Ghost Stories
29-07-2005, 12:13
Just interested if anyone has ever had a personal encounter with the paranormal?
I have not witnessed such events and highly doubt the existence of lost souls roaming the earth.
Convince me otherwise!
Dragons Bay
29-07-2005, 13:00
Just interested if anyone has ever had a personal encounter with the paranormal?
I have not witnessed such events and highly doubt the existence of lost souls roaming the earth.
Convince me otherwise!
You HAVE to believe it! My friends tell of stories of meeting "friends" from karaoke rooms. You know the karaoke rooms - all freak and stuff...
But no fear. I believe in them but I'm not afraid of them. :D
Just interested if anyone has ever had a personal encounter with the paranormal?
I have not witnessed such events and highly doubt the existence of lost souls roaming the earth.
Convince me otherwise!I've survived things that I was sure should have killed me, but that's about it...
29-07-2005, 13:49
I don't like ghost stories. Nor the horror movies, like The Ring or others... they scare the hell out of me...
29-07-2005, 14:39
It's all a load of hooey.
29-07-2005, 15:32
All I have are the personal stories of the house I grew up in. I don't think that is going to be able to prove anything to you but heres my stories.
The house I gre up in was haunted. I'm sure of it. I had several times growing up where I looked & something was peeking into my window just at a casual glance. When I turned to give a good look it's gone. What I saw resembled as best as I can decribe it as a droopy melted looking face. I would get a sense of not being alone at that time as well.
Ever sine I've had this uncanny ability to tell when I'm not alone in a room. People who have hidden & tried to scare me are all very disappointed when I call who' there before they jump out & scare me.
If it was just me I would dismiss this to my imagination but my mother who was a cynic woke up one night & saw someone staring at her in the darkness turn around walk away & disappear.
Had my dad up searching the house with a baseball bat. All the doors & windows were locked so nobody could get in or out yet nobody was there.
My sister saw a shadowy figure several times staring into her room. When she would call out the shadow would back away. My sister was in the middle room. I was on the east side of her my parents on the west. When we would all spring up to see what was going on from her screams nothing would be there. she also describe a shadowy man with a melty face.
which I never described what I saw to anyone.
My brother also say shadowy figures but never told us until he was older. He also woke up outside from sleepwalking & didn't know how he got there bu had a sense of sadness that whoever was with him outside had left.
My dad when remodeling our basement would find tolls moved around when he came back from a break & nobody else was allowed down there when he was working. We were all plaing outside twice when it happened & got the 3rd degree on who came in & messed with his stuff.
When I was older I had a room down in the basement. Our dogs bed was just outside my room. There were many night when the dog would bark & growl shortly after I'd get the feeling I was not alone. It was a scared growl like when people she didn't know walked through our door.
History of our property.Our neighborhood was constructed in the 1940's & In the late 40's a tornado came through our block destroyed the house in front of ours jumped over our house & destroyed the one behind ours.
Was something watching our place or is this just a strange coincidence.
before that it was farmland with the old farmhouse being right up at the end of our block. We were 3 housed down. One farmer had died out in the field.
Before that it was indian land.
29-07-2005, 15:44
my experiance happened in the house i grew up in to, it was years ago it happened and i was visiting my mum one sunday with my husband and children, i was sat with mum at the table and out of the cornor of my eye saw the rear end of a black cat go under my chair, i bent over to have a look but nothing was there my mum asked what i was doing and i told her i saw the cat go under my chair she said he couldn`t have done as he was sat on the windowsill looking into the room she then said i must have seen the ghost cat,after my dad died a few years later i never felt really comfortable in that house i don`t know wat it was it just didn`t feel right, my mum no longer lives there as she had to move into a home, i am a firm believer in ghosts
29-07-2005, 15:45
Should watch TAPS, this season looks promising, last season they didn't catch anything on the network cameras or mics (which seems strange cuz they caught stuff on the taps cameras and mics, maybe the scifi peopels should stop fucknig editing in music and flash images, and panning around the camera like jackasses). The first episode of this season caught something run in front of a infra-red camera when nothing was there and caught soem strange shadow in front of a fence behind a tree. weird shit was happening outside at that place
Angry Fruit Salad
29-07-2005, 15:55
Well, I've heard noises that probably weren't there, and seen things that weren't solid, but I don't really want to tag a real explanation onto them -- there's just something there...not quite sure what...
I did a literature essay on Ghosts and the Paranormal, so anyoen who doesn't believe in ghost, get ready for some good old fashioned conversion attempts from me! :D
But seriously, I started believing in ghosts ever since my *first* (yes, I have had numerous, it's common to me now) experience.
Okay, I was around 12-13 Years old somewhere along that line, and me and my friends were building a treehouse (so we could have a fortress and play 'sniper' with Paintball guns or BB Guns - hurt like hell when we did cus we aimed for the cojones), and soon enough one of my friends came out of my kitchen with a coke and a stupid look in his face. Like so >>> -_-
Normally, this look was only seen when he sees something wierd, like a failing mark on his report card (cus he's a damn smart guy). So anyways, he says to me, 'hey, who's the guy in your room?'
Normally I was farfetched, and thought this was a joke. I said 'I don't know.' Whereas he says 'he's going through all your stuff'. I was really farfetched because this only registered one thing with me: a burglar. So doing what every nature tempered prided man does, I took a saw and went up into my room. Nobody was there, and my stuff was all out of place.
Guessing that my friend probably was playing a prank on me, I locked the door to my room and go to washroom. After I came out, the door was opened, and the was still locked. I was freaked out. Now figure that I was only twelve.
So, as every twelve year old, me and my friends split up into groups of 2 and started searching the house. The first pair searched the basement, the second looked in the 1st floor, and the second pair looked upstairs. We also had something heavy and painful with us (I had a saw, my friend had a butcher's knife - ya, we're really stupid kids). Not was this extremely helpful for me, but it also served as a fun excuse for looking through the whole house.
Soon enough, on our $5 walkie talkies, my friend Kevin said 'I see something.' So we all run down into the basement, where the door closed on us. Windows were closed and the AC was off, just to tell you. Then soon enough, a quick glance at a mirror on our way out saw the ghost; he looked like my mailman, but a bit pudgier and had a really ugly dumbass t-shirt. It was comical when I looked later, but at that moment it freaked the hell out of me. So I ran outside.
Finally, my parents came home. And after that, the hauntings got more and more creepy. The guy would appear out of nowhere for no reason. It turned out that he only appeared when no adults were home, so we always had to have Kevin's bigger brother at my house whenever my parents went out, which, thankfully was not often. So imagine a 16 year old still requiring a babysitter; ain't that a riot?
I don't know if this exactly counts, because they've all been dreams but here goes: A few years ago I had a miscarriage at ten weeks. I was pretty torn up about it for awhile until one early, early morning I dreamed the baby was back to it's spirit form and was waking me up to talk to me.
He told me that he was okay and not to worry about him because he was all right. I told him that if he could to pick me and my husband again as parents. And that was it.
Then a few weeks later, I dreamed this again. Only this time the baby told me he was okay and not to worry because there was someone there who was taking care of him. I asked who and a girl steps forward and it was a girl I used to go to school with who was murdered shortly after my family moved from that town. That was creepy.
When I was pregnant with my son, I dreamed about this girl again. I was walking along a street in an unfamiliar neighborhood and I saw her walking toward me with a bag of groceries. She saw me and I said hello, and she saw that I was pregnant and asked "Is it another boy?" and when I said yes, she got a wistful look on her face and said "Is it okay if I visit sometimes?" So I said yes.
It's enough to shake me, skeptic that I am.
30-07-2005, 12:40
There's a theatre in Charleston, WV, where I live, which is widely agreed to be haunted. I worked there as a counselor for a summer arts camp, and always hoped to see something when I was practically alone in the very early mornings before the kids got there. I never saw anything, but my friend did. She was there alone, and she started getting this creepy feeling, like she was being watched, or someone was there with her. The feeling increased when she got up to the balcony, and suddenly she felt someone pressing against her back. When she looked behind her, no one was there. Some of the other people who hang out there a lot have had similar experiences.
One of the kids overheard me discussing these paranormal activities in the theatre with the other counselors, and ran into the art classroom and yelled (can you tell this is a drama camp?) "There are GHOSTS in the theatre!!" Suddenly it was the obsession of Group B and Group D to hear as many of my ghost stories as possible. I believe that it's wrong to withhold information from children if they're really interested just because it's fantasy, so I told them about what my friend felt, a few of the other stories I'd heard, then told them stories about Moaning Myrtle, from the Harry Potter books. One of the girls, Gretchen, got a bit scared. I told her that ghosts were allergic to garlic, and that they would avoid you if you had some. The next day I brought two cloves and broke them up to give a peice to each member of Gretchen's group and taught them a "protective spell" to go with it. For the rest of the week, these kids carried bits of garlic everywhere and chanted at random points during the day, "Power of water, wind and earth, stop the ghosts before their birth. Raise the fire to free the lord by all the power of wood and sword." If it doesn't exactly make sense it's because I ripped it off from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, but the kids didn't seem to notice. When one of them asked if it was real, I would explain that some people choose to believe in ghosts and some people choose not to, but no one can prove or disprove their existance.
This worked out fine until the last day of camp, when parents are invited to see their kids perform. After the performance, as everyone was leaving, Gretchen's mother came up to me, dragging Gretchen by the arm. She got mad at me for telling her daughter ghost stories, and then said to Gretchen, "But they're not REAL, are they?" she turned to me and winked. "ARE they, Emily?" I will feel bad about having done this to my dying day, but I had to turn to Gretchen and say, "Er, no, Gretchen, they're not. Just pretend." I can't believe I destroyed a little girl's fantasy like that. I feel terrible about it.
Sorry if this was at all off topic, but there's my experience with ghosts.
to be honest if you don't believe then your only going to be convinced a) if you want to beleive or b) if something has happened.
I used to think haha ghosts ya right. Until something happened to me on more than one occasion.
30-07-2005, 14:02
I've never had any encounters with ghosts that I can think of, but I don't see any reason why they shouldn't exist… especially considering that so many people insist they've seen them.
OK, I've had a number of strange encounters, but I still don't believe in ghosts.
1. When I was about 8, I saw a disc-shaped object in the sky above my local swimming pool. It darted around the blue sky (I live in Britain where blue skies are not common, especially in October - but that wasn't freaky) like a hummingbird, before literally "fading out". I mean fading out - it got all wavy like a crappy 50s science fiction special effect and just disappeared. My dad saw it too, and he doesn't believe in aliens - and the next day, it was in the town newspaper. 800 people had seen strange disc-shaped objects in the sky, and 16 had reported them as "fading out". I still have that paper - I saved it.
2. I was at my friends house when I was 10. He is a firm believer in ghosts after what happened. Firstly, we heard a scream. It was so high-pitched and deafening, you'd swear that it was a woman having her fingernails ripped out or something. We ran upstairs to see his mum, who was watching TV in her room. The lights started to flick on and off - and so did the lightswitch. We stood there watching it for a few seconds, flicking itself on and off. We ran upstairs to my friend's mum, who was screaming. All the chairs in her room had been knocked over, and the curtains were torn. Her TV was getting nothing but static, and the TV ariel had fallen off the roof and as scratching her window, suspended by the string that the people who had put it up there had used (in a very shoddy job - she had it put in properly afterwards).
We left the house after the burglar alarm went off. When the police arrived (it was one of those burglar alarms that automatically calls the police), they couldn't get access to the door, so had to kick it in. Quickly searching the house, they reported seeing ghost-like figures, except totally black, flying at huge speeds through the house. Then, the lights went out one final time before the police left.
My friend, his mum and his dad went to stay with the mother's parents while the local Catholic priest went into the house and performed an exorcism on the house. The ghosts only came back a year later, on our last day of primary school, when my friend returned home to a deserted house to find every single chair in his house upside down. There had been no break-in - CCTV cameras showed that.
3. In the field beside my house, there have been a number of reports of ghost Roman and Britons fighting. A battle took place on the land my house is built on, as well as the fields and roads surrounding us. We didn't know that until quite a few years ago, when archaeologists dug up the field next to our house and found Roman armour, weapons, and coins, as well as the remains of a Roman hillfort (built many years after the battle). On the hill behind our house, there are also a number of mass graves the ancient Britons used to bury their warriors - all dug up many years ago.
I have not seen this, but sometimes at night I can hear the galloping of horses. However, many horses go by our house - just not very many at 10pm. My neighbor is insistant that he has seen one of these ghost battles take place.