NationStates Jolt Archive

What is your IQ?

04-08-2005, 12:13
Go here (, and take their test. Then when finished, press print screen, open up paint, and paste it in there, then upload the image to (so that everyone is taking the same test, and cannot BS about their results)

I'll post mine later. I'm just curious about how I measure up because I was surprised at my result. I used a pen and paper on mine but no calculators or anything, so play fair, now :)

I think there were 40 questions, but it's not overly time consuming.
04-08-2005, 12:18
I've said it before and I will say it again: ALL INTERNET IQ TESTS ARE PURE UNADULTERATED CRAP. Anybody who knows how an actual IQ test works will tell you that there is simply no way to get legitimate measurements of IQ using any of these online quizes.

Taking an online IQ test and actually believing the results actually reflect IQ is clear proof of non-genius-level IQ, but watch as this thread fills with a surprising number of "above-average" thinkers...

Oh, and by the way...I SCORED AS A GENIUS! MWA HA HA!! :)
04-08-2005, 12:21
I've said it before and I will say it again: ALL INTERNET IQ TESTS ARE PURE UNADULTERATED CRAP. Anybody who knows how an actual IQ test works will tell you that there is simply no way to get legitimate measurements of IQ using any of these online quizes.

Taking an online IQ test and actually believing the results actually reflect IQ is clear proof of non-genius-level IQ, but watch as this thread fills with a surprising number of "above-average" thinkers...

Oh, and by the way...I SCORED AS A GENIUS! MWA HA HA!! :)

Yeah, I realise that, but if everyone is taking the same test, I thought it would give some indication...

Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 12:28
taken this one already, back in May:
Loveliness and hope2
04-08-2005, 12:30
well I always tend to get 131 whether online or by proper IQ test.
However, a lot of my friends also get 131 or similar when they take it online but not on proper IQ tests.
Anyway, IQ test are rubbish anyway, they are biased towards the middle class due to their use of MC language and cannot predict academic acheivement.
Out of two of my best friends, one is going to Oxford and one to Cambridge. I'm sure that if i applied I would not get in, but my IQ is over 15 points higher than either of theirs.
04-08-2005, 12:35
Ah, so i'm about normal-ish then.
Einsteinian Big-Heads
04-08-2005, 12:37
I don't take IQ tests for two main reasons, one general and one more personal:

1: The idea of giving human intellegence a number is just too over-simplified for me. I know people who I know would get an average score on a test, but their understanding of so many of the complex aspects of life leaves many of my more intellectual friends for dead.

2: I am perfectly satisfied with my own intellegence, and I know that I will gain absolutely nothing from taking a test. If it comes back claiming that I am a genius (something of which, my friends would tell you, I am exceptionally sure of), then all it would do is inflate my pride, which is by a considerable margin my greatest weakness. If I get a low score, my proud nature means I will ultimately get all gloomy because I'm not as smart as I say I am.
Jester III
04-08-2005, 12:41
(so that everyone is taking the same test, and cannot BS about their results)
I could have whatever result i want. Because i am a super-genius! And know my photoshop.
04-08-2005, 12:46
Ill do it later.
One time i did one and the more questions you answered the dumber the questions got and the lower your IQ came back as.LOL

What is the opposite of Biscuit?
Non Biscuit.

Which one is the odd one out?
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emiretes
United Airlines.
04-08-2005, 12:48
Anyway, IQ test are rubbish anyway, they are biased towards the middle class due to their use of MC language and cannot predict academic acheivement.
Out of two of my best friends, one is going to Oxford and one to Cambridge. I'm sure that if i applied I would not get in, but my IQ is over 15 points higher than either of theirs.

They arent meant to predict academic achievement, that's why universities use achievement tests (the ACT and the new SAT) and aptitude tests (the old SAT) rather than IQ tests. Its also why they base admissions on more than just a test.
Lunatic Goofballs
04-08-2005, 12:52
*stops eating paste* Huh? What'd I miss? *blink*
04-08-2005, 12:53
I don't take IQ tests for two main reasons, one general and one more personal:

1: The idea of giving human intellegence a number is just too over-simplified for me. I know people who I know would get an average score on a test, but their understanding of so many of the complex aspects of life leaves many of my more intellectual friends for dead.

I agree, but I was bored. This is the first time i've ever bothered with one, I think.

I could have whatever result i want. Because i am a super-genius! And know my photoshop.

Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 12:54
Ah, so i'm about normal-ish then.
visual mathematician? good at spotting patterns? wow this is the exact opposite to me :p

apparently i'm an "Insightful Linguist"

You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.
Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes
and the way people think. These talents enable you to explain things clearly to people.

which is clearly bollocks... i can't explain shit to an ant :rolleyes: :p

I could have whatever result i want. Because i am a super-genius! And know my photoshop.
lol indeed ;)
04-08-2005, 12:55
according to various internet tests it's somewhere between 119 and 136, but I don't hold much value to their accuracy
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 12:56
What is the opposite of Biscuit?
Non Biscuit.

no. anti-biscuit, duh ;)
04-08-2005, 12:56
visual mathematician? good at spotting patterns? wow this is the exact opposite to me :p

apparently i'm an "Insightful Linguist"

Yeah, it seemed weird to me. I consider myself more of a language person rather than a maths person.

lol indeed ;)

Hehehehe :p
04-08-2005, 13:21
Mine's 137 apparently....i think that's mainly to do with the practice i've had in similar tests for common entrance to secondary schools etc etc......i don't think IQ tests are valid system for testing intelligence at all though....
04-08-2005, 13:42
Go here (, and take their test. Then when finished, press print screen, open up paint, and paste it in there, then upload the image to (so that everyone is taking the same test, and cannot BS about their results)

I'll post mine later. I'm just curious about how I measure up because I was surprised at my result. I used a pen and paper on mine but no calculators or anything, so play fair, now :)

I think there were 40 questions, but it's not overly time consuming.

It was taking forever for the page to come up, so I just gave up on it. I only have about 45 minutes before I have to start work, and I'm not going to waste it waiting on s l o w webpages.
04-08-2005, 13:57
I've done enough of those kind of tests.
My results range from 100 to 140 but the high scores are on short dodgy tests. I guess 100-110 would be real for me.
04-08-2005, 14:01
taken this one already, back in May:
My, that page looks awfully familiar... Oh yeah, I had the same score! :D Time to log back into ticke again I guess...

*Edit: Yep. 135 "Visionary Philosopher".

Your IQ score is 135

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

(from Page 2, below that fun graphic above)
Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game — to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.

In addition to your strengths in math and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life's situations add to your Visionary Philosopher mind.
04-08-2005, 14:15
IQ tests prove absolutly nothing, especially online ones. My IQ is 153 :cool: but it really doesn't mean anything. There seven completely different "intelligences" and the 100 year old Itelligence Quotiant test proves nothing. There is spatial, verbal, musical, kinetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and logical/mathematical. For the most part an IQ test is a mixture of logic and verbal completely leaving out the other intelligences. IQ tests are simply not practical, not needed, and not applicable in most situations. For example, my IQ is 153, but i cannpt play a musical instrument to save my life. My 5th grade music teacher actually took my recorder away. I can't even play the recorder. I can read a scale, but using it is a whole nother matter. IQ tests also do not allow for special circumstances. One of my friends is Dyslexic so when he took an IQ test it scored him below-average, when he is not even average, but above average. So there is no need for the us of IQ tests and they should be retired, along with the SAT, ACT, and all other standardized tests. :cool:
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 14:24
this Tickle test measures mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical intelligence. to what degree of accuracy or how much you can read into this, i can't say, but if we're all doing the same test (as Kanabia says) then this is a suitable benchmark for comparison, whether or not the test is flawed.

from the personalised report:

What is IQ?
The intelligence quotient (IQ) measures the ratio of a person's intellectual age to his/her chronological age. Most adult intelligence tests are designed for people who are at least 16 years old. For this reason, if you are younger than 16, your Tickle IQ score might be slightly lower than your "true" IQ.
History of IQ Testing One of the first scientific investigations into the concept of intelligence, came from nineteenth-century British scientist, Sir Francis Galton. Galton believed that mental traits, like physical traits, could be inherited. He published his ideas on hereditary intelligence in his book, Hereditary Genius.
Meanwhile in France, psychologist Alfred Binet was exploring ways of measuring children's' intelligence. Like Galton, Binet was passionate about testing and measuring human capabilities. Binet worked with two groups of children - those who were average students, and those who were less mentally capable. He discovered that average students could complete certain tasks that less mentally capable students could not. Based on those
findings, Binet calculated the "normal" abilities for students within different age groups. From there he could estimate how many years above or below the norm a student's mental age was.
Just before WWI, German psychologist Wilhelm Stern came up with an alternative to mental age for measuring people's intelligence. He suggested that a more accurate method for assessing someone's intelligence was to measure their capabilities given their chronological age. He proposed that for a true estimate of someone's intelligence, researchers needed to calculate a ratio between the subject's mental age and their chronological age. Since the
resulting numbers were represented by decimals, scientists decided to multiply this "quotient" by 100 to get rid of the decimal places. Thus, the formula for an IQ is: IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age x 100.
Based on the ratio that Stern created, Lewis Terman, an American psychologist at Stanford University, coined the term Intelligence Quotient for Stern's Binet test scoring system.

How People Might Evaluate You Based on IQ Score
IQ tests serve as a useful tool for institutions such as public schools and the military, where great numbers of people must be processed quickly and efficiently, and placed in appropriated classes or positions.
In the United States, kindergarten-aged children are often given IQ tests to evaluate whether they need special attention or services. For example, children scoring 130 or over are often considered "gifted" and placed in programs accordingly. However, in most institutional uses of the test nowadays, the importance placed on the actual IQ score has changed.
The military tends to use IQ test results to assess which field a recruit might be best suitedto. Instead of relying solely on the intelligence rating, the IQ score, the military will now look at the kinds of questions a recruit answered correctly. Once they know that, they have a better idea of what innate skills the recruit can bring to specific assignments and duties.
And as far as the business world goes, uses of such tests for employment purposes was declared illegal — except in rare circumstances — by the Supreme Court in 1971.
In social life, the IQ test is only really applicable if you're specifically joining an organization based on IQ scores like Mensa, a society founded in 1964 for people who score in the top 2% of the IQ test. But, in general, there are still some misconceptions about the importance of test results. Chances are, people you know are more likely to be judgmental about a high or low score than most institutions are. Luckily, this is usually just a case of misinformation
and is easily remedied.

Limitations of IQ Testing
Much debate circulates around the different IQ tests that are administered throughout the country. Many researchers claim that the tests measure cultural knowledge and understanding, not innate intelligence. Critics suggest that both IQ and standardized tests are racially and culturally biased.
According to a 1996 report by the American Psychological Association, "Intelligence scores partially predict individual differences in school achievement, such as grade point average and number of years of education that individuals complete.
Nevertheless, population levels of school achievement are not determined solely or even primarily by intelligence or any other individual-difference variable. Many differences can be attributed primarily to differences in culture and schooling rather than in abilities measured by intelligence tests." Outside factors, such as where you grow up, what kind of school you attend, and how much school you attend contribute substantially to the development of intelligences. However, it is not yet clearly understood what those factors are, or how they work. It is widely agreed that standardized tests, like an IQ test, do not accurately reflect all forms of intelligence.
Obviously, cultural knowledge, creativity, wisdom, common sense and social sensitivity are not measured in IQ tests, but they certainly contribute to a person's intelligence. Still, there are some people who feel strongly that IQ tests are the best way to predict future performance at work and in school. They feel that IQ tests are better predictors of future success than even trained personnel experts.
Experts have numerous theories when it comes to explaining, defining and predicting intelligence. Some claim that intelligence is innate and fixed and can be measured with clearly defined statistical methods. Others claim that experience and environment affect intelligence - that intelligence is the composite of many different talents and abilities which continue to improve over time.

Tickle's IQ Test development
Over the last two years, Tickle's psychologists developed this IQ test using proven, highquality IQ test questions such as those in the Mensa Workout tests and the Shipley Institute of Living Scale — an intelligence test that focuses on both vocabulary and verbal abstract reasoning. Those are the skills that are associated with problem-solving ability and social comprehension/judgement.

Reliability of the IQ Score
Once we built the Tickle IQ test, Tickle performed a large-scale study to compare the results of people who had taken both the Tickle IQ test and the established Shipley Institute of Living Scale (by Walter C. Shipley). The Shipley test has been used for more than 50 years to assess facets of intelligence. We did this to ensure that the way we constructed our test
would yield reliable and valid IQ results.
We used scores calculated by the Shipley test as a basis for calibrating Tickle's IQ test. That ensured a high association between the two tests and, because of that, the validity of our IQ scores. In fact, the Tickle IQ test is highly reliable—the Chronbach's alpha is .81. In other words, the questions on Tickle's IQ test are internally consistent and they all measure intelligence accurately.

How Tickle Calculates Intellectual Types
In the past, researchers who have constructed IQ tests have discovered additional patterns that relate to the categories of questions a particular test-taker answered correctly — categories such as mathematical, visual, verbal and logical. When these researchers analyzed peoples' results, they found that, for instance, a test-taker might have answered the math-oriented and verbal questions correctly, yet tended to answer the logical questions incorrectly. From such patterns, experts were able to define some internal scales of intelligence to the overall IQ test. Thus, using those internal scales, they could offer an actual IQ score, such as 105, as well as a measurement of how well the test-taker did within each question category.
After 1 million people took the Tickle IQ test, we ran what is called a "factor analysis" on the answers those people gave. This statistical analysis identified the similarity between groups of questions in our test. The analysis demonstrated that this particular IQ test accurately measured four underlying dimensions of intelligence: mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical.
Each of the questions in the Tickle IQ test relates to one dimension of intelligence. How reliable are these dimensions? Well, for the scientists and statisticians out there, their reliability coefficients were .85, .84, .81 and .50, respectively. The gist of all of that is that Tickle's scales of intelligence are highly valid and we can accurately tell you how high you scored on each of those scales relative to the other test-takers—thus yielding an accurate
intellectual type.
Compulsive Depression
04-08-2005, 14:32
Test puts me at 152 ("Numerical Logician", apparently). Proper tests, done in real life, put me closer to 120.

Not that it matters; IQ is just a measure of how good you are at logic, maths and word puzzles: That test had no word puzzles so I was good at it ;)

Oh, I did the "Super IQ test" whilst everybody else seems to have done the "Classic" one. This is probably a better measure of my intelligence than the test itself :rolleyes:
04-08-2005, 16:27
Got 136, I've never taken an ordinary one to compare it to but I failed my 11+ (any grammar school ppl here) (

And how the hell do you get an image to show up in the post itself?
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 16:36
Got 136, I've never taken an ordinary one to compare it to but I failed my 11+ (any grammar school ppl here) (

And how the hell do you get an image to show up in the post itself?
use [IMG ] tags by clicking on Insert Image and then pasting in the URL of your pic. its all explained in here ( (FAQs) :)

my test scores seem relatively accurate - i've had one "real" test done (at the dyslexia clinic back when i was like 10) and got 134 then. in all the internet tests i do i generally get between 120 and 135. never up to 140, damnit :rolleyes:
04-08-2005, 16:53
Oh, I did the "Super IQ test" whilst everybody else seems to have done the "Classic" one. This is probably a better measure of my intelligence than the test itself :rolleyes:

I thought that was a "premium" test that you had to pay for.
04-08-2005, 16:54
I took one at teh university and got 142 :)
New Fubaria
04-08-2005, 17:01
My IQ is either 20, or 280, depending which internet test I take :p
04-08-2005, 17:07
well I always tend to get 131 whether online or by proper IQ test.
However, a lot of my friends also get 131 or similar when they take it online but not on proper IQ tests.
Anyway, IQ test are rubbish anyway, they are biased towards the middle class due to their use of MC language and cannot predict academic acheivement.
Out of two of my best friends, one is going to Oxford and one to Cambridge. I'm sure that if i applied I would not get in, but my IQ is over 15 points higher than either of theirs.

academic achievement is not necessarily indicative of intelligence...

there are brilliant people who do poorly in college because they get drunk 5 days per week and go to less than half of their classes

and there are people of average intelligence who study 40 hours per week, go to every class, etc., and get straight As. Success in college, imo, is at least as much a function of effort as it is a function of intelligence.

What is intelligence? I can think of several variables that go into determining a person's overall level of intelligence (this is not, of course, an exhaustive list):

b)Ability to learn
c)Ability to solve problems (using known or created models)
d)Creativity (see above)
e)Ability to compare/contrast
f)ability to use logic in reasoning
g)Ability to apply what you've learned
h)Ability to perform mathematical computations in one's head (EG, being able to divide 888 by 222 and get a product of 4, without using a calculator)
i)visual/musical/spacial aptitude

of those, what does the IQ test... test?

all of them, except for the ability to learn... and if you're not using a calculator, it helps to be able to work numbers in your head.

IQ is as good an intelligence-evaluating test as we have.
04-08-2005, 17:13

However the way it's extremely quick to flatter me whilst at the same time attempting to sell me, among other things, an honourary degree and a sizeable booklet which I assume will also flatter me, whilst constantly trying to assure me that it is indeed a genuine test makes me think that this result is not entirely accurate.

And no, Im not really called "Roauggj". <.< >.>
04-08-2005, 17:15
academic achievement is not necessarily indicative of intelligence...

there are brilliant people who do poorly in college because they get drunk 5 days per week and go to less than half of their classes

and there are people of average intelligence who study 40 hours per week, go to every class, etc., and get straight As. Success in college, imo, is at least as much a function of effort as it is a function of intelligence.

Would it not be an arguable point that the majority of the so-called 'brilliant' people who piss their college days away against a urinal are actually displaying a startlingly display of a lack of intelligence, whilst those of so-called 'average intelligence' who put in the graft are actually displaying a great deal of intelligence?
04-08-2005, 17:19
Congratulations, Jennifer!
Your IQ score is 136

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

Haha...I'm shit at maths. Good at languagey stuff and artsy stuff.
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 17:20
Would it not be an arguable point that the majority of the so-called 'brilliant' people who piss their college days away against a urinal are actually displaying a startlingly display of a lack of intelligence, whilst those of so-called 'average intelligence' who put in the graft are actually displaying a great deal of intelligence?
no, not intelligence. thats simply forethought and common sense. don't forget thats heavily influenced by cultural aspects such as the environment in which they grew up, too

gah, i know what i mean...
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 17:23
Haha...I'm shit at maths. Good at languagey stuff and artsy stuff.
heh i took the Super IQ test and it put me down as a maths genious, too. apparently i was good at spotting patterns, which is total bullshit cos thats the thing in maths i'm worst at - i don't get patterns like musical theory and even times tables (i still don't know them :eek: :( )
Compulsive Depression
04-08-2005, 17:23
I thought that was a "premium" test that you had to pay for.
Apparently not :)
I just clicked stuff that said "IQ" ;)
04-08-2005, 17:26
heh i took the Super IQ test and it put me down as a maths genious, too. apparently i was good at spotting patterns, which is total bullshit cos thats the thing in maths i'm worst at - i don't get patterns like musical theory and even times tables (i still don't know them :eek: :( )
Oh, I'm quite good at patterns and stuff. I'm just shit at anything more complicated than multiplication, division, adding, subtracting etc. Although I do have a GCSE in Add Maths....
04-08-2005, 17:34
Would it not be an arguable point that the majority of the so-called 'brilliant' people who piss their college days away against a urinal are actually displaying a startlingly display of a lack of intelligence, whilst those of so-called 'average intelligence' who put in the graft are actually displaying a great deal of intelligence?

no... imo it's more a function of

b)confidence/overconfidence ("I don't need to study for that class...")

educational achievement is at least partially independent of intelligence.
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 17:35
I already know my IQ, it's 407. Just those internet tests can't measure it accurately, darn it! They gave me only 175! :(
Personal responsibilit
04-08-2005, 17:36
Go here (, and take their test. Then when finished, press print screen, open up paint, and paste it in there, then upload the image to (so that everyone is taking the same test, and cannot BS about their results)

I'll post mine later. I'm just curious about how I measure up because I was surprised at my result. I used a pen and paper on mine but no calculators or anything, so play fair, now :)

I think there were 40 questions, but it's not overly time consuming.

Don't know which IQ test you were looking for so I'll just post my scores for both the 2 I've taken on that site. As noted, there really isn't much validity in for those tests, particularly since you can retake the test multiple times and change your answers on them...

Classic IQ test
Congratulations, --------!
Your IQ score is 136

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results. Read more...

Super IQ test
------, your Super IQ score is 131

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you a Complex Intellectual. This means you are highly intelligent and have extraordinarily strong verbal and math skills. Compared to others you are a highly conceptual and complex thinker and are able to understand information in an abstract form. You also show great attention to detail. In fact, it's hard to find something you're not good at.

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Complex Intellectual? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Complex Intellectual. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.
04-08-2005, 17:41
no... imo it's more a function of

b)confidence/overconfidence ("I don't need to study for that class...")

educational achievement is at least partially independent of intelligence.
Some of the most intelligent people I know achieved fuck all in school because they just weren't challenged enough...and got so bored that they just gave up on school. Schooling seems to be firmly concentrated on educating to an "average" level, with pretty much no allowance for those who might need something more stimulating.

I mean, I'm hardly a genius, but I would say I am of a bit above average intelligence...and I found school (and University so far) to be thoroughly un-challenging...passing most of my exams well with little to no work, and spending the rest of the time getting in trouble for not paying attention or for drawing, or talking (when really I am paying attention, I can just do other stuff at the same time). Or skipping classes because I found them so boring due to getting the hang of what we were being taught before most others, so got bored sitting there hearing the same thing repeated over and over so everybody understood it.
04-08-2005, 17:42
I don't know if this has been posted before, but apparently I.Q. tests were originally created to measure stupidity and exactly how severely retarded someone was, not how intelligent they were. So it stands to assume that anything over average intelligence is a bit fuzzy.

Now, I've always been a bit of problem child in school, given that I'm smart but a slacker. So I've done various "official" tests. With what I said earlier in mind, They put me around 138 if you average them out. So, maybe 120-150. (I highly doubt the latter.)

And I'm against online I.Q. tests. Most of them just make people who aren't smart think they are.
04-08-2005, 17:42
I've said it before and I will say it again: ALL INTERNET IQ TESTS ARE PURE UNADULTERATED CRAP. Anybody who knows how an actual IQ test works will tell you that there is simply no way to get legitimate measurements of IQ using any of these online quizes.

My thoughts exactly.

Last year on the PC Gamer forums, a bunch of us decided to do a little "test" with these online quizzes. We found out that everybody, and I mean everybody on the forums was getting something in the 130's. One of the uber posters, Smeos, decided to try something, so he got one of the premium tests... What did it give him? 152 (he got 136 on the free one).

We figured it was a big scam.
Personal responsibilit
04-08-2005, 17:43
Some of the most intelligent people I know achieved fuck all in school because they just weren't challenged enough...and got so bored that they just gave up on school. Schooling seems to be firmly concentrated on educating to an "average" level, with pretty much no allowance for those who might need something more stimulating.

Been there done that, starting to feel that way in my employment as well. It really sucks that I have responsibilities that I have to maintain employment for instead of pursuing objects of interest... :rolleyes:
04-08-2005, 17:43

My IQ is 129. I'm pleased with that. The private education is finally paying off.
04-08-2005, 17:51
Havn´t tkaen the test yet, my comp is slow right now, but I did take the "Teen celbrity something test" and I am
You've got that shy, but sweet, All-American thing working for you.
which is hilarious, as I´ve never even been to america...
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 17:52
Some of the most intelligent people I know achieved fuck all in school because they just weren't challenged enough...and got so bored that they just gave up on school. Schooling seems to be firmly concentrated on educating to an "average" level, with pretty much no allowance for those who might need something more stimulating.*points at self*

That's exactly what happened to me. During the 2nd trimester of last year, I just gave up with all the boring repetitive homework assignments and the tests on which I had been consistently scoring As. It seemed as though the class was geared towards people with IQs of about 45 most of the time. When my parents found out that my average was about a B-minus, they got mad at me and forbade me from using NationStates until I had an A average and could get into Yale or Cambridge. That's why I'm in this stupid summer school program. :mad:
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 17:56
Some of the most intelligent people I know achieved fuck all in school because they just weren't challenged enough...and got so bored that they just gave up on school. Schooling seems to be firmly concentrated on educating to an "average" level, with pretty much no allowance for those who might need something more stimulating.

I mean, I'm hardly a genius, but I would say I am of a bit above average intelligence...and I found school (and University so far) to be thoroughly un-challenging...passing most of my exams well with little to no work, and spending the rest of the time getting in trouble for not paying attention or for drawing, or talking (when really I am paying attention, I can just do other stuff at the same time). Or skipping classes because I found them so boring due to getting the hang of what we were being taught before most others, so got bored sitting there hearing the same thing repeated over and over so everybody understood it.
this is exactly the problem i had at the end of school (to an extent) and certainly the last 2 years of uni. its an odd problem to say the least. i mean, i did sod all work or revision for anything over the last 2 years, not going to any lectures all year for 2 of my modules (and very few for another 2), and yet somehow i still passed. it seemed like no-matter how little work i did (and how much pot i smoked) i still passed... which lead to disenfranchisement and disillusionment on my part towards uni in general, ending up with me not giving two shits about my degree and constantly wanting to break away from the boring shit we were doing in lectures & seminars and learn about what i considered interesting.
except maths. i've always had a problem there and got 14% in the end of year maths & stats exam last year... lol... so glad i'm not doing that module anymore

i'm not sure what the point of this little rant is apart from agreement and elaboration, so read into it what you will :)

edit: lol it happened to everyone! there's obviously a major problem with the method of learning here...
04-08-2005, 17:58
I can't find the classic IQ test.
04-08-2005, 17:58
Some of the most intelligent people I know achieved fuck all in school because they just weren't challenged enough...and got so bored that they just gave up on school. Schooling seems to be firmly concentrated on educating to an "average" level, with pretty much no allowance for those who might need something more stimulating.

I mean, I'm hardly a genius, but I would say I am of a bit above average intelligence...and I found school (and University so far) to be thoroughly un-challenging...passing most of my exams well with little to no work, and spending the rest of the time getting in trouble for not paying attention or for drawing, or talking (when really I am paying attention, I can just do other stuff at the same time). Or skipping classes because I found them so boring due to getting the hang of what we were being taught before most others, so got bored sitting there hearing the same thing repeated over and over so everybody understood it.

Heh, I've had the same problem. At least my school's sending me Algebra now, which has been... SOMEWHAT of a challenge (if you call endless writing a challenge). I guess that's better than nothing.

I'll say this: I hope college is different.
Russ The Great
04-08-2005, 17:59
What is your IQ?

The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 17:59
Heh, I've had the same problem. At least my school's sending me Algebra now, which has been... SOMEWHAT of a challenge (if you call endless writing a challenge). I guess that's better than nothing.

I'll say this: I hope college is different.
Lol. Last year I took Calculus, the only course I actually did well in, because it was so hard.
04-08-2005, 18:01
Lol. Last year I took Calculus, the only course I actually did well in, because it was so hard.

Calculus, eh? My dad took that when he was in college. Going by what he tells me, I think I'll take it, too.
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 18:07
Calculus, eh? My dad took that when he was in college. Going by what he tells me, I think I'll take it, too.
It was lots of fun and fairly challenging, even to a genius like me, but I want to take the "full" version in college. This one skipped about fifty chapters from our book.
04-08-2005, 18:07
It was lots of fun and fairly challenging, even to a genius like me, but I want to take the "full" version in college. This one skipped about fifty chapters from our book.

A light version, eh? Slacker.

The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 18:12
A light version, eh? Slacker.

:pHey, since when did I decide on the curriculum? ;) Our book sucked, too. It used really confusing language to explain really simple things.
Armandian Cheese
04-08-2005, 18:16
I'm a "visionary philosopher."
04-08-2005, 18:16
Hey, since when did I decide on the curriculum? ;) Our book sucked, too. It used really confusing language to explain really simple things.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

My Math books are exactly the same. I've pretty much had to teach myself the steps for calulating various Algebraic problems, because these books don't explain things correctly (or, I should say: clearly). There's never a "take this number, and add it to this number". It's always convoluted and messy (two pages, yes, TWO pages to explain how to multiply in Algebra), with ridiculous language that no newcomer could possibly understand.

I usually forego their pitiful attempts at explanations, and just use the answer key for a few examples (much quicker and easier). I fly from there.
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 18:28
Oh. My. Fucking. God.

My Math books are exactly the same. I've pretty much had to teach myself the steps for calulating various Algebraic problems, because these books don't explain things correctly (or, I should say: clearly). There's never a "take this number, and add it to this number". It's always convoluted and messy (two pages, yes, TWO pages to explain how to multiply in Algebra), with ridiculous language that no newcomer could possibly understand.

I usually forego their pitiful attempts at explanations, and just use the answer key for a few examples (much quicker and easier). I fly from there.
I can imagine the author explaining how to add two and two:

"Let us say that we have two nonnegative, mutually exclusive sets. In the first set (hereafter referred to as "A") are two units; in the second (hereafter referred to as "B") there are also two units. To perform the unity A u B, one adds together the sums of the two sets, creating the nonnegative set AB, which contains a total of the sum of the number of units in A and the number of units in B..."
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 18:31
"Let us say that we have two nonnegative, mutually exclusive sets. In the first set (hereafter referred to as "A") are two units; in the second (hereafter referred to as "B") there are also two units. To perform the unity A u B, one adds together the sums of the two sets, creating the nonnegative set AB, which contains a total of the sum of the number of units in A and the number of units in B..."
i fucking hate maths :rolleyes:
this brings unpleasant memories of university economics...
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 18:36
i fucking hate maths :rolleyes:
this brings unpleasant memories of university economics...
Funny. I like math. I just don't like math textbooks. Or history, science, government, French, Chinese, or Russian textbooks. In fact....I don't like textbooks in general. :D
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 18:39
Funny. I like math. I just don't like math textbooks. Or history, science, government, French, Chinese, or Russian textbooks. In fact....I don't like textbooks in general. :D
you prefer to learn by doing, eh?
same here - apparently i prefer "experimental" learnig over traditional learning, which is quite true. i mean, whether its maths or chemistry or physics (or whatever), i've always preferred being given the answer and working out my own way to achieve it, rather than just follow some other asshole's method

of course that didn't sit very well at school. possibly why i didn't do very well in the sciences at a-level :p
04-08-2005, 18:43
...To perform the unity A u B, one adds together the sums of the two sets, creating the nonnegative set AB, which contains...

Um... excuse me, wouldn't AB be A multiplied by B wihich in most cases, all except this one to be exact, would be different to A plus B.

For example, if A was 3 and B was 3, the addition sum would be 6, however the multiplication sum would be 9. Thus giving two different answers. only if both units were 2 would this equation give the correct answer in an incorrect way.

Edit: In other words, that is an invalid equation.
The Czardaian envoy
04-08-2005, 18:47
Um... excuse me, wouldn't AB be A multiplied by B wihich in most cases, all except this one to be exact, would be different to A plus B.

For example, if A was 3 and B was 3, the addition sum would be 6, however the multiplication sum would be 9. Thus giving two different answers. only if both units were 2 would this equation give the correct answer in an incorrect way.

Edit: In other words, that is an invalid equation.
I'm just giving an example of the kind of thing the textbooks say. You can't expect me to remember my math now. Hey, it's summer. :D
04-08-2005, 18:53
I'm just giving an example of the kind of thing the textbooks say. You can't expect me to remember my math now. Hey, it's summer. :D

True, I hate how math books are always riddled with mistakes too. We use a set of books and the teachers mark book is always wrong, we haver to correct her.
04-08-2005, 18:56
I've said it before and I will say it again: ALL INTERNET IQ TESTS ARE PURE UNADULTERATED CRAP.

I hear you (:

I got an 85 no an online IQ test before. IT WASN'T FUN. That's TEN points away from RETARDED.
Neo Rogolia
04-08-2005, 18:57
I'd rather go with my second grade IQ test since it was legitimate. What was it you ask? I don't know, mom won't tell me lol. But I've narrowed it down to between 140-160.
Neo Rogolia
04-08-2005, 19:00
If I remember correctly, the emode/tickle tests have a limit of 137 or brother tested this out by getting all the answers correct lol. Since it places the scores on a bell curve, and most truly average individuals wouldn't spend their time taking an online IQ test voluntarily anyway, its veracity cannot be determined. I'm sure most individuals taking this test would score higher in a school/government-administered mandatory test IRL.
04-08-2005, 19:05
Taking an online IQ test and actually believing the results actually reflect IQ is clear proof of non-genius-level IQ, but watch as this thread fills with a surprising number of "above-average" thinkers...In an IQ test they made me take in school, I got "genius" results, and yet I believe that if we all take the same online test, our results will reflect relative IQ. Hmmmm.....
04-08-2005, 19:09
in my DATS test i took in third year (which is 9th grade) i got an IQ of 140 and in internet tests i generally get scores from 135 to 166
04-08-2005, 19:10
Um... excuse me, wouldn't AB be A multiplied by B wihich in most cases, all except this one to be exact, would be different to A plus B.

For example, if A was 3 and B was 3, the addition sum would be 6, however the multiplication sum would be 9. Thus giving two different answers. only if both units were 2 would this equation give the correct answer in an incorrect way.

Edit: In other words, that is an invalid equation.AB is two different numbers multiplied by each other. Otherwise it'd be 2A.
Neo Rogolia
04-08-2005, 19:12
I already know my IQ, it's 407. Just those internet tests can't measure it accurately, darn it! They gave me only 175! :(

Superhuman entities don't count!
04-08-2005, 19:15
AB is two different numbers multiplied by each other. Otherwise it'd be 2A.

Not necessarily: at the point at which you multiplied A by B and got AB, you might not yet know that A = B.
Neo Rogolia
04-08-2005, 19:15
Funny. I like math. I just don't like math textbooks. Or history, science, government, French, Chinese, or Russian textbooks. In fact....I don't like textbooks in general. :D

I read history textbooks even when I'm not in school :eek: Someone please save me from the inner geek :(
Neo Rogolia
04-08-2005, 19:17
I hear you (:

I got an 85 no an online IQ test before. IT WASN'T FUN. That's TEN points away from RETARDED.




It's ok, you have the same IQ as George Costanza :D
04-08-2005, 19:30
AB is two different numbers multiplied by each other. Otherwise it'd be 2A.

yes but in this case it is the same number, 2, multiplied together.
04-08-2005, 19:30
*cracks knuckles*

Cool, everyone gets above 130. Guess I'm normal after think i was considering taking a real test and waste my time/money. :D
04-08-2005, 19:42
yes but in this case it is the same number, 2, multiplied together.That'd be 2A or 2(2).
04-08-2005, 19:45
I took the test, but can't figure out how to post my score. I'm guessing that means that I'm not too swift (though I already knew that).
My score was 136. Is that good? Where is my goddamn bell-curve?
04-08-2005, 19:56
I took one a few years ago with an actual professional. That way, they know how much time it took, if I cheated or not, and even if I used scratch paper/calculaters for the math part.

My lowest was 108 for memory. My highest was 142, 148 for math. Somewhere around that. I scored pretty high.
04-08-2005, 19:57
I took the test, but can't figure out how to post my score. I'm guessing that means that I'm not too swift (though I already knew that).
My score was 136. Is that good? Where is my goddamn bell-curve?

Everyone seems to be getting 136 :p
04-08-2005, 20:04
Is this the online test where you cannot score above 140? If so, I suspect a few NSers are getting shortchanged... :)
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 20:05
Is this the online test where you cannot score above 140? If so, I suspect a few NSers are getting shortchanged... :)
yeah, like me... honest

The Tribes Of Longton
04-08-2005, 20:20
This one gave me a fairly low score compared to average - then again, I've never been 'properly' IQ tested, so all I have to go off is IQ tests proclaiming to be "teh über accuratxxorz". :rolleyes:

I got 140. See. (

Thinking about it, how does posting your screen result prevent people from re-taking the test and logically working out which are the correct answers? :confused:
Pure Metal
04-08-2005, 20:25
Thinking about it, how does posting your screen result prevent people from re-taking the test and logically working out which are the correct answers? :confused:
or, indeed, doing this (

...perhaps a tad better, but you get the gist :D
Angry Fruit Salad
04-08-2005, 20:28
The one on blogthings was far more amusing. I managed to get Genius on everything -- just because I paid attention in highschool.
Brians Test
04-08-2005, 20:35
Go here (, and take their test. Then when finished, press print screen, open up paint, and paste it in there, then upload the image to (so that everyone is taking the same test, and cannot BS about their results)

I'll post mine later. I'm just curious about how I measure up because I was surprised at my result. I used a pen and paper on mine but no calculators or anything, so play fair, now :)

I think there were 40 questions, but it's not overly time consuming.

I scored 150, but I can't figure out how to get it posted. I'm not sure what that tells you...
The Tribes Of Longton
04-08-2005, 20:41
or, indeed, doing this (

...perhaps a tad better, but you get the gist :D
Is this any better? ( :D
04-08-2005, 20:44
Is this any better? ( :D

What the fuck?
04-08-2005, 20:47
The test is crap. I scored 136 and I know I am stupid.
The Tribes Of Longton
04-08-2005, 20:50
What the fuck?
Ah, I see you have fallen foul of my trap. You see, it is written in such a fashion that you have to have an IQ above 14000000x10^10000000 to be able to decipher it. Honest.
04-08-2005, 21:09
Tests are always fun.... :D
Rabek Jeris
04-08-2005, 21:15

More proof that you -can-t score above 130.

All of you that can't just suck.

*cackles insanely*

Not really, just kidding. I'm sure you are all great if I actually knew you.

Yeah. I'm positive.


Honestly, though, I think this test scores high. Either that, or I've increased my intelligence by over a dozen points in only a couple months.
05-08-2005, 04:02
Hmmm... Does this online test offer "detailed results" for which one has to pay some fee? Most of them do... and of course, people are more interested in paying for results that tell them how brilliant they are. Thus, I have yet to discover an online IQ test that gives back a score of less than 130... for ANY of my friends. Maybe I just have really smart friends. Weird.

My IQ was tested in second grade, and I scored 127. This was "so close" to "gifted" that the school figured I should get another shot... and in fourth grade, I scored 146. Now, researchers have said that IQ "can change" over time, even as much as 20 points... Nevertheless, this drastic difference in just two years adds even more weight to my overall distrust of the test.

(I did like the "gifted program" at my school, however... backwards as we were, it amounted to taking a day off from school once a month to have pizza and ice cream, and build little model volcanoes.) ;)
Israelities et Buddist
05-08-2005, 04:27
Ah, I see you have fallen foul of my trap. You see, it is written in such a fashion that you have to have an IQ above 14000000x10^10000000 to be able to decipher it. Honest.
Hmm... Well than we must be equals, as I was able to read it. I mean come on glyphs are harder than that. :p
05-08-2005, 05:02
It appears the lowest you can get is 80. I got all the answers wrong on purpose.
06-08-2005, 02:06
hm on online tests i get 117. a test by my phycologist gave me 140.
Southwest Asia
06-08-2005, 02:10
I got a 138 on this online test.

Dammit, I was distracted. I want a retest!
I Still Like Oranges
06-08-2005, 21:10
how do you host it on image shack?
mine is 127, if ye believe me, is that good or bad?
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 21:22
Which one is the odd one out?
United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emiretes
United Airlines.
The real problem with IQ tests is that there are a handful of answers here. United Kingdom contains no As or Ss and is singular. United Arab Emiretes is three words long. United Airlines...isn't a nation...
Pure Metal
06-08-2005, 21:25
Is this any better? ( :D
lmao :p
"god among men" lol :P
06-08-2005, 21:30
*stops eating paste* Huh? What'd I miss? *blink*

Man and here I thought I was the only one eating paste :D
06-08-2005, 21:36
all IQ tests are rubish (and I score well on all the ones I've had)

examples of IQ test questions I've had

who wrote faust (which one do they mean, and hasn't it been made into a ballet and an opera (they don't like you to correct their questions))

what is the main theme of the book of genesis (i'm an atheist who has never been taught any religion by the educational system) now anyone not familier with christianity would have problems with this, most of my christian friends had problems with this one!

now I'm in the top 0.01% of the population by any test they've done (and yes i've done a lot I have a disability which means that I have difficulty writing and doing maths quickly (its to do with how my nervous system works) it also means I can't balance, i'm clumsy, light and touch hyper sensitive and have dificulty relating to you norms)

So all of them are cutural specific and even more so are specific to what the person setting the test equates with IQ

this means that anyone who deviates from this weird normality of knoledge and ability will score badly

so basicly any IQ test is biased no matter what you do

I think a better test of IQ would be to test ability to apply the knoledge they have to a situation.
Greater Googlia
06-08-2005, 21:44
So far as I know, real IQ tests are all logic puzzles and test your ability to solve problems and require no outside intelligence...

Questions like who wrote Faust and what is the theme of Genesis is essentially trivia.