sects. There's a reason that the constitution is phrased the way it is and it's not so that christians could claim sole ownership of the country, however large a part they played in it's founding.
agreed on both counts.
But the reason for the Religious Freedom clause wasn't what happened in Europe, though events in Europe were influential, but rather the fact that you had too many different denominations active in America to permit the establishment of an official religion.
Many, but not all the founders were active in their churches. But then again it ought to be noted that activism in the church back then meant nothing more than being a bench warmer on Sunday mornings. In that respect, most of the founders were active church members. Churches back then operated differently than today.
06-08-2005, 06:25
See, this is where you're going wrong, you're following Hobbes not Locke and later Burke. In fact Eurosoc follows much closer along the lines of Hobbesian philosophy than does the american government although that difference is unfortunately becoming less and less as our country turns away from it's Lockian roots.
You are right here. And it is unfortunate that America is turning in that direction. In referring to Hobbes, I was attempting to explain the concept of personal responsibility and why government has the power that it has to execute people who commit murder.
06-08-2005, 06:29
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment VII

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

It seems you had a right wing overdose and forgot the text. I notice that none of those "amendments" have any equivalent in real life. So the writer is either committing treason, being an idiot, or is simply illiterate. And I'm pretty sure this is old.

I have to ask, why the hell do you so violently attack Socialism and leftism in general? I'd also like to know if you actually believe that America was founded as a Christian nation.
06-08-2005, 06:39
Aw, isn't it nice to know that conservatives can judge one's achievements so perfectly? Obviously, all unemployed or disabled people want to be unemployed or disabled, 'cause it's so much fun!

I know I'm having an absolute fucking ball stuck in this chair. :)
06-08-2005, 07:07
Found this on the web. Finally someone sticks to those whiny ass democrats.

You realize you are nothing but a laughingstock, right? Nobody, even those who agree with some of your beliefs, think you are intelligent in the least?
Lord-General Drache
06-08-2005, 07:23
You realize you are nothing but a laughingstock, right? Nobody, even those who agree with some of your beliefs, think you are intelligent in the least?

Eh, well, Neo Regolia applauded what he posted.
06-08-2005, 07:34
According to the Social Contract Theory by Mr. Hobbes, found in his book, "Leviathon", it is government that is intrusted with the power to execute murderers.
Either Leviathan or Wealth of Nations.
Either Hobbes or Smith.
You can't have both. Make your!
06-08-2005, 07:41
This is one of the angstier threads i've seen in some time. Sure I agree with some points, albeit in a subtler and friendlier way than the original post, I also disagree. Why, because I can. There were also some bits that were taken slightly out of context, but irregardless. I'm tired and rambling, everyone is right and everyone is wrong, all at the same time. Awesome. 'night
Globes R Us
06-08-2005, 13:50
1. no
2. no
3. no
4. not true
5. Yes
6. The US is governed by the constitution, not by millions of people.
7. They don't retain all rights and not all rights can be classed as basic human rights. Voting is not a human right.

I'll confine myself to your answer to my post as others are demonstrating your weak reasoning far better than me.
1) You believe that a stranger can walk up to say, a 99 year old woman, call her a stupid fucker and this woman has to accept it? What kind of society is this?
2) Again, a black family is dining out, father, mother, three children. Are you telling me that anyone has the right to stand at their table and hurl racial insults at them? What kind of society is this?
3) There is no welfare for sick people? What kind of society is this?
4) Not true? The Brush sends his forces into an illegal war, pursuing an illegal invasion of a sovereign country, in a pre-emptive strike, 100's of thousands of Iraqis are killed, thousands of Americans and allies, the country is rapidly descending into civil war, all on a lie told to the American people, all for personal gain, America at its lowest international standing ever, and you say not true? What kind of society is this?
5) I ask again, who judges the judges? What kind of society is this?
6) You don't believe in democracy? What kind of society is this?
7) Convicted criminals retain basic human rights. You would change this? What kind of society is this?
06-08-2005, 20:12
I'll confine myself to your answer to my post as others are demonstrating your weak reasoning far better than me.
1) You believe that a stranger can walk up to say, a 99 year old woman, call her a stupid fucker and this woman has to accept it? What kind of society is this?
2) Again, a black family is dining out, father, mother, three children. Are you telling me that anyone has the right to stand at their table and hurl racial insults at them? What kind of society is this?
3) There is no welfare for sick people? What kind of society is this?
4) Not true? The Brush sends his forces into an illegal war, pursuing an illegal invasion of a sovereign country, in a pre-emptive strike, 100's of thousands of Iraqis are killed, thousands of Americans and allies, the country is rapidly descending into civil war, all on a lie told to the American people, all for personal gain, America at its lowest international standing ever, and you say not true? What kind of society is this?
5) I ask again, who judges the judges? What kind of society is this?
6) You don't believe in democracy? What kind of society is this?
7) Convicted criminals retain basic human rights. You would change this? What kind of society is this?

1. As long as he doesn't threaten physical harm, (or stalk her)he is well within his free speech rights.
2. See 1.
3. The vast majority of the ill are not professionally ill. Enough said.
4. That's just your opinion, its not law. Nor has it ever been nor ever will be legal opinion. And the facts you present as regards the war are just plain wrong.
5. There is one judge over the rights of the people and the power of the government, and that is the US Constitution. Not the people.
6. Democracy= Tyranny by the majority. The majority = wrong 80% of the time.
7. Again, things like voting, are not basic human rights. They can be revoked at any time.
06-08-2005, 20:16
You've posted this before, Whittier. At least give us new trolling.
"Whittles" is probably on a talking-point high. Kinda like a seizure.
06-08-2005, 20:25
Democracy= Tyranny by the majority. The majority = wrong 80% of the time.

OK, I"ll bite. what kind of tyranny do you prefer? In your opinion, who should decide things? You? :sniper:
Globes R Us
06-08-2005, 23:40
1. As long as he doesn't threaten physical harm, (or stalk her)he is well within his free speech rights.
2. See 1.
3. The vast majority of the ill are not professionally ill. Enough said.
4. That's just your opinion, its not law. Nor has it ever been nor ever will be legal opinion. And the facts you present as regards the war are just plain wrong.
5. There is one judge over the rights of the people and the power of the government, and that is the US Constitution. Not the people.
6. Democracy= Tyranny by the majority. The majority = wrong 80% of the time.
7. Again, things like voting, are not basic human rights. They can be revoked at any time.

I shan't waste time repeating myself, I have an aversion to banging my head against a wall. . Just to ask, what facts that I present are 'just plain wrong'?