Whats the most stupid thing.....
29-07-2005, 23:21
Whats the most stupid thing you've ever done?
I put lemon juice in my milk to see how it tasted (Horrible!) and then put in chocolate syrup to cover the taste (even worse) then I puored it out in a plant which died in 3 days. :headbang:
i decided to try to force a glass door open when i was six.....owww....
Drunk commies deleted
29-07-2005, 23:27
I punched a plate glass window because I was drunk and angry at a cop for taking away my drugs. I should have been gratefull he didn't arrest me.
I may top the stupid list here: Huffing freon as a kid.
Dear Buddha, that was stupid.
We hate China
29-07-2005, 23:33
When I was in Mexico in June, there was an SUV full of tourists were drving around one eveing when it was raining and they were video taping everything, including moi. I started to yell at them like a drunk and chased after their car. They were all laughing their asses off. Then a local started yelling at me in Spanish. I'm sorry but I can't even say i was drunk as an excuse :mad: .
Dans Le Noir
29-07-2005, 23:36
Hum ...
I was dared to walk from my church to my house butt naked at three in the morning and let it all be caught on tape.
The tape was for sale in the school paper two weeks later ...
29-07-2005, 23:40
Jumped on a treadmill when it was going at maximum speed, got flung into the furnace at 30mph. Not fun.
Pure Metal
29-07-2005, 23:41
choice of two things: firstly making all sorts of beer cocktails with friends throughout one summer. mixtures included beer with apple juice, tomato puree, tobasco sauce (hot!), chilli powder, and the worst of the lot.... soy sauce. the latter was so bad it only took a small sip to set us vomiting madly lol. we had to come up with the most disgusting concoction we could think of and then take it in turns to drink it till a pint was gone.... stupid, just stupid :p
the second choice wasn't so bad in that it didn't hurt anybody or anything, but it was a couple of weeks ago while i was staying in Holland, where they tend to have ridiculously steep and narrow stairs, and the house we were staying in was no different from this norm. on a rather happy trip (shrooms, & lots of em) i decided to go to the bathroom, upstaris... i could have waited and i fucking well should have - those stairs were one of the most frightening things i've ever encountered :eek: especially with the carpet all moving and getting paranoid that i was being too loud (didn't want to wake up our hosts). shortly after i came back my friend said i'd been gone about half an hour, and shortly after that i woke up in this horrible, deep hole, with the ground under my back moving and swaying... i then had to make another nasty (but more hasty) excursion to the bog to go throw up :(
after that my trips took a turn for the nasty, but soon mellowed out again (thankfully, although i lost the psychadellic visuals :(). it doesn't sound bad but, to me, at the time, it was freakin intense, and horrible. it was stupid to go to the bathroom, when i didn't really need to go, in the first place & i so shouldn't have done :(
there, i think i win the prize for weirdest stupid thing :p
29-07-2005, 23:42
I made a "your mom" joke to a guy with a dying mom, he was seriously pissed
Hmmm... see, I'm a rather intelligent person, I like to think, but I really don't have a whole lot of common sense. It's my opinion that if you are really, really, smart, you can often get lost in your own thoughts and, well, appear flakey to the world around you.
That said, I've done a lot of really stupid things. Usually it's small stuff. Stuff like,
*First time I ever had hot chocolate.*
MOM: I got you some hot chocolate. Don't burn your tounge!
ME: Moooom... I won't... *Takes a huge gulp of hot chocolate.* OWWW! OWWWW! ITH! I NEED ITH! I BURNED MY TOUNGE! I NEED ITH! OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
MOM: There isn't any ice in this whole building!
ME: OWWWWWWW! *Runs to water fountain, takes turns using it with little brother, whose tounge is also burnt.*
MOM: I knew I shouldn't have given y'all hot chocolate!
ME: It'sth not your fault, mom. I thould've lithened! WHYYYYYY DIDN'T I LITHEN?!?
(There was some residual pain an entire week afterwards. It was bad.)
Benevolent Omelette
29-07-2005, 23:44
The stupidest as in most idiotic thing I ever did was get extremely drunk and want to see out of the window in the pub bathroom. I cracked my head open on the window, bled all over the bathroom (and myself) and got concussion.
The stupidest funniest thing I ever did was steal 2 belisha beacon covers and use them as shoes. Then we made a fire in one of them and left it in a phone box. My boyfriend drew a pirate face on the other one and I still have it in my wardrobe after 2 years (pray my parents never find it... :rolleyes: )
29-07-2005, 23:49
Oh yeah, my next door neighbour was locked out and trying to get her sister's attention. I decided to help and flick a few pens at her window but I fell out of my window but luckily landed on the porch and only broke my arm.
29-07-2005, 23:53
Driving my car with a friend standing up through the sunroof, then suddenly slamming on the brakes so he rolled down the windscreen, over the bonnet & ended up lying on the road in front of the car. Fortunately he wasn't hurt. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but quickly became apparant that it was not. I was stone cold sober at the time too.
29-07-2005, 23:59
I may top the stupid list here: Huffing freon as a kid.
Dear Buddha, that was stupid.
No shit.
Allowed my friends to talk me unto a canoe that was infested with large spider with her into the middle of a lake, with the suggestion of don't look down.
Lets see Deathly afraid of spiders
Spider infested canoe
Middle of the lake
:headbang: I :headbang: AM :headbang: SO :headbang: SMART
Atlease i could swim :p
No shit.
I'm taking that as a paternalistic thump on the noggin that's well deserved. :D I really was a stupid boy addicted to danger, in hindsight.
(By the way, if you're still looking for music, write and ask me and I'll email the song to you, Pappy. Unless you consider that immoral, of course. ;) )
The Sadistic Skinhead
30-07-2005, 00:33
me i've done many stupid things but the one that still stands with me is i drank a bottle of vodka in about 15 minutes and picked a fight with my pregnant girlfriend and we had a major fight she threatned me i threatned back i stumbled down the stairs of my house punched the door, split it in halfand the window next to it, shattered, 2 of the deepest cuts i've ever seen running to the kitchen grabbed a dirty tea towel wrapped it around the wound which was pissing out blood at an enourmous rate and runnning down to the hospital drunk, barefoot over glass, made it to the emergancy room by the time i was there my whole body was covered in blood and i had to wait 2 hours to see a doctor, 3 hours to get and x-ray and 4 hours to get stitched up (12 stiches) so by the time it rolled around i was sober, in pain and swore of drinking hard liqour, it was the longest night of my life in that waiting room.
moral: dont drink and argue with your girlfriend especially when shes pregnant.
Sheltered reality
30-07-2005, 01:05
I have a very bad memory but of what I can remember, the stupidest thing I've ever done had to be drinking 10 half-pint cartons of milk at one meal. Somehow, I managed not to barf, but that was the sickest I've ever felt in my life. :mp5:
Optima Justitia
30-07-2005, 01:13
I once stepped *directly* onto a pin, i.e., the needle was perpendicular to my foot when I stepped on it hard. Ouch.
... Eh, that doesn't really compare with some of you guys' stories though :D
Satanic Doings
30-07-2005, 01:33
I usually dont bother with underwear if I'm just wearing those skimpy cheerleading shorts. You know the type. So one day I needed to go to the bathroom. Pulled down my skimpy cheerleading shorts, sat down, began to pee. Then I felt something was amiss looked down and realized that my underwear was still on. It was the first time I had ever worn panties with those kind of shorts and had completely forgotten. I hadn't done anything like that since getting in the bath tub with my socks on when I was like 6.
i just remebered a few(and i use that term very loosely) more. i decided to clean a handheld blender.... while it was still plugged in, i'm lucky i didn't lose a finger. i tried opening a jar with a knife(as there were no men handy) and slipped and jabbed the knife into my thumb which hit the bone. i also remember trying to open something with my teeth... lip balm or something, and i managed to rip a little gum from my mouth. i also decided to take marijuana when i was completely plastered and alcohol and marijuana don't mix too well for me. oh yes, and i also convinced myself that i could get through two bottles of wine in a half an hour.... didn't work so well for me as i was half-pissed when i started. there are countless more.....
Lunatic Goofballs
30-07-2005, 01:58
Let me see...
Where to begin?
Unfortunately, I have to go to work soon, so I don't have time to list them all.
But here's one:
I worked on a farm when I was fifteen. One winter, after making sure the barn was closed up and everything that could be packed away was, a couple friends and co-workers were noticing that the manure pit had frozen over. So, on a dare, two of us tried to cross it. One(my friend) on foot, and me on my bike. Neither of us made it. I was lucky that I didn't flip over the handlebars and land face-first. My bike collapsed sort of sideways, and I landed flat on my back. My friend wasn't so lucky. He tripped and fell forward and his whole body broke through the crust. He got a faceful of the stuff. Nevertheless, he got out of that mess before I did because he didn't have to slog through waist-deep manure trying to pull my bike back out.
I had an odd childhood. :p
30-07-2005, 02:38
Let me see...
Where to begin?
Unfortunately, I have to go to work soon, so I don't have time to list them all.
But here's one:
I worked on a farm when I was fifteen. One winter, after making sure the barn was closed up and everything that could be packed away was, a couple friends and co-workers were noticing that the manure pit had frozen over. So, on a dare, two of us tried to cross it. One(my friend) on foot, and me on my bike. Neither of us made it. I was lucky that I didn't flip over the handlebars and land face-first. My bike collapsed sort of sideways, and I landed flat on my back. My friend wasn't so lucky. He tripped and fell forward and his whole body broke through the crust. He got a faceful of the stuff. Nevertheless, he got out of that mess before I did because he didn't have to slog through waist-deep manure trying to pull my bike back out.
I had an odd childhood. :p
That's revolting! At least you didn't drown. :D
Well, let's see, how bout today! I burned my arm very slightly trying to get a pizza out of the oven, then decided I hadn't burned myself badly enough and burned my other arm not slightly at all and here I am 5 hours later with an inch long white wormish looking blistery scar on my right wrist. nice.
1. Wanted to know what rubbng alcohol tasted like so I took a swig :eek:
2. Tried to see how close I could get my finger to a live lobster
3. Used bleach to clean a stain out of my carpet :headbang:
Confused Empresses
30-07-2005, 03:34
I once stepped *directly* onto a pin, i.e., the needle was perpendicular to my foot when I stepped on it hard. Ouch.
... Eh, that doesn't really compare with some of you guys' stories though :D
Ow. How long was the pin? I once stepped on a needle that was about two inches long, and you could only see about a centimeter of it. It wouldn't have been that deep, but I didn't notice it for a few seconds,so I kept walking. After you have a needle that far into your heel, though, it's pretty hard not to notice. As for the most stupid thing I've ever done, that'd probably be the time I took a really expensive MP4 player to school and left my backpack on the ground. Someone kicked my backpack, and the screen cracked.
I only had it for a few months, too. :(
The Downmarching Void
30-07-2005, 04:20
Lighting an apparently soggy pile of gunpowder with my cigarette butt. WHOOSH! No eyebrows, burns all over my left hand, a looking like Wiley Coyote after a bad day chasing the Roadrunnner and feeling just as much pain. It wasn't THAT soggy afterall. This was all done by the curbside in front my house after a failed experiment with a noise bomb. Don't even ask.
Benevolent Omelette
30-07-2005, 20:01
3. Used bleach to clean a stain out of my carpet :headbang:
Two days ago I put a pan that I'd been using to fry potatoes in down on my kitchen counter. Needless to say I burnt the counter from cream-coloured to burnt brown coloured. My whole family is away for the week and I was wondering what I would say about it when they got back (apologise? say nothing and hope they don't notice?). Then I had a brainwave to put bleach on the counter to bleach the brown circle away.
This is the point where there should be a bad punchline like, I inhaled the fumes and passed out or nuked the counter or something, because I'm aware that it was a bit of a dumbass thing to try. But actually it worked without any adverse effects and my parents will never know. BWHAHAHAA!!
Moral of the story: if you do something slightly un-sensible to cover up doing something stupid, it will work perfectly and you will get yourself out of trouble. Not a guarantee. :D
I went to a mechanic once to fix my brother's car stereo. I told him that my CD was stuck inside, it didn't play or eject. After checking it out, he told me that there was no CD inside. Majorly embarassing. That's what I get for being a blonde.
Angry Fruit Salad
30-07-2005, 20:26
One night, I downed two full cans of Lost (a high-caffeine energy drink) after drinking Coca-Cola all day. I ended up puking for two days straight.
Lunatic Goofballs
30-07-2005, 20:59
I have been voluntarily zapped with a stun gun numerous times, Sprayed with mace twice, and tagged with a taser once.
All in the name of science. ...or lunacy.
Neo Rogolia
30-07-2005, 21:04
I tried to disassemble our old vacuum right after using it. It was hot. My finger was purple-ish for a looong time afterward :mad:
The stupidist thing I have done happened a week ago!
-ATV Crash!-
I was up in the mountains riding my grandpa's large ATV. I was going about 45mph(I guess) when I hit a jump I had jumped already before. This time though, when I hit the jump the ATV(4-wheel drive) went down front first and my cousin got flung out. I unfortunatly, was stuck on the ATV, with no helmet(my bad) and I hit the ground at what I expect was somewhere around 40mph. When I hit the ground, it broke my collarbone and finger. While laying on the ground the crashed had knocked me out and I was having a seizure from the damage to my head. Luckily, my other cousin was there, and he had his cell-phone. He called 911 and my grandparents. By time the ambulance got to where I was, I had lost a lot of blood. They loaded me up, and took off. I woke up about 30 minutes(I guess) later in the ambulance still(it was a long drive to the hospital). WHen I woke up, the driver was nearing a tunnel, and he turned on the sirens in the tunnel! It was cool. Now, I have memory loss though. :(
Lunatic Goofballs
30-07-2005, 21:20
The stupidist thing I have done happened a week ago!
-ATV Crash!-
I was up in the mountains riding my grandpa's large ATV. I was going about 45mph(I guess) when I hit a jump I had jumped already before. This time though, when I hit the jump the ATV(4-wheel drive) went down front first and my cousin got flung out. I unfortunatly, was stuck on the ATV, with no helmet(my bad) and I hit the ground at what I expect was somewhere around 40mph. When I hit the ground, it broke my collarbone and finger. While laying on the ground the crashed had knocked me out and I was having a seizure from the damage to my head. Luckily, my other cousin was there, and he had his cell-phone. He called 911 and my grandparents. By time the ambulance got to where I was, I had lost a lot of blood. They loaded me up, and took off. I woke up about 30 minutes(I guess) later in the ambulance still(it was a long drive to the hospital). WHen I woke up, the driver was nearing a tunnel, and he turned on the sirens in the tunnel! It was cool. Now, I have memory loss though. :(
At least you still have the exciting memory. :)
The Downmarching Void
31-07-2005, 02:56
O0ooo0OOO00ooo! I just remebered another REALLY stupid thing I did. I was 15 or 16 and had bought a nifty little stilletto knife from a friend. One day, totally not thinking, I decided to try launching it as a projectile from my slingshot. BAD IDEA! I ended up shooting the stilletto THROUGH my left hand. Ouch. Very embarassing, the paramedics had trouble not laughing in my face. Fortunatley, the knife, being a stiletto, was very slender and passed in between the major tendons, bones and blood vessels of my hand, though it did poke through the other side by about 3 inches. It hit dead centre on the back of my hand, but at angle, coming out between my index and middle finger near the underside of my knuckles. I've had a stigmata like scar on the back of my hand ever since. wwoo0000OOT!
31-07-2005, 05:34
I started a thread about the "under God" part in the US Pledge of Alliegance.
Ohh i remembered another one of my many stupid moments
So theirs like four trampolines in a circle right!
And me and my friends jumping from one to another in a circle right!
Than we decide to jump off the same one unto differnent ones right
And than i get this briallant idea
Me: "I know lets jump onto the same one at the same time, ready 1 2 3
Its seemed like a good idea at the moment i swear!!
31-07-2005, 06:16
It's hard to say what the most stupid thing I've done is. I think I've blocked most of the really bad ones out of my memory. Most of them revolve around things I probably shouldn't have said, many while drunk. It depresses me thinking about it.
Sumamba Buwhan
31-07-2005, 06:32
so many things (almost every one of your stories reminds me of something stupid that I have done)
I don't remember it but according to my cousin (who is a year younger than me), back in about first grade, we were at the playground of the school around the corner from my house and swinging as high as we could. Apparently we were going to try to jump off the swing and land on the cement which was a good deal away from the swings. I went first (actually I was the only one who went) and apparently I did two backflips and landed on teh cement... on my head. Unconscious and bleeding. I was dragged back to my house by my cousin and taken to the hospital.
Dunno why I don't remember it. I don't remember a lot of things. Go figure.
One time I was being pushed by an older friend on a big wheel (kindergarten) and I turned the wheel sharply and tipped over face first into a pile of glass. Well, it sliced me open dangerously close to my eye but luckily didn't hit teh eye itself.
One time I was tossing a pair of scissors in the air and catching them, well I missed one catch and they stuck in my leg.
ahhh memories.
31-07-2005, 06:44
Stupidst thing i did was
Watch Anime once :mp5:
I dunno...
Before I realized my airsoft gun had two hidden bb's(the spring doesnt push them high enough, so they can only be reloaded while the gun is upside down), I often accidentally shot it off without realizing it still had bullets. I cocked it facing down, assuring my friend it was unloaded. I pointed it at my leg, without any clothing, and fired. Nice welt for a week or two.
Sticking tweezers in an outlet wasnt smart, I survived though.
Vacuuming a bowl of water was pretty bad.
Any time I have ever danced, has been bad.
That time I puked in my friends yard, after extremely tripping out from smoking something laced... not stupid, but I got severly laughed at.
Then, of course, there's the time my male friend said he would eat me under the table(refering to eating more than me, but had worse connotations...), we still bring that up, a long ass time later.
Benevolent Omelette
31-07-2005, 16:05
Just now - I was drinking orange juice out of a mug becuase all the glasses in the house are dirty. I picked it up sideways with one hand while browsing the net with the other, then poured orange juice all down my front. Now I'm all wet and feel like a tit. Seriously. Uni in September and I can't even drink out of a mug :rolleyes:
31-07-2005, 16:16
I once stepped *directly* onto a pin, i.e., the needle was perpendicular to my foot when I stepped on it hard. Ouch.
... Eh, that doesn't really compare with some of you guys' stories though :D
I've stepped on a pin cushion. And then, while my mother was slowly pulling the pins out, I just, for some insane reason, assumed she was done, stepped off the staircase, putting all my weight onto that foot, and the needles sunk deeper in.
Once, I was walking along a wall, I was like six years old, and the walle was only a foot high. I managed to trip over myself, somehow my foot got caught behind my calve or something, and the skin off the outside of my entire left thigh got ripped off.
Luckily it was a shallow wound, so you know, it wasn't so bad.
The other time, I was about 9, and I had gotten a scooter. I live onto of this rather steep hill, and my mother, sister (who also had a scooter) and I were going down to the beach for the dragon boat festival.
I was so hooked on speed, I did not think to break at all down that hill. Then the scooter went over this tiny little rock and it flipped over and threw me into the air. I had this incredibly deep cut on my knee.
Oh and I've walked into a bunch of windows and glass doors. Don't get me started on that.
Ancient Valyria
31-07-2005, 16:25
rode my bike into a tree
Benevolent Omelette
31-07-2005, 16:28
Owie... that's kind of what my sister looked like after she fell off her bike, only she had blood all down her front and had to have stitches in her chin. Luckily she came off it literally right outside the hospital :p
The boldly courageous
31-07-2005, 17:02
Setting : In the kitchen. I was sitting at the table with a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. My sibling was standing next to me.
The cup was filled with scalding hot chocolate. I was barely able to carry it to the table... the handle was just cool enough to do so.
I dared my sibling to touch the cup. They did... their finger instictively curled back from the heat... unfortunately for me that finger curled around the handle. The cup was pulled forward towards me and than spilled its content on my lap.
The scene afterwards was me screaming at pitches unknown before and my family stripping me rapidly and throwing me in a tub of cool water.
So word of warning when teasing a sibling.... karma can be a cruel taskmaster :eek:
Sumamba Buwhan
31-07-2005, 19:38
rode my bike into a tree
has anyone over told you that you look like Gael García Bernal?
Anarchy 2005
31-07-2005, 20:12
Walked into a lampost when i was pissed then fell over the front of my auntie's car.... not sure what did it but i've had a small scar right next to my eye since....
I Still Like Oranges
31-07-2005, 21:53
i've put my foot through a porch with anger
put toy cars into a vcr (when i was small)
stepped on a nail that when through my foot while trying to save my cat who was up a really tall tree.
the random stupid things i do every day (some just to get a laugh)
downing several glasses of lemon juice once to impress a girl
become completely in love with a girl i knew for about 2 days (and would only know for the three weeks not includin texting) even though she was WELL out of my league
be fighting with all my friends over another girl (though that is there fault)
damn ye girls, ye are the reason for all my problems
I Still Like Oranges
31-07-2005, 21:59
well, girls and alcohol, especially when mixed
I've abandoned children on trips to discipline them. You should never do that, please learn from my mistakes.
Ancient Valyria
31-07-2005, 22:06
has anyone over told you that you look like Gael García Bernal?
nope, probably because no one around here knows who he is (and neither do I) :p
I Still Like Oranges
31-07-2005, 22:11
I've abandoned children on trips to discipline them. You should never do that, please learn from my mistakes.
how pyschologically devestating
how pyschologically devestatingThat's exactly why you shouldn't do it.
31-07-2005, 22:24
Ok, two really stupid things I've done:
1. Crashed into a parked car while riding my bike, I think I was 10 Years old. I flew over top of the car and landed on the other side. Keep in mind, I hit the back of the car.
2. Walking to school in 4th grade with a friend. We found an old roller skate next to the road. I got the brilliant idea of rolling the skate into the middle of the road. A busy road. Out the goes the skate, and a car runs over it and spins out. The person in the car gets out and runs over to us. It was an off duty cop. Luckily all he did was ask for my address and phone number. Never heard anything about it after that.
31-07-2005, 22:24
I was like 6 or 7 I came home from baseball. I went to change my pants. After that i went to My friends house. When I got halfway down the street people started laughing at. Apparrently I had forgotten to put on the other pair of pants. I realized I didnt have pants on after they stopped laughing.
Its was the nightmare come true
I went home and yelled at my ma.
"Ma why didnt you tell me i didnt put my pants on"
LOL what a dumbass kid I
I Still Like Oranges
31-07-2005, 22:25
i'll try and remeber that, and just beat my kids instead
wait, thats not funny (even to me)
scratch what i said (i could delete it but you know)
lets just start again.
I'll try and remember that
The boldly courageous
31-07-2005, 22:38
Unlike my previous example of stupidity... I occassionally came out unscathed from my foolish actions.
When I was younger my friends and I thought it would be neat to be like stunt men and practice shoulder rolls. We were under the impression you could jump from a goodly height and as long as you did a shoulder roll you would come out fine. lol The strange thing was we never were hurt. Whether jumping out of trees or even jumping off garages, running starts mind you. We thought it was because we were so excellent at shoulder rolls...lol... had our parents only known how close they were to getting massive hospital bills...and if I and my friends had only known how close we were to permanent nerve damage ect.
Sumamba Buwhan
31-07-2005, 22:50
nope, probably because no one around here knows who he is (and neither do I) :p
well here are a couple pics: You don't look exactly like him but pretty close in my book.
oh well my gf says not really, but sorta
Ancient Valyria
31-07-2005, 22:56
lol, I don't think I look that much like him :p
The Similized world
31-07-2005, 23:01
Once, while incredibly drunk in a biker bar, I went up to a group of five guys by the bar and asked something like this: "So which one of you racist twits is more braindead?"
If you ever want to commit suicide in style, I highly reccomend it. I think it's one of the very very few times in my life I've been glad there were cops nearby. That stunt was right up there with jumping trains... Which I've also done, but managed to get away with thankfully. :headbang:
Another time I had a bit more luck. Mates and me were getting into a fight when the police came. So naturally we turned our collective drunken rage on them.. Soon after I was in the back seat, cuffed.
Amazingly, the cops were taking a beating, so one of my mates got me out of the car. Then the lot of us took off.
Maybe an hour later, we'd given up on trying to get the damn cuffs off, so I had the brilliant idea of going down to the local station and ask them to help. Amazingly it worked :D
31-07-2005, 23:05
Betraying the girl I love with another girl that could have been the ONE as well. Beeing on the other side of the world and thinking to get away with it.
Both girls got hurt; both did not deserve it. Felt like shit.
(but damn it, that girl was just a dream. If you've ever been to Argentina you'll know what I'm talking of)
31-07-2005, 23:16
The stupidist thing I have done happened a week ago!
-ATV Crash!-
I was up in the mountains riding my grandpa's large ATV. I was going about 45mph(I guess) when I hit a jump I had jumped already before. This time though, when I hit the jump the ATV(4-wheel drive) went down front first and my cousin got flung out. I unfortunatly, was stuck on the ATV, with no helmet(my bad) and I hit the ground at what I expect was somewhere around 40mph. When I hit the ground, it broke my collarbone and finger. While laying on the ground the crashed had knocked me out and I was having a seizure from the damage to my head. Luckily, my other cousin was there, and he had his cell-phone. He called 911 and my grandparents. By time the ambulance got to where I was, I had lost a lot of blood. They loaded me up, and took off. I woke up about 30 minutes(I guess) later in the ambulance still(it was a long drive to the hospital). WHen I woke up, the driver was nearing a tunnel, and he turned on the sirens in the tunnel! It was cool. Now, I have memory loss though. :(