Monty Python?
27-07-2005, 23:28
Pontius Pilate: I have a fwiend in Wome called Biggus Dickus. [one of the soldiers giggles] Stwike him, Centuwion, vewy woughly! And have him fwown in the Awena! I want him fighting wabid animals wiffin the week! Now... would anyone ewse wike to make fun of my fwiend, Biggus... Dickus?
Isn't that Mel Brooks?? History of the World Part 1 isn't it?
Neo Kervoskia
27-07-2005, 23:45
Isn't that Mel Brooks?? History of the World Part 1 isn't it?
...Life of Brian.
Gah! I knew that sounded familiar, but I just couldn't figure out where it came from. Thanks! You just kept me from waking up at 2 am and figuring it out. :D
San Texario
28-07-2005, 00:06
My friend can do that particular monty python character very well. In part because he has a speach impediment. I love that movie.
Mace Squid Jam
28-07-2005, 00:07
Personally liked Holy Grail better, simply for the line, "I fart in your general direction." That and the Black Knight
Dragon Cows
28-07-2005, 00:09
It's not much of a cheese shop, is it? (
Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please. (
Machen Sie
28-07-2005, 00:26
the meaning of life rocks
28-07-2005, 00:31
Wait, didn't Life of Brian show.....dangly parts?
I'll admit, I don't remember that one much because I was intoxicated, so maybe I'm thinking of.....something else......
Simonist']Wait, didn't Life of Brian show.....dangly parts?
I'll admit, I don't remember that one much because I was intoxicated, so maybe I'm thinking of.....something else......
You're quite correct. There were many dangly bits in it. Remember the naked hermit? Or when Brian opens the window naked and the whole town is looking at him?
28-07-2005, 00:35
You're quite correct. There were many dangly bits in it. Remember the naked hermit? Or when Brian opens the window naked and the whole town is looking at him?
That's what I thought! Thanks, I feel most completed with that knowledge.