NationStates Jolt Archive

Man, it gone be hot, hot, HOT in North Carolina this week!

25-07-2005, 13:59
Today it's suppose to get up to 99, 110 tomorrow, and remain in the 90s through Friday! And me with the Air Conditioning not working just now! Groan!

Can you say "Fried Forrest," boys and girls? Heh!
25-07-2005, 14:01
I'll give you 110; that will suck, but 90s isn't THAT bad....
25-07-2005, 14:06
OK, 90F (or 32C) is kind of normal for where I live but 110F (or 43C) is a little extreme.
25-07-2005, 14:24
I'll give you 110; that will suck, but 90s isn't THAT bad....

unless you have 100% humidty, like where I live.

Then it feels hotter than it really is.

The sticky hot...the worst.
25-07-2005, 14:25
101 here in Little Rock today and tomorrow, with humidity levels in the upper 80 percentile. Phoenix is supposed to be 104 today. That's just wrong!!

Want me to ship you a box of cool air?
25-07-2005, 14:30
eventually the temperature and humidity will go down.(i hope).
25-07-2005, 14:37
Today it's suppose to get up to 99, 110 tomorrow, and remain in the 90s through Friday! And me with the Air Conditioning not working just now! Groan!

Can you say "Fried Forrest," boys and girls? Heh!

110?! Dang, where in North Carolina do you live? I live in Winston- Salem.
The South Islands
25-07-2005, 15:12
At least you people have AC.

I just got back from a mission trip to Ellington, MO, and it was HOT. Triple didgets every day, plus unbelivable humidity. AND NO AC!

Try working on a roof in those conditions. my feet were burnt after a few days working there.
25-07-2005, 15:14
unless you have 100% humidty, like where I live.

Then it feels hotter than it really is.

The sticky hot...the worst.
TELL me about it! That's what we have here ... muggy, sticky, humid HOT! Groan!
25-07-2005, 15:15
110?! Dang, where in North Carolina do you live? I live in Winston- Salem.
I'm right next door ... Kernersville. What? You don't check the weather report? ;)

That 110 figure is from the Weather Channel and includes the heat index.
25-07-2005, 15:16
101 here in Little Rock today and tomorrow, with humidity levels in the upper 80 percentile. Phoenix is supposed to be 104 today. That's just wrong!!

Want me to ship you a box of cool air?
Please! :D

It's a shame we can't download a mass of cold air over the Internet! ;)
Benevolent Omelette
25-07-2005, 15:25
Bwahahaa, here in England it's a cool 24C (no idea what that is in F, sorry). There is a breeeeeeze and clouds in the sky. Beeee-autiful.
25-07-2005, 15:39
In Mliwaukee it was hot the heat index was around 115F with tempratures 97F humidty was around 80%.
25-07-2005, 15:48
In Michigan it is a little hot today, 91 is the high, but the rest of the week looks fine. Tomarrow is supposed to have scattered t-storms with a high of 85 and on Wednesday we are supposed to have a high of 73 and a low of 48. The rest of the week the high stays in the upper 70s and a lows in the 50s.

110 is unimaginable.

would you like me to ship you a box of cold air? :D
25-07-2005, 16:03
In Michigan it is a little hot today, 91 is the high, but the rest of the week looks fine. Tomarrow is supposed to have scattered t-storms with a high of 85 and on Wednesday we are supposed to have a high of 73 and a low of 48. The rest of the week the high stays in the upper 70s and a lows in the 50s.

110 is unimaginable.

would you like me to ship you a box of cold air? :D
Um ... that would depend on how fast you can get it here! :D
25-07-2005, 16:10
it's 70 here now in the Adirondacks. Typically it's a few degrees warmer and in the 60's at night. I'm staying here this week, as much as I'd like to visit the south. I think I would melt in those temperatures.
25-07-2005, 16:10
Wow, only one day with temps like that... Last week, every single day had temps over 100 degrees... Down here in Parker, we hit 112! So, no offense, but you get no sympathy whatsoever from me... Just stick to ACed buildings and cold showers, and you'll be fine...
Haken Rider
25-07-2005, 19:54
Today it's suppose to get up to 99, 110 tomorrow, and remain in the 90s through Friday! And me with the Air Conditioning not working just now! Groan!

Can you say "Fried Forrest," boys and girls? Heh!
Ow, when I saw the title I was thinking about something else hot in North Carolina. You're teasing me.
25-07-2005, 20:16
our weird themometer read 110 yesterday, only part of it was in the sun. it was 90 degress in the shade this mornning at 8:30 in the morning
25-07-2005, 20:22
Ow, when I saw the title I was thinking about something else hot in North Carolina. You're teasing me.
LOL! Totally unintentionally, I might add! :D