Cell-phone Users
27-07-2005, 18:55
Is it just me, or is this "wrong"? I was in the washroom at work and this lady came in talking on a cell-phone. She was discussing work-related stuff, went into a stall, and started peeing.
Now, if I was on the other end of that conversation, I would NOT want to have to listen to her peeing in the washroom.
What do you think about these cell-phone users? Is this not a mindless violation the boundaries of decency?
27-07-2005, 19:01
What do you mean? I have my mobile permanently stapled to my ear... but I'm a Finn... so...
Edit: Oh! You meant if we should give them free call time. absolutely!
27-07-2005, 19:02
Is it just me, or is this "wrong"? I was in the washroom at work and this lady came in talking on a cell-phone. She was discussing work-related stuff, went into a stall, and started peeing.
Now, if I was on the other end of that conversation, I would NOT want to have to listen to her peeing in the washroom.
What do you think about these cell-phone users? Is this not a mindless violation the boundaries of decency?
I don't know about the decency thing but I really don't want to hear someone on the phone while I'm having a constitutional. It's just not right.
I usually give the ole can a few good loud flushes just to annoy the hell out of them.
27-07-2005, 20:12
Is it just me, or is this "wrong"? I was in the washroom at work and this lady came in talking on a cell-phone. She was discussing work-related stuff, went into a stall, and started peeing.
Now, if I was on the other end of that conversation, I would NOT want to have to listen to her peeing in the washroom.
What do you think about these cell-phone users? Is this not a mindless violation the boundaries of decency?
Gross. What next, defecating while on the phone? having sex with ones SO? chewing and drinking?
I have a cell, and have for years, but the first time I heard one being used in the bathroom at my office, I thought, "My God, what an arrogant little so and so to think they are so indispensable, they must be on the phone while on the commode!"
Pure Metal
27-07-2005, 20:18
my friend does this: uses the bog while on his phone... i can't stand it. it is just wrong somehow
27-07-2005, 20:42
Timely thread.
Two days ago I missed my bud from work and had to wait 40 minutes for the next one. It was a lovely day here in Seattle, and I sat under a tree at the University of Washington and relaxed while I waited.
About ten minutes into my wait, this perky little bimbette sits down not more than 10 feet away from me while talking on her cell phone. It sounds like a fairly routine call, and she was winding it up as she sat. I heaved a sigh of relief and leaned back, hoping to nap in the 80-degree, breeze-cooled grass.
Alas, it was not to be. Apparently, merely waiting for a bus and enjoying the scenery/weather is something folks under a certain age don't do anymore. FOr not three minutes went by before she phoned up a friend and began not communicating, but telephonically "hanging out". Blathering endlessly about whatever popped into her head, she kept going until she hit on a topic that seemed to rivet her friend's interest.
It seems that "this guy" she's dating became alarmed that she didn't call him back in two straight days, so she thought he was being "clingy" -- and I'd normally agree. However, she went on to reveal that she wanted to still see him because she was "getting what she wanted" and didn't want anything more serious than that. Before I could wonder if she was talking about sex, she launched right into exactly how good this guy is in the sack. So this overtanned, overindulged, over-made-up tartlet is complaining that she's hooked a guy because she banged him without telling him that she only wanted to be banged and nothing more. This poor schlub is gonna get excoriated and doesn't have a clue.
Gaddammit, I don't NEED to hear this shit! I don't need to have my suspicions confirmed that some women think equality means acting just as insensitively and callously as men! And I sure as hell don't need to hear sexual details from someone I don't know -- and from the sound of things, someone I'm GLAD I don't know. On and on she went, completely oblivious to how very loud she was talking. I was just getting ready to pull out my wallet and offer her a fiver if she'd go somewhere else to talk about her sex life, when her bus arrived and she walked on...still yacking away. I could only imagine the further tales of misadrony to which her fellow riders were subject on that ride.
Sorry about the length, but I hadn't yet got 'round to telling anyone and this thread provoked my response. I don't mind cell phones overall, but for the love of all that's holy, HANG THE DAMN THINGS UP when you're driving or a sensitive conversation is looming. TURN THE DAMN THINGS OFF in places that are supposed to be quiet (like movie theaters, recital halls, concerts, church, what have you)!
27-07-2005, 21:31
Is it oblivion, though, or is something more significant happening? Is the cell-phone culture going to redefine what "private and personal" mean?
(Yeah, I'm just making conversation.)
I can imagine a scene where two guys are peeing in their own urinals and one guy has a hands-free cell-phone on the ear opposite of the other guy.
"Oh yes...that's wonderful..."
"Hey! Great!"
"Oh shit!"
"I love you darling!"
(Why does that seem to make a great commercial?)
27-07-2005, 21:46
(Why does that seem to make a great commercial?)
LOL, that's a cell-phone that would sell.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-07-2005, 21:47
It honestly doesnt bother me. I have a friend who would take her phone (cordless or cell) with her to the bathroom and the sound of running water never bothered me once. I guess I'm just not as squeemish as most people since the majority of you are so bothered by it.
27-07-2005, 21:50
"Yeah, so I was li..PFFTTFFTFTFT...and then they were like...FLUSHHSHSHSHSHS... ad, right?"
"I couldn't hear you over your crap you bastard!"
27-07-2005, 21:51
It honestly doesnt bother me. I have a friend who would take her phone (cordless or cell) with her to the bathroom and the sound of running water never bothered me once. I guess I'm just not as squeemish as most people since the majority of you are so bothered by it.
It's not a matter of squeemishness, it's a matter of privacy. It's having to listen to someone doing something that should by rights be private in a situation where you should not have to over-hear their private stuff.
If you're in an accompanying stall, fine, there's a wall between you that symbolically as well as physically separates your act from theirs, and it's possible to ignore them. But when you're talking on the phone, there are no walls. You're right in their ear, effectively in the stall with them. I would find it embarassing.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-07-2005, 21:56
It's not a matter of squeemishness, it's a matter of privacy. It's having to listen to someone doing something that should by rights be private in a situation where you should not have to over-hear their private stuff.
If you're in an accompanying stall, fine, there's a wall between you that symbolically as well as physically separates your act from theirs, and it's possible to ignore them. But when you're talking on the phone, there are no walls. You're right in their ear, effectively in the stall with them. I would find it embarassing.
I would have mentioned that you could hear someone peeing in a stall next to you - noone has to watch you. If they were video phones I might take issue.
But this reminds me of a funny story. I was at a Harley Run in Laughlin in the bathroom when one of the guys in a stall starts grunting loudly and you can hear guys in teh other stalls start chuckling. Then he yells "It's crowning!"
I still don't see the big deal.