Holy macaroni this is irresponsible!
Drunk commies deleted
05-08-2005, 16:54
A British MP, George Galloway, has said that Jerusalem is being "raped by foreigners" and told an Arab audience that "Two of your daughters are in the hands of foreigners" and "The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will" in reference to Jerusalem and Baghdad.
Clearly one can voice his opposition to Israeli presence in Jerusalem and coalition presence in Iraq in a less inflamatory manner. This guy's very obviously trying to stir up anger in the Arab world, as if we don't have enough of that already.
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the link.
Could you try and provide a source for that? I'd like to read it in context, but it certainly sounds fucked up...
E Blackadder
05-08-2005, 16:56
A British MP, George Galloway, has said that Jerusalem is being "raped by foreigners" and told an Arab audience that "Two of your daughters are in the hands of foreigners" and "The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will" in reference to Jerusalem and Baghdad.
Clearly one can voice his opposition to Israeli presence in Jerusalem and coalition presence in Iraq in a less inflamatory manner. This guy's very obviously trying to stir up anger in the Arab world, as if we don't have enough of that already.
galloway is like that sometimes... dont think that we praise him for it though
05-08-2005, 16:58
Galloway's nuts. He says good things at times but in the end he's a woman-hating asshat who Labour were right to be rid of.
Tyrell Corporation
05-08-2005, 16:58
The guy's an absolute arse, nothing he says or does suprises me anymore...
Islamic Daingean
05-08-2005, 16:59
There's recent Galloway outburts. reminds me of a slightly more zealous version of Lord Haw Haw
E Blackadder
05-08-2005, 17:01
There's recent Galloway outburts. reminds me of a slightly more zealous version of Lord Haw Haw
which lord haw haw..the presen one or the old one?....there have been a few
Drunk commies deleted
05-08-2005, 17:03
Link added to original post.
Is he unhinged? I'm not a supporter of the war in Iraq, but how this extreme rhetoric is supposed to help someone?
Islamic Daingean
05-08-2005, 17:06
which lord haw haw..the presen one or the old one?....there have been a few
I dunno what other ones you have in mind....there's only one real Lord Haw Haw
05-08-2005, 17:09
A British MP, George Galloway, has said that Jerusalem is being "raped by foreigners" and told an Arab audience that "Two of your daughters are in the hands of foreigners" and "The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will" in reference to Jerusalem and Baghdad.
Clearly one can voice his opposition to Israeli presence in Jerusalem and coalition presence in Iraq in a less inflamatory manner. This guy's very obviously trying to stir up anger in the Arab world, as if we don't have enough of that already.
It's not inflamatory; they speak in metaphor there much more often than we do here (As is evidenced by listening to any of Hussein's speeches.)
05-08-2005, 17:09
Galloway (on Syrian TV, July 31, 2005): Mr. Blair is using this crime and all these dead people as a justification for this absurd idea of a war on terrorism. "Terror" is a word... Terror is a tactic, it's not a strategy. The idea that Muslims have some kind of sickness in their bodies, which must be cured, which is the idea behind Bush, behind Mr. Blair, and behind Mr. Berlusconi's government in Italy - It must be resisted. It's not the Muslims who are sick. It's Bush and Blair and Berlusconi who are sick. It's not the Muslims who need to be cured. It's the imperialist countries that need to be cured.
The real question is, after the evidence of Sykes-Picot 1, are you ready to accept Sykes-Picot 2? What does Sykes-Picot mean to the Arab world? Nothing except division, disunity, weakness, and failure. Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners - Jerusalem and Baghdad. The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help, and the Arab world is silent. And some of them are collaborating with the rape of these two beautiful Arab daughters. Why? Because they are too weak and too corrupt to do anything about it. So this is what Sykes-Picot will do to the Arabs. Are you ready to have another hundred years like the hundred years you just had?
Galloway (on Al-Jazeera TV, July 31, 2005): This started out as a wish to terrorize the world with American power, or as Sharon would say: "Terrrrrrorize" the world with American power. But in fact it ended demonstrating the exact opposite. They can control the skies, but only if they don't come within range of an RPG, but they can't control one single street in any part of occupied Iraq. Not one street. Not one street anywhere. These poor Iraqis - ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs, with the lightest and most basic of weapons - are writing the names of their cities and towns in the stars, with 145 military operations every day, which has made the country ungovernable by the people who occupy it. We don't know who they are, we don't know their names, we never saw their faces, they don't put up photographs of their martyrs, we don't know the names of their leaders. I'm sure, for all the times I spent in Iraq, that I never met any of them before. They are not the comfortable in the former regime, they are not the leaders, with maybe one exception: Izzat Ibrahim Al-Durri. They are the base of this society. They are the young men and the young women who decided, whatever their feelings about the former regime - some are with, some are against. But they decided, when the foreign invaders came, to defend their country, to defend their honor, to defend their families, their religion, their way of life from a military superpower, which landed amongst them. And they are winning the war. America is losing the war in Iraq, and even the Americans now admit it. Even the puppet ministers and regime in Baghdad know it. The former puppet minister (Iyad) Allawi admitted it three times in the last month. America is losing the war in Iraq. And this will not change. The resistance is getting stronger every day, and the will to remain as an occupier by Britain and America is getting weaker everyday. Therefore, it can be said, truly said, that the Iraqi resistance is not just defending Iraq. They are defending all the Arabs, and they are defending all the people of the world from American hegemony.
It's not the Muslims who are the terrorists. The biggest terrorists are Bush, and Blair, and Berlusconi, and Aznar, but it is definitely not a clash of civilizations. George Bush doesn't have any civilization, he doesn't represent any civilization. We believe in the Prophets, peace be upon them. He believes in the profits, and how to get a piece of them. That's his god. That's his god. George Bush worships money. That's his god - Mammon.
Galloway (on ANB TV, July 28, 2005): Most of the children, most of the schools, most of the buses, were bombed by the United States. Let's keep this clearly in perspective: Most of the children who died in Iraq were killed by George Bush, not by Zarqawi. Most of the schools that were wrecked, buses that were bombed, hospitals that were destroyed, lives that were taken, were taken by George Bush, not by Zarqawi. Number two: Most of the resistance in Iraq is not Zarqawi, It's not foreign, whatever "foreign" means when Iraq is occupied by 250,000 foreign armies. Most of their resistance are Iraqis resisting the foreign occupation of their country. Most of the operations which they carry out are against the occupying forces and their collaborators, and this is normal in every liberation struggle.
Drunk commies deleted
05-08-2005, 17:11
Oh...great...yeah! Let's piss off the Arab world more than it already is?
While your at it, why not give me a nice papercut and rub salt in it?
The Majin Ideal
05-08-2005, 17:23
Galloway's a traitor and an insufferable git.
Drunk commies deleted
05-08-2005, 17:24
It's not inflamatory; they speak in metaphor there much more often than we do here (As is evidenced by listening to any of Hussein's speeches.)
So the kidnapping and rape of two of your daughters is an accurate metaphor for the Iraq war and the Israeli presence in Jerusalem? Please, metaphor like that is calculated to anger and inflame those listening. This scumbag is going to provoke more terrorism and cost more lives.
I only wonder what the hell this guy's thinking. Who's going to benefit from increased violence in the region? Not the Arabs, not the Israelis, not the coalition (of which UK is a part). What could this idiot's motivation be?
Galloway's a traitor and an insufferable git.
Treason requires a bit more to it, but the other thing I'll agree with whole-heartedly!