NationStates Jolt Archive

Naked guy in a cornfield

Drunk commies deleted
27-07-2005, 16:16
A naked moron was apparently searching for the home of his idiot role-model, Forrest Gump. Police arrested a naked man standing in a cornfield eating raw ears of corn. He claimed to be looking for the fictional mental deficient Forrest Gump lived in.

Here's the full story.;_ylt=AmjAr5KjVNSJHap5It2Y1wgZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy
27-07-2005, 16:18
You couldn't make it up, oh wait, yes you could
New Foxxinnia
27-07-2005, 16:19
Not very nice to call a man with a mental disorder a "moron".
27-07-2005, 16:20
A naked moron was apparently searching for the home of his idiot role-model, Forrest Gump. Police arrested a naked man standing in a cornfield eating raw ears of corn. He claimed to be looking for the fictional mental deficient Forrest Gump lived in.

Here's the full story.;_ylt=AmjAr5KjVNSJHap5It2Y1wgZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy
The question isn't why the man was searching for Gump, but why you need to call this to our attention... :p
Neo Kervoskia
27-07-2005, 16:21
I wouldn't mind being naked in a corn field chewing on a cob...
27-07-2005, 18:40
If they had lain in wait a little longer - until he began to lick his nuts and howl at the moon - then they might have a case against him.
27-07-2005, 18:50
"He was as naked as the day he was born"

only in some place liek littleville alabama would you hear that phrase ever uttered
Lunatic Goofballs
27-07-2005, 19:55
If they had lain in wait a little longer - until he began to lick his nuts and howl at the moon - then they might have a case against him.

Yes. That's usually enough. :(

In his defense though, it was a very hot day. *nod*
Sumamba Buwhan
27-07-2005, 20:26
Aww poor guy. They shouldn't charge him with indecent exposure. Corn doesn't have eyes... insert rest of shitty joke here.
Carnivorous Lickers
27-07-2005, 20:41
Ihatevacations']"He was as naked as the day he was born"

only in some place liek littleville alabama would you hear that phrase ever uttered

Yeah- just plain "naked" doesnt say it all. And they likely pronounced it as "nekkid".
Lunatic Goofballs
27-07-2005, 20:46
I've always been partial to 'stark raving nekked'. :)