Where was the plane going?
I don't know if anyone remembers the September 11 attacks, but where do you think that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed? As long as you don't say Fantasy Island, I'm fine with all suggestions. Poll coming.
29-07-2005, 02:14
I remember rumors of the White House or Camp David. But I don't know, I'm just glad it didn't get there.
The reports from CNN and FoxNews seemed to indicate it was making a b-line right towards D.C. and thus it is assumed the capital building.
As long as you don't say Fantasy Island, I'm fine with all suggestions.
Fine. I know when I'm not wanted in a thread.
*Look boss, the plane, the plane!*
I don't know if anyone remembers the September 11 attacks,
September....the 11th?
Nope, don't remember.
i fear it was headed to a nuclear powerplant on the east coast
29-07-2005, 02:30
The White House or the Capitol, I couldn't say.
29-07-2005, 02:34
I think it was going to the Capitol building. Think about it: It's surrounded by trees. You make a plane explode there, everything around it catches fire. Commence mass chaos. Also, you kill a bunch of congressmen, it takes longer to replace them than it does the President. We've got the VP to cover just in case. But take out a vast majority of the congressmen, it'll take quite a while to recover from a hit of that magnitude.
September....the 11th?
Nope, don't remember.
Anna Lindh died on September 11, 2003. Something happened with some sort of planes and building the same day, too? It can't have been big....
29-07-2005, 02:41
My guess is the Capital, though it could have been the White House just as easially. Maybe they were planning to ram into a nuclear power plant, like a previous poster noted: That would have caused much more havok.
Anna Lindh died on September 11, 2003. Something happened with some sort of planes and building the same day, too? It can't have been big....
Oh yea, that was awful!
Oh, and planes you say? Was it on the news much? I can't remember it at all.
29-07-2005, 02:57
I would say it was headed for the CN tower, I mean that would have really brought Canada to its knees, o wait, nope it wouldn't have, because most Canadians wouldn't care about the building, only the people in it.
As with others, I would have to say either the Capitol building or the White House.
(Watch. We'll get some evidence down the road that says they were after the Washington Memorial.)
29-07-2005, 03:11
I don't know if anyone remembers the September 11 attacks, but where do you think that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed? As long as you don't say Fantasy Island, I'm fine with all suggestions. Poll coming.
As I recall, the plane that crashed into the Pentagon was trying to find the White House but flew into the Pentagon because the terrorist flying it couldn't locate the White House.
So the plane that crashed in PA was most likely headed for the Capitol building.
29-07-2005, 03:17
other. Those choices are too small. A large building in Arlington, Alexandria, or somewhere in Maryland would have worked. That's what the third plane did
Greater Googlia
29-07-2005, 03:51
It was no doubt headed toward some sort of target that had lots of symbolism about it....like the other targets...and there are lots of buildings in DC that meet that description.
Patra Caesar
29-07-2005, 04:05
My guess is the Capital, though it could have been the White House just as easially. Maybe they were planning to ram into a nuclear power plant, like a previous poster noted: That would have caused much more havok.
I saw an American intelligence analysist on CNN who made a convincing argument that the fourth plane was headed for the three mile island nuclear facility...
Achtung 45
29-07-2005, 04:12
It was planned that way. There had to be a hero story out of this!
29-07-2005, 04:14
Isn't there a Treasury near the capital? I can't remember, too late at night.
Mensa Densa
29-07-2005, 04:18
Target rich environment, we'll never know. The better question is, did it crash or was it shot down?
Oh, and planes you say? Was it on the news much? I can't remember it at all.
Something about towers. Toronto, maybe. And something about a person who had been laid.
Carnivorous Lickers
29-07-2005, 04:32
well-I see two ball bags are still awake.
The Most Glorious Hack
29-07-2005, 04:40
I saw an American intelligence analysist on CNN who made a convincing argument that the fourth plane was headed for the three mile island nuclear facility...
That would have accomplished about as much as crashing in the field, in all honesty.
29-07-2005, 04:48
I don't know if anyone remembers the September 11 attacks, but where do you think that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed? As long as you don't say Fantasy Island, I'm fine with all suggestions. Poll coming.
I think it was the Capitol, but I'm just guessing.
Something about towers. Toronto, maybe. And something about a person who had been laid.
Toronto, you say? I was there recently and nobody mentioned it...mustn't have been a big thing.
I don't know if anyone remembers the September 11 attacks, but where do you think that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed? As long as you don't say Fantasy Island, I'm fine with all suggestions. Poll coming.
The Capitol building makes more sense. If you crash into the White House, you kill the President and a couple other people. Big whoop, you elect a new one. Now, if you crash it into the capitol building, you take out the entire government of the US. Then you have chaos.
Democratic Paradise
29-07-2005, 06:43
What if they were just terrible pilots trying to get back to the middle-east?
Gulf Republics
29-07-2005, 06:52
The Capitol building makes more sense. If you crash into the White House, you kill the President and a couple other people. Big whoop, you elect a new one. Now, if you crash it into the capitol building, you take out the entire government of the US. Then you have chaos.
They wouldnt do much to the Capital building.
its seperated into wings so it would have to target one wing of the building, leaving one body intact, and secondly congressman and senators are so rarely at work in that building that i doubt it would kill any of them, just staffers probably. Most of them work out of their exclusive offices not in that building hell half of them dont even show up to vote most the time, and shit it was still early in the morning most of them probably dont do anything till noon.
Well, I'm gonna throw a wild, and frankly impossible, idea out there.
The Hoover Dam
Granted, they never would have made it that far, but imagine all the damage...flooding (with giant chunks of concrete in it), and also power outages all over Nevada, Arizona and parts of So Cal.
29-07-2005, 07:24
yea, the 4th plane was shot down - it was planned to be a decoy. ever notice that there were many cell phone calls made from that plane and none of them profiled the terroists as arab? They were most likely white - less suspisious.
oh... and the "plane" that hit the pentagon... well just go here to find out more info (http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/).
I bet in 50 years, what really happened will be revealed.
there is more to 9/11 then meets the eye...
I personally belive it was a military operation. What country? who knows... maybe ever our own...
The Most Glorious Hack
29-07-2005, 07:26
oh... and the "plane" that hit the pentagon... well just go here to find out more info (http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/).
Oh, please (http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm).
29-07-2005, 07:54
Are we talking about the plane that "crashed" in PA? I mean, the one that was loaded full of jet fuel, yet, somehow, there was no burning fuel on arrival, or better yet, the one where we found remains of flight information and whatnot from passengers?
I think it was teh White House... but I don't really know
29-07-2005, 08:42
ok... here is a much more detailed page about flight 77 - including links to 3D renders proving the aircraft wasnt a plane. http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/boeing.htm
note: it will take a few hours to read it all, and is extreamly detailed.
Secret aj man
30-07-2005, 08:24
it was going to disney land :sniper: